Chapter 12: 12. Chu Zhichen Recited Amitabha.

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Xiang Mingzhang's estimates were proven wrong when Chu Zhichen unexpectedly arrived at his doorstep. 

He had been so sure that Chu Zhichen would not come. 

After suffering from amnesia, Chu Zhichen was now emphasizing the importance of propriety and etiquette. 

How could he be so reckless? 

Even if he couldn't remember the Xiang family mansion, Mrs. Chu knew the address, as did the Chu family driver. 

Unfortunately, the driver had taken Mrs. Chu out shopping and was not at home. 

Chu Zhichen waited for three days and took a taxi. Frustrated and restless, he jotted down the address, assuming it was just another property owned by Xiang Mingzhang. 

Upon being led into the luxurious villa by Aunt Qian, Chu Zhichen overheard snippets of conversation indicating the presence of multiple people. It dawned upon him a little too late that he had walked straight into a family gathering. Stunned, he stood in the doorway of the dining room. 

A total of ten Xiang family members were gathered, spanning different ages and generations, giving the impression of a harmonious family reunion. 

Since the passing of Chu Zhe, the two families had gradually lost touch. Chu Zhichen had been living abroad for the past few years and rarely appeared. The Xiang family's perception of him remained at the stage of seeing him as a "spoiled prodigal son." When he entered the room, everyone couldn't help but fix their gaze upon him. 

Chu Zhichen was not perturbed by the attention he received. He maintained his composure and dignity. However, as he had come seeking an explanation, he found himself empty-handed, unsure of where to place any gifts he may have brought. 

Xiang Mingzhang, seated calmly, nonchalantly sipped his red wine. 

His expression was calm and unruffled, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes. 

Understanding that the timing was not right, Chu Zhichen politely remarked, "Mr. Xiang must have a busy schedule. I apologize for coming unannounced and causing any inconvenience." 

Xiang Kun waved his hand dismissively, saying, "No need to apologize, you arrived just in time. Let's make arrangements for a seat and have dinner together." 

Chu Zhichen declined, saying, "There's no need. I will make an appointment with Mr. Xiang on a different occasion." 

"Don't leave right after stepping through the door. The Xiang family treats guests with the utmost respect," Xiang Huan interjected, standing up to block his way. "Don't address him as Mr. Xiang. In this room, there are several Mr. Xiangs, young and old. Address Mingzhang as 'brother.' That's enough." 

Xiang Kun added, "When someone comes to visit you, Mingzhang, it's only polite to greet them." 

Setting down his wine glass, Xiang Mingzhang summoned someone to bring an extra chair. He patted the velvet seat, soft and smooth, invitingly, saying, "Zhi Chen, come and sit by my side." 

His tone was friendly, his actions gentle. His eyes were warm and inviting, like a campfire on a cold night. It felt like he was enticing his prey. 

Chu Zhichen, reciting Buddhist scriptures in his mind to keep his composure, thought that he was facing a monumental challenge in the 21st century. 

The world was changing rapidly, and the old ways were no longer effective. He had to adapt to the new world, or he would be left behind. 

He took his seat, and Xiang Mingzhang poured him half a glass of red wine. With finesse, Xiang Mingzhang inquired if Chu Zhichen had any dietary restrictions, demonstrating a personable demeanor as if there had never been any conflicts between them. 

Silently reciting "Amitabha," Chu Zhichen discreetly kicked Xiang Mingzhang's calf under the table and whispered, "That's enough." 

Undeterred, Xiang Mingzhang continued, "How is Auntie doing?" 

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Reluctantly, Chu Zhichen replied, "She is doing well." 

"And your sister, is she all grown up now?" Xiang Huan added. "Has she graduated from university?" 

Chu Zhichen smiled and replied, "Shihui will be graduating next year." 

Xiang Kun chimed in, "Last time I saw her, she had just started middle school. She is quite clever. Is she planning to continue her studies or enter the workforce?" 

Chu Zhichen responded, "It depends on her desires. The family will support her in whichever path she chooses." 

The aunt had one more question, "Is your mother still active in the old club? I haven't seen her in a long time." 

Confused, Chu Zhichen apologized, saying, "I'm not entirely sure. I haven't been able to keep up with her activities. I apologize for my lack of knowledge." 

