Star Wanderer

Chapter 12


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Flying to Outer Space (2)

Sannahliva was drawn into his eyes. She was turned on and almost said yes to him. But the cruel reality woke her up. She rolled her eyes at him, "You wish! I can assure you that the news we are wanted will be sent to every habitable colonial galaxy. As long as we enter any planet's magnetic field, we will be discovered. Where do you think you can escape to? Besides, this ship has the federal government's stamp on it. It's as obvious to the federal interplanetary reconnaissance network as it is to light a lamp in a dark field. Unless we can escape out of the Milk Way, otherwise we will be eventually caught. "

Ark began to think, and his eyes shone with great and unfathomable wisdom. Sannahliva found herself unable to keep her eyes off his naked magnificent body. On thinking that no matter how, they would be separated finally, and she would become a treason criminal, she was sad, "Anyhow, how can I so selfish to watch the Dark Hellers to kill my people and slave them. How about you and I go turn ourselves in? I will do everything I can to protect you. As long as you are willing to cooperate, many things are negotiable."

Ark laughed bitterly, as if he had something hidden.

Sannahliva moved closer and said with sweetness, "Go back with me! If you want a reward, you can have my body, ok? I'm begging you."

The ship passed the outermost solar system Pluto, into the infinite outer space.

The window was darkened, and countless stars were shining.

With a sigh, Ark reached for her shoulder and held her gently in his arms.

She could not help but feel the trembling in her body although this might be the way he learned from romance fictions to flirt with women. She threw herself into his arms, put her arms around his stout waist, and touched his masculine back. The sexual desire she had oppressed for a thousand years surged from her heart.

Ark, feeling her hot body that brought out her strong and sexual desire, was aroused sexually too. He felt comfortable to kiss on her back neck, "Even if I am willing to cooperate, I am not helpful because my body and genetic factors are basically similar to yours. No matter how much I allow them to study, eventually they will get nothing. The worst thing is that they will think I am lying to them and then prison or try to make me an idiot so that they can slice me into pieces to study. Then I'd be screwed!"

Her whole body became numb and soft by his kisses which run over her body like a strong strange current. She tried to push him away a little, gasping for breath. "How is it possible? Where did you get your power which is million times more powerful than human beings?"

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With admiration in his eyes, he said slowly, "I got it from a creature called Melting Pond on Flamingo. She has taught me so much that I can display my full human potential. But this ability is not transferable, even if they take out my cells one by one to study, but ultimately they get nothing, for it is a pure spiritual energy. What is substantial to me is an insubstantial to others. So if you want me to throw myself into a blind alley, try to take me back!"

Sannahliva was startled. When she was about to ask about the Melting Pond, Ark said seriously, "Their tracking system has found us."

The beautiful star map was displayed on a huge screen at one end of the Alpha One strategy room.

A reddish spot was flickering in the middle.

Brigadier Noli the military secretary, general Baishu chief of the general staff, senior general Leipowu the commander of first division, and major general Eny were standing next to Chiwheuve, staring at the flickering red spot.

The tight uniform accentuated Chiwheuve's sexy figure, especially her slender legs compared to Eny beside her, which made her stand out from the rest.

Baishu's face was delicate and he had calm personality. He was a typical scholar soldiers who was good at using strategies. Leipowu was tall and strong like a stone mountain. He was fearless and tough. In the Battle of Equus, he was the only one who shot down three of the enemy's battleships. His prominent military service earned him the title of the No. 1 general of the Federation, who was only loyal to Chiwheuve.

He was the tallest among the crowd, as tall as 2.2 meters, but he was still a little shorter than the slender, curvy Chiwheuve, which approved how outstanding she was.

 "Now her ship is 800 thousand km away from us and it is heading Wolf binary where is, however, apparently not their destination." Baishu said.

Leipowu frowned, "It's hard to believe how her ship could reach sub-light speed in such a short time. But with our current sub-light speed, we can catch up with them in an hour."

