SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 575: 575 Seeking The Truth [Pt 2]

It was an arranged marriage, Jared. There was no love involved.

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My moms initial statement jerked me back to reality. I mean, I should have known of that, yet I had to ask.

Theres hardly any Noble Marriage that follows the concept of love, you know? Most unions are arrangedbased on well-analyzed profit and whatnot.

I remained silent, watching as my mother explained.

It was the same case for your father. Our family needed the Leonards influence, and the Leonard family needed to produce a Mage.

Other families would rather not take the risk of sullying their bloodline of Mages, but our household was ready to take the chance

I slowly began to understand my mothers position.

I had to produce an heir that could use Magic. The results werent guaranteed, but I did my best.

Fortunately, I came along.

Ive often wondered what would happen to this family if I hadnt reincarnated

With this bodys poor talent and extremely low Mana Particles, I doubted the original Jared Leonard would have gone very far in Magic.

Sometimes I even felt a little guilty for possessing the body of the child of two innocent Nobles, but I realized it was probably for the best.

So, you dont love father? I asked her with a straight face.

My sweet Jared I dont know how to answer that question. What do you think love is?

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Wasnt that a simple question? Wasnt love the feeling a person had when they possessed deep romantic interests in another party?

Love takes time to blossom, Jared. Feelings can morph into Love, but it takes time regardless.


The truth is, I hardly know your father. Hes busy with work, and I dont blame him. I have grown to respect him a lot, and I like certain things about him. But Her face grew sterner as she spoke.

You cant love someone you hardly know.

Somehow, I felt those words resonate with me. Something within me shook, and I remembered my past.

I guess its no wonder I have been so hesitant with Maria A soft smile played on my face.

Compared to Emilia, Karlia even Lilith I hardly knew the young Helmsworth.

So, I have feelings for her. But its not love, at least not yet.

But what about her? Maria seemed genuinely into me. Did she simply love what she knew about me? Perhaps our feelings for each other were just as shallow

But, can I tell you a secret? My mother suddenly intruded on my thoughts, causing me to look at her once more.


Love is like a seed. It starts out small. And then it grows. Its possible to feel a strong sense of affinity for someone. Give it time, and it could blossom into something.

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A-ah, even if you hardly know the person?

Its possible for someone to fall in love with someone they dont really know. But, that would mean that they simply have a wrong knowledge of their object of interest.

Ah, I get it now My thoughts trailed as my eyes widened.

If youre not careful, you may end up loving someone who doesnt exist. Thats the most tricky aspect of the concept of love.

If Im not careful A smile formed on my face and I nodded.

My mother was right, after all.

Thank you, Mom. A genuine smile formed on my face as I took in the proud expression of my lovely mother.

Yeah, anytime! Come to me for more counsel.

I doubted I would do that anytime soon, but

Sure, Ill think about it.

Now, its my turn to ask the questions. A scary smile suddenly appeared on her face, causing me to tremble slightly.

What is this bad feeling? The hairs on my skin rose.

Why dont you fill me in on your adventures, Jared? Whats your relationship with that Helmsworth girl?

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My mothers smile was broad, but dark. I could tell that she was in no playful mood.

She cracked her wrists and winded her arms, sending a message of what would happen if I didnt comply.

Shit! My mind trembled in defeat.

I knew the inevitable truth. It was either I answered her question with unfettered honesty or get a mighty suplex.


Ah! Hmmm Anabelle rubbed her chin as she seriously analyzed the situation.

When she had first caught her son in his room, trying to force a girl to do something she was obviously not into, Anabelle was appalled beyond words.

Her only child, and the Hero of the Eastern Kingdom, was into something like that? Her mind could not comprehend it.

Fortunately, he cleared up that misunderstanding, giving her heart some measure of rest.

Then, when Jared asked about Love, she was caught off-guard once again, but her maternal instincts instantly took over and she managed to say some words from her heart.

I might have said nonsense, but Anabelle tearily smiled to herself.

After she was done answering his question, the Noble Lady had some of her own.

Her child, Jared, would be an adult in some months, so she couldnt supervise his actions for much longernot that she was doing much of that these days.

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While she missed him a great deal, Anabelle understood perfectly. He was just like his fatherboth were busy men.

The moment Jared asked about love, though, Anabelle connected the dots and had inquisitions of her own.

For one

Does Jared love anyone?

The image of the Helmsworth girl flashed in her mind, and Anabelle could not help but feel even more giddy and interested in the whole thing.

As a result, she decided to find out no matter the cost.

And so she did.

Jared, you Anabelles voice was trembling at this point.

After her son was done explaining the situation to her, she could not believe how hopelessly dense he had been.

Youre truly hopeless.

A deep-seated respect began forming in Anabelles heart for Maria, and she silently supported the young girls endeavor.

It would be nice if Jared married someone he loved, and who loved him.

Unfortunately, the boy didnt even know what love was.

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