Star Wanderer

Chapter 17


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Evil Paradise (1)

Two bright full moons appeared in the sky of Paradise Two, with one side even brighter because they were reflecting both Sun Angel and Sun Demon’s light.

Stars blinked on the near horizon, the Milky Way crossed the sky like a rainbow, and clusters of stars were spotted in the universe.

Chiwheuve and Sannahliva changed their appearances and body figures into two strong men.

Since the establishment of the Fallen Paradise, Chiwheuve gave a secret order to Intelligence Bureau to work on a project named voluntary soldier who could kill Basij with super powerful devices when time came.

Now this secret project could finally put into practice, but it was applied to two women instead. Every inch of their muscles was the outcome of the state-of-the-art technologies. Their actions were highly confidential and only Phushouching knew about it.

Their artificial muscles could withstand most weapons, and could not only change them into men, but also shift into different shapes instantly by controlling the micro smart system. They could even change their voice, smell and body temperature. It was an utter development of disguise technology.

Moreover, they could have a strong anti-reconnaissance power which enabled them to hide their tools and micro weapons from satellite scan.

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All sorts of fake identification chips that could be accessible to anywhere on the Paradise were input in the muscles, which could be used in different situations.

On the Paradise, no one else but Basij was allowed to carry weapons. The artificial muscles were top secret of the Institute. Each set cost a fortune as much as an enormous mother ship. It enabled people to fly at sub-light speed, which was the reason why they could sneak into the strictly-guarded planet without being caught.

The muscles had sensory connection with their owners’ nerves. For example, the micro smart intelligent could automatically control the owner’s body to hide or escape from dangers when the owner was in sleep or lost consciousness. Only two sets of muscles had been made so far though, they were enough to make the two women voluntary soldiers strong enough to fight against those transformers.

The energy of the muscles came from the solar battery in the chest, giving power like blood supply bumping out from the heart. It supplied the muscles with the power obtained from the sun.

They glided against the ground with the flying facilities across the woods, lakes and brooks, into Dashi Town of the Happy City.

The lake was glittering with blue lights which were produced by unique microorganism that could only be found on this planet.

Ten minutes later, they landed in a bush to peek from the outside on the road to Happy City. It was not an ordinary road. The road could supply energy to cars flying above it. Without it, cars had no power to fly, which was how Basij controlled over the residents.

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A winged car flew closer to them and then flew by.

Buildings stood a few miles away in the Happy City, with household lights on and cars flying back and forth.

Chiwheuve whispered by Sannahliva’s ears, “No one walks into or out of the city. If we walk, we will be suspected. Most people on this planet will try everything to kiss Basij’s ass. If they have a chance to catch a spy, they will get a lot of rewards. Therefore, if we can steal a winged car, it would be much easier. ”

Sannahliva nodded to agree.

Hadn’t been excited for a long time, Chiwheuve could not stop talking, “Basij the villain sets no boundaries for his fellow residents and claims that he sets them free. In fact, without any rules or laws, residents unleash their lusts and evilness to uttermost extent. They finally became one of his kind and loyal supporters of his, also vicious, brutal and utter villains. ”

While they were talking, 7 or 8 cars already flew by.

When the next car approached, they dashed out and released strong bright lights from finger tips. The entire car was covered with bright light dome.

The driver passed out immediately and its power was turned off. The car landed on the grounded.

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They had to take the car because the driver was a Basij soldier and there was no other cars behind.

After dealing with the driver, they drove the car towards the Happy City.

Ark was lying comfortably on the ground under the moist and musty tree.

A muddy brook was running on his left. On its banks grew scarlet and purple-blue exotic plants.

The soil was illuminated with blue lights. Going through the memory he copied from the Institute in his brain, Ark found the name of the microorganism, Blue Fungus. 

Blue Fungus was everywhere on this planet. No one had an idea of its physical structure because it was even smaller than molecule, or if it had any bad effect on human bodies. It was still an undiscovered mystery. As the two moons, 1/8 of Sun Demon, rose from the horizon, it illuminated strong pink lights  to drive away the short darkness.

He had been lying there for three days to absorb energy from the two suns and their moons. He had restored a small part of energy.

According to Ark’s calculation, in two earth days, the Sun Angel would enter to the sky. When both suns set, it would be a long night when he could move. He would sneak back to the Fallen City to steal the most advanced spaceship from one military base, and then drive it to find his loving Sannahliva as he promised to her.

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When the Sun Angel rose, it was sunny and also splendid especially as two suns shone in the sky.

It was exceptionally astonishing for a man who once spent his life on Flamingo.

He kept absorbing massive power into his body.

He extended his spirit out in all directions, up and down. All of sudden, he felt something strange. It was a feeling when his spirit had contact with other lives.

The planet and all living creatures on it started to resent his intruding.

Ark realized the resentment came from the fungus because they felt threatened by human beings who destroyed the ecosystem they were used to.

These tiny creatures pulled it together to gather all lives on the planet. They shared their minds and witnessed everything that had happened on the planet, especially billions of human beings’ intrusion. They came up with a plan to fight back.

Ark felt sorry for them and sent his love to them.

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