SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 570: 570 Exposing Secrets [Pt 3]

My chest kept pounding, and as I thought of what to say, I couldnt find anything else to do other than respond in honestly.

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Yes. I am Lewis Griffith. A gulp escaped my mouth the moment I tightly shut my eyes the moment I was done.

Shit. What am I doing?!

The atmosphere was awkward as heck, and I had never been so anxious in my life as Jared Leonard.

Telling Maria how I feel is one thing but also telling her Im an old man, thats crazy!

I had ultimately done the one thing I was trying to avoid.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

As I was cursing within myself, my turn came. The moment it came, I already knew what I was going to ask.

How did you find out, that Im Lewis Griffith?

My mind was swarming with possibilities, but it was better to ask the source herself, wasnt it?

So, I waited in anxiety and suspense, Maria parted her lips and spoke.

I wasnt actually the one who found out. It was Ana

Uh?! Ana? How in the world did she?!

She has been suspecting it for some time. How you had access to Lewis Griffiths secrets, how you found his treasure trove by chance, how youre close to Jane Ursulaone of Lewis Griffiths closest friendsand how the Mad Witch herself calls you Lewis.

The more Maria spoke, the more I realized that I had been dripping clues for a long time now, but I underestimated their intelligenceespecially Anasto pick up those subtle hints.

She still isnt certain, though, but shes closer than ever in her suspicion.

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Maria went further to tell me how Ana observed my interaction with Lemi.

When she got closer to her, the girl figured out the connection between Lewis Griffith and Lemi thereby establishing a connection to mesince I was always doting on her.

The nature of my Original Magic, and how I was so knowledgeable about the Arcanaseven Magic, generally.

Once Maria broke it down, I was impressed how Ana was able to arrive at such a conclusionusing even the subtlest of hints as reference.

She only spoke to me about it since she wanted me to keep a close eye on you. I dont know if she said anything to Lemi, though

Oh no!

If Lemi knew, it would explain why she had been so rash toward me lately.

Well, there were a couple of reasons for that, but it sort of made sense that she realized I was her father and began putting up an attitude especially because I was still keeping it secret.

Just how many things have been going on in everyones head that I know nothing about?

People were complex creatures, and maybe I had forgotten that.

Everyone has various things going on in their mind even Neron.

My thoughts flashed to Jane, and I felt an ache within me for some reason.

Ultimately, I was too self-engrossed to see it, but I had really neglected the emotions of everyone.

Thats probably why they neglected me.

I-I see I murmured, quickly silencing myself before the Pope put me in trouble.

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Last question from the guy, then we call it a wrap! His voice boomed, causing my eyes to bulge slightly.

This is the final question?!

There were so many new things I wanted to ask Mariaso many questions popped into my head.

At least, using this game, I could guarantee the correct answer.

In the end,

D-do you I struggled to form the right words.

My eyes hesitantly glanced at her, and while her expression was blank and stoic, I felt she was probably mulling over everything that my identity represented.

Im too anxious to know what she thinks about it I cant ask her that!

Thinking about the question, on and on again, nothing fruituitus came through.

Ultimately, I had to settle for the most basic question.

Why do you like me?

There was a chance that Maria no longer had any feelings for me.

At this point, I wouldnt be surprised if that was the case.

I was way older than I represented myself to be. I lied to everyone, making them believe I was a special kid instead of an old sage.

There were so many things wrong in so many levels.

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But, the ball is in your court, Maria I stared at her.

Whether or not she still had feelings for me, I was certain things would be a mess after the game.

I I like you because youre special. I cant out my hands on it, but theres something about you thats not like everyone else. It might seem selfish, but thats the reason I like you and why I want you.

Marias eyes sparkled with interestin fact, more so than ever.

Youre one of a kind and I want you for myself.

My cheeks were instantly flushed with pink, and I looked at Maria with tensed surprise.

She was blushing as well, but her calm face made her appear more confident and sure of herself than I was.

I cant believe this

Maria, despite knowing everything, still professed to have feelings for me and she still even wanted me?

I couldnt comprehend it entirely.

Maybe maybe this is

Thats the last question for the game, everyone! Im almost too sad to see it end. The Pope smiled as he charged forward, interrupting my thought.

Now standing between Maria and I, so I could hardly see her beautiful face, the tall man smiled and began talking.

Now that we have concluded the round, it is time for the most important factor of this game

The audience was carried along by the man, and they all appeared to know what he would be saying.

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Its time for the judging phase.

A bead of sweat fell from my face and I fought to maintain my composure.

Did they prove their love for each other? Will true love prevail, despite the challenges? I wonder He smiled beaming to the false projections of people in front of him.

The moment of truth was now upon us.





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