Star Wanderer

Chapter 13


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Dark Hellers (1)

A bright light was spurted out from the thruster of Alpha One whose speed surged instantly and the distance from the Bright Moon was suddenly closer.

Forty escort battleships scattered like a net around the Bright Moon, encircling her from all directions.

A sound from a quantum speaker, which converted sound waves into quanta in short distance, travelled through Bright Moon's hull, and then converted back to sound waves inside the ship, saying, "This is the Federation's order! Stop the ship now! Or you are responsible for all the consequences."

Ark was making out with Sannahliva. His sexual desire, which had been restrained for nearly three thousand years, flooded into the body, mind, and magnetic field for this nearly crazy woman.

Listening to the speaker while continuing what he was doing, he even extended his spirit out.

Suddenly the whole body of Ark was shocked because his spirit was bounced back by the protection of enemy's ship.

Ark was amazed by its power. Knowing that he couldn't do anything with the internal control of their ship, he put his energy into the ship body for another escape plan.

The beautiful woman was lost in the bliss of love in his arms, with her eyes closed and skin blushed. She was blocking out everything happening outside and enjoying his love with all her heart. 

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"Ark! What are you doing?" Chiwheuve's angry sound was heard inside the ship again.

Ark knew that his voice could be sent back to Chiwheuve through the quantum flow, he gasped, "What do you think we we should be doing? Why ask while you know the answer?"

"Shame on both of you! Stop now!" Chiwheuve snorted.

"If you were my sweetheart, would you ask me to stop at this moment?" Ark laughed.

Chiwheuve in Alpha One was so angry that her body quivered and her face was so pale that she could have torn both of them into pieces.

Her four subordinates looked at her strangely, surprised by her anger that never had occurred to her before.

Chiwheuve took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said fiercely: "Ark, listen, if you don't stop immediately, I won't go easy on you. Your tiny ship can't withstand any attack."

"Sweetheart, my darling, do you really have the heart to hurt me?" Ark said again.

"Shut up! I am not your sweetheart!" Chiwheuve got emotional again and shouted. She was wondering why Ark spoke like a playboy and his vocabulary got so much better.

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Noli and other fellows were angry with Ark for insulting their president.

"President! Stop talking nonsense with him. Please send the order to attack!"

Chiwheuve desperately pressed down her anger and nodded, "Permitted! Remember not to damage the ship."

"I object!" General Baishu suddenly cried.

The crowd looked at the ship which turned white and shone brightly, then disappeared with everyone's jaws down.

Leipowu couldn't believe what he saw, "This is impossible! How can it enter the negative space without reaching the light speed?"

Eny's face went pale. She said in a broken voice, "Without the life-maintenance cabin, they would be broken down into molecules and turned to ashes, but they were still making... Urgh!" Her face blushed and peeked at Chiwheuve whose eyes were sparkled with glow.

Noli heaved a sigh and said, "No instruments could track objects in negative space. All we can do now is to watch them either to escape or to perish."

Chiwheuve had a kind of unspeakable feeling deep inside. If someone said Ark would come back with her if she kneeled down and begged him, maybe she would really do that.

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After witnessing Ark's miraculous powers and various transformations, she was aware of Ark's importance to the Federation, even to herself.

She hated him, but she was also worried that he would really die.

Three hundred light years away, as the Bright Moon went out of the negative space, everything went back to normal.

Sannahliva woke up from the cosmic sleep and understood that it was Ark who protected her with his energy and put her into the life-maintenance cabin that could only contain one person after they entered the negative space.

The automatic system opened the cabin.

Sannahliva sat up naked, content as she had never felt before, and called the man with her sweetest voice, "Ark!"

The cabin was empty and there was no sign of anyone.

She was shocked and tried to sit up.

She heard a groan somewhere below. She saw Ark who was sitting on the floor against the life-maintenance cabin. His face was pale and eyes were blank, like he was exhausted.

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Sannahliva screamed, climbed out of the cabin and put her arms around the man she had fallen in love with, "Are you alright? You are scaring me!"

With a smile on his lips, Ark stroke her short blonde hair, and said with a weak voice, "Damn it! I exerted all my energy to transfer between positive and negative space. Now, let's see if we're in the right place."

She was relieved on seeing that he was all right, and then helped him to his feet and sit before the driving panel. 

When Ark was resting with eyes closed, Sannahliva turned on the interplanetary navigation device. She was amazed, "Holy Shit! It's only five light years away from the Fallen Paradise. How could you have brought us to such a dreadful place?"

"Then it is the right place." Ark said, "The only place in the galaxy where we can live is the Fallen Paradise. I have thought of it when I was reading and studying materials in the archive. "

Sannahliva's face turned pale and she said, "You don't seem to understand what a dirty galaxy that is."

Ark laughed and said, "What are you afraid of? I will protect you. We can open a brothel and you are the hostess and I am the security. I am sure our business will be booming."

"You really have gotten a silken tongue after reading too many novels," she said while rolling her eyes at him. Then she can't help but throw herself into his arms, said sexily, "Ark, I love you! I would do anything for you."

Ark fondly caressed her naked back and said, "I would do anything for you, too! Oh! Can I have a few drops of water?" Water and sunshine were the source of his energy. Now was the time for his supply.

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