Conversation flowed around the table as the Xiang family engaged in hospitality, ensuring that there were no awkward silences. Chu Zhichen responded modestly and effortlessly, fitting in seamlessly with the family gathering. 

Xiang Mingzhang glanced discreetly at Chu Zhichen and noticed the changes in his appearance - his chin was now more pronounced, jutting out slightly from his face. His cheeks were hollower, and his eyes were sunken. He had lost a significant amount of weight, and it showed. 

The warm light from the silk crystal lamp above cast an illuminating glow on Chu Zhichen's face, highlighting the lines of strain and fatigue that were etched there. 

Chu Zhichen's poor appetite was apparent as he had not properly eaten for three days. The porcelain plate in front of him remained untouched, his chopsticks motionless. He endured the discomfort on the tip of his tongue and took a sip of wine. 

Lifting his head, Chu Zhichen locked eyes with Xiang Xingzhao, noticing a sense of familiarity in the old man's gaze. 

Xiang Mingzhang spoke, "Grandpa, please have some more to eat." 

Xiang Xingzhao's hands trembled, causing him to spill some soup. Xiang Mingzhang wiped it up and carefully fed him with a spoon. 

A kitchen staff member appeared and asked if there was anything more to add. Xiang Mingzhang replied, "It's hot, and Grandpa easily gets tired. Change his menu every three days." 

Xiang Kun addressed Xiang Xingzhao, saying, "Dad, you can see how thoughtful Mingzhang is." 

With a subtle smile, Xiang Mingzhang wiped his mouth for Xiang Xingzhao and said, "Uncle Qi, take Grandpa out to bask in the sun." 

Xiang Xingzhao tugged at his hand like a child, pleading, "Don't go, don't go." 

"I won't leave, Grandpa," Xiang Mingzhang gently assured him. "After basking in the sun and taking a nap, we'll go for a walk in the afternoon and play a game of chess." 

At that moment, Chu Zhichen observed the expressions of everyone in the room. Smiles adorned their faces, yet they held an air of artificiality and discomfort. 

Within such a large family, it was evident that Xiang Mingzhang held true power and authority. 

In such a family, the favor of the elders alone was insufficient. Real power and influence came from having substantial authority. 

Without substantial authority, you were at the mercy of those who did. 

Chu Zhichen had heard rumors that Xiang Xingzhao always favored Xiang Mingzhang, evident even in the names given. While brothers of the same generation had names starting with "Ru", Xiang Mingzhang was the only one deliberately named by Xiang Xingzhao. 

The Xiang family reunion appeared joyous, but Chu Zhichen couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. 

With a playful glint in their eyes, everyone encouraged Miss Qin to address her boyfriend's parents as "Mom and Dad." 

Chu Zhichen then realized that Xiang Mingzhang's parents were not present at the table, and no one had mentioned them. 

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After the meal, everyone dispersed, entertaining themselves. Xiang Mingzhang pulled Aunt Qian aside, exchanged a few words, and then led Chu Zhichen out of the villa through the side hall. 

The garden was a lush oasis of green, the tall sycamore trees casting their shadows over the ground. The leaves were a deep, dark green, almost black in some places, and the branches swayed gently in the breeze. The air was filled with the sound of birdsong and the occasional rustle of leaves. 

In the center of the garden stood a blue glass greenhouse. The glass was tinted a light blue, giving the greenhouse a soft, ethereal glow. Inside, the plants were thriving, their leaves lush and green. Several hibiscus birds flitted about, their bright red plumage a stark contrast to the green of the plants. 

Xiang Mingzhang grabbed a bag of corn and carried it out to the lawn. He opened the bag and began to scatter the corn kernels on the ground. As the kernels rained down, the birds in the trees took notice. They chirped excitedly and began to fly down to the lawn. 

They pecked at the corn kernels eagerly, their feathers rustling in the breeze. Xiang Mingzhang smiled as he watched the birds enjoy their meal. 

Sensing Chu Zhichen's growing impatience, he turned towards him and asked, "What would you like to ask first?" 

Chu Zhichen responded, "Zhai Feng." 

"It's never pleasant to be deceived," Xiang Mingzhang spoke. "Do you have your cell phone with you? Check your email." 

Chu Zhichen retrieved his phone and opened his mailbox. He discovered an unread email sent by Xiang Mingzhang during his journey after landing. 

