Star Wanderer

Chapter 5


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Return to Hometown (2)

Since the development of astronautics, there were two problems that had bothered the scientists. One was how to make a spaceship that could endure permanently so that it could travel throughout the vast outer space calculated by light year.

The other one was how to speed up a spaceship at ultra-light speed.

The first problem was solved with ram injectors.

Even in the void space, there were countless barely visible free matter, such as hydrogen atoms, and the ubiquitous dust particles known as interstellar matter.

The ram injector collected a massive amount of interstellar matter with electromagnetic wave and then transformed them with state-of-the-art ion reactor into spectacular power. When the power was injected out, it became permanent power which could generate sub-light speed which was 75% or even could reach light speed gradually.

On the same dimension, there were positive and negative spaces.

In a space where power was strong enough that even light couldn't get out, the space would become a Black Hole, which was also the entrance of negative space.

Scientists took good use of this theory and increased power of entire spaceship to the maximum. A mini black hole would emerge to let the spaceship get into negative space where spaceship could travel off the limitation of light speed. It could speed up to one light year per an earth hour, way shorter than before.

When the spaceship flew at ultra-light speed in negative space, everyone would sleep in the life-maintenance cabin for protection. It was called cosmic sleep.

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The Giant Whale was preparing to enter into the negative space by increasing its speed, power, and interactive reactor power.

Everyone was operating those precise machines and equipment on their own posts.

In the medical room, Zeck and Sannahliva both frowned and looked at the bald Flamingo man lying quietly in a transparent cocoon. His arms, legs, waist and neck were all locked by metal hoops.

On the large sketch screen in the medical room, the pictures were switched back and forth by Zeck. All information on the exam reports on brain, heart, pulse, excrement, and metabolism showed that they were negatively active.

Until a shining human-shaped colour picture and numerous lights radiating from the human showed on the screen, it told a sign of life and movement.

Zeck heaved a sign and then said, "If the life detector didn't tell us that he has a life hundreds of times more powerful than the rest of us, I couldn't believe that he is still alive. But why everything else indicated that he is dead but his unique life magnetic wave showed that he is quite alive. It is unbelievable. "

That man had a very strong, muscular and tough body. His skin was rough and dark but his face was unique. If he had a pair of beautiful eyes, he could be very attractive. What would he be like if he put clothes on?

Zeck cleared his throat for her attention. Sannahliva came around and looked at him.

Having been thinking of the negative scan results, Zeck added when he got this super pretty woman's attention, "The only explanation is that the machine that were specially designed for us doesn't work on him."

Sannahliva showed great interest for the first time and asked curiously, "Can you explain a little more?"

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Zeck was proud that a beautiful woman like her would ask him about something. She had everything a man would dream of but she always played hard to get. So he answered confidently, "These machines can only detect a certain range of things. If his brain is even more active than light, or metabolism is slower to a certain degree, these machines won't work on him."

She was shocked, "Do you really think this is the actual situation?"

Zeck said with a forced smile," It is already unbelievable that he can live at a place that no life could possible survive. Nothing is impossible if it is him."

She took a deep breath and looked at him again with a strange look on her face, said nothing.

Looking at her delicate face, Zeck said, "Let's hope his nerves weren't damaged by the nerve cannon. We can talk to him directly when we connect his brain to the language learning machine after he wakes up. " Then he looked at the language learning machine with a helmet hanging above, picturing him learning language.

She said seriously, "Even if he wakes up, we are not allowed to do anything to him. It is an order from the Institute."

Zeck nodded.

He was not allowed to do anything to such an important "human prototype". He couldn't help feeling sorry for him because he might be closed in the research institute in Himalaya on earth and only have a chance to go back to normal life until he was fully understood and found to be danger-free. But it would be probably a few hundred years away. What a tragic life ahead of him!

Sannahliva calmed down as she usually did and asked, "Is his body any different from ours?"

Zeck replied, "Not at all."

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    "It's impossible. " Sannahliva was startled, "After having evolved for thousands of years on Flamingo, how can he still be like us? At least, some of his organs are more developed than ours and some might be degenerated for not using for a long time. It is basic principles of genetics. "

Zeck sighed, "What we are looking at is a mystery. If he refuses to cooperate or never comes around, we might never know what's behind the mystery."

Sannahliva showed that strange face again, "I have a feeling he is listening to our conversation."

A chill spread all over Zeck's body.

Before he said anything back, the red alarm turned on, followed by the siren. Wadens' voice spread every corner of Giant Whale, "Attention, everyone! We are entering into the negative space in an hour. Please get into your life-maintenance cabin. Repeat…."

Chiwheuve gazed at the moon with rolling mountains through the window.

The Federation didn't make any change to the moon because it was too small to hold any air. In the federation laws, the earth and the moon were reserved zones. No turnover changes had been made to them.

In her eyes, the light and shadow on the moon added a sensation of splendid beauty to the mountains on the moon.

An annular mountain in the distance, in particular, reminded her of the fierce scene when a giant asteroid hit the earth. It was a long ago. Now any unknown objective would be destroyed by lasers automatically when it touched the warning net.

The cruise ships flying past left a beautiful white light trail. 

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Twelve people were waiting for her patiently at the meeting table. Neither her admirers nor her enemies dared to disturb her.

The twelve people were top leaders of the Federation. They were Jusidi, Minister of Outer Space, General Diping Commander in Chief of the Federation, Phushouching, president of the Institute, Lichi, Minister of Energy Department, Deliny from Transportation Department, Bushaoling, Secretary of the Federation, Shayunshane, Minister of Education, Fulanchi, Director of Medical Division, Shinbijee, Minister of Publicity Department, Ewada, Chief Judge of Justice Department, Elysiya, Head of Intelligence, and Culuph from Dept. of General Affairs. Seven of them were female. They were super beautiful but in different ways.

Chiwheuve looked around the faces and smiled, "All right! Let's get the meeting started!"

Jusidi who looked cold but actually slutty in her bones interrupted her, "I'd like to remind the president that three important figures are waiting for your permission for joining us."

Chiwheuve looked at her, a woman who was trying to steal her position, "No problem. I've informed them that I will meet them after the meeting and ask them why they choose this time to come here. "

Jusidi smiled frankly, never talked, giving others kind of enigmatic feeling.

Everyone concentrated their full attention to their beautiful leader. Other than the noble Phushouching, president of the Institute who had kind of otherworldly temperament, even the charming brown-haired General Diping Commander in Chief of the Federation, superior of Wadens, didn't know the real purpose to go to Flamingo, let alone the others.

Chiwheuve had been a president for 3000 years. She knew very well how to talk with her fellows. Instead of getting to the point, she talked to Elysiya, Head of Intelligence, "Ely, please tell us the latest situation."

Elysiya, a calm person who had beautiful blond hair, said with a serious face, "It doesn't look good. The 28 scout ships we sent to Dark Hell went missing after they entered parallels of Declination 70 degree. We don't know what happened after that."

No one talked, looking serious. Up to now, they only lost one colonial planet though, if the entire space outside parallels of Declination 70 degree were taken on by the Dark Hellers, it meant two-third of 100 billion stars of the Milky Way would be under their control.

    Elysiya continued, "We have built 138 armed space stations on the border to supervise the enemies. But we haven't found any trace. We cannot even predict their next target. That's what makes us terrified and unsettled. "

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