SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 74: Chapter 74 - Lecturer

As you all know, each Class is assigned a Lecturer to teach them. Some additional teachers will be specialized in particular courses and electives but the general courses will be taught by your assigned lecturers.

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We all paid rapt attention as Damien addressed us. I was especially concerned with the nine Lecturers who werent exactly lined up in perfect order. For example, Legris was stationed close to our Lower Class on the elevated platform but that didnt mean he would be teaching us.

Hes a senior lecturer, after all

I will now introduce your Lecturers to you.

Mentioning their names starting from all the Upper Classes, Damien began allocating the lecturers. As expected, Legris was assigned to the Upper Class of the 2nd Years. All Lecturers assigned to high-end classes had to be very high in rank.

After he was done with the most important students, the Middle-Class lectures were allocated. I waited in patience. After he was done, only three lecturers were left. One of the three would be our teachers

None of them looked especially impressive. As one would expect from the least qualified lecturers, they were nothing compared to the others dress-wise and the aura they emitted.


My eyes darted to one of the three who appeared to be the least conspicuous. He had an air of nonchalance about him, and out of everyone else, he dressed the simplest. Having a plain shirt that wasnt tucked in at all, along with black pants with golden threads forming a straight horizontal line, his shoes were average.

His tie looks nice, though I thought to myself, admiring the nice logo it had at the center.

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Unfortunately, his tie was loosened around his collar, making him look rougher than normal. His buttons didnt even reach the top, stopping two steps short. His sleeves were even folded up, displaying a good portion of his arms they were firm and evenly toned.

If anyone saw him, they would instantly wish he wouldnt be chosen as their lecturer. No, they would even wonder why he would be considered a lecturer in the first place. Even students were dressed better than he was.

However I wasnt like the others. There was no way I could make a pedestrian judgment based only on appearance. He stood out too much, which made my curiosity piqued.

Furrowing my eyes a little, I ignored the others and focused on this man alone he

I saw his bored eyes slowly turn in my direction the moment I tried prying into him. This shocked me for a moment, but I refused to lose composure.

A smile formed on the mans face as he took his eyes off me practically forgetting what I was about to do.

Huu, I knew it. Hes not normal.

Damien called out the names of the Lecturers allocated to the Lower Classes, and to my classmates dismay, the very ruffian who was nothing like a lecturer was chosen to teach us.

I heard grumbles and dissatisfied sounds coming from everyone, but amid everyones annoyance by the choice, I felt strangely satisfied.

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Something about the man called Neron Kaelid made me grin in excitement.

Theres no way I want an average teacher! This unique guy hes perfect for our class.

I saw Damien frown from the corner of my eye. He had donned a satisfied grin moments ago, but after seeing that I was happy with his choice for my class, that fulfillment in his face turned sour.

Professor Neron Kaelid moved closer to our class line, as the other lecturers had done for their various classes, bringing the both of us closer in distance. As though by coincidence, our eyes met and I was met with yet another amused smile from the man.

With a smile on my face as well, I didnt look away.

Lets get along well, Teach.


We were dismissed after the assembly was over. Classes started that very day, so we had to leave for our various lecture halls. According to the Academys Class System, the Upper Class made up of all Years had their territory the same applied to Middle and Lower Classes. The Dorms were also separated that way.

That means Ill be living among Lower Class seniors interesting

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We already knew our dorms, and our dorm numbers had been given to us. Just as in the previous apartment, we didnt need keys to open them a magic signature would have to do.

However, going to our various dorms would have to wait. At the moment, we needed to attend our first Lecture. There were multiple exits in the hall, so each class took one of each and exited the wide building, making way to their classrooms.

This should be fun I whispered.

[Thirty Minutes Later]

Well, remember how I had said our first Lecture would be fun? Well at the moment I wasnt so sure anymore. Why?

It was because we hadnt even started yet!

Everyone was given five minutes to reach their respective classes and another five to settle down. Afterward, lectures would begin in earnest.

As a result, those of the First Year, Lower Class, made it to our hall just in time. The first thing I thought of when entering the facility was that it was unimpressive.

Of course, since it was still a hall within Ainzlark, it wasnt run down or anything. It had the appropriate standard befitting the institute. However, that was all there was to it. Compared to the other buildings we had seen, this particular lecture hall could be considered trash.

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It only had one entrance which also served as the exit. The interior was not decorated, having a plain brown color of wood that was used to furnish the place. The wood was in good condition, but still

It was a spacious hall, though. There were more than enough seats for all the students gathered a total of 50 Seats.

Since our numbers were only 38, there was no problem. Still, I couldnt help but compare this hall to my mental imagery of the other halls the higher placed students would be using.

I grudgingly accepted my current predicament and settled at the very front of the class.

Im no slacker!

However, even after our lecture was supposed to have started, no lecturer showed up. It had been twenty minutes since we were supposed to begin class nothing came forth.

Is this really how Ill begin my first day in school?

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