SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 576: 576 A Shoulder To Lean On

Youre a genius when it comes to Magic, but Anabelle shook her head at her sons ignorance.

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Of course, she knew he would eventually grow into the knowledge of love, but her patience was already waning.

No matter the cost, Ill make sure you dont turn out like your father!

So, what should I do? The boy posed a question.

Anabelle had forgotten the last time Jared has asked a genuine question for something he did not understand.

He always seemed to know so much.

At this moment, she felt triumphant, for some reason.

Dont you worry, Jared

Finally, she would take the lead!

Just follow my instructions.


U-urhh Maria slurred as she woke from her deep slumber.

She had never felt so comfortable waking up. It was like her entire body had gone through a restructuring, because it felt too good.

As she yawned, her body stretched in the most pleasant way, and she was happy to be awake.

Haaa She didnt yet know where she was, but she was already enjoying her stay there.

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Slowly, though, her memory returned, and she remembered what actually occured.

Her eyes widened instantly, and the pleasant emotions she felt slowly started to fade.

Still, she felt a strange calm wash over her. It calmed her nerves, but it didnt change the fact that she was freaking out.

Haa Haaa Sweat started forming on her body again, and it seemed like fear would consume her once more.


Maria, calm yourself.

The young girls eyes sharpy moved in the direction of the voice, and she noticed Jared appearing from nowhere.

He had a certain charm to him at this point, but Marias fear was skyrocketing due to the ever-increasing return of her memories.

Relax Im here.

Before her emotions could peak even further, Jared swiftly embraced her.

A-ah Maria was stunned, but not repulsed.

At that moment, a hug was probably what she needed the mostespecially since it was coming from someone like Jared.

Its fine, Maria. Calm down. Im here. The young lady tightened her grip on Jared as she heard those words.

For the first time in a really long time, tears broke forth, and she began shaking. However, this time it wasnt fear.

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No, it was more of relief.

Yesshe was relieved.

T-thank you Maria whispered.

As she remained locked in his arms, the fear and anxiety she felt slowly disintegratedovershadowed by a higher emotion.

Thank you, Jared.


It took some time for Maria to calm down, but I waited patiently.

We embraced for so long that I forgot how much time had passed.

At some point, I felt she was already past her fears, but she kept hugging me. It almost felt like a baby who didnt want to let go of a grown adults body.

She just stuck to me.

I was tempted to speak up, but considering what she had just gone through, it was only fair I humored her.

As expected, after a while, she let go of me. Her moist eyes had dried up, and she was looking much better.

A smile formed on her frosty face as she thanked me and sat up on her bed.

Youre welcome. I smiled.

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I had never seen this side of Maria. Experiencing it made me feel a certain kind of emotion that I couldnt quite out into words.

The major issue of concern was the reason why she acted in that way. Of course, I understood she was still recoiling from shock, but it would do a lot of good if I knew the problem.

Lets not rush things, though. She should rest first. I can always ask later With that in mind, I asked some simple questions about her body and how she was feeling.

She replied positively, of course. But, as expected, she had a few questions of her own.

Where are we?

Ah, well this is my home. Youre currently in my room. I didnt realize the implication of my words until after they were uttered.


A-ah r-really? I noticed Maria suddenly developed an interest in her surroundings.

Her eyes scoured everywhere, taking in the details as I spoke to her nervously.

I brought you here without thinking. Forgive me

Logical reasoning told me that I would have simply taken her to one of the numerous Guest Rooms we had in our Manor.

Why did it have to be here? No, more importantly why didnt Mum say anything about it?

That sly woman

So much for teaching me about Love.

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I-its fine, really. So this is where you grew up its less fancy than I thought.

Haha yes. I laughed.

There was no way I could tell her that while this was my personal room, I spent most of my night hours with my mother.

She didnt like sleeping alone, and to be honest neither did Iespecially after the stunts my Mom pulled over the years.

My body was simply accustomed to having a partner while sleeping.

I still prefer being alone than sharing an awkward moment in bed, though. I instantly shook my head and tried to return to topic.

When you were in traumatic shock, I brought you here so you could feel comfortable and relaxed. So, dont worry about anything and make yourself at home.

While there really wasnt enough time, I didnt want to put Maria in a position where she would have no choice but to relive whatever caused her that trauma.

I-I think Im ready to talk, Jared. Its better to get it off my chest as soon as possible She murmured.

Ah? Shes saying it of her own volition?

I know youre being considerate by not asking me about what actually happened. But I dont want to slow you down, Jared. Even if, at this point, I cant catch up to you I would rather not be a burden as well.

Marias eyes glowed with determination. How could I refuse her offer?

Very well. So, tell me. What happened?

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