“Praise to the Midas Emperor.”

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The word echoed from the lips of Darius, Vice Leader of Division 15 of the Midas Inquisition.

The Inquisition Department, just like any other Midas Construct, was extremely ordered in both its internal and external affairs.

There were a total of 100 divisions, and the lower the number was, the more powerful the Division was.

Division 1 was the most powerful, consisting of only the most elite of the Midas Empire who chose this line as their career path.

However, when one considered how many divisions there were, Division 15 wasn’t too bad as well.

And Darius was the Vice Leader of this Division.

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That made him one of the strongest in the Midas Empire, didn’t it?

He took pride in that day after day, and the appraisal he recieved from those around him only further went to boost his ego.

Despite all of that, though, there was only one thing that made him feel truly special.

‘Subduing the Inferior Race.’

That was why he joined the Midas Inquisition. That was why he loved his job so much.

Even now, as he appeared in front of the kneeling audience, his grin was especially wide.

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He was so elated to see all of them kneeling before his mighty presence.

‘They’re quick to bow, too. These ones know their place.’

That put him in such a good mood. Instead of simply slaughtering everyone here like he originally intended, perhaps he would only kill a small portion—say, fifty percent.

That would be benevolent, would it not?

Darius couldn’t wait to begin the slaughter and see the despair the people he subdued would show him.

His body twitched just imagining it.

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“N-no one here has practiced any Magic. I swear to you!” An elderly man spoke, his voice creaking like that of old furniture.

It really pissed Darius off.

‘Alright, then. It’s decided! I’m definitely killing that old man first.’

“Yeah, yeah. That’s what they always say. Am I right, guys?”

The five-hundred troops he had behind him all joined him all chuckled in excitement.

One could ask why the Midas would dispatch so many troops, almost all of the total force of the 15th Division, to such a slum. The answer was something even Darius didn’t know.

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The Leader seemed a bit surprised and told us to go ahead of him.

‘I don’t mind, though. It allows me to play boss for a little while longer. Hehe! It’s always ecstatic, being in charge!’

Watching all these lumps of meat look at him with such fear and trepidation made him so aroused that he couldn’t help himself anymore.

He had to take a life—right there and then!

‘Let’s start with you, old man!’

A Magical glow appeared all over his hand, and instantly, a golden blade manifested.

Darius already knew how he was going to use it. He was going to drive it through the old man’s skull, dividing his shrinking brain into two equal parts.

It was going to be magnificent!


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