Star Wanderer

Chapter 15


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The Federation’s Victory (1)

Ark was roaming in the vast universe aimlessly.

The self-sustaining system in his spacesuit kept recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen that he could take in, making him easier to breathe.

The most valuable thing for a man who once lived on Flamingo was the ability to adapt to and survive from the worst environment.

He extended his spirit throughout the universe as far as he could, without any boundaries of space, time, location, or any consideration of planets, matters, consequences, or energies.

Human civilization had been explored from the earth to the solar system and even to Milky Way system. There would be one day eventually that human would explore the universe outside the Milky Way, and even further, or the entire universe.

Around him, there were Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Cetus, and Pegasus nearby. Each constellation was a unique, exotic world to be explored

His spirit kept extending to the vast universe.

Looking into the outer space of the Milky Way from inside, he saw the Magellanic clouds, the nearest neighbour, and the Fornax and Sculptor which were 300 thousands light years away.

Maybe one day in the future he would go there.

Now since he got out of the hellish Flamingo and mastered the cutting-edge technology and information from the Federation, he had the confidence that he could go anywhere he wanted to explore more secrets of the universe.

The splendid halo from the majestic Andromeda Galaxy above added it a sensation of mystery. Nothing in the universe was still.

Every planet, galaxy, system, and even the universe itself was eternally moving and expanding.

It was a dreamlike world, a mystery that was fascinatedly confusing.

Various strange celestial bodies were shining in front of his eyes, including gas clouds, planet-shaped clouds, hot giant stars, Cepheid variable stars, Hydrogen cloud clusters, and the breath-taking globular cluster. 

He couldn’t help but thought that human capability wasn’t good enough for the moving, developing and constantly changing universe, and that how the changing was permanently unpredictable and heart-stirringly magnificent.

Living and death, beauty and ugliness, just two sides of one thing, were eventually existence of a matter.

No one could understand better than him that the space was not void of anything, and that there was physics and reality hidden in it.

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Celestial bodies vanished but the void could last permanently.

Even if human conquered every star, the secret of the void were still hidden deep down the invisible, unreachable emptiness.

Killings and fights for stars were just meaningless jokes in front of the intriguing void.

Ark restored his power slowly by absorbing the energy from the light and heat from the planets.

But it might take one million years or even longer to recover his energy when he left the Flamingo if he kept doing this.

He needed to absorb more light, heat and massive air by getting closer to a planet.

He didn’t panic nor hesitate.

He immerged himself into the void and moved with the stars like a part of it.

Another chance of rebirth awaited.

Battle of Virgin Galaxy was the most glorious chapter in Federation’s history.

Over a thousand of Federation spaceships including seven capital ships and 50 mother ships ambushed on five planets, attacked the Dark Heller and swept 257 of their spaceships when they entered into the inner space.

The space mines which were designed specifically to attack the dodgy, invisible anti-Dark Hell spaceships played a critical role in the battle. 

They were defensive artificial satellites that could analyse the situation of two sides in a space war and destroy everything within the range at sub-light speed, leaving no chance for the enemies to escape.

Anti-missile microwave heat flux that the Dark Hellers made could make damages to the space mines but some of them were shot down.

The space mines couldn’t completely break Dark Hell’s shield but they could greatly weaken its power and also decrease its dodging ability, giving the Federation a chance to make an attack.

The Dark Hell was caught off guard at the very beginning of the battle, a totally different scenario from Battle of Equus. Less than half an hour, Dark Hell was completely routed with over half of spaceships down.

As the Dark Hell fled to the outer space, the Federation launched its pursuit attack by speeding up spaceships in negative space to intercept in front of the enemy. In the half-year of pursuing and intercepting, only 42 most advanced Dark Hell spaceships made a successful flee back to its home planet.

Citizens of the Federation on all planets were excited about their victory. They chanted Chiwheuve’s name, flocked on the streets and cried for joy.

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It was the first victory celebration party that had been held since the Battle of Equus. In the space base of Virgin Galaxy, giants of military, politics, business and culture circles from all over the universe expressed their supports and loyalty to Chiwheuve and the Federation.

It made Chiwheuve’s political career like the sun at the high noon.

After receiving cheers and celebrations from everybody, Chiwheuve went to a secret room with Sannahliva, the big contributor. They stood in front of the window, looking the splendid dark sky outside.

Sannahliva had tears in her eyes, looking sad.

Chiwheuve put her arm around her waist, asking, “Do you miss him?”

Sannahliva nodded.

“Don’t worry. He will survive. He can even live on the Flamingo, not to mention the Dark Hell.” Chiwheuve sighed.

“Your highness, do you miss him too?” Sannahliva looked at her.

“Yes.” Chiwheuve didn’t deny it, “Sannahliva, I have decided to transfer you from the Institute and promote you as my right hand. From now on, you are Major General Sannahliva. ”

“Your highness.” Sannahliva tried to decline her.

 Chiwheuve cut her off, “I understand your concern. You are planning to find Ark in the Fallen Paradise, aren’t you? You think you are safe enough to get there without my help? You are famous there. Basij has your information. You may not see Ark there, instead, you might spend the rest of your life on Basij’s bed with your transformed body.”

Sannahliva agreed in silence because she knew the president was right. She never outsmarted her.

