Star Wanderer

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Ark One (2)

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Translator: Flying-Lines

He leaped out of the cave and landed deftly down on the ground full of gravels 10 meters away from the cave entrance.

The Flamingo sunshine was too bright. He looked straight at her chronically but immediately looked away. It was not that the super-hot sunshine would damage his eyes, but that he could tell the changes and situation the Flamingo Sun was experiencing even without looking at it.

In front of the cave stood a giant rock mountain. The Melting Pond on the vast mountain top was his destination.

He started to dash toward the mountain top with his strong bare feet stamping on the hot rock. His mind stretched in all directions like an octopus, exploring the furious stream of light and heat underground. By spotting on the incoming outbreak of fire, he could determine where to step on next, so that he could rush upwards the Melting Pond as soon as he could.

He inhaled the rarefied air sparsely-scattered on the surface in a strange way, and, at the same time, closed his skin cells to hold the precious water within his body as well as keep the toxic heat and rays out.

Inside his body fluctuated a great power which helped him cope with the destructive situation. He hopped against the heat, fire and sunburn. He ran upwards the mountain top with the energy and speed exceeding any human being. Multiple jumps for dodging giant fireballs were efforts to run for life.

The heat was strong enough to push him away from the ground and it got stronger and stronger. It even groaned loudly when it fired across canyons or narrow cliffs.

Every rock, every grain of sand, everything was heating up incredibly.

The fire rocketed with lava out from the surface surrounding him, high up to the sky, then splashed all over the place. He couldn’t stop running away from it and kept running up the slope.

When he made a high leap towards a 4-meter tall rock and tried to make next jump, the rock collapsed. He couldn’t stand but fell into the abyss down the valley as the rock turned into a fire ball.

The Giant Whale passed across the vast space, crossed the orbit of the outermost planet, entered into the inner space of the galaxy and then flew towards the innermost Planet Seven at a slowing speed.

 An increasing input of energy was added to the shield of the mother ship so as to protect it from Flamingo Sun’s radiation and heat waves.

The action meeting was held at the Discussion Hall at the end of the space ship. Attendees were Wadens, Sannahliva, an d other five persons including Colonel Gemain the Vice Commander, Major Nina from Communication Department, Lieutenant Jeno from Planet Detection Department, Colonel Syning from Astronaut Department, and Zeck the doctor. 

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They were heads of their own departments.

Gemain, Nina and Syning were all super beautiful women among the 20 billion of people in the Federation, but not so super compared to Sannahliva.

Within more than 5,000 years after the establishment of the Federation Congress, women were freed from the shackles of child-bearing. They were more intelligent and promising than men. They played equally powerful roles in military as men did. They also outweighed men in political achievements and scientific studies. Most of them were in charge of the most important positions.   

Wadens was the first one to make a speech. He shared Sannahliva’s analysis and conclusion.

Nina from Communication Department asked, “I once looked into all spaceships of the Federation, but I couldn’t find anything about Ark One. All we can get from the wave segment she sent out before is that it is a plainly-built spaceship back when human beings were stuck in solar system at least 10 thousand years ago. But why is it somewhere on the border of Milky Way which is 8000 light years away from solar system? ”

“I need all information about Ark One, otherwise the prep job for searching it would be terribly difficult.” Jeno from Planet Detection Department continued, “Spectrum and ray analysis shows that Planet Seven will probably be destroyed as the next daytime comes. The Flamingo Sun is building up a more explosive nuclear reaction. The power will trash Planet Seven into dust. That leaves us less than 6 earth days to find and rescue people. We cannot afford any mistake just because we don’t have enough information. ” Wadens looked at Sannahliva’s pretty face and said in a low voice, “Should we keep it classified? I will leave the question to our honourable scholars.”

Sannahliva glanced at all the faces in the room, and said, “We recently learned about the existence of Ark One. It showed up after the Battle of Equus.”

Everyone were all ears.

Equus was on the other end of Milky Way, far away from Flamingo, further—about 15,000 light years—away from solar system. It would take three earth years at the fastest if the state-of-the-art spaceship operated at ultra-light speed in negative space.

Equus Sun had five planets. After the Equus Planet was remodelled with air and soil, it became the 1200th colonial planet of the Federation Government.

With a hundred-year effort on immigration, cities, forests and rivers were built on the planet. One day, a space station detected an unidentified spaceship and the planet lost its connection with the Federation ever since.

That led the Federation, who had enjoyed a laidback life for a long time, to send out big armed warships that never been seen in history. The warships took a long expedition towards Equus, aiming for claiming the missing planet.

The war broke out in the outer space of Equus. The entire expedition army were nearly annihilated. It was an ever-massive blow and damage to the Federation.

Seven years passed after the war, but it was clear like yesterday before their eyes.

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The strange thing was that the signal from the enemy’s spaceship showed that they were human, formidable human they knew nothing of.

Sannahliva continued, “As you know, the enemies who took up Equus are human, just like us. The Federation Research Institute went through the history including records discovered by archaeologists. They searched for any sign of human who might have migrated to other planets before the establishment of the Federation. And finally they found something. ”

“It should be the Ark One.” said the petite Syning, head of Astronaut Department.

“Not just Ark One, there is also Ark Two.” Sannahliva said with a serious tone.

Everyone was shocked.

