Star Wanderer

Chapter 6


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Top-speed Spaceship (2)

General Diping, the highest military leader, cut in, “I insist on attacking Equus Planet to reclaim our land. We lost last time because we knew nothing about our enemy. But after seven years’ research, we have a chance to defeat them.’

Phushouching, president of the Institute, said, “You have never believed our studies. The Dark Hell army won not because their technologies were more advanced than ours, but because their battle system and spirit were superior to us. That was why they could win even when we outnumbered them. If we attack them at their home, it would be the same result. There won’t be miracle. ”

When Diping was about to retort, Chiwheuve said in a cold voice, “The Federation Institute is an absolute authority of technology. What they determine is the final result. I don’t want anybody to waste time on questioning them.”

Diping shut his mouth, but anyone could tell he was angry.

Jusidi continued, “There is one thing I would like to remind you, president. If we reorganize our army force and counter attack Equus Planet, there will be many positive outcomes. First of all, if we can be active and found out the true force that our enemy has, we can attack instead of defending. If we can pull our forces together to attack, it would be better than the scenario that we separate our forces to places to predict our enemy’s next attack. ”

Deliny from Transportation Department said, “Our enemy hasn’t made a single move in seven years. Maybe they haven’t controlled Equus Planet completely, or they have a domestic problem. If we cannot start an attack, we might miss a great chance. ”

Shinbijee, Minister of Publicity Department, nodded, “You might have known from my recent report that the media is accusing us for ignoring two million lives on Equus Planet and taking no actions to save them.”

Bushaoling, Secretary of the Federation, said in a serious tone, “We heard recently that spies from Dark Hell might have infiltrated into some of our colonial planets. But pity that we still haven’t caught any one of them. That’s what worried me.”

Chiwheuve knew that Jusidi would take advantage of her not sending armies to make a fuss. In fact, what they said were kinda reasonable. Except for Phushouching, the rest of the 12 at the meeting all agreed to fight. Others who remained silent must want a counter attack.

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Jusidi looked at Chiwheuve, “This is a matter about life and death concerning all of us. I suggest the Congress should have a debate on whether we should offend or defend. Chairman, should we vote for whether we should hand over my suggestion to the Congress?”

Chiwheuve sighed to herself. Jusidi had everything planned. If the Congress agreed to attack Equus Planet, it would be a big blow to her authority. She would be resigned from her presidency. Everybody was looking at her now.

Chiwheuve smiled, “Before answering Minister of Outer Space, I would like you to watch a video clip sent from Giant Whale. Phushouching, please explain to us.”

The room was surprised, the image recorder above them laid colourful lights on the space behind Chiwheuve. Planet Seven was floating, injecting out fire and rumbling with big roar. It was quite a shock.

When Sannahliva, doctor Zeck and the rest crew were lying in the life-maintenance cabins for universe sleep, he was still awake and he opened his eyes. The life-maintenance cocoon was times bigger than the life-maintenance cabin and it tried everything to freeze his nerve, blood, and impulse though, it didn’t work on him at all.

In fact, it only cost him a few seconds to come around from dizziness when the nerve cannon hit him before he got the hang of its power, absorbed and turned it to his own power. He was excited and happy to be taken here. But he had no idea what his kind wanted from him. So he just had to stay in his frozen state as he usually did while observing and learning.

His spirit reached every equipment and every weapon on Giant Whale, for surviving and also out of curiosity. A few weapons made him nervous because they could destroy him before he released his energy.

This stopped him from taking any rash action. What attracted his attention was the women on this ship, especially the one who kept observing him beside.

When he was grown up, there were 72 people living on Planet Seven, and 53 of them were women. To repopulate next generation, he mated with all these women. Unfortunately, all babies died before they were born because they couldn’t survive from the tough living condition. Nevertheless, those women gave him a great pleasure, the most beautiful memory, even love. Other than that, all he had was the Melting Pond.

He was hoping he could learn fast here and blend into the new environment and become one of them.

