Star Wanderer

Chapter 10


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Out on a Limb(2)

Ark was lying on a metal slab that was flexibly sagging with his body weight in the middle. He could feel metal rods sticking against his head and spine. For the very first time, he was terrified.

He has finished the entire process of knowledge learning, absorbing and organizing. He knew very well the two metal rods would damage his nerve centre. These people were really something. They found his weakness this quickly.

In addition, this 3-layer gravity shell could release 1000 kilo per cubic decimetre pressure at any time. He couldn’t move a finger even if he pulled up all his strength, not to say escape.

But it didn’t mean he gave up. His energy was building up inside his body. If he could mix his energy and spirit altogether, he might have a chance to extend his spirit outside the shell and turned it off.

However, it may take a few earth days. Would these people give him enough time?

As the pressure decreased from 100 kilo, then to 10 kilo per each centimetre, he could breathe and talk again. He opened his eyes, while somebody was talking with a sweet voice, “I really don’t want to hurt you, Ark. Can you tell me what I should do?”

Ark sat up cross-legged and looked outside the shell. Both of them were startled when they had eye contacts.

A strong feeling was urging in Ark’s heart, “Oh my god! How ravishing she is! No woman on Flamingo can compare to her beauty at all.”

Besides her seductive body and exquisite face that could turn him on, he was profoundly attracted by her alluring charm. Her inner emotion and beautiful mind were reflected by her breath-taking gorgeousness.

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What captivated his heart the most was her tempting magnetic field. When her magnetic field was contacted with his spirit, his spirit was distraught.

If he could turn her on like how he did with the women on Flamingo, he could burn her life to nothing; if he could open her heart and sexual desire with love, make her life magnetic field burning bright, it would be a fabulous experience in his life.

She brought more chemistry and excitement than Sannahliva did.

After having gone through the boring five thousand years on Flamingo, what he needed now was a woman’s company and a free life. Unluckily, he had neither of them till now.

On the other hand, Chiwheuve had a strange feeling deep inside when she saw his eyes.

As Phushouching said, he was not very good-looking with the Federation’s standard. His face was too tough and his skin was bronze. But because of the exactly same reason, he was special because he was wild and unique that no man in the Federation could be.

In addition to his alluring, deep eyes, he was even more attractive, gorgeous and charming than any man in her eyes.

Besides, he was sexually flirtatious and attractive.

Even she, a woman who had been indifferent to romance or sex, barely resist his temptation.

But it didn’t stop there. When he stared at her for a while, his eyes changed. In his eyes a passion of love that she had never felt from other men flushed into her heart, burning her once cold and quiet heart like fire.

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She wasn’t turned on by him like Sannahliva was, but he did actually bring a wonderful feeling that made her scared and also touched.

She wanted to look away but she didn’t want him to think that she was scared of his spirit power. After she took a deep breath, she said gently, “Ark, are you happy that we bring you back home, a home to fresh air, magnificent mountains and rivers, splendid oceans and lakes, and green grassland? ” She smiled, “I am Chiwheuve.”

Ark was drawn comfortably into her sweet and soft voice. He wished he could hold her in his arms like he did with a Flamingo woman. In his life, there was only death and destroy, but now he felt something to cherish.

As beautiful and kind as she was, an extremely beautiful offspring of human beings, how could he possibly not want her and her love? On Flamingo, women played a role of reproducing. Unfortunately, they all died before his eyes one by one.

Why were they born to be on hostile sides? He didn’t tolerate anyone to deprive him of his freedom. Even at the cost of death, he would choose his own way.

 Chiwheuve was startled and cried in her heart, “No! Why do I feel misery in his eyes? Do I have the heart to ruin him even if it is for the Federation?”

She was extremely much more kind and intelligent than common people. She knew very well that he was confessing his love to her, a very strong love.

His heart was deep and wide open. There was more love behind his love, and even more deep down that, endless love behind that again.

She had never felt so surprised and shocked in her long life. Shushijun’s love for her was no match to his at all.

All of sudden, she understood how Sannahliva felt.

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Trying hard to put her personal feelings aside, she said with a cold voice, “Why don’t you answer my question? If you don’t want to talk with me, I would leave.”

Ark said with his manly, sexy voice, “Hey! Why are you locking me here? And hurting me with these powerful machines? What does the beautiful world have anything to do with a prisoner like me? ”

Knowing he was willing to talk to her, Chiwheuve was overjoyed and smiled, “If you cooperate with us, you can enjoy the whole universe.”

Ark was stunned by her sweet smile. When she smiled, her life magnetic field got powerful enough to captivate his heart into her smile.

Chiwheuve blushed for the very first time as he stared at her, which made her look even more beautiful in Ark’s eyes and heart.

They gazed at each other for a while, and Chiwheuve came around and said calmly, “Will you cooperate with us?”

“I will if I can get enough rewards.” Ark nodded.

Chiwheuve got outraged for unknown reason. And her feelings for her immediately reduced by half. She said with anger, “Unless you don’t cherish your life, otherwise, you have no chip to negotiate with me.”

Her anger aroused Ark’s interest, because it showed another side of her beauty. He smiled for the first time, getting his white and orderly teeth exposed. He said gently, “Who gave you power to imprison me? Every life is equal according to your laws. Even the government has no authority to judge a person without a reason.”

Chiwheuve wasn’t surprised that he knew everything about them. But her anger disappeared instead when he said that. She sighed and said with a complicated look on her face, “I don’t want to argue with you on this because we are on different sides. Ark, if I’m begging you to cooperate, to allow us to study you, what would you say?”

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Ark insisted, “On our planet, no pains, no gains. I will cooperate only if there is enough reward. End of conversation.”

Chiwheuve got angry because she remembered that he once asked Sannahliva as a reward. She didn’t even notice that she hardly had such a strong feeling. She asked angrily, “What is the difference between you and those who only want power and wealth? An evil man named Carlphnam just asked me to spend one night with him. You tell me, is there any different between you and him?”

She felt confused about herself for telling him about Carlphnam.

Ark wasn’t embarrassed at all, and said, “It is not my problem. I only want you and Sannahliva, and of course freedom afterwards.”

Chiwheuve couldn't control her anger and thought to herself, “You really want a lot!” She shouted, “Shut up! I finally understand what kind of person you are. One more time, are you willing to cooperate without any condition?”

Ark didn’t say anything but his eyes already explained everything.

Chiwheuve calmed herself completely and said, “This is your choice. Hope you won’t regret it and beg me later.”

Then she walked out.

The pressure in the shell got increased. It was powerful to drag Ark down on the slab.

At the same time, a kind of unpleasant energy that he didn’t like was injected into his body through his spine nerves.


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