The email contained two documents - Zhai Feng's resume, which provided more detailed information than what Chu Zhichen had previously obtained. It stated that Zhai Feng had worked at Yisi for thirteen years. 

Four years ago, after Chu Zhe's passing, Zhai Feng was unexpectedly transferred to the sales department. 

Starting as a regular employee in the sales department can be considered starting from scratch. Over the past four years, Zhai Feng participated in numerous projects without any work-related errors, disciplinary actions, or awards. During this period, he had only been promoted from a staff member to a team leader. 

The talented individuals in the research and development department had been shifted to the business department and suppressed for many years. Zhai Feng's otherwise impressive resume was tainted with disappointment. 

Under such circumstances, how long can a person persist conscientiously? And even if they can, why would they? 

Chu Zhichen felt a chill run down his spine after reading the documents. In the four years since Chu Zhe's death, how many Zhai Fengs had he thought of? 

How many Zhai Fengs had he left behind? 

Xiang Mingzhang spoke, "If the project doesn't fail, what will Yisi offer him?" 

Chu Zhichen had initially believed that Zhai Feng could rise to a higher position, but now he couldn't provide an answer. 

He asked, "Such a valuable person cannot be swayed with mere favors, so what did you give him?" 

Xiang Mingzhang explained, "In addition to a recommendation letter for admission, he will become the director of the R&D center of Xiangyue Southeast Region after half a year in Shenzhen." 

Chu Zhichen remarked, "So this is the true purpose of poaching Zhai Feng." 

"Yes, I admit it," Xiang Mingzhang calmly replied. "Since he is already on the project team, we decided to have him do one more thing before he leaves. Initially, he was hesitant." 

Chu Zhichen suddenly felt anger rising within him. "Because he is not as morally bankrupt as you." 

Xiang Mingzhang repeated, "Morally bankrupt?" 

Chu Zhichen challenged, "Xiang Yue acquired Yisi, and positions can be transferred openly. No one could have stopped you if you wanted him. Why did you have to sabotage this project?" 

Xiang Mingzhang sneered, "Has Yisi lost too many orders in recent years? This one is a good opportunity." 

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"You don't care about Yisi's interests, but you shouldn't tarnish Yisi's reputation. Even if you were to lose, it would be better to be inferior to others than to make such a low-level mistake!" 

"Lose? Lose to Du Heng?" Xiang Mingzhang mocked, "Your Chu family and Li Zangqiu are no different. As for me, Xiang Mingzhang, I'm not that foolish." 

Anger consumed Chu Zhichen's face. "Show some respect." 

"Then let me enlighten you," Xiang Mingzhang stepped closer, his eyes glinting fiercely. "From now on, I aim to secure orders that were previously unattainable, let alone Du Heng. How capable is Li Heng? How large of a project can he handle? It all depends on the scraps that Li Zangqiu has given him over the years from Yisi's plate. Your Chu family may not be foolish, but you are too kind-hearted. Carrying the sedan chair for father and son." 

Chu Zhichen discreetly pondered the information revealed, quickly realizing, "You're targeting Li Zangqiu? What will happen to the rest of the project team?" 

Xiang Mingzhang's gaze softened, momentarily pleased by Chu Zhichen's quick intellect after chastising him for being foolish. 

Xiang Mingzhang had been at the top of the mountain for many years, and he had seen his fair share of foolish decisions. But he saw today Chu Zhichen was different. He was young and inexperienced, but he was also intelligent and quick-witted. 

He said, "The second document." 

Chu Zhichen opened it to find an announcement drafted by the HR Department. It would be distributed within the company on the first day of the upcoming month, which was tomorrow. 

Both the sales director and two managers were not only demoted but also transferred to branch offices or other departments. This severe punishment served as a deterrent to others, effectively removing them from Yisi's management circle. 

The top leaders and trusted confidants of the business department held significant influence. Without these key individuals, Li Zangqiu's core team would undoubtedly be affected. 

If Xiang Mingzhang wanted to attack Li Zangqiu, he needed to hit him where it hurt the most, making an impactful and irreversible mistake. 

"This time, we've made an opening move. Li Zangqiu couldn't bear it, so he had to accept it," Xiang Mingzhang explained. "Thus, delaying a project is not a loss." 

Chu Zhichen snapped to attention upon hearing the word "delay." He lifted his head and said, "Yisi was disqualified, resulting in less than three companies participating in the bidding process, leading to a failed bid. Then the pharmaceutical company will reopen the tender. If I guess correctly, Xiangyue will participate, right?" 

