Chapter 13: 13. Ruyi's Head And Ivory Hub, Exquisite.

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Chu Zhichen preferred to stay at home and rarely ventured out. Each morning, he dedicated his time to reading books and newspapers. His only indulgence was locking himself in his room and enjoying a cigar. 

Perhaps due to his calm demeanor, Mrs. Chu grew concerned and asked him about his plans for the future. 

With a half-joking tone, Chu Zhichen replied with four words: maintain a low profile. 

He repeatedly pondered over Xiang Mingzhang's remarks about Yisi and Duheng, as well as the possibility of Li Zangqiu hiding any secrets during his tenure as president of the company. 

Chu Zhichen conducted some research and discovered that Duheng was established only five years ago, yet its development had been remarkably fast. Many of its customers were former partners of Yisi. 

Aside from customers, what about the technology? 

How much of Yisi's resources had been "migrated"? 

Chu Zhichen was determined to find out, but delving into such matters required influence and abilities that ordinary individuals didn't possess. It would take time to uncover the truth. 

Those with the power to intervene and effect change within Yisi... 

That would be Xiangyue. 

Chu Zhichen couldn't adequately express his feelings toward Xiang Mingzhang. It was too simplistic to say whether he admired or despised him. As an adult, after this experience, what mattered was what was useful or useless. 

This time, he felt impatient. Upon finding himself in this unfamiliar time and space, he yearned to make a mark on this world to establish a sense of security. He wasn't afraid of failure. If he could learn valuable lessons, there was no need for regret. 

Chu Zhichen pondered for a long time, running his fingers on the corner of a page in the book to feel its warmth. At that moment, his sister Chu Shihui appeared in the doorway, her figure swaying slightly. She halted, raised her hand, and knocked on the door frame. 

"Please come in," Chu Zhichen invited her. 

Chu Shihui entered the room, entering Chu Zhichen's personal space for the first time. She seemed a bit awkward, hesitating between the sofa and the armchair. She asked, "Why did you move to the guest room?" 

Chu Zhichen swiftly provided a perfect answer, "I don't remember the past, and I can't chase the future, so I'm starting a new life." 

Chu Shihui nodded, wasting no time beating around the bush. She asked directly, "When you previously mentioned leaving me some money from selling equity to start a company, were you serious?" 

"Yes, how could I lie to you?" Chu Zhichen responded earnestly. "Just to be on the safe side, let Mom contact a lawyer to formalize it with a notarization." 

Chu Shihui immediately said, "I'm not doubting you, I just don't understand why you would be willing to do this." 

Chu Zhichen explained, "The only thing remaining in our family is your stake in Yisi. Joining Yisi and working there would be the best option. Unfortunately, the current circumstances are unclear. Starting your own business would not be a bad choice either. This is just a decision. You're an adult, choose what you like, and don't feel restricted." 

Chu Shihui fell silent for a while, then walked up to Chu Zhichen and sat down. She said, "I want to join Yisi. I have an interest in computers, and I miss Dad." 

Chu Zhichen felt a touch of emotion. This girl, despite being from a wealthy family, wasn't fragile. She displayed strength, and motivation, and consistently achieved top grades. 

He raised his hand and rubbed Chu Shihui's hair, saying, "Alright, I'll support you." 

"What about you?" Chu Shihui asked, concerned. "You were fired from the company." 

"Yes," replied Chu Zhichen. 

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Chu Shihui muttered, "You've turned your back on people as soon as you've gained power. It'll be even harder after graduation. Xiang Mingzhang is ambitious, and he has many aunts, uncles, and cousins who won't hesitate to employ any means necessary." 

Chu Zhichen had to admit that he felt a certain joy upon hearing Xiang Mingzhang being criticized behind his back. He surmised that these opinions were instilled in Chu Shihui by Li Heng, and he inquired, "Do you have a good relationship with Li Heng?" 

"It's alright," Chu Shihui responded nonchalantly. She wasn't interested in engaging in idle conversation. "Now that we've broken up with Xiang Mingzhang, what about work?" 

Chu Zhichen couldn't help but laugh. Such fleeting breakups and partings were common occurrences in the lives of young people. His communication with Xiang Mingzhang had always been driven by profit. 

Chu Zhichen knows Xiangyue sufficiently, as Xiangyue primarily operated in the financial and banking sectors. 

