Star Wanderer

Chapter 7


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Fallen Paradise (1)

Shushijun, big boss of the Universe Company, was a charming and gorgeous gentleman. He was tall and well-fitted. His space suit was impeccably neat and edgy. He was good-looking and glowing with bright eyes, bronze healthy skin, genuine confidence and energy. Even Chiwheuve was very delighted to see him.

His thick, curly blonde hair added a nice touch of cuteness to his mature character. In addition to that proud and idle smile at the corner of his mouth and his spontaneous nonchalance, he was good enough to be an idol that women in the Federation adored.

When Chiwheuve stepped into the meeting hall where he and the twin sisters were waiting patiently, Shushijun was happy to greet, “Hi! It is so thrilled to see our beautiful president.”

Chiwheuve nodded with a smile and looked at Shangsilan and Shangsiya who stood up to salute her.

They had the same oval faces, high but cute noses, and rosy lips, but their eyes, expression on their faces and dressing styles were totally different.

The elder sister Shangsilan had big, black and crystal clear eyes. Her hair was short, less than 2cm, making her look neat and clean. She was elegant with a little smile on her face. The tight, sealed silver-white space suit for star trek showed her curvy and tempting figure.

The younger sister Shangsiya wore sexy dress that revealed a large portion of her breast and masculine thigh. Her black hair was long and straight, with two strands hanging before her chest. Her watery and seductive eyes, smiling and attractive face were the reasons why she could toy with men.

Chiwheuve stopped in front of them and shook hands with each of them. Shushijun couldn’t let her hand go when he hold her soft hand in his palm, and pleaded, “My president, I would like to talk to you alone.”

Chiwheuve frowned, while Shangsiya giggled, “I would like that too.” Then she winked at Shushijie after saying that.

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Shangsilan rolled her eyes at her younger sister, and then said gently, “I don’t have any special requirement. I just want to show my support to you, my president.”

Chiwheuve smiled gratefully to her old friend and said to Shushijun who was still holding her hand, “Mr. Shu, your hand….” Shushijun had to let go of her, “I have something important to talk to you about.”

Shangsiya couldn’t let him win and said with her sexy voice, “Is it for business or personal? If it is personal, you’d let me borrow her first because I’m here as a lobbyist on someone’s behalf. ”

They looked one another and all thought of that person who was very hard to deal with.

It was a routine that the largest media groups of the Federation would organize consensus and poll every ten years to select the most beautiful men and women, and also super rich people.

Only a few people could make to the list and of course, Chiwheuve had been the top 1 of the most beautiful woman for a long time.  

Shushijun ranked on the most beautiful men and super rich people in recent 3 decades. He was a rising star.

Shangsilan and Shangsiya were beautiful but not that much to make to the Top 10. It was not hard to imagine how harsh the competition was. They were rich too but they were only Top 11 and Top 15 on the list of rich people.

The person they all were thinking of was Carlphnam, the head of Future Development Company which was a giant intergalactic company. His Future Bank was the biggest private bank in the Federation. He merged thousands of companies, which had enabled to rank him the Top 1 of the super-rich people for over a thousand years. He was well-fitted though, he was not beautiful because that he had a pair of evil, dreadful eyes.

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His ambition to win Chiwheuve’s heart was well-known to all. If Shangsiya really came on behalf of him, it couldn’t be anything good.

Obviously Shushijun and Shangsilan were not happy because they didn’t know that Shangsiya came with another purpose.

Chiwheuve hated Dark Hellers. Because of them, ambitious people had a chance to take advantage of her. “All right! Mr. Shu, let’s talk for a minute at the Discussion Hall.” She smiled.

They came to the Discussion Hall and sat down. Shushijun, stunned by her face, said with his soft voice, “Miss president, how is it with you? Judisi is talking us to work with other congressmen to force you to attack Equus.”

Chiwheuve was intimidated by his burning eye contact, shaking her head, “I have sorted it out, but thanks for your concern.” She frowned, “Is that all you want to talk with me?”