Xiang Mingzhang did not deny it. "Indeed, your plan is impeccable. If you win the project, I will hand it over to Yisi to handle. Your hard work will not go to waste." 

Chu Zhichen replied coldly, "Do you expect me to thank you for your thoughtfulness after slapping me with a sweet gesture?" 

Xiang Mingzhang retorted, "I bought Yisi to generate profits, not to drive it into bankruptcy. I don't need to prove my worth to anyone, especially not to you. The shares have been sold." 

"So you chose me," Chu Zhichen stated. 

On the surface, he appeared inexperienced, making it reasonable for a rookie to make mistakes. A pampered individual with no shares to his name could be discarded when no longer useful. 

In the beginning, Xiang Mingzhang genuinely believed this. The Chu family and Li Zangqiu had a close relationship, and they might even form a family in the future. He didn't believe that Chu Zhichen would ever separate himself from Li Zangqiu. 

He was also aware that Chu Zhichen didn't trust him, and those remarks were just a way to slow down his entrance into the company. 

Since they were both using each other, it had nothing to do with right or wrong, only the level of tactics. 

But now, everything was going according to plan, except that Chu Zhichen didn't meet his expectations. 

Zhai Feng sent a long message to plead for Chu Zhichen, and Xiang Mingzhang couldn't fully assess his abilities, character, and sincerity. 

After a brief period of silence, Chu Zhichen assumed that Xiang Mingzhang had acquiesced. 

In this encounter, Li Zangqiu suffered a setback, prompting Xiang Mingzhang to poach Zhai Feng away and take over the project to secure his profits. 

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Killing three birds with one stone was Xiang Mingzhang's plan from beginning to end. 

Chu Zhichen had been a chess piece before, and he recognized it. To win a chess game, one had to strategically place their pieces early on. He finally asked, "When did you decide to use me?" 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "I agreed with you joining the company." 

Chu Zhichen narrowed his eyes against the gentle spring breeze, his gaze as cold as the petals that hurt when they touch. He no longer felt any strong emotions. They were both using each other, but this time, he was inferior to Xiang Mingzhang. 

He couldn't help but admire Xiang Mingzhang a little. 

After a long conversation, it was time to end. Chu Zhichen spoke slowly, "Congratulations on your victory." 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "There is no punishment for you in the announcement." 

Chu Zhichen questioned, "So what?" 

Xiang Mingzhang arrogantly declared, "If you beg me to stay, I can consider it." 

Chu Zhichen grabbed Xiang Mingzhang's hand, snatching the bag of corn from his palm and dumping it on the grass. In an instant, dozens of birds that had lost their wildness flew toward him. 

He said, "The canaries beg for food, but I don't." 

Xiang Mingzhang's fingers curled slightly, unable to capture the lingering warmth of his touch. Since Chu Zhichen rejected the offered step, he had no reason to waste his energy. 

He said, "Alright, then I wish you the best in finding another job as soon as possible." 

Chu Zhichen walked away. 

A group of canaries were fed and returned to their cages. It was truly dull. Xiang Mingzhang returned to the villa. 

As he entered the side hall, Aunt Qian approached with two porcelain cups on a tray, emanating a delightful aroma. 

On the tray were two porcelain cups filled with a fragrant tea, and an appetizing dish of lychee and plum. The lychees were plump and juicy, and the plums were tart and refreshing. The two fruits were perfectly balanced, and the dish was a delight to the senses. 

Alongside the lychee and plum dish was a nutritious grouper stewed with egg. The grouper was flaky and white, and the egg was soft and custardy. The stew was swimming in a rich and flavorful broth, and it was sure to warm the young man's belly. 

Aunt Qian asked, "I prepared it according to your instructions. Where would you like to eat?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "No need, everyone has left." 


The author has something to say: 

This section was maliciously reported. Additional explanations: 

1. The bid is from their own company and does not infringe upon the interests of competitors. 

2. The protagonist is concealing part of the truth, involving subsequent plot developments and related characters, which is not illegal. These will be revealed and explained later on. 


[T/N: To be honest, Xiang Mingzhang played this game of chess exceptionally well. His moves were calculated and precise, and he always seemed to be one step ahead of his opponent, right?] 

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