Chiwheuve smiled, hold her closer and kissed her on her cheek, “We can not get overwhelmed by one single victory. We won by accident that you made. Ark somehow tricked them to believe they didn’t reveal themselves to us, which resulted in their loss. It won’t happen again.”

“He is not a bad guy.” Sannahliva said.

“All right. He is the best of bad guys. Are you satisfied? ” Chiwheuve smiled.

“Shouldn’t we keep attacking Equus right away?” Sannahliva asked.

“I won’t do such a stupid thing before we know nothing about our enemy. It is not a good idea.” Chiwheuve answered.

“But if everyone agrees to attack, you…” Sannahliva said.

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“Even the entire Federation advises to attack, I have three chances to decline them. I will delay the attack for three years. Before the attack, you have to bring Ark back to me.” Chiwheuve said.

“I already told you what he said. Do you still want to cut him open like a white mouse for a research?” Sannahliva pried.

“Don’t worry. How can I be so stubborn? I wish he could be standing by my side against the Dark Hellers in the next battle. ” Chiwheuve said.

“What should I say if he wants a reward?” Sannahliva blushed.

“Tell him that there is nothing that cannot be negotiated or traded.” Chiwheuve blushed too.

Ark woke up from the void.

A spaceship flying from 100 thousands kilometres away woke him up.

He generated every bit of his energy left to fly toward the spaceship, while he was stretching out his spirit to attract the astronauts’ attention.

After an honest talk with Sannahliva, Chiwheuve called Phushouching, president of the Institute and also her best friend and comrade in the Federation.

They hugged and congratulated each other. Chiwheuve decided to tell her friend about what she said to Sannahliva.

“Don’t you hate her?” Phushouching smiled.

“Why? I should thank her instead.” Chiwheuve smiled.

“Don’t you have a thing for Ark?” Phushouching asked.

“Nothing is more important than the Federation for me. The reason I want to talk to you is because I need your help because you are rational and smart.” Chiwheuve said.

Phushouching was all ears.

Chiwheuve thought for a bit while before she said, “Maybe we should thank the Dark Hellers. Because of them, we realize something that has been there in the Federation for a long time.”

“Agreed. We have a vast territory which covers a span of a quarter of Milky Way. There are thousands of planets and each of them has different resources and environment which has developed completely different thoughts and cultures. Eventually these thoughts and conventions will make different races. The Federation will fall apart for just this reason.” Phushouching said.

“It is happening actually. Fallen Magnate’s Fallen Paradise is the worst example and poison. I am worried that other people might take it after him and throne themselves. In that case, the Federation might turn into a dreadful place that we had in War Times.” Chiwheuve said.

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“As long as the Federation army is powerful, we can get rid of Basij.” Phushouching said.

“It is not easy because we have no right reason to fight against him. If it were not for Jusidi, how could we fail to sue him every time? We know very well that he is a transformer, but we have no right to question him because he claims it is his privacy. ” Chiwheuve said.

 “Have you ever wondered why Carlphnam asked you to spend one night with him?” Phushouching asked.

“He attempted to provoke me so that I had to fight back.” Chiwheuve paused, “Because he is ready to fight. I assume that he and Jusidi made a secret agreement on overthrowing me. Our victory is an unfortunate surprise for them but a great chance for us. ”

“I am not suggesting you to wait for it, but if you fight, you should aim the bull’s eyes in the first place. Jusidi and Diping are on the same boat. If there is a fight, some of the armies that loyal to Diping might betray. ” Phushouching said.

“It’s not what I am afraid of. What worries me is that Carlphnam is controlling over the financial market of the Federation. He could cause a mess with only a small change to the market. It is the reason why he forced me to spend one night with him. In other words, he forced me to give in so that he can manipulate the Federation through me.” Chiwheuve explained.

“So you refused him.” Phushouching said.

“I didn’t refuse him. I said I would think about it.” Chiwheuve cut in.

“You are encouraging him?” Phushouching was surprised.

“We are in massive debts for fighting against Dark Hell for these seven years. We owe him a lot of money. The first payment is due three months later. Now you see why he blackmailed me.” Chiwheuve said.

“How can I have you insulted by such an evil bastard but do nothing?” Phushouching approached her and put an arm around her shoulder.

 “If it is only one night, I could live with it. I am worried that he would manipulate me afterwards.” Chiwheuve said.

“How come? You are super intelligent and you have a strong will.” Phushouching was startled.

“Do you know that Shangsiya has become his woman? And she is loyal and very supportive to him, which strengthens his power.” Chiwheuve said.

“Shangsiya? The arrogant, self-centred Shangsiya? How can she be loyal to a man?” Phushouching couldn’t believe what she heard.

“But that is the fact. I suspect that Basij has Carlphnam’s support to fight against me. He provided Carlphnam devices and weapons behind my back and in return Carlphnam bribed the congressmen to vote in favour of him, which confirmed my assumption. ” said Chiwheuve.

“Now I understand. It is actually a war between men and women. The ‘human nature lab’ that Basij builds on Paradise was designed to control us, and Shangsiya is the first victim. You will be the next target, then me, or any powerful woman of us. ” Phushouching was shocked.

“The problem is that we know nothing about the lab. We don’t know where to start. Even worse, it is hard to prevent it beforehand because it is emotional. It is even terrible than the Dark Hellers.” Chiwheuve said.


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