Chu Zhichen said, "There's no rush, we'll meet again soon." 

Chu Zhichen had been feeling bored at home for over a week, occasionally engaging in brief conversations with Ling Qi on WeChat. He recalled that Ling Qi's department was previously involved in a major project that seemed to be encountering difficulties. When he inquired about it, Ling Qi expressed frustration with the progress. 

On the weekend, Ling Qi messaged Chu Zhichen, asking if he was available recently. 

Chu Zhichen had made this friend through Xiangyue, and their delayed promise of a warm gathering at their place left Chu Zhichen feeling apologetic. He had plenty of time to reply. 

Ling Qi invited him to a hot pot restaurant and provided the address. 

Happily, Chu Zhichen made his way to the designated location, which happened to be a restaurant known for its excellent reputation and popularity. 

Ling Qi initially intended to invite him to their apartment but decided against it, fearing that it might be uncomfortable for Chu Zhichen to meet Xiangyue's staff. 

"It doesn't matter where we go," Chu Zhichen said, handing over a bag. "This is a housewarming gift." 

Ling Qi accepted the bag and looked inside, exclaiming, "Wow, a robot vacuum cleaner! It's something my home desperately needs!" 

Chu Zhichen had purchased it from a nearby shopping mall, and judging by Ling Qi's reaction, it seemed to be the perfect gift. However, his mind wandered, thinking about Xiang Mingzhang. There were a couple of sentences he could recall from that person's sincere and deceitful words. 

Ling Qi asked, "Do you want to have some beer?" 

Chu Zhichen responded, "I'll stick to water." 

Ling Qi replied, "I still want to get drunk with you to forget your worries. If you want water, why not have a can of Coke?" 

Chu Zhichen smiled and said, "I'm not worried." 

"You were fired," Ling Qi said, immediately regretting his words. "I'm sorry..." 

Chu Zhichen shrugged off the remark, stating that this setback was not significant enough for him to drown his sorrows. 

He focused on the content of Ling Qi's conversation and asked, "So what's been bothering you? Are you experiencing problems at work?" 

Ling Qi's face displayed a pained expression as he replied, "The department's new major project has a budget of over 100 million yuan, but it's proving difficult to win and progress has been slow. The director isn't happy, the manager isn't happy, the supervisor isn't happy, and even the team leader isn't happy. As a minor member, I'm the unhappiest of them all." 

Chu Zhichen offered some consolation, saying, "Everyone's unhappy, but at least it's fair." 

"But their salaries are higher!" Ling Qi continued his complaining. "The situation here is unclear, and the R&D department is being overworked. Yesterday, they added a last-minute stand-up meeting to exchange information. When Mr. Xiang arrived, the atmosphere was quite intense, as if we were being disciplined." 

Imagining the scene, Chu Zhichen asked, "How did Xiang Mingzhang react?" 

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Ling Qi answered, "He was calm... Maybe I'm shortsighted, but I couldn't discern his mood at all." 

Chu Zhichen couldn't help but laugh as he maintained a smile and got straight to the point, asking, "Can you discuss any aspects of the project?" 

"The entire system is customized, so the information is public; it's fine," Ling Qi replied. "The client is Lixin Bank." 

While enjoying the boiling pot, Chu Zhichen, who wasn't particularly fond of spicy food, sipped his soda slowly and listened to Ling Qi talk for over two hours. 

After returning home from dinner, Chu Zhichen felt a bit smoky and decided to soak in the bathtub until the water had circulated thrice. It was late at night, and he wrapped himself in a thin blanket as he walked around behind his desk, jotting notes in his notebook. 

—Lixin Bank. 

This bank boasted a long history with branches spread throughout the country. More than a dozen companies were competing for this project. The initial communication stage had concluded, and the project was currently in the selection and evaluation phase. 

The pressing issue at hand was that the banks were dissatisfied with the companies involved, including Xiangyue, who was once considered a top-notch. 

Lixin Bank, with its numerous branches and large volume, had varying business priorities, making it challenging to align system requirements. This resulted in ambiguous priorities and even overturned appeals after the completion of communication sessions. 

The companies were unfamiliar with the intricate workings of the bank, making it difficult for them to provide appropriate advice. Giving misguided advice would only be counterproductive. 

Party A showed no interest in understanding the matter, and Party B lacked comprehension, leading to wasted efforts. 

