“Lord Kuzon, you can’t be serious!”

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The deep, loud voice of the Dragon King, Z’ark, echoed within the vast golden palace. The ornaments and jewels that complimented the walls, ceilings and floors made it absolutely breathtaking, but nothing about the unbelievable beauty of the Midas Throneroom mattered at this point.

Z’ark, now donning his miniature form as a small-sized Dragon was currently appealing to the one who sat on the absolute golden throne.

His gaze contained disbelief and his clenched fist showed that he strongly disagreed with the person on the throne. It was due to this frustration that the Dragon King finally spoke up.

“You want to risk the lives of our combined forces just to carry out an immensely risky attack on Jared’s domain? That’s madness!”

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The more Z’ark thought of the decision, the more illogical it appeared.

‘We’re safe within this barrier. As long as we further strengthen our defences and build our strength, we’ll be safe from harm.’

Z’ark realized that this was a selfish move. His rationale condemned the rest of the world to suffer under the mighty hand of a tyrant. However, that appeared to be the most reasonable path for his people.

‘Even if we were to attack, we have to build our strength now and bid our time.’ Only when Jared’s domain became weak and careless could they even think of striking against him.

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“From the little information we were able to gather, we know that Jared has tightened security and his guard is even higher than ever. What you’re suggesting… there’s no worse time to carry it out than now!”

He could only hope that the emperor he was appealing to could see reason in his words. For the sake of the United Magic Beasts and also the Midas Race, war had to be avoided at all costs.

“Are you done?” The young, calm voice of the seated Emperor finally rang out, causing Z’ark to tremble a little.

His gaze was lowered, but he could still see the cocky smile of the child that sat on the throne as the ruler of his people.

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“How long do you think we can rely on this barrier to shield us from the filthy reaches of those savages?” The Emperor began. “The mere fact that they have tightened their security means they are hiding something. I can tell that they are making preparations and we must not allow them to finalize it.”


“This is the most logical thing to do.”

His golden hair danced as he spoke, and his clear skin depicted the purity of his royal lineage. As he stared at Z’ark with his golden eyes, the latter could sense something much deeper than mere logic.

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‘He may sound like he’s doing the most rational thing, but we both know why he wants to attack!’ Now that Z’ark had reached the very end of his rope, he only had one final thing he could appeal to.

“Emperor Kuzon, please reconsider!” He cried. “Please consider your people and—”


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