Star Wanderer

Chapter 14


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Dark Hellers (2)

They left the driver's seat and sat down on the sofa. Sannahliva took two small rectangular boxes and smiled, “We don’t have water drips here. But you can try some space food. It will keep you hydrated for many days.”

Ark ogled at her beautiful naked body, flirted, "Now you know why I like being naked."

Sannahliva rolled eyes at him, "If you laugh at me again, I'll put my clothes back on. You won’t see anything then."

Ark laughed, “My eyes would be satisfied by just looking at your beautiful angelic face with a little bit of my imagination."

Sannahliva looked at him sweetly and said, "Excuse me, which novel did you learn this line from?" She opened one of the boxes and took out a cylinder containing green liquid gas.

Ark reached out his arm in front of her, “Playboy if I remember.”

Sannahliva burst into laughter, pressed one end of the cylinder into his palm, pushed the button, and with a clinch, liquid gas space nutrition was injected into his body.

Ark closed his eyes and absorbed the nutrition and turned it into energy. He felt so much better right away. But it would take a while before he got fully recovered.

When he opened his eyes, Sannahliva had already injected herself with the nutrition and was looking at him with affection.

Ark smiled, "You are really a wonderful and beautiful reward. You make me relaxed."

"I get a good reward, too," Sannahliva blushed, "the best actually." She giggled with love.

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The warning light of the automatic reconnaissance system was set off, indicating that an unidentified object was approaching within a range of 600,000 km.

Both of them were startled. Ark had very little energy left to make another effort to escape into the negative space now. If they could not escape, what would they do?

The ship hovered in the air and its engine stopped.

They stared at the flickering bright spots on the radar screen. Each spot represented a ship. There were at least two hundred of them.

Although Ark’s energy was frail, his spirit wasn’t affected. He extended his spirit at an amazing speed to 550 thousand km away instantly. He got quite excited then, "They are not your ships. These hulls keep changing colours.”

"It's the Dark Hellers’ ships. What are they doing here?" Sannahliva was shocked.

Ark spared a small part of his remaining energy and poured it into the hull of the ship, forming an electronic mesh that would absorb any reconnaissance signals and make the Bright Moon immune to be detected, as he had done earlier to evade the Federation’s detection, while he was saying, "Where is the nearest colonial star? Oh! Yes! It must be Virgin Galaxy 75 light years away from here, where there are two habitable planets and three mining stars with abundant natural nitrogen and helium streams. They really made a great choice.”

Sannahliva’s delicate face turned livid. She said in a trembling voice, "The Dark Hellers are so cunning. They are sneaking all the way from the void space beyond the Milky Way to this side of universe without alerting all space stations on the frontier. No! I'm going to alert the Federation."

Her fingers pressed an array of codes on the bridge.

Knowing that she was about to launch an emergency distress system that could send SOS message in negative space, Ark didn't stop her.

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When Sannahliva was about to press the button, she glanced at him with a sad face before she really did.

The ship had a dramatic shake. As a flash of electrical fire was set out, so did the emergency signal, which would reach the defence space stations outside the Virgin Galaxy within four earth days.

Ark launched the ship and flew towards the Fallen Paradise at full speed.

Sannahliva got closer and nestled into his arms, and said, "Why didn't you stop me? You know we wouldn’t get away from the detecting system of the Dark Hell."

Ark said affectionately, "I told you I would do anything for you." He carried her in his arms and headed for the life-maintenance cabin.

“Ark! If we are going to die, we die together." Sannahliva was touched.

"You are not going to die! Neither of us are!" Ark smiled.

"Do you think the Dark Heller will spare us?" Sannahliva wondered.

Ark shook his head, "Of course not. The warships they sent out are chasing after us and they will catch up with us in half an hour.” Then he put her naked body into the life-maintenance cabin, activated the device, and set the destination of the automatic navigation escape system.

"What are you doing?" she struggled.

A gentle energy was fed into her nerves from Ark’s hand to undo her struggling. She could only watch Ark carry her into the cosmic sleep cabin.

Having activated the device, Ark bent over and kissed her shoulder passionately, "In a few days you will arrive at Virgin Galaxy, and I will cover you so that the Dark Hellers cannot interrupt you before you enter into the negative space. Don't you worry! I'm not gonna die. What planet could be worse than Flamingo? Trust your man, live your life, and we will meet again.”

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Under the gaze of Sannahliva's tearful eyes, Ark disappeared out of the lid of the cabin.

After watching the cabin was delivered out of the power door, Ark came to the launching room at the end of the ship.

He transmitted some of his energy into the life-maintenance cabin so that the Dark Hellers would think it was just a small lifeless meteorite and then turned on the launching system.

"Boom!" The ship trembled again.

At nearly the speed of light, the life-maintenance cabin was shot out of the jet gate at the back of the ship and flew out of sight in an instant.

Ark put on the spacesuit and protective mask leisurely, sat down on the sofa, and looked at the incoming Dark Hell spaceships which were like black bees flying away from their nest and hard to be seen with the naked eye because they kept changing their colours according to the surrounding pigment.

Energy was still operating.

As a bright light flashed out, the ship’s hull turned to semi-transparent, followed by a thermonuclear explosion at the end of the ship. Ark was sent into the void with debris and thrown into the universe at nearly the speed of light.

Alpha One and 40 warships speeded up gradually for the preparation of entering the negative space at ultra-light speed so that they could make use of positive and negative space to arrive at Virgin Galaxy with the shortest time.

Sannahliva's warning was sent to the barely unguarded Virgin Galaxy an hour ago, and from where the signal was sent throughout all military bases near and far.

Chiwheuve immediately issued a top level order as the general commander.

In the strategy room, Leipowu said with a cold face, "Your highness, do you trust a message sent by a traitor? How could the Dark Hellers be there?"

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Chiwheuve smiled and said, "Yes! I believe in her because I know her and I know who she is.”

"I agree with the president. If it were a lie, she would never make up such a ridiculous, but strategically logic story." Baishu said.

Eny came in and saluted. "We’ve got a message. Sannahliva’s life-maintenance cabin arrived at Virgin Galaxy."

“What about the Flamingo man?” Noli was excited.

Eny shook her head and talked to Chiwheuve privately, "Shame on her! When our people got her out, she was totally naked, with nothing covering her body."

Chiwheuve pursed her lips, "Shame on both of them!" Then a smile appeared on her face.

It made Eny a little confused.

"Your highness, it is cosmic sleep time now.” Baishu said.

Chiwheuve burst into a laugh, like crazily.

When all the people were stunned by her laughing, Chiwheuve gasped for breath and stretched herself that all men were fascinated to, said with satisfaction, "I’d better have a good sleep and pull myself together to give the Dark Hellers a surprise they will never forget. This time they are having a travel-worn fight, not us."


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