Chapter 14: 14. A Mystery Windbreaker In His Room.

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Team Leader Zhao reminisced about the recent visits from individuals in suits and leather shoes who briefly stated their purpose before being escorted out. Today's encounter was truly unexpected and surprising. 

The mention of "Mr. Xiang" unveiled his identity. Xiang Mingzhang understood Chu Zhichen's intentions and took advantage of the situation, extending his right hand and introducing himself, "Mr. Zhao, I am Xiang Mingzhang." 

Group Leader Zhao shook his hand and joked, "Mr. Xiang, you waste no time. Our humble shop is honored by your presence." 

Xiang Mingzhang didn't appreciate insincere pleasantries. He replied, "I'm just an outsider, so please don't mock my interest in the arts." 

Team Leader Zhao smiled politely, still immersed in the pipa music they had just heard. He turned his head and asked with enthusiasm whether Chu Zhichen was a professional, how many years he had been studying, and which piece he had played. 

Chu Zhichen stood up and responded, "It's a long story. Would you like to have a conversation about it?" 

Team Leader Zhao understood the implication and replied, "I suspect it's not solely about the pipa." 

Chu Zhichen candidly spoke, "If you're willing, could you spare a few minutes to discuss a potential project?" 

Team Leader Zhao was in a good mood and readily agreed, leading them to the café on the second floor for a conversation. 

Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Zhichen ascended the stairs side by side, their arms occasionally brushing against each other. Xiang Mingzhang was aware of the contact, but he didn't move away. He found himself taking longer strides to match Chu Zhichen's pace, and he couldn't help but notice the way Chu Zhichen's sleeve brushed against his hand. He felt a strange heat spreading through his body, and he had to resist the urge to look at Chu Zhichen. 

Xiang Mingzhang slowed down and asked, "What about the occurrence? Will you help?" 

Chu Zhichen halted upon hearing the words. "I forgot. I've been fired, so this is none of my business." 

Just as he finished speaking, he made a gesture and headed downstairs. Xiang Mingzhang raised his hand to stop him, speaking in a calm tone, "Are you purposefully seeking revenge against me?" 

Chu Zhichen replied, echoing his words, "If you ask me to stay, I can consider it." 

The boss upstairs motioned for them to hurry, prompting Xiang Mingzhang to take a half-step closer with a smile and say, "Your bag of bracts killed my four canaries, and I haven't settled the score with you yet." 

Surprised, Chu Zhichen barely had time to inquire about its veracity when Xiang Mingzhang grabbed him, firmly gripping his shoulder, and ushered him upstairs. 

The pot of freshly brewed coffee filled the room with its rich aroma, a heady mix of roasted beans and steamed milk. The scent was so strong that it could almost be tasted, like a warm hug on a cold day. 

Team Leader Zhao was in high spirits, eagerly asking questions across the table. 

Chu Zhichen began learning the pipa at the age of five. On his birthday that year, his father gifted him a jade bead abacus, intending to teach him basic accounting skills. For the following month, he carried the abacus everywhere, the constant clattering becoming rather annoying. 

His mother scolded him, asserting that it was too early to be exposed to financial matters and that it would breed materialism. Given his penchant for using his hands, she taught him the pipa to cultivate his artistic sensibilities. 

Chu Zhichen practiced playing the pipa, finding solace in it when no one else was around, rarely performing for others. The piece he played was an old, lost folk melody, both magnificent and melancholic, reminiscent of martial arts. 

The conversation revolved around the topic of the pipa, and Xiang Mingzhang silently listened. He had never heard that Mrs. Chu played the pipa, let alone imagined that Chu Zhichen would receive an abacus from his father. 

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Yet, Chu Zhichen spoke with eloquence and sincerity, as if he had perfected the art of deception. 

As the chat neared its end, Chu Zhichen surveyed the surroundings and changed the subject, "This building used to be a bank, emanating a distinct copper scent. It's interesting how it has been repurposed into a coffee shop." 

Team Leader Zhao nodded, "Ah, it must have been during the old Republic of China era." 

Chu Zhichen concurred, "Indeed, it was established even before Lixin Bank." 

Chinese qin music is deeply intertwined with ancient roots. Group Leader Zhao had a keen interest in this aspect, also being a history enthusiast. Chu Zhichen began discussing the old bank and shared intriguing stories about the industry. 

Team Leader Zhao listened attentively, and when the conversation touched upon business in different eras, he eagerly engaged with Chu Zhichen. 

