Star Wanderer

Chapter 3


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Return to Hometown (1)

Milky Way was a common one of two billion galaxy clusters in the known universe. It contained the solar system, the home to human beings, thus becoming the first target that human explored.

All planets that could be seen with naked eyes from planet earth were members of the Milky Way galaxy. Only three neighbor anagalactic galaxy clusters could be visible as blurred light spots to human eyes.

The Milky Way contained about 130 billion planets, forming a shining light river seen from the earth.

She was an extensive cluster of stars, interstellar gas and dust, forming a gigantic galactic disc, which was composed of core, silver disc, spiral arm, and silver halo.

The core was in the centre of the silver disc. It was an elliptical and densest area of galactic stars. The closer to the centre, the denser.

Even at the centre of the disc, the stars were still light-years away from each other. Planets in the core accounted for five percent of all, about the same as 7 billion suns in our solar system. 

Symmetrically outside the core was silver disc with a diameter of 82,000 light years and a thickness of about 6,500 light years.

In the silver disc, starting at the edge of the core sphere, the number of stars decreased. The closer they were to the edge, the thinner.

The mass of stars and interstellar matters on the silver disc made up about 85 percent of the Milky Way's total mass.

The Milky Way was a spiral cluster of galaxies in the universe. From the symmetrical ends of the core sphere, several spiral arms reached out, resulting from a cosmic physical effect of the rotating system.

The entire Milky Way was shrouded in the 100,000-light-year-diameter halo ball, which was the silver halo. It consisted of sparsely-scattered aged stars and interstellar matters.

The brightest thing in the silver halo was globular clusters which were composed of numerous astral lines.

For the mankind, the universe was a mystery that was worth exploring forever.

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The solar system that the earth was located was at far end of the arm of the silver disk and around the edge about ten thousand light years away.

After the Federation broke through the speed of light and invented a super-fast cosmic speed in both positive and negative space, it expanded in all directions, explored more than 500 million Milky Way galaxies, selected more than 1,000 of them most suitable for human habitation, and developed 1200 colonial stars.

The expansion of these leading stars focused on the silver spiral arm outside the core sphere and the end of the solar system. No spacecraft had ever been able to reach the dense core sphere of stars. The distance of 40,000 light years was too long to travel even at ultra-speed. No one had ever dared to try it before.

Equus Planet was the most important stopover for the Federation exploring the core because it was located between the core and the solar system, equally 15,000 light years from both locations.

Losing Equus Planet was a devastating blow for the Federation to explore the mysterious core and Milky Way centre.

That was why the Federation had to fight for it at any cost against the enemies. This Ark One action was such kind of effort.

After they had waited for two earth days, signal from Ark One was probed by Giant Whale again.

All crew cheered with joy.

The gravity gate of eight launch docks opened at the same time and two armed cruise ships, which carried eight fighters, flew out on their routine cruise mission. Then came the 50-metre long landing spaceship flying out of the biggest No.1 space dock. The beautiful Sannahliva was one of the passengers, also the head commander of the 50 crew on the spaceship.

The next was five space tanks, which were usually used as fast warships when flying in positive space. Each tank could carry two fighters, reaching fast up to 75% of sub-light speed, but they cannot fly at ultra-light speed in negative space.

They flew out like iron fishes of different sizes, driven by the inexhaustible positive and negative magnetized nuclear power, and glided towards Planet Seven where Ark One sent its signal.

They were very careful of the powerful Flamingo sun rays and wind. So they flew under the shadow on the planet. Sannahliva’s eyes shone like never before, which made her more attractive.

Standing next to her was Colonel Gemain the Vice Commander, also her assistant in this action.

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Both of them were staring with full attention at the enlarging Planet Seven before. They could see the greyish yellow mountains, deserts, sinkholes and condensed lava before their eyes.

Two space tanks led the way, flanked by cruise ships, and surrounded by the other three tanks from above, beneath and backwards.

Sannahliva ordered, “All crew stand by, turn all probers on and scan the planet closer. Report immediately if you find anything including any sign of the enemy’s life. ”

Colonel Gemain glanced at her “Is it really necessary? How can life survive on this planet?”

Right at this moment!

A crew screamed from the speaker, “Oh my god! The life detector found something! I got it. It runs really fast.”

The entire spaceship went quiet, startled.

In a hurried but still calm voice, Sannahliva ordered, “Tank One, Tank Two, go after the living target now! You can only use weapon to benumb or freeze him. Never harm the target. Repeat… ”

The stormy daytime had finally passed.

The scorching hotness was replaced by bone-freezing chill. The collapsing fire outbreak was replaced by the howling cold wind.

A great amount of air was released from the earth, partly up to the sky, partly down to the ground. As the coldness interfered, the wind became stronger and stronger.

He crawled out of the gradually solidifying pond, sat on his knees and looked up at the magnificent starry sky.

A long, strange thing was illuminating up in the sky.

A shiver ran through his heart, because in his long life, he had looked up into the sky for thousands of times, but it was the first time he saw something that didn’t belong to the planet.

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He was not scared but surprised and shocked.

He concentrated the energy in his eyes and tried to look closer to the strange thing. Right at the time, the thing opened on one side and spitted out smaller but similar things which swooped towards him.

He jumped up and ran towards the cave as fast as he could.

He sensed that he might have been discovered by those strange creatures who also observed him and poured some strange waves upon him.

He stretched out his spirit up to sky and got the hang of the shape, speed and location of five thin objects. As he extended his spirit further into the inside of the thing, he “saw” everything inside.

He shouted, lost his balance and tumbled down to the ground on an ice cold rock.

For the first time since he was born, he fell when he was not in danger,

because he “saw” creatures of his kind who were reading books.

Although they looked more fragile and delicate than him, undoubtedly they were his kind, and three of them looked just like the dead women in his clan, regardless of shape or structure.

The wind blew harder.

He was lying on the ground, dead still but mind going wild.

He could run away, but what was the point of running back to the cave again? Death was only a matter of time. No matter what these people came for, they could only kill him at most. Why couldn’t he seize the opportunity and give it a try?

The five objects got closer and hovered above him. A loud voice came out of one of them, but he couldn’t understand it.

He jumped to his feet, raised his hands and shouted at them to show his willingness to cooperate.

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Rumbling! A tank landed on a big rock 100 metres away from him.

He was thrilled and ran close to it.

A white light flashed and a stream of coldness from one of the tank's launchers was shot at him. He got directly thrown backwards. Next he felt miserable numbness all over his body.

He went furious. He couldn’t understand why they did this to him for he had done nothing to them.

The tanks flying overhead shot another white light right at him.

As his strength undid the numbness, he sprang to his feet and ran towards the cave.

“Don’t expect me to surrender.”

A tank swooped down and two puffs of condensate were sprayed over his body.

He tumbled to the ground again, covered with a thick coat of white cold condensate.


The hardened condensate was ripped into dust by his power. He started to run for his life again.

Now he got the hang of it. He extended his spirit into the enemies’ mind. When he sensed that the enemy was about to shoot liquid or light, he could dodge like he did with the fire outburst. The enemy couldn’t hit him anyway.

His anger piled up like the fire outbreak though, he didn’t mean to hurt anyone. No one could understand better how precious life could be than he did. Besides, he didn’t want to hurt his own kind, no matter how unreasonable and ruthless they were.

The cave was right before him.

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