Star Wanderer

Chapter 4


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Return to Hometown (2)

Sannahliva and Gemain stared with wide their eyes open at the Flamingo man who could easily run away from the tranquilizer light and condensate canon.

Gemain gnashed her teeth and said, “We don’t have much time. The return trip will take more than one hour. Now we only have 15 minutes tops. Let’s use the nerve cannon. ” Sannahliva’s face became pale white, shook her head, “That would make him an idiot. We are not allowed to do that to him.”

Nerve cannon fired a thermonuclear beam that broke down central nervous system, permanently damaging target's nerves but leaving no harm to body. Gemain urged, “Only nerve cannon can stop him from running. Make your decision! Planet Seven is about to explode and Ark One is somewhere deep under a strange and hard thing, which makes him the most precious living secret. Sacrifice him alone, or save the whole federation! ”

She was very persuasive. Sannahliva said between her teeth, “Fine!”

He dodged another extensive attack. He jumped off from a 15-metre high rock and landed down on a gravelled ground, and then hopped on an over 10-metre high stone.

Amazed by what he could do, Sannahliva couldn't believe what she saw! It was impossible. At a place where gravity was two and a half times greater than that of the earth, one who could jump 2 metres on the earth could jump only 0.8 metres. In other words, he could jump at least 25 metres on earth, which was almost like flying.

Probably even the nerve cannon couldn’t target him.

At this moment, he halted in front of the collapsed cave, stunned.

How could he find precious water to maintain life without the cave?

The hovering spaceship halted in the stormy wind. Gemain shouted excitingly next to Sannahliva, “Fire!” A strong light flashed and covered him like a white transparent massless shadow.

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He stumbled and fell to the ground.

Alpha One, a battleship with first grade power that the Federation owned, crossed the orbit of Mars and headed for the moon, earth’s satellite.

Eight cruise ships protected this 3000-metre long battleship in the centre.

In case of emergency or an invasion, Alpha One could take an efficient response to operate its 1200 transmitters and counter attack equipment. It also carried 200 warships harbouring in 12 docks that could fly out of this super space battleship and floating base in 15 minutes to fight back at the intruder.

After two battleships were damaged in the Battle of Equus seven years ago, the rest 18 battleships were reequipped with triple powerful shield and firepower. Although Federal military spending increased sevenfold, no one had ever whined about it because everyone knew that the Dark Hell would start another attack at any time. In addition, it was a proposal initiated by their respected President Chiwheuve.

The 2000 crew on the Alpha One were busy with their work, not only for the need of flying, but also because this was Chiwheuve’s battleship. No matter where she was, she was busy with everything that happened in the biggest ever human-reigned democratic Milky Way country which had a circumference of 20,000 light years.

At an old-fashioned hall with a panoramic transparent roof on the top floor of the spaceship, there sat Chiwheuve, the president of the federation, aka the Queen, wearing a half-round metal helmet. She was receiving data and information selected by 50 secretaries at the speed of light. She kept giving new orders and instructions. In the Federation, she was the only one to be entitled to choose “light speed input” because she was the only one to be that smart.

Brigadier Noli, her first military secretary, was awaiting by her side, and waiting for the most beautiful, sexiest leader of the Federation to listen to his report.

Noli wasn’t impatient at all. He didn’t have such a rare chance to see this beautiful woman.

He looked at this concentrated woman and couldn’t stop his heart beating like crazily and his body heating up.

    Alas! Why did he feel so strongly amazed and seduced by this great and beautiful leader every time he saw her?

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After the Battle of Equus, she started to wear dark blue military uniform with red strips. Her new style didn’t conceal her sexiness but brought a dazzling toughness out of her on the contrary. She looked both sexy and tough now. The Federation dressed after her and followed her fashion style.

 She was so unique that one would never get tired of. She was the ideal beauty and role model in the entire Federation, not just because of her delicate face, her soft black silk-like hair, porcelain healthy skin, slim and curvy figure, but also because of her elegant manners and glowing spirit.

 Since DNA improvement reached maturity, scientists were inspired by animals to overcome aging and illness, which was later the Eugenics.

