“We can not go against the orders of the 9th Prince.”

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As those words echoed in Kuzon’s ears, he stiffened a little, though his expression remained the same.

‘Haaa… looks like things are even more complicated than I thought.’ He sighed internally. ‘What should I do now?’

Currently, everyone’s lives were at a risk thanks to his use of Magic.

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‘I was careless. I didn’t consider that my arrival in this world would cause such a Magic disturbance.’

Plus, he also used Magic to teleport to this place, leading the trail to this Shelter. Ultimately it was his fault, so even if this was time consuming for him, he had to help these people.

‘I used telepathy to tell Maya to kneel as soon as I noticed the spatial rift. Thankfully, she listened.’ He also erased his presence through Magic, allowing himself to be undetected when the Midas soldiers arrived.

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‘I wanted to see how they would act. To think they actually wanted to kill an innocent old man without reasonable justification…’

He had noticed the Midas Captain’s expression—how he seemed incredibly excited to take the life of another.

‘Maya was right. It seems the Midas Empire really is the villain here.’

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The big question, however, was what he could do now.

‘Should I take them down by force? Should I use Magic to hijack their will? But using more Magic to resist will clearly be detected as unregistered Magic. Wouldn’t that create even more trouble for these people?’

Kuzon also knew he couldn’t be naive enough to think he could easily solve the problem by defeating the Midas troops.

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‘Sure, it would save them on the short run, but…’


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