SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 73: Chapter 73 - Lower Class (Pt 2)

The Middle-Class Students were sent down the stage and also formed their line. The boys and girls from the remnant lines were told to merge, forming the Lower Class line same as our seniors.

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I waited for our turn to rise to the stage. It would be a funny experience staring down on so many young ones as a new entrant, but I was prepared for it.

Alright. On to the next matter at hand your Lecturers.

My eyes twitched a little.

Damien didnt call us to the stage. Instead, he decided to skip regular procedures and dive straight into the next item on the list.

Oi youre kidding me, right?

A large portion of my rationality told me to let it go, that it was no big deal. However, I couldnt overlook his intentional error. Perhaps it was due to the childish emotions within my smaller body, or a degree of pent-up anger I couldnt bottle in my increasing dissatisfaction with someone who claimed to be a Lecturer in this great Academy.

Using sound amplification magic, I cleared my throat and spoke out with absolute confidence.

Excuse me, Sir Damien Lawcroft Great Academic Supervisor and Senior Lecturer of Ainzlark Academy I believe youve missed a line. My voice echoed throughout the large hall.

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Instantly, everyones eyes darted to me. Surprise, fear, disbelief many emotions were mixed in their facial expressions. I chose to ignore all the eyes on me, even the ones from the new entrants such as myself. There was only one person I concentrated on.

Oh? What is this? Damien Lawcroft turned in my direction and walked on the elevated platform, nearing where my line was.

A condescending smile was on his face, a contrast to the frown that existed on mine. I glared at him enough to tell him my stance on his impudence.

The regulations state that you introduce all new entrants to the other students in the assembly. Whether or not were Lower Class shouldnt matter. This is the most basic of basics, Sir Damien Lawcroft we were taught all of this thanks to the excellent orientation you prepared for us.

A mix of disrespect coupled with reverence could be heard in my tone. While I took a courteous stance, it was clear that my true intentions were anything but at least to Damien whose smile began to vanish the more I spoke.

I see His lips pursed, showing a grim, forbidden look.

I had crossed a line.

However, with students numbering nearly five hundred all present in the hall teachers as well, Damien Lawcroft couldnt act rashly.

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This made my lips break from the scowl I had and turn into a soft smile. Seeing this infuriated Damien even more, but he was restricted in his actions.

Youre only our Supervisor. Theres really nothing more you can do now that Ive been accepted as a student. Plus, youre the one in violation of the protocols.

With this line of thought, I awaited the mans next move. If he was only a bumbling idiot, then he would only achieve disgrace in front of everyone. However, if he had an ounce of sense, then

Ah, I see it must have skipped my mind. Damien Lawcroft responded just as I expected.

My grin became broader.

Oh, thats fine sir. We all make mistakes.

A big oooh and ahhhh permeated the hall as everyone was surprised by my gall. The teachers, especially Klaus whom I spotted from the corner of my eyes, all looked shocked.

Still, Damien kept his cool. Leaving where he stood, he returned to the center of the elevated stage and returned his gaze to the long parchment in his grasp.

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I shall now mention the name of the Lower Class Students.

I nodded in satisfaction. The names of my new classmates poured out. As the students heard their names, they climbed the stage. Whether or not they belonged to a low class, they were still Ainzlark Students deserving of respect. Every single one of them topped the thousands who failed. The least amount of reverence should be given to them that was the reason I refused to have the names of students in the Lower Class names skipped.

Jared Leonard.

Hearing my name, I jumped a little in surprise. It still felt strange, but what of it? I climbed the stage in what I could only call a graceful manner. The piercing gazes of everyone around me would cause anyone to faint. No one wasnt paying any attention to me now.

Though this was an entirely different way to go about it, I had gained everyones recognition. It was only a matter of time before I earned their respect.

Damien called more names and after he was done, he introduced us Lower Class Students sending us back after he was done.

As I went back to my line, I heard a buzzing sound in my head. It was familiar, but the signature of this felt oddly different from the other one I experienced.

~Dont think youve had your way, brat. Youre all still trash!~ The gruff voice echoed in my head.

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Of course, it was from Damien Lawcroft. He told me what he didnt have the gall to say in front of all the students and staff gathered. It didnt faze me at all since I knew his words didnt ring true. Still, Damien had clearly proven he would be a stumbling block in my path. As such he had to be eliminated!

Its just as I said in the beginning I wont cause trouble for you if you stay out of my way.

It was a pity he has to do the opposite.

After we returned to our lines, Damien called out the teachers who would be taking our classes.

Like a poof in the air, a couple of people appeared through teleportation behind Damien. It happened so fast that everyone was stunned even the seniors. These would be our Lecturers.

I saw nine smartly dressed individuals. They looked formal and exquisite in their unique attires. Among them was Legris Damien. His eyes darted to me for a second and winked. I laughed a little at his gesture the man hadnt changed a bit.

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