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Eny, a bit masculine, but also girly sexy, cut in, "By then we can use the ship's remote sensing device to lock her control system, or close her tail jet gate with coolant. We will catch them with ease."

Chiwheuve shook her head and said, "it's a pity that we have to deal with an enemy who may be even one hundred times more powerful than the Dark Hellers. Who knows what kind of striking skills he has?"

Everyone exclaimed.

The glistening red spot disappeared, meaning they had lost the track of the Bright Moon.

Chiwheuve snorted, "Good for you! He could even interfere with our radio communication network! Locate her coordination immediately where she disappeared. I just don't believe he can hide the ship from our micro telescope."

A thrill passed through her body, like she was having a sex play with her lover.

Sannahliva and Ark sat in the driver's chair respectively, looking at the fascinating starry sky outside and feeling the incomparable sprint of the spaceship.

Space was so peaceful that it was hard to imagine those meaningless wars and killings.

Ark was controlling those instruments excitedly, like a child who was playing with his favourite toy.

Sannahliva's eyes glinted with love like a mother's love for her son, and she chuckled and left her seat, returning with a suit of silver spacesuit in her hand, and ordering him, "Put it on! How can you be naked?"

Ark was startled, "How can it be comfortable wearing it?"

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Sannahliva threw the spacesuit at his head, angry but amused, "If you don't wear it, I will never talk to you."

Ark stood up in terror and examined the spacesuit with a hard face. He did not know how to put it on, peeked at her and said, "Is there any reward?"

Sannahliva blushed, dragged him behind the chair, and said softly, "I'll give you a kiss for nice behaviour!"

Ark was happy, "You must teach me."

Sannahliva put on the first dress on him although she was shy but happy.

When she took two steps back and looked again, her eyes brightened and could not look away.

He was a different man, proud and extraordinary, with a civilised quality in his boorishness, so different from those handsome men in the Federation, yet so unique with a thrilling masculine charm that she had never seen before.

Ark's eyes were sparkling with strange emotions. He looked at her, "Sweet heart! You have a strong sexual urge now. Now I understand that you are easier to be flirted when I cover my body. "

Sannahliva, blushed with embarrassment, threw herself into his arms, wrapped her arms around his neck, and touched his skin that made her even more turned on.

Ark had read all romance novels, though he had no chance to put them to practice yet. He kissed her anyway by sealing her rosy lips.

His magnetic field of life, invisible to naked eyes, wrapped around her completely, stimulating her magnetic field, and life immediately climbed to its most powerful peak.

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Sannahliva was falling.

It was not that she had never had love or sex, but it was long before she became a scholar. At the beginning, she never got bored. However, after spending hundreds of years with different men, she got bored. Sex was just a kind of primitive emotions and instincts, and couldn't make her soul satisfied. In addition, negative emotions in a relationship, such as possession, lust, jealousy, pure pleasure of sex, and loneliness afterwards finally made her give up the pursuit of sex, and conveyed her concentration on research of the universe.

But in this moment she had the joy, the satisfaction, the expansion of spirit she had never known since she was born. That feeling could last forever.

Ark's powerful and almost violent love flooded her mind and body into a roaring river of love. She was burning. Her feelings ran through her body and emotions got so strong to sink herself into his body, but she could feel that her spirit were closely connected with his. The emotion was strong and unlimited. What touched her the most was in the storm of love, the utmost inner was quiet and peaceful like the magnificent starry sky outside.

She was no longer alone.

Without any controlling over

her concerns or self-disciplines, she was squirming and panting wildly in his arms, and responding to his violent but not yet violent enough kisses with all her heart.

Ark's hands began to undress her by pressing the button of the tight suit that could make her move freely in outer space.

She was willing to give him as much as possible, and when she was fully undressed, Ark stopped and said, "They found us again. This time they are only fifty thousand miles away from us."

"Leave them alone, make love or mate, whatever you call. I want you!" She lost her mind.

Ark ripped off his spacesuit and laughed, "I can handle both at once."

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