Sannahliva said seriously, “It was in ancient War Times. Before solar government wasn’t split completely, it was built on two huge immigration spaceships, one towards Flamingo and the other towards Dark Hell, a galaxy located in the centre of Milky Way 30,000 light years away. This is all the information we gather from limited files. We don’t know why their spaceships could be more advanced than ours.”

“Now I understand. Ark Two made a successful immigration to Dark Hell and it had built a country strong enough to start a war against us. While Ark One got attacked by Flamingo during the immigration and probably no one survived from it. ”Said the handsome doctor Zeck.

Gemain the Vice Commander, a tall and plump woman, raised her beautiful eyebrows and made a fling at the charming Zeck, then said, “The War Times happened 150,000 to 300,000 years ago. Then came the most dreadful history, the Dark Age which has lasted for 200,000 years. Luckily, Miss Jade the Tech-Brain gave the valuable information that she hided in her database to the great Kojechi Father of the Federation. Thanks to the information, Kojechi founded Federation Congress. Human civilization is now flourishing again. But I do have a question. If we find Ark One, how can we use this old spaceship to fight against the army from Dark Hell? As the scholar said, their spaceships are more advanced than ours. ”

The others nodded in agreement with her.

“No one can predict it before we actually see it.” Sannahliva said, “But it is a must to get to know our enemy as we are building up an army and honing our defence. Ark One is an important, proper reference that can be traced back to the origins of Dark Hell.”

After a pause, she continued, “Dark Hell’s warships may be better than ours, but not too much. The biggest difference is that our combat system which is mainly operated by smart system while theirs is controlled by human hands.”

The rest were startled.

 “How is that possible?" Wadens gasped, “How can human hands be more powerful than smart system?”

Sannahliva answered, “It is a conclusion that all the 48 top scholars made after they studied the battle record thoroughly. If the superior Dark Hellers successfully land on our planets or solar system, we will only end up as slaves!”

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Boom! He dropped on the burning sand at the bottom of the cliff. Despite the 100-meter height and powerful gravity 2.5 times more than that of earth, he came around right away from a second of dizziness, and rolled away to escape the incoming fire erection.

The surface was shaking, cracking, and everything collapsing. Under the sun rays that could blind human eyes instantly, he pulled up all his strength to jump up, climb, and hop swiftly upwards.

He clawed his fingers into the scorching hot rocks and pushed his body to jump 10 meters high.

Rocks were scattering around him. Lava was spewing high up to the sky. Cracks in the ground grew rapidly. Lava sprouted like a fountain and then flew into pits like a river.

He struggled to return to the slope before he fell and held the breath to run towards the mountain top. Danger was no threat to him because of his iron will and superhuman instinct. He dodged from the overwhelming fire vibe and ran fearless for life.

He inhaled nothing but heat. His lung was full of heat. His strength was fading away.


The ground under his feet cracked open and a stream of air overflowed before lava, throwing him away from the ground.

“Thanks for the help!” He couldn’t help but shout and then immediately jumped another 10 meters high up to the sky. The vast Melting Pond was only 100 meters ahead, welcoming him.

He stretched out his arms and squeezed all the remaining energy, glided toward the Melting Pond like an eagle.

He threw himself into the icy cold thick liquid in the pond.

The half side of the planet facing the Flamingo Sun was worn out with lava, full of fire and dust.

The Giant Whale stopped 250,000 kilometres away from Planet Seven.

Most of the crew gathered at the stateroom and couldn’t believe what they saw from the cruise window. The planet was a total disaster. 

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Standing on the commander centre, Lieutenant Jeno shook his head, “I don’t think any manmade stuff can survive from that massive nuclear reaction.”

Sannahliva said, “Neither do I. But we have to prepare everything and make a quick landing as soon as we receive the signal again.”

Wadens frowned and looked at Jeno, “Can you estimate when the big bang will happen?”

 “It is hard to estimate because of her massive size. The only thing I am sure of is that we cannot stay over three earth days on the planet; otherwise the storm coming after the big bang will destroy us and burn us into ashes. ” Jeno answered.

Sannahliva nodded, “I see. Three day it is.”

Time ticked away. The more energy and nutrition he absorbed from the Melting Pond, the stronger he felt. And this time he felt 100 times stronger than ever before. It was like the Melting Pond was imparting its every bit of energy into his body, which had never occurred to him.

Only at the time of fire outbreak, the steel matter in the Melting Pond could melt down to liquid, but would be solidified quickly afterwards. If he couldn’t leave before that, he might be squeezed to death.

He had to run back to the cave so that he could stay away from the extreme coldness and wild wind at night.

However, the fire outbreak this time was so strong that the cave might collapse. That meant his only shelter would be gone.

Life was running between the Melting Pond and the cave back and forth. Nothing else.

He stretched his arms and legs, relaxing the entire body and absorbing the fantastic energy from the thick liquid. This was the only moment that he could feel the joy and happiness of life. The Melting Pond was the best and only company he could have. When he was inside her, he felt like even his spirit integrated with her.

He swallowed the liquid down in his stomach, and then evaporated it out through his pores. As the energy was accumulated inside his body, his body started to have kind of subtle changes. When it reached saturation, he sank down to the bottom and landed on the strong and giant Ark One. He was full with love and gratitude for the Melting Pond in his heart.

The legend had it that his ancestors came to this hellish planet via this spaceship, and got into the Melting Pond.

As he lay down on the hull of the ship, he freed his spirit high up in the sky above the pond. Right at the moment, a bizarre feeling flashed through his nerves. He had a feeling that other lives were approaching from out of the space.

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