Start with the Readers

Chapter 15.3

Then Forsyth would probably not get to know Miss Audrey, and they would lose their chance to join the Tarot Club…

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In this way, it seems that he himself has made a bigger sin as a butterfly. If she does not enter the Tarot Club, she may never find out the truth for her life. And Forsyth is likely to become a salted fish on a full moon or blood moon!

Thinking of this, Abner felt some panic. He was not afraid of changing the so-called plot, that was not important… but he was afraid that his actions might have harmed two innocent and kind ladies! He harmed them from their original bright future!

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No! I have to reconnect them with the Tarot Club! Thinking this way, Abner had a decision in an instant. He thought for a moment and then said to Hugh: “The secrets of the court are probably only clear to the real nobles. I think you should start from this aspect.”

“Nobles… but I can’t get in touch with any noble with status with my current identity… let alone let them tell me the truth.” Hugh frowned and said embarrassedly.

“When you start contacting them, you don’t have to go for big nobles directly. You can also go and communicate with their children! I heard that many young masters and ladies of noble families are very interested in mysticism. This is a breakthrough point! If you have friends who are famous in some field, it will be easier to interact with those young masters and ladies. After establishing contact, don’t ask about anything like Earl’s rebellion at first. Use mysticism knowledge to exchange some simple information or things first. After becoming friends, choose reliable people and then ask about those things involving secrets.” Abner said earnestly.

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Hearing friends who are famous in some field, Hugh immediately thought of Forsyth’s figure in her mind, but when she thought of her lazy personality, she felt a headache again. She didn’t know how to persuade her to help her socialize. She actually had self-knowledge and knew that it was too difficult for her to contact nobles by herself except for a few who were very compatible.

Hugh shook off her messy thoughts and felt deeply that Abner’s words were definitely targeted. So she asked again expectantly: “So do you have any recommended noble candidates who are suitable for first contact?”

“Viscount Grelent! This person’s character is still good, and his family situation is not high or low. It is very suitable for first contact.” Abner reported without hesitation the name of Viscount Riffel who had contacted Forsyth before. In fact he wanted to say Audrey directly at first but Earl Holber’s daughter was too high-profiled and not something Hugh and Forsyth could touch in a short time so it was better to get acquainted through this viscount as a springboard.

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“Viscount Grelent…” Hugh knew this person but as Abner said his status was not too high either and he inherited his title at a young age so he might not know the secret of Earl’s rebellion case… So this really just a springboard?

Hugh finally believed Abner decided to go back later and ask Forsyth for help.

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As their figures disappeared behind the target range door another window glass on one bedroom on second floor suddenly rippled then changed into woman wearing black court long dress.

This woman had light golden hair blue eyes exquisite appearance but extremely pale complexion.

She wore small black soft hat seemed find virtual high-backed chair sit down glass left palm supported right elbow right hand propped cheek just watched quietly Abner Hugh left manor…

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