Typically, in such scenarios, Party B would have private discussions with Party A. However, the individual in charge of the bank selection team proved challenging to work with, resulting in multiple rejections from several companies. 

Chu Zhichen felt a sense of turmoil in his heart. Among the initial batch of modern banks in the city, Ningbo Business Group's capital accounted for 80%, with Lixin Bank being one of them. 

They utilized financial settlement systems, joint stock systems, and insurance methods that have evolved and are still being used today. Chu Zhichen had researched contemporary banks, which possessed more functionalities compared to the past but still had "savings and loans" at their core. 

Gripping his pen tightly, Chu Zhichen tapped twice on the table, as if making a decision. 

He would wait until everything was prepared by Saturday. 

On a cloudy day with light rain at dawn, Chu Zhichen wore a light-colored shirt, accentuating his slim frame, and instructed the driver to take him to Ouli Avenue. 

The rain was coming down harder now, and the windshield wipers were working overtime to keep the view clear. 

As the car approached the block, Chu Zhichen noticed the nearly hundred-year-old trees lining the road, interspersed with old Western-style buildings amidst the high-rises. 

Feeling a sense of familiarity, he asked, "When was that house built?" 

The driver replied, "It's been standing for a long time. Many old houses from the old Republic of China period remain." 

Chu Zhichen was taken aback. He thought the city was rapidly changing, but he discovered that remnants of the past had been preserved. Pleasantly surprised, he realized that this was the street he used to commute along every day. 

Not far away, a three-story building with a weathered brownish-yellow facade caught his eye. The windows were tall and narrow, with fan-shaped transoms above them catching his eye. 

Chu Zhichen widened his eyes in disbelief. 

As the car approached, it came to a halt on the side of the street, and the driver said, "We've arrived." 

In a state of panic, Chu Zhichen stepped out of the car and stood in front of the building, afraid to move, fearing that the mirage would vanish. 

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The place he had been searching for turned out to be the old address of Fuhua Bank. 

The building had undergone multiple renovations, with the touch-ups to the paint were subtle but effective. They had brightened up the exterior and made the building look more inviting. The weathered walls were a reminder of the building's history and gave it a sense of character. 

The second and third floors had been transformed into cafes, while the first floor housed a Chinese-style piano shop. 

Pushing open the door with reverence, Chu Zhichen entered, as if afraid of disturbing the serenity. 

At the end of the street, a Lexus slowly approached. 

Peng Xin, holding the steering wheel, glanced at the rearview mirror. Xiang Mingzhang sat in the back seat. He had freed up some time to focus on studying this project after being preoccupied with numerous tasks. 

The individual leading the bank's selection team was named Zhao. He had a fondness for piano, singing, and poetry. His wife ran a piano shop, and the couple often hosted art salons during their free time. 

Team leader Zhao possessed a cold personality and was difficult to schedule appointments with. He found ordinary meetings to be mundane and vulgar. Several companies had sent representatives to "build relationships through the piano," but he mocked those who lacked knowledge as being pretentious. 

Peng Xin parked the car at the main entrance and said, "Mr. Xiang, we've reached the destination." 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "You don't need to accompany me." 

Peng Xin inquired, "Are you going in by yourself?" 

Smooth communication was proving challenging, and rushing could lead to collapse. Patience was crucial. Since Xiang Mingzhang had the day off, he treated this visit as a leisurely outing. He stated, "I'll take a look at the pianos; you can go back." 

The light rain fell gently, like a veil of tears. It was so fine that it was almost imperceptible, but it was enough to wet Xiang Mingzhang's broad shoulders after just a few steps. The raindrops clung to his hair and clothes, and they sparkled like diamonds in the moonlight. 

He pushed open the door and entered, raising his hand to wipe the droplets from his face and clothes. 

As he looked up, he immediately spotted Chu Zhichen. 

The piano store exuded an air of openness and grace, with zithers, ruan flutes, and flutes neatly arranged. To the east stood a wall adorned with pipas. Chu Zhichen stood before the display, his head held high, his demeanor harmoniously blending with the surroundings. 

[T/N: A zither is a stringed instrument with a long, flat soundboard and multiple strings that are plucked with the fingers or a plectrum. It is a member of the board zither family, which also includes the koto, the guzheng, and the yangqin. Zithers are found in many cultures around the world, and there are many different types of zithers. 

