‘What powerful Mana…’ Kuzon thought to himself, staring intently at the Royal who stood a good distance from him.

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As the golden light flickered off his body, he knew the power was nothing to scoff at.

‘It’s about the same level as the Midas Royalty in my world. It seems that hasn’t changed here…’

However, despite that pedestal, Kuzon didn’t seem to fazed. After all…

‘It’s not going to be a problem for me.’ A smirk formed on his face.

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Kendrick felt an unsettling emotion swirl inside him as he stared at the enemy he had to execute.

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The crime of impersonating a Midas was the gravest offense one could ever commit. The crime increased in severity when it came to doing the same for Royalty.

It was highly unusual for anyone to even think of doing the former, talkless of the latter.

‘I’ve only heard talks of people doing it perhaps a century ago. But no one in this day and age tries it…’

Yet, this young man attempted doing something so foolish.

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‘He still won’t put off his disguise despite being caught. He’s getting on my nerves!’ Kendrick clenched his fist and glared so deeply at the man before them.

If looks could kill, Kuzon would be dead many times over.

“L-let us be of some use to you, my Prince!” Darius blurted out as the battle between the both of them were about to unfold.

The Deputy Leader most likely wanted to remain relevant in the fight.

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Unfortunately for him…

“Judging by the surge of energy I sensed, the likes of you won’t be able to handle him. While it is questionable how a lowlife could attain such a level of power, I will admit that he is strong.” Prince Kendrick took a glance at his subordinates.

And then, returning them to Kuzon, he narrowed his gaze and spoke.

“I’ll be the one taking care of this trash. The rest of you can kill every witness he—”


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