Star Wanderer

Chapter 16


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The Federation’s Victory (2)

“Carlphnam is despicable to come up with a malicious but effortless plan against us. What should we do?” Phushouching panicked.

“We have three months to find out the secret of the lab. And you will find a way to crack their plan, otherwise those assholes will get whatever they want.” Chiwheuve smiled.

“But the lab was too far to be out of our reach. In addition, Basij has an army of transformers. He is a formidable transformer himself. If we send people there, people die.” Phushouching frowned.

“It was before. But now there is a person who is more powerful than him, the only man who can defeat him.” Chiwheuve smiled.

“Ark Fang?” Phushouching asked.

“Yes, I know we all hate him. I have made up my mind to go to the Paradise with Sannahliva to find him. If he can help us, we will have a chance to fight against Equus.” Chiwheuve smiled.

“But if anything bad happens to you…” Phushouching was worried.

“Say no more. I gave it a through thought and I couldn’t find a better idea. Don’t forget that I am an excellent fighter. After I leave, you pretend to be me because you are the only one that is smart enough to disguise as me to govern the Federation. It is my request, also an order.” Chiwheuve said.

The spaceship was 1000 metre long and had no symbols on it. It was hovering above, dropping a tube to Ark.

Ark ran a quick view of the spaceship with his spirit. He was shocked that three men and one woman among the 50 crew were transformers.

Transformers were variants of human beings visa technology, which were illegal under Federation’s law.

At the beginning of the Federation, the law forbad people turning themselves into variants with supernatural power via transformation technologies that had been invented for thousands of years.

The technology was originally used for medical purposes. The micro tech could replace body parts or organs that were damaged or missing. Later it was used to make dreadful killing machine as the emerging of powerful half-man-half-robot.

Today instead of working on machines, the transformation could inject “reinforced cells” into human bodies to replace their original cells and produce new tissues.

Transformers couldn’t have a new life via Eugenics. They could extend their lives by constantly injecting new reinforced cells.

Each injection of cells would demolish some of their humanity, until they become cruel variants who had no sympathy of human lives and even worse crimes. The entire society resented it. The Federation therefore approved the prohibition of using transformation technology.

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Transformers looked like normal human except for their emotionless face and special skin colour, but they have explosive power inside, even bulletproof from light weapons.

They didn’t need food or air to stay alive. All they needed was an injection of magnetic power named “life-supporting energy”.

The Federation once carried out a hunting and killing on transformers after it was established. All variants were killed and researches and equipment were destroyed. Unfortunately, the technology was handed down by someone with ill intentions.

Once human was transformed, he could not be transformed back. Therefore, only those outlaws could want to be transformed. They ignored laws. They killed as they wanted.

The bright side was that the technology cost a fortune and it was extremely dangerous, plus it took a hundred years to complete the initial stage. Moreover, only one in a hundred could succeed. Otherwise, the ambitious evils may have made a chaos with the technology.

It would be a headline that startled the Federation if they knew there were four transformers on the spaceship. The tube moved above Ark’s head and absorbed him in.

After being inspected by filters, Ark was sent to the main cabin of the spaceship by two pairs of flying robot hands holding each of his limbs. 

Five men and three women were waiting for him.

Two men were transformers, one tall and the other one short, both strong and shining with strange metal light of reinforced cells. Their eyes were sparkling with full moon golden light, poker-faced, with evil smile on their faces.

The tall transformer was bald-headed, sitting on a chair and holding a women whom he was doing nasty things to.

Ark wasn’t surprised by his action because he learnt from the Institute that transformers had a stronger sexual desire than normal human beings and they couldn’t control their needs. It made them sex addicts and rapists.

The short one was standing aside, excited to see this exotic young man. The other three men pulled out a big nuclear gun that Ark should be worried about and aimed at him. The gun could turn nuclear matter to high thermal decomposition light. Although he was one hundred powerful than normal people even after he lost his energy, he couldn’t stand one shot of this kind of gun.

He was upset and kept thinking any possibility to escape.

The other two sexy women were wearing bikini-alike outfit. They looked at this man with contempt.

Ark was raised up by the robot arms so that they could have a good look.

The short one approached him and touched his chest, saying, “You are strong. Where are you from? What is wrong with your spaceship? Why don’t you have an ID chip in your body?”

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Every Federation had an ID chip which was only 0.1cm2 big that was planted into the back of the head by the government. It contained personal information. People found it hard to live in the Federation society without it. 

Ark already came up with an answer, “I am an outlaw. I was attacked by the Federation when I fled from Virgin Galaxy to the Paradise. So I took the life-supporting cabin to get away. Then my cabin was destroyed by asteroid and I floated in the void. Luckily I ran into you. My chip was taken out when I was on Virgin. By the way, where are you going? ”

“Luckily? Huh…” The short one laughed out loud and threw a punch at him in the chest.

Ark mourned with pain even he was powerful.

The short was even astonished because he aimed to cut him in half but in the end the man just cramped, leaving not a single cut at all.

All of them were amazed.

The tall guy shouted, “Stop, Siek!” He pushed the naked woman aside and walked up, “He is strong but not a transformer.” He stared at Ark for a while asked, “What is your name? Why do you become an outlaw?”

“Bald, don’t waste our time. We have to keep our mission classified. We have to kill this man, otherwise we can’t take the responsibility. ” A tall man with beard said.

“As long as he is not a spy sent by the Federation.” The other man said.

