Start with the Readers

Chapter 16.1

At 3 pm, in the house of a detective in the Hillston district, Abner sat upright, listening intently to his teacher explaining the mysteries of magic: “Low-level practitioners have almost no means of confronting their enemies face-to-face, but our abundant knowledge and extensive repertoire make almost every practitioner an expert in ritual magic. Now, I will teach some basic operations and precautions for ritual magic.”

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“Low-level practitioners are not powerful enough to perform almost any ritual magic independently, so they have to seek power from external sources and request assistance. Therefore, they can only consider orthodox gods. Never attempt to communicate with unknown, unpredictable beings, even if some people believe in them and their promises are tempting!”

“For you and me, it is best to pray to the god of knowledge and wisdom. If you pray to the Lord of the Storm or Eternal Sun, you will have no good results.”

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“In mysticism, Blue Star corresponds to the God of Knowledge and Wisdom, which requires mercury, brass, lavender, pepper, and mint as materials…”

“Blue Star corresponds to Saturday, and the Blue Star hour is from midnight on Friday to 1 am on Saturday, and from 11 am to 12 pm on Saturday…”

“Although today is Saturday, unfortunately, the best time has passed. However, for us extraordinary practitioners, especially those who are good at ritual magic, these factors are not necessary. Our robust spirituality and powerful astral bodies are the key elements…”

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Observing the ritual magic personally demonstrated by Detective Einsink, Abner carefully documented the key points in his notebook and secretly admired it: It was fortunate to have a reliable teacher in mysticism! If he had to rely solely on studying and exploring books, even with the help of the Pure White Eye, it would take a long time for him to master the relevant knowledge.

After completing a basic ritual magic for healing, Einsink looked at his watch and found that it was already 4:30 pm. He stopped the lecture and said to Abner, “That’s all for today… I see that your luggage hasn’t been brought over yet. Go back to the East District and pack up. Try to come back before dinner. I will arrange for you to continue studying the Guverzak language after dinner.”

“Okay, teacher!” Abner replied politely.

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However, he did not immediately return to the East District as Einsink had expected. Instead, he took a detour on the way, bought many related items for ritual use, and a pair of silver-inlaid copper glasses.

He planned to take advantage of the opportunity to personally conduct a ritual to give the glasses the ability to block the strange phenomenon of his Pure White Eye. This would not only allow him to use his golden finger without so many concerns, but also serve as an introduction to the God of Knowledge and Wisdom.

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Abner’s idea was simple: since the deity was very likely to have already taken notice of him and even made a benevolent “investment” in him, he might as well take the initiative to invoke the deity’s name and see if he could benefit even more…

After returning to his residence in the East District, Abner first prepared the symbolic items for the ritual with the items he had bought. Then, he set up the Spirit Wall, and according to what he had learned in the afternoon, he skillfully drew the holy emblem of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom – an all-knowing eye on an open book, and prepared the corresponding altar.

Inside the Spirit Wall, Abner lit candles, picked up the prepared lavender and mint extracts, and dripped them on the burning flames. A refreshing fragrance wafted through the air, and Abner burned several kinds of herbal powders in succession.

Then, he picked up a steel…

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