SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 569: 569 Exposing Secrets [Pt 2]

Did I slip up somewhere?

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Could it be because of the several oddballs among the audience that definitely belonged to my memories?

Ah, looks like Ill have to go for Share again.

I actually thought you and Stefan were betrothed. Because of how close you were, I thought you were in a relationship, and while I pretended not to care, I did a little bit. Sweat poured from my skin.

How long would I need to keep this up?

There was no way I could reveal my deepest secrets. Truth was also not an option.

Once more, Marias face flushed pink as she gazed elsewhere. She was clearly affected by what I was saying, but I couldnt help it.

The loosest secrets I could divulge were those of emotions.

Ah, things will be so awkward for us after this experience

Soon enough, it was my turn.

I asked about the embarrassing stuff, but she chose Share instead A smile formed on my face.

Since she chose to repeat the same question for me, wasnt it right I did the same for her as well?

Whats the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Yet another look of hesitance appeared in her eyes, causing them to glimmer like a bright blue sea.

I was mesmerized for a moment, but waited for my answer.

I dont even know where this is going any longer. As long as we get through this

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Ill go for Share. I Maria glanced in my direction for a few moments, and turned away.

I-I dont feel comfortable when you talk to other girls too much. It makes me mad that you talk to someone else about something you could just discuss with me.

Ah, what the?!

To be frank, I understood why she would feel that way.

I wasnt paying her enough attention, truly. And then, after the whole incident of her confession, it had been somewhat difficult for me to stare her squarely in the eye.

Okay, Jared why dont we go all out now? Since this is already a gamea platform for exposing Secrets and bondingI can use this to my advantage.

If things worked out well, Maria and I would grow closer as a result of our bonding experience here.

Maybe I can get answers to some of my doubts A small smile formed on my face.

Who do you have feelings for?

The question hit me as a surprise this time, and I stared sharply at the one who sent it in my direction.

Maria quickly stared away, hiding her face from me.

I couldnt get the right angle since I was strapped to a seat, so it was a shame. It would have been so cute, seeing her get flustered over the question again

Especially since the answer to her question was quite obvious at this point.

You. I have feelings for you. My answer was truthful.

Feelings do not equate to love. As much as I like Maria, and Im attracted to her, can I call it love? Are my emotions as intense as the time with Emilia or Karlia?

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Even though I genuinely loved those women in the past, I ended up hurting them.

How sure was I that it wouldnt happen again? Those thoughts floated in my head.

I guess its my turn to ask the questions

I pursed my lips and let out a deep breath in preparation for the question I was to blurt out.

This is practically giving my identity away, but I had to know!

Would you still have feelings for me if I end up being an old man in a childs body? Just saying

No matter how anyone sliced it, I was giving a hint as to the possibility of my reincarnation. Plus, based on what I had shown so far, it was possible to believe I wasnt a normal kid.

A-ah, I

I awaited her response.

If it was in the positive, then maybe maybe I would be okay with furthering things. It would be wrong for me to get into a relationship with her and take advantage of her ignorance that I was an old man.

Also, if her response was negative, I would have to find a way to end the feelings that we had for each other.

I dont know.

Thats a No, isnt it? I smiled within myself.

There were certain answers that one wouldnt expressly give, but they were valid responses nonetheless.

Wait, this is a game

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So, if she said she didnt know, wouldnt she have been knocked out already?

That meant she was being honest with me. She genuinely didnt know.

I guess its my turn Maria took a deep breath.

At this point, I braced myself for Marias question. She had been unpredictable throughout this game.

But, even though I prepared myself I wasnt expecting the next thing she asked.

Jared, are you Lewis Griffith the Great Sage?


How did she know? I mean, I gave her a tiny hint not too long ago, but that was nowhere near concrete enough to be substantial grounds for suspicion

Besides, there were many times when one of two lovers would ask the other certain weird questions. Like;

If I was blind, would you still love me?

Using that reasoning, there was no way Maria could have deduced my identity.

S-so, how did

Remember, speaking to the other person is against the rules. You dont want to be disqualified, do you?

I instantly shut my mouth the moment the Pope made this statement, and my brain went into overdrive.

What should I say? What should I do? Ill just choose Share again

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But, somehow, I didnt want to avoid the question.

I wanted to address it head-on.

I want to know what she thinks

Perhaps I had already lost most of my logical abilities at this point, and was relying solely on emotions, but my heart wouldnt let me think properly.

To tell the truth, or to share a secret instead the ball was in my court.

Unfortunately for me, if I didnt want to answer such a simple question, I was already admitting the truth.





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