A ruan flute is a Chinese plucked string instrument with a pear-shaped body and a long, slender neck. It is played by plucking the strings with the fingers or a plectrum. The ruan has a mellow, haunting sound and is often used in Chinese folk music. 

Pipa is a four-stringed plucked lute that is played with a plectrum. It is one of the most popular instruments in Chinese music and is often used in solo, chamber, and ensemble performances. The pipa has a bright, piercing sound and can be played in a variety of styles.] 

As he turned around, Chu Zhichen spotted Xiang Mingzhang. Unfazed, he feigned ignorance and resumed his gaze upon the pipas. 

Xiang Mingzhang pondered, questioning why Chu Zhichen was present in this place. 

Several regular customers sipped tea in the reception area, engrossed in conversation with Team Leader Zhao. Afterward, Zhao made his way over, extending a less enthusiastic welcome to the unfamiliar faces. 

He glanced at Chu Zhichen, observing the young man who seemed disinterested in these musical instruments. Perhaps curiosity had brought him here. 

Zhao inquired, "May I offer you any assistance?" 

Having nearly examined all the pipas, Chu Zhichen pointed at one of them and said, "Please help me take this one down." 

Team Leader Zhao looked at him once more and responded, "This is a prized possession." 

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The pipa was carefully removed, and Chu Zhichen caught it securely. He expressed his admiration, saying, "The Ruyi motif on the head and the ivory pegs are quite exquisite." 

A hint of gentleness appeared on Team Leader Zhao's face as he added, "The phoenix terrace is also crafted entirely from pure ivory." 

Chu Zhichen ran his fingers along the cracks in the pipa body, evaluating the quality of the splicing technique. The lobular sandalwood on the back panel appeared flawless, and a flick of his hand secured it. It was indeed an excellent pipa. 

Curious about the timbre, he inquired, "May I try playing it?" 

Team Leader Zhao replied, "Of course." 

The piano trial area faced the entrance of the store. Chu Zhichen sat on a round stool, cradling the pipa in his arms. A white screen stood behind him, reflecting his face. He adjusted the instrument and lightly plucked the strings. 

Inevitably, Xiang Mingzhang followed the enchanting melody, unable to resist its allure. 

Having not played for a considerable time, Chu Zhichen began to slowly touch the strings. 

Beneath him lay the bustling lobby of Fuhua Bank, filled with people coming and going, the atmosphere orderly and bustling as wealth flowed in from all directions. However, once closed, it was devoid of prosperity. 

His slender fingers moved faster and faster; the silk strings resonated, akin to flying lancets. 

Chu Zhichen glanced up at the entrance, perceiving the change in surroundings and people. Outside the gate, only trees seemed to remain on the long street. 

Beneath the dome, the past remained concealed. 

The history lay buried within stripped walls, new glass, and unfamiliar faces! 

Unbeknownst to him, everyone was captivated by the intense sound of the pipa, gathering around, enraptured. 

Chu Zhichen's fingertips grew red with the pressure applied to the strings, while the edges of his eyes turned redder still. 

Chu Zhichen's fingers danced across the strings of the guzheng, coaxing forth a beautiful melody. The sound was flawless, but Xiang Mingzhang could tell that Chu Zhichen was holding back. There was a tension in his shoulders and a tightness in his jaw that betrayed his emotions. 

The sound ceased abruptly, and silence fell for a moment as if no one had regained their composure. 

Suppressing the torrent of emotions, he narrowed his eyes, his trembling fingertips unable to be controlled. 

Surrounded by awe and applause, Team Leader Zhao wore an entirely different expression and proclaimed, "Have we encountered an expert in our store?" 

Approaching footsteps echoed slowly, leaving Chu Zhichen with no time to conceal his sorrow. He raised his head, finding Xiang Mingzhang standing before him. 

Everything seemed perfectly timed; he portrayed an air of ease and nonchalance, subtly stating, "Mr. Xiang, you're here." 

Team Leader Zhao hesitated and addressed Xiang Mingzhang, "Xiang... are you affiliated with Xiangyue?" 

Chu Zhichen continued, his calmness barely perceptible, "Did it sound good?" 

The chord resonated flawlessly, but his chest still reverberated. Xiang Mingzhang forgot the initial intention behind his response and replied, "Yes, it sounded great." 


Author's notes: 

The two paragraphs regarding modern banks are based on references from the Ningbo Financial Journal. 

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