Star Wanderer

Chapter 11


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Flying to Outer Space (1)

Maybe Chiwheuve thought he was an absolute idiot because he wanted both women and freedom even his life was threatened. But he had his own consideration.

As a Flamingo man, nothing was more important than living, not even freedom and women.

He turned down Chiwheuve because he thought of a way to escape, otherwise he would have surrendered already.

He could do anything to live.

The strong solar energy currency was being slowly injected into his nerve through his spine.

In fact, it was just a cluster of negative microelectrons and protons, but it could cause the high-temperature plasma, hydrogen and helium atoms contained in his central nervous system to produce a chain of decay, disintegrating the magnetic field of his energy.

He once experienced this before. When he was attacked by the nerve cannon, he lost the power to move.

The decay could be very violent to affect other protons and cause damages that could never be repaired.

He could never withstand the damage in another time, but now he was well-prepared. When he was talking with Chiwheuve, he secretly changed the structure of protons into another form which could be transformed back to solar energy if he got attacked, because all changes in matter were the result of structural changes and transitions between atoms.

It seemed simple to say but it was extremely hard to do even with the state-of-the-art machine. But he had super power.

A power that could change matter.

He was not powerful enough to change the external matter but enough to change the energy structure in his body.

He was faking a painful face but in fact he was waiting for the energy to be transformed to solar energy completely.

In the lab next door, 200 scholars were staring at Ark's close-up facial expression on the big screen with Chiwheuve and Phushouching.

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Chiwheuve's face was as pale as cloth, pursed her lips, holding hands together, trying her best to stop herself cutting off the operation.

Phushouching gave her a pathetic look and didn't say anything.

Chiwheuve hated being a president and the responsibility of it all of sudden. If she hadn't been the president, she wouldn't have had to give this order.

Suddenly, the entire lab blacked out.

When all energy was almost transformed back to solar energy and about to cause decay, Ark pushed his energy and spirit out of the shell via the currency, and then into the automatically-operated control system, and cut off energy supply of most Institute to eliminate energy of the shell and to open it as well as all gates that were closed with magnetic field.

It was time to escape.

Darkness wasn't a problem for him but was for his enemies.

It was dark inside the Institute, but it was sunny, bright daytime outside.

On the landing field next to the dorms of class-one scholars 20km away from the Institute, a 50-metre long argentate spaceship was parking there.

Sannahliva, depressed, carrying her luggage, came to the entrance of the ship, while looking at the hunching-cloud Erfurz peak.

The dorm was quiet because everybody else was called out to fight against Ark.

She sighed that why she was so useless. She couldn't go sleep because she couldn't think of anything else but his breath-taking eyes in her mind.

If possible, would she have let him go?

She had no idea.

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When she was about to enter the ship, a shadow flashed by.

She looked for it and got shocked by what she saw, Ark who was naked.

The Institute set the alarm off.

Without thinking, she pulled her gun out and aimed at him.

Ark froze a bit but started to step close.

Sannahliva dropped the luggage on the floor. She shouted, "Stay put!"

Ignoring her warning, Ark approached her and took her gun, picked up her luggage with one hand and put the other around her waist, taking her into the ship at ease.

The ship was turned on at the same time, with closing the ladders and gate, and then set off.

It was easy for Ark who had studied all information on the spaceship.

The Air Force of the Federation was standing by in the sky, and the elite armies were blocking the area 100km around.

Since the establishment of the Institute, the residents nearby moved outside of the mountains. Therefore, everybody who got in and out here were planted with micro ID inside the body. People without an ID would trigger the alarm of air scout via satellite. Ark had no chance to get out at all.

Chiwheuve was angry but felt relieved at the same time. She was sitting with Phushouching in a temporary command centre on a scout spaceship and reading piles of some reports about how they failed the mission.

Phushouching walked away as she thought of something. Then she asked them about the situation and then returned, "Your highness, only Sannahliva's ship left this morning, 15 minutes after Ark got out of the Institute."

"Contact her ship right now!" Chiwheuve said with a cold voice, with furies in her eyes.

Phushouching had never seen her like this before. She was startled, "We've tried but she turned off all communicating devices."

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"Traitor!" Chiwheuve stood up abruptly and ordered, "Inform all space stations, I demand them to send every fighting unit to stop her ship."

The order was sent out instantly.

Chiwheuve looked at Phushouching indifferently, "I am going back to Alpha One. Let's see where she could possible go with such a tiny ship."

Phushouching stood next to her and touched her arm, "You are jealous."

The ship speeded up to 11.23km per second in an instant to get away from gravity, and finally broke out of the atmosphere, and soared into the vast universe.

The ramjet hurled a stream of charged air backwards, producing a barely audible roar that seemed to come from a far distance.

Light filters on both sides of the ship's dimmed the windows and reduced bright daylight to acceptable level.

Ark and Sannahliva sat silently opposite each other on a set of sofas fixed to the deck.

Sannahliva's lowered her head, with her heart beating wildly.

 "What should I do? Should I betray the Federation just for this strange man? Am I in love with him?"

Ark extended his spirit to the extreme to trace any incoming attack. He also used the power he borrowed from solar energy to speed up the ship by pouring it into the ion reactor.

It drew his full attention. He couldn't spare any to the beautiful but panic girl. The ship kept speeding up and soon reached sub-light speed.

The ship trembled.

Ark exhaled and stopped increasing speed, otherwise the ship shell would be broken because of overwhelming speed changes. It took 10 hours at least for it to increase the speed gradually when it could fly at ultra-light speed in negative space.

After passing the Saturn, the ship gradually stabilized and the sunshine decreased significantly.

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When Ark had charted the course and activated its automatic navigation system, it flew out into outer space, all of which his spirit easily did in a moment.

He exhaled satisfactorily and sat next to Sannahliva and leaned his body against her.

Sannahliva moved away and screamed, "Don't you touch me!"

"Sweet heart, come here." Ark was still naked.

Sannahliva was still struggling, "What did you call me?"

"Did I do wrong? After I read all novels in your archive, I understand how complicated your world is. But the most useful thing was romance novels. I categorize women into 120 kinds so that I can understand you better. " Ark was a little embarrassed.

But he had expectations in his eyes, "Human emotions can be so complicated and various. If I were the old me, I would have mated with you already."

 "Mate? Can you use a more civilized word?" Sannahliva lost her voice.

"Do you think 'make love' is even better? I don't think it is as direct and lively than 'mate'. " Ark was surprised.

Sannahliva blushed and stared at him, "Have you really read all novels in the archive? It is incredible because it has stored more than 30 million different types of novels. How could read them all with only one night? How did you even get access to them?"

"The materials in the archive are stored in memory cells that mimic human memory cells, so as long as my spirit got into those electronic cells, I can see what's inside like a memory," Ark said. "There are only about 20,000 units of literary fiction, and it took me ten minutes to copy them in my head, like your language machine."

Shannarieva was in a trance for a long time before she understood, "Have you copied the whole database into your head?"

"Exactly. I am learning everything about you, including your views of the universe, the way you express your emotions, how you enjoy love. It is fantastic." Ark got excited.

Curiosity outweighed panic. Sannahliva finally calmed herself down. She had numerous questions to ask but didn't know where to start.

Ark said with affection in his eyes, "Sweet heart, we can find a beautiful planet where we can enjoy our love. I will change your body structure so that you can conceive like women on Flamingo. What do you say?"

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