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The language learning machine would be a great start. Although he couldn’t understand what the woman and the man beside him said before, he could “see” the images in their minds. That was why he understood how the language learning machine worked. For one thing, he needed to get out of the cocoon and metal hoop, which was very easy for him.

His spirit was connected with the spaceship. He started to enjoy the feeling of speeding up.

Before Giant Whale entered to the surreal negative space, it reached interstellar speed, as fast as light. As soon as the spaceship shook with the reactors acted increasingly, a massive power injected into the engine and the spaceship accelerated up to 299,792.5 km per second, breaking the limited speed of light.

The spaceship halted, seemingly floating still. Outside the ship was complete darkness, no light around.

He couldn’t feel any speed, but his body became heavy and he couldn’t open his eyes.

His spirit was the only thing that was active and free from speed changes. He could use his spirit to check the equipment and surroundings in the spaceship.

The temperature and pressure remained the same, and the reactor was still active, with the energy growing exponentially.

He couldn’t understand what happened and had no idea where this spaceship was heading. But he knew that it would be a fantastic way of travelling for him.

His strength was much slower than usual.

He concentrated his spirit and energy altogether and tried to go back to normal. But the confrontation of the numbness in his body was a fresh yet formidable experience to him.

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It was like that his spirit was isolated from his body. He felt empty. He tried to absorb energy by taking a breath, but he failed even it was just a breath.

Now he understood that in this strange space, the subjective time and the objective time were separated, meaning that the time here was twisted but he felt and existed in past time. That was why he had troubles.

Figuring out why, he stopped extending spirit and instead speeded up all energy inside his nerve because he knew that when his speed synchronized with the reactor’s, his time and space could be the same as the ship’s. By then, he could go back to normal.

At the moment that his image disappeared from the video recorder, the meeting members came to themselves and looked at Chiwheuve who said calmly, “This only existed Flamingo man is the key to everything. He is solid evidence why human can evolve with such great power. If we can get to his secret or replicate his powerful DNA, we can make an ever great stride in the history of evolution. We can also defeat Dark Hell army. So we mustn’t take impulsive actions before Giant Whale delivers him to the Institute. Is there anyone who disagrees with me? ”

A quiet moment later, Diping was the first one to show his attitude, “We will do whatever you ask.”

The rest all agreed.

Chiwheuve turned to Jusidi, the only one who didn’t say anything, and waited for her decision.

Jusidi exhaled and said reluctantly, “Since we have a hope, I won’t insist on starting an attack in a short time. But should we announce it in public to pacify the civilians?” She turned to Shinbijee, Minister of Publicity Department, “Do you have any good suggestions?”

Shinbijee was excited, “If we can announce it in public, it would be very exciting.” then sighed, “but it will raise unnecessary fear because normal people may feel the same as this man does. Our people might feel more scared of the Dark Hell. We may pay for the whistle.”

Chiwheuve cut in, “Our goal is to fight against the intruders. So every decision is made on this. Allow me to make the most serious announcement. The Flamingoer will be top confidential. No one else other than us and Giant Whale crew should know about him. If any of you leaks any information, it would a treason. No matter who it is, I would show no mercy. ”

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Glancing at each face in the room with her cold eyes, she focused on every word, “I will use every power I have to protect his secret. If Dark Hell spies find out about him, you should know the consequences.”

He was relived because his power was back.

His spirit came cross the metal hoop and reached the switch. After studying it for a while, he increased his power and turned the switch off, so did the hoop.

Then he opened the hoop. He started to learn the new language on the language learning machine with his left brain, and at the same time, read all material and information in the smart system, and understood their civilization and social structure. At some time, he would disappear, and they would never find him, because he would become one of them who would enjoy life better than anyone of them.

All of sudden, his spirit travelled through the vast space and was bonded with the strange matter in the Melting Pond. He could sense the Pond was saying goodbye and sending wishes to him.

He knew that another stronger fire outbreak exploded on the planet that he had lived for over 5000 years.

And it was the last explosion.

The Melting Pond wouldn’t die. It would exist in another kind of living form.

It would be a fantastic life full of love.

And they would be his permanent partners and allies in the universe.

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