Xiang Mingzhang took a sip of his coffee, his curiosity piqued. Chu Zhichen's expertise seemed to go beyond mere research; he possessed a profound understanding of the industry, as if he had ample practical experience. 

Group Leader Zhao also harbored doubts: "How did you come to understand this so thoroughly? Have you ever worked in a bank?" 

"It's just a humble opinion," Chu Zhichen paused. "The company places great importance on this project, so it requires dedication. Otherwise, Mr. Xiang wouldn't have made an appearance today." 

There was an unspoken understanding between them, no need for Chu Zhichen to give any hints with his eyes. One sentence was enough, and Xiang Mingzhang set down his cup decisively to begin discussing the technical implementation of the business needs. 

He provided a few highly targeted examples that were easy to comprehend, succinctly illustrating the advantages of Xiangyue. 

Though time was limited, their discussion far surpassed expectations. Xiang Mingzhang left an opening and scheduled a formal interview with Team Leader Zhao. 

Before departing, Team Leader Zhao accompanied them downstairs and asked, "By the way, why didn't we see Mr. Chu last time?" 

Chu Zhichen spoke candidly, "I was occupied with other projects at that time." 

Team Leader Zhao didn't suspect him and agreed to chat further during their next encounter. 

There was an empty space on the pipa shop's wall, where the test instrument had not been hung back. Chu Zhichen sensed that Xiang Mingzhang's intentions were impure and honestly said, "I have a great fondness for the pipa. It's just that it's a bit out of my budget at 200,000 yuan, or else I would definitely take it home. Please forgive me." 

Group Leader Zhao admired his demeanor, remarking, "Using the piano to build relationships is secondary to business." 

As they left the piano shop, Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Shichen were caught in a sudden downpour. The rain came down in sheets, and the wind whipped it around, making it difficult to see. Xiang Mingzhang, being taller, took the handle of the umbrella from Chu Shichen and held it over them both, walking alongside him on the street. 

Chu Zhichen glanced back at the building as the door slowly closed, realizing he had transformed from a master to a passerby. 

Xiang Mingzhang had already sensed Chu Shichen's frustration and despondency. He lowered the edge of the umbrella to block his view and asked, "Where are you heading?" 

The cold rain fell on Chu Zhichen's thin shirt, causing him to shudder. He replied, "I want to grab a drink." 

Seeking solace in alcohol to drown your troubles? Xiang Mingzhang didn't inquire further but instead said, "Let me take you to a place." 

Hidden along the extensive streets were numerous establishments for getting drunk. Xiang Mingzhang led Chu Shichen to a refined bar named "Yunjiao." Being a regular customer, he didn't require a reservation. 

Within the assigned area was an incredibly comfortable couch. Chu Zhichen sank slightly as he sat on it, unable to resist the relaxation it brought to his back. 

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Soon, the waiter brought over seven or eight bottles of liquor and various condiments. Xiang Mingzhang sat across from Chu Zhichen with clean hands, opened a bottle of tequila, added liqueur and lemon juice, shook it thoroughly, poured it into a glass, and handed it to Chu Zhichen. 

"An appetizer," he said. 

Chu Zhichen took the glass and swiftly drank it down, his tongue gently gliding over his lips. "It's a bit sour." 

Xiang Mingzhang proceeded to open another bottle of whiskey, mixed it with honey liqueur, and stated, "This glass has a higher alcohol content. Drink it slowly." 

Chu Zhichen finished his drink in two gulps and, to Xiang Mingzhang's wordless astonishment, asked, "Is there more?" 

By the third glass, Chu Zhichen finally began to slow down, allowing Xiang Mingzhang to free his hand and pour a drink for himself. The two of them engaged in a back-and-forth drinking game, occasionally locking eyes. 

Following today's events, the power dynamic had shifted, with Chu Zhichen now firmly in control. 

Xiang Mingzhang admitted to underestimating him. Chu Zhichen wouldn't allow himself to be manipulated. He desired to return to the company, and today's pipa performance and successful business exchange were all part of the price. 

With the tables turned, Chu Zhichen not only wanted to regain his dignity but also sought the "mastermind" to willingly invite him back. 

Xiang Mingzhang never hesitated and said, "Let's talk then. What is it that you want?" 

Chu Zhichen also held nothing back: "I want to make a gentleman's agreement with you." 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "I mentioned before that I am not a gentleman." 

"So an agreement is necessary," Chu Zhichen shