Chapter 11: 11. Chu Zhichen Savored A Partagas On The Terrace.

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Chu Zhichen stared at Xiang Mingzhang and said, "You orchestrated this." 

Xiang Mingzhang took a moment to react and admitted calmly, "You've figured it out so quickly. You're quite clever." 

Fury burned in Chu Zhichen's heart, but he maintained his composure and said, "Isn't it beneath you to bribe Zhai Feng behind my back?" 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "Do you think I'm a gentleman?" 

Chu Zhichen had long seen through Xiang Mingzhang's façade of being a "gentleman." He retorted, "At least, in Yisi's eyes, I thought you were someone worth looking up to." 

Xiang Mingzhang pursed his lips, showing no sign of emotion. The announcement about security checks blared through the speakers, and he released his grip on Chu Zhichen's arm. He stated, "Do as you please. I must go." 

Chu Zhichen grabbed Xiang Mingzhang's wrist tightly, his grip filled with malice. Yisi had lost the project and his soldiers. He had been framed and then fired. He couldn't let it go so easily. 

As people passed by, the two tall and striking figures tugging at each other drew attention. 

Taking advantage of the moment, Xiang Mingzhang leaned in closer and lowered his voice, "This is the first time someone has stopped me like this at the airport. Others may think you have a relationship with me." 

Startled, Chu Zhichen let go of his hand as if feeling an electric shock and took a step back. 

Xiang Mingzhang frowned as if hiding from a virus. "I'm leaving," he said tersely. 

Chu Zhichen replied coldly, "You may hide on the first day of New Year, but not on the fifteenth day." 

Xiang Mingzhang acquiesced, "I'm going on a business trip for three days. I'll explain everything when I return." 

Valuing his image, Chu Zhichen didn't want to get entangled in public. So he let Xiang Mingzhang go. 

After leaving the airport, Chu Zhichen decided there was no need to return to the company for the time being, so he went home directly. 

Li Heng informed Chu Shihui and Mrs. Chu about the bid being canceled. Mrs. Chu agreed to stay silent about it, pretending not to know, so as not to upset Chu Zhichen. 

However, as Chu Zhichen contemplated his words during the journey back home, he found it impossible to pretend that nothing had happened when facing his family's concerned and smiling faces, and the carefully prepared afternoon tea. 

"The project has fallen apart," he stated. 

Mrs. Chu tried to comfort him, saying, "Wins and losses are common in business. It's not a big deal..." 

Chu Zhichen interrupted, "It is a big deal. Losing a project that should never have been lost matters." 

Chu Shihui asked worriedly, "Then what will you do?" 

Chu Zhichen replied, "I've been fired." 

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Mrs. Chu exclaimed anxiously, "How did this happen? You work so hard, how can you be fired just because of a mistake?" 

Chu Zhichen reassured them, saying, "Don't worry, I'll handle it." 

Mrs. Chu felt distressed, saying, "You've been working long hours and coming home late, so I understand if you don't work so hard. The money from selling shares can be used for investments..." 

"Mom, please don't come up with random ideas," Chu Shihui objected. She felt that her older brother had finally found the right path and should not repeat past mistakes. 

Chu Zhichen had already considered the money. In the old days, the Ningbo business guild was prosperous, and there was a stone monument erected in his hometown's Qianye Guild Hall that had an inscription everyone regarded as a guiding principle—money should not be stashed away. 

Chu Zhichen planned to deal with other matters before discussing the money. He said, "A family of merchants knows that money must be used wisely and kept in circulation to generate more wealth. It's good to invest a portion of it, but we need professionals to manage it. I won't be handling it personally." 

Mrs. Chu asked, "You won't manage it yourself?" 

Chu Zhichen replied, "Leave the rest untouched. I have concerns about the future. When Xiaohui graduates and wants to start her own business, she'll need startup capital." 

Chu Shihui was taken aback and asked, "Leave it to me? But what about you?" 

Chu Zhichen clenched his teeth slightly as he thought of a certain person with the surname Xiang. "I know how to work," he said, "but we have to wait three days before discussing it." 

After comforting his family, Chu Zhichen went upstairs and returned to his room. He loosened his tie and finally let out a long sigh of relief. After his anger subsided, exhaustion settled in. 

He unbuttoned the three buttons of his white shirt, revealing his collarbone. The sun-kissed skin of his chest peeked out from beneath the unbuttoned buttons of his white shirt, like a secret waiting to be discovered. 

Leaning against the carved door frame of the terrace, the warm breeze ruffling his hair. With a languid gesture, he lit a Partagas cigar and savored the first drag, the smoke curling around his thin, sugary lips. 

He had dealt with numerous individuals, high-ranking officials, tyrants, and ordinary people. Among them were paper tigers and smiling tigers. He had encountered countless people and had been deceived by an honest person. 

Chu Zhichen didn't believe that his judgment was foolish. Even if Zhai Feng was pretending, the details revealed his character. Every aspect of his virtues couldn't be entirely fake. 

His phone flashed, indicating a message from Ling Qi asking if he had truly been fired. 

Chu Zhichen couldn't be certain, so he could only seek an explanation when the mastermind returned. Anyway, he didn't have to go to the company for the time being, and as a temporary worker, he didn't have any formalities to go through. 

Chu Zhichen released a soft exhale, and the white smoke dispersed, diluting the vibrant orange-red hues of the sunset. 

Three days later, Xiang Mingzhang returned from his business trip. 

As the driver pulled out of the airport, they reached a fork in the road. Unable to help himself, the driver asked, "Mr. Xiang, would you like to go back to the apartment first?" 

Xiang Mingzhang, who had been engrossed in replying to emails on his tablet, lifted his head slightly, "Or...?" 

The driver reminded him, "Today is the 30th." 

Xiang Mingzhang hurriedly remembered that he always went home on the last day of every month, where his whole family would have a meal together. He changed his mind, "Just go straight there." 

During the journey, his phone rang, displaying "Chu Zhichen" as the caller ID. 

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Xiang Mingzhang answered, "Hello?" 

Cutting to the chase, Chu Zhichen asked, "Are you back?" 

"Have you been waiting for me for three days?" Xiang Mingzhang replied. "I just got off the plane, and I need to go home first." 

Chu Zhichen said, "How long will it take?" 

Detecting the suppressed impatience in his voice, Xiang Mingzhang retorted, "That's none of your concern. If you can't wait, then come to me." 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "The apartment from last time?" 

Xiang Mingzhang provided the address and then hung up. 

The Jingpu Villa, is a secluded haven, amidst the hustle and bustle of the city. A hidden gem, known to all, yet only a few can enter. 

Its gates are guarded by towering walls, Its grounds are lush and green, 

Chu Zhe had once brought his family to visit. Chu Zhichen understood that Xiang Mingzhang was referring to the "Xiang Family Mansion." 

Given the inconvenience of so many people, Chu Zhichen knew he couldn't find him there. He would have to wait a little longer. 

The temperature in Jingpu was a refreshing three or four degrees lower than the sweltering city center. The air was thick with the scent of pine needles and wildflowers, and the only sound was the gentle trickle of a nearby stream. Hidden among the vast greenery and forests were six or seven grand mansions, each more luxurious than the next. 

As the car passed through the gates, several cars were already parked on the main road of the estate, indicating that the rest of the family had already arrived. 

The trunk was filled with gifts purchased during the business trip. Before getting out of the car, Xiang Mingzhang instructed the driver to deliver them to Manzhuang. 

Aunt Qian, the elderly nanny, came out to greet him. "Ming Zhang, you're back." 

Xiang Mingzhang climbed up the steps and asked, "Is everyone here?" 

"It's you the latter." Aunt Qian replied, taking his bag. "Ru Gang brought his girlfriend along." 

Xiang Mingzhang said, "Are they planning to get married?" 

Aunt Qian whispered, "She's pregnant, young man..." 

Xiang Mingzhang smiled and said, "Don't complain to me. I didn't make anyone get pregnant before marriage." 

Once inside the villa, the enormous living room of the villa is greeted with a warm and inviting glow. The walls were decorated with festive paintings and wreaths, and the fireplace was crackling with fire. A large pile of beautifully wrapped presents sat in the center of the room, waiting to be opened. The activity room was buzzing with conversation. 

Aunt Qian leaned in and whispered, "Your aunt and uncle are discussing matters in the study, and others are chatting. Would you like to go and say hello?" 

Xiang Mingzhang shrugged dismissively. "No need. I'm going to see Grandpa." 

In the activity room, an elegantly dressed woman sat on the sofa. She was Xiang Mingzhang's aunt, accompanied by her eldest son, Xiang Rugang, and his girlfriend, Miss Qin. Sitting on a separate single sofa was Xiang Mingzhang's uncle, a polite and well-mannered man. 

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Aunt Qian approached them to deliver the news of Xiang Mingzhang's arrival. No one said a word, recognizing that Xiang Mingzhang only paid attention to his grandfather and disregarded his other relatives. 

Uncle chuckled and said, "Mingzhang knows the importance of filial piety." 

"Who in this household isn't filial?" replied the uncle's wife in a gentle voice. "Mingzhang is capable, and that's why the old man values him." 

Aunt Qian busied herself with the dessert trolley, noticing that there were two empty plates. She took the opportunity to ask Miss Qin about her preferred treats and requested a few more to be brought. The attention of everyone present returned to the arrival of the new member. 

The master bedroom suite was at the end of the hall. It was a large room with a high ceiling and a bay window that overlooked the garden. The bed was made up of crisp white sheets and a fluffy down comforter. There was a dressing table with a mirror, a chaise longue, and a fireplace. 

Off the bedroom was the nursing room. It was a cozy room with walls painted a pale blue, and the curtains were made of white gauze. 

Xiang Mingzhang turned the doorknob, catching a faint whiff of medicine. 

In the outer hall, an elderly man with silver-gray hair lounged in a reclining chair. He was the patriarch of the family, Xiang Xingzhao. 

Two years prior, Xiang Xingzhao had suffered a stroke. Despite a successful recovery, he had developed symptoms of dementia, often appearing confused. His care was entrusted to the family doctor and his trusted confidant, Uncle Qi. 

Xiang Mingzhang first inquired about his grandfather's recent well-being before engaging in conversation. When lunch was ready, he helped Xiang Xingzhao into a wheelchair and wheeled him into the dining room. 

The whole family gathered around the table, waiting patiently. At the head of the table stood Xiang Mingzhang's aunt, Xiang Huan, a tall and slender woman who exuded neither anger nor pretentiousness. Beside her was his uncle, Xiang Kun, a composed and capable man. They both addressed the elderly man as "Dad." 

Xiang Xingzhao ruled his family with strictness, but he held great affection for Xiang Mingzhang. Now lost in his confusion, he only responded to what Xiang Mingzhang said. 

"Grandpa, dinner is ready," Xiang Mingzhang leaned in and announced, assisting his grandfather to the main seat before taking the seat next to him. One by one, the others pulled out their chairs until the long dining table for twelve was almost filled. 

Xiang Mingzhang used a hot towel to wipe Xiang Xingzhao's hands and said, "Let's begin." 

After the wiping was done, Xiang Mingzhang finally turned his attention to the elders, peeking through the vase and candlestick that adorned the table runner. "Aunts, Uncles, would you like something to drink?" 

Xiang Kun replied, "You can open a bottle of red wine." 

Xiang Huan chimed in, "Certainly, let's celebrate Ru Gang and Miss Qin's happy occasion." 

The delicious dishes were served in an opulent manner, with each course presented with a flourish. The main course was a roasted leg of lamb, accompanied by a smooth and mature vintage red wine. The wine was decanted tableside, and the aroma filled the room. The diners savored each bite of the lamb, the wine enhancing the flavors. 

Miss Qin politely declined the offer to drink, and everyone understood. 

Raising his wine glass, Xiang Mingzhang toasted his cousin. "Brother, I truly envy you. Congratulations." 

Xiang Rugang thanked him, while the eldest aunt added with a smile, "If you envy him, then find someone for yourself." 

Xiang Mingzhang evaded the topic. "I'm not suited for committed relationships." 

Xiang Kun inquired, "What makes you think that?" 

Xiang Mingzhang retorted, "My bad personality. I'm not fond of being a devoted husband like my elder brother." 

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Married and with a child, it was clear that this remark was filled with sarcasm. 

Xiang Rugang snapped back, "In any case, get settled first. Are you too picky to settle down and find some peace?" 

"You're making me out to be a playboy," Xiang Mingzhang retorted, turning his face away. "Ruxu, back me up on this." 

Xiang Ruxu, Xiang Kun's second son, holds the same age as Xiang Mingzhang. He is a skilled engineer working at Xiangyue Communications, considered an IT elite. 

However, he struggles in social settings and avoids engaging in conversations at parties. Instead, he prefers spending his time in the audio-visual room, engrossed in his cell phone. 

It is often said that Xiang Ruxu is neither one to challenge authority nor betray his elder brother. He would simply state, "Well, in the company... Mingzhang never lacks admirers." 

Xiang Rugang pointed out, "See, that's why he can't settle down." 

The aunt added, "Finding a suitable partner depends on fate. Perhaps someone will come into his life one day." 

Xiang Mingzhang casually replied, "Maybe." 

In Xiang Huan's eyes, her nephew is quite elusive. He always manages to play tricks on his family during gatherings, let alone in the realm of romance. 

She advised, "Alright, we all understand. Don't go causing chaos outside, let potential partners come to you." 

"Yes," the eldest aunt chimed in. "A responsible man must take charge." 

Xiang Kun agreed, emphasizing, "Remember, all of you, the Xiang family has a reputation to uphold." 

Xiang Mingzhang suddenly smiled and added, "Of course, considering my surname is also Xiang." 

Just as he finished speaking, Aunt Qian entered the room. "Mingzhang, the guard reported that someone is here to see you." 

Xiang Mingzhang's face froze. "Who could it be?" 

Aunt Qian replied, "His last name is Chu, from the Chu family." 

Xiang Mingzhang's heart skipped a beat. "..." 

"It seems your debts have followed you," Xiang Rugang teased. "Who do you owe outside?" 

Xiang Mingzhang inquired further, "Who exactly is looking for me?" 

Aunt Qian answered, "His name is Chu Zhichen." 


The author has something to say: 

"Money is too heavy to lose", comes from "Ningbo Qianye Guild Hall Inscription", which is included in "Zhejiang Finance Chronicle" and other books and periodicals. 

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