Shushijun was surprised by her indifference and said after heaving a sigh, “You have too much on your shoulders. I don’t have the heart to tell you another bad news.”

Chiwheuve looked at him and said heartlessly, “Mr. Shu, I have a lot of things to do.”

Shushijun shrugged, “It is about Basij of the Fallen Galaxy.”

“Not this shameless transformer again! ” Chiwheuve got outraged.

Basij, nicknamed Fallen Magnate, was the Top 2 of super-rich people. But he was better known than the Top 1 Carlphnam.

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Being a big shot in underworld organization of the Federation, he was more notorious in his private power and wealth. He developed a binary-stars system at the far south red parallel and built a Fallen Paradise on three planets. Criminals and people who corrupted were attracted to the three planets where were gradually turned into a big but lost city.

He also built a private army with illegitimate “transforming warriors”, and ruled like a king. The worst thing was that he used his power to stop the congress from publishing laws against him. For years, he had been beyond the arm of the laws of the Federation.

Now nearly 100 million people gathered on the three planets, which restrained Chiwheuve from doing anything rashly. In fact, as these planets gathered most of the criminals, crimes on other planets were reduced.

After Battle of Equus, the Federation couldn’t spare any energy to deal with Basij who took the chance to build more armies and expand his power on other galaxies. He claimed himself the only one who could fight against Dark Hell army. Numerous weak coward immigrants flocked to his places, increasing the population of the Fallen Paradise up to 0.15 billion, and a lot of them were talented people and warriors.

Even worse than that, he spread the words that he would make Chiwheuve his woman, saying that she would surrender to him if she had sex with him.

The dreadful thing was that this man wasn’t bragging. He had a lab to study on human behaviors, focusing on human nature and finding ways to control human. Therefore, it was possible that he could conquer Chiwheuve.  

Shishijun was outraged, “This shameless bastard has been planning on seizing you to his evil paradise since the Battle of Equus. You should be careful.”

“How do you know?” Chiwheuve was surprised.

“One of Basij’s minions escaped and turned to me because he shagged Basij’s lover. He sold Basij’s secrets for good money. Unfortunately, before I had a second chance to make a deal, he was killed by Basij’s transformers. I couldn’t find a bone of him. ” Said Shushijun.

Chiwheuve heaved a sigh. The Dark Hellers gave people who opposed her a chance to stand against her. If there was no favorable turn, the Federation, a government covering a span of nearly 20,000 light years, would collapse before a war came. It would be another Dark Age before War Times. Basiji was only a tip of the iceberg.

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No! She would never allow it to happen.

The key to reverse the situation was the dying Flamingo man. After talking with Shangsiya, she would go to the Institute in Himalaya on earth with Phushouching, president of the Institute, and wait for his arrival.

On Shushijun’s mind was a different thing. In his factory, he was building an enormous spaceship which could fly outside the Milky Way. If the Federation failed to fight against the Dark Hell army, he would take this beautiful woman to the spaceship whatever the cost was and fly as far as he could. If he could hold her in his arms and smell her sweet body every night, nothing else mattered.

 Chiwheuve met Shangsiya in the same room.

Shangsiya took out a metal ball and put it on her palm. The ball was flickering constantly with changing spots, weird but beautiful.

Chiwheuve had never seen it before. Staying alert, she said, “What is it?”

Shangsiya stared at the metal ball curiously, “I don’t believe you cannot feel its energy flow with your device. It is a communicator that Carl’s Future Institute invented. It can help you talk with anyone in negative space and anyone who is 10 light years away. Do you want to try it? ”

Chiwheuve said, “Since when you are listening to Carlphnam and work so hard for him?”

“Carl is the most attractive man in the world. I am willing to do everything for him, which you will do in the future, actually every woman will. ” Shangsiya flushed and giggled.

Chiwheuve barely hid her shocking feeling. Shangsiya was no ordinary woman. She was a strong and highly intelligent woman. She outsmarted men and toyed with men. If she could obey Carlphnam, it meant most women including her might be controlled by this evil man. It was really bad to see it happen.

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