“All right. Siek, you are on this. You are upset when you can’t smell blood and women.” The bald guy laughed.

They all laughed, especially the three women.

Ark had a bad feeling. When he was about to get rid of the robot arms with all his remaining strength and cope with the enemies, a bright light shone from below. Then he was whipped in the back and the pain spread into the heart and throughout the whole nerve system. He saw with his spirit a gorgeous she-transformer who was wearing unitard with display of cleavage, showing up at the entrance, holding a small metal rod, and staring at him emotionlessly.

Dealing with the heartbroken pain, he shouted to himself, “What is it? How can it produce energy beam like a whip?”

“I know you are fond of men, Miss Getchen. He is all yours.” Siek laughed.

Getchen stepped closer, put the whip back to her belt, and stared at Ark.

Ark learnt that transformers were inhuman. He made an effort to open his eyes and looked at the woman.

With one eye contact, Getchen was amazed and got turned on.

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The rest were amazed.

The bald couldn’t believe it, “What is the man? How can he control his eyelids and have the visibility even after being whipped by Getchen?”

Siek laughed and was about to poke Ark’s eyes.

Getchen stopped him and shovelled Siek’s arm away.

“What are you doing?” Siek shouted, although he couldn’t feel the pain.

“You said he is mine.” Getchen was not afraid of him at all.

“You are attracted by this man. Which do you prefer, us taking him to your bed or you two doing a public show right now right here?” The bald guy laughed.

Getchen giggled which she was gazing at Ark with her beautiful but weird big eyes.

Ark would rather die of fighting than mating with this malicious, emotionless woman. He concentrated all his power and prepared to attack.

The man with beard who proposed to kill him said, “We are running out of time. We will arrive at the Paradise in an hour. I say we kill him.”

“That will do as long as you sleep with me for once, Mr. Eddillar” Getchen flirted.

Eddillar the beard was obviously intimidated by her suggestion, and said, “You must be joking.” Getchen said, “We should feed him nutrition and prison him in the magnetic box. When we got the Paradise, if he is still alive after he and I have sex, we will give him to Basij. People with his strength could be a great subject in his human nature lab. He should be grateful.”

The Paradise was an enormous galaxy. It had two suns smaller than the sun of the earth, named Sun Angel and Sun Demon.

The Sun Angel had eight planets while the Sun Evil had three rotating around them. They were 1.8 light years away from each other and rotated around each other, making the galaxy a complicated shifting of day and night as well as seasons.

No one could actually tell the difference between seasons because when it was bright sunny, it might rain with storms or hail next minute. Nevertheless, no one had ever cared.

Immigrants here were either criminals, losers who were looking for something exciting, or fooled by Basij’s advertising. When they got there and found that Basij forbad anyone leaving, it was already too late. They stayed to get used to the meaningless and lost life.

The three inhabitable planets belonged to the Sun Angel. The Paradise One was the third planet in the Angel system. Its gravity was 1.3 times that of the earth. It was hot on it and most of it was covered by deserts and mountains. There were only two modern cities that were eco-friendly to nearly 3 million people in the very north and south.

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The two cities were full of factories, labs and institutes that provided all technical needs for the Paradise. You couldn’t expect them to be nice and clean. It wasn’t like that. No one cared what you did as long as you didn’t outrage Basij.

Paradise Two was more inhabitable to human beings than Paradise One. Its mass equalled with that of the earth. It was covered with atmospheric layer even before it was developed. And thanks to its rotational inclination, it had more obvious season changes.

It was also a home to enormous green plants. It used to a home to reptiles. Basij killed them all in the name of hunting sports, which was against the animal protection rules of the Federation.

Fallen City, nicknamed after Basij, the capital of Paradise, was located on the equator of Paradise Two. It was also where Basij’s Fallen Palace was. Outside the city, there were millions of towns and small cities, gathering billions of population.

Paradise Three was Basij’s military base. It was 3 times bigger than the earth, big enough for Basij’s expanding space stations and military bases. It was strictly for insiders only. Any intruders could be killed. The rest planets were for mining. The fully-automatic mining machines worked on them non-stop and delivered matters to Paradise One and Three for military needs.

In the Sun Demon system, some rare metals could be used to produce weapons. Basij could make use of them for himself, but also smuggled them to other colonial stars in exchange of tons of money, equipment and life supplies.

Transformers were even more powerful in such a bi-sun system.

When the spaceship pierced into the atmosphere layer of Paradise Two, Ark was lying in the rectangular box celebrating that he was still alive.

He absorbed greedily the sun rays that penetrated into the box through the spaceship.

He recovered a bit from the nutrition he took in before, giving him a chance to escape.

The spaceship landed on the east side of the base in the Fallen City. Ark was spit out from the cabin to a container.

He was happy because it was a great chance to escape before Getchen opened the container.

He extended a small bit of his spirit out of the container to press the button which could only be operated on the outside, and then opened the lid.

Before he was thrown into the container, he was injected with anesthesia which didn’t work on him at all. They didn’t have a second thought when he faked unconsciousness.

He jumped out of the container, closed the lid, extended his spirit, and sneaked out of the base, and ran out of the city. He finally came to the sunny wildness where a new life started.

Three days after he escaped from Fallen City, Chiwheuve and Sannahliva, who had disguised as men with the cutting-edge voluntary muscle, landed on the other side of the same planet, ready for finding Ark.

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