When human aged to some degree, they would transform into new bodies, growing with an ideal body and complexion. Theoretically, every transforming was an improvement. It worked the same for extraordinary ones.

During the transformation, human was not completely passive. Their own efforts, especially on intelligence and quality, played a decisive role, which could affect how they look like and act like after the transformation.

What was shaped inside would be shown outside.

Inner beauty and outer beauty were no longer contradictory, but consistent.

The Federation had the most beautiful men and women rulers and leaders because their gorgeous looking became an objective standard to judge a person’s talent.

Generations of transformation turned even the ugliest into a beauty if she or he could work hard to develop her or his intelligence and inner beauty.

Even in the time that inner beauty equalled outer beauty, Chiwheuve’s beauty was still unmatched.

Under her intelligent and wise leadership, the Federation had had a 3000-year prime time and solved all basic living problems of clothing, food, housing and transportation. Human could concentrate their efforts on exploring other planets and the universe. If they hadn’t lost the Battle of Equus, they would have explored outside Milky Way in another 1000 years.

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The Dark Hell army destroyed the peace of the Federation. It was the most severe challenge that Chiwheuve could ever have face during her prime reign.

With her intelligence and decisiveness, could she lead her 20 billion fellow citizens through this crisis?

Would those opposing forces and religions that had been overwhelmed by her for ages take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime chance to take power away from her? It was really hard to tell now.

As the helmet unveiled, it showed this goddess-like face. She looked at her military secretary with her deep, beautiful eyes and sweet smile on her lips, said, “I can sense your mood swings, Noli. Are you mad at something?”

Noli was not surprised that this beautiful Queen knew so well about his mind, because she had been transplanted with the cutting-edge sensor in her nerve. The sensor was even thinner than a human hair but could detect subtle changes to surrounding energy.

She was not only the most beautiful woman but also the best astronaut and fighter.

Chiwheuve said with a calm voice, “Did someone leak out the information of emergency meeting to attract a bunch of journalists?”

Noli tried his best to take his mind back on his report, “They are not journalists. They are CEOs of the Giant Three.”

She frowned and sighed before calming herself down, “If the citizens choose her, Jusidi can be the president. But why is she belittling me? ”

Noli went excited, “You shouldn’t have any melancholy and passive thoughts because of this ambitious woman, my Queen. We need you now more than ever.”

Chiwheuve was surprised, “It is the first time you call me Queen.” and smiled, “Don’t worry. I know how to deal with them.”

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Noli was used to her smile strategy. Every time he saw her, he would be totally obsessed to her smile. It was rare in a time that people worshiped rational and sensible minds. Noli could perfectly control his feelings when facing other beautiful women.

People always said that no men could possibly hate Chiwheuve. In fact, her biggest enemy was Jusidi, Minister of Outer Space, who seconded only to her, whether in position or in beauty.

Jusidi and Chiwheuve were completely different types. The former was like an emotionless but highly efficient smart system. She was the leader of the biggest opposing party of the Federation, also the vice president of key Committee.

The Giant Three were enterprises named Universe, Planet and Cruise Trip. They monopolized 10% of the planet mining, aerospace equipment and service.

When they worked together, they had enough power to put pressure on the Federation.

Shushijun, CEO of the Universe, was famous for being good-looking. He was chasing Chiwheuve. If he could win her heart, a heart that was indifferent to all men, it could be the greatest success for a man. And indeed he was good enough for her.

The CEOs of the Planet and the Cruise Trip were twin sisters. Maybe because of their exceptional DNA, both of them climbed the top of the industries.

But the twin sisters were quite different in character.

The older sister Shangsilan was elegant and peaceful. In her life, she upheld absolute self-restrain and discipline, while the younger one Shangsiya was famous for being slutty. She played and conquered men for fun.

These three persons made this emergency meeting even more complicated.

When the Alpha One passed the stopover between the moon and Mars, 18 short-range warships flew out and joined the cruise ships to protect their beautiful and great leaders, all the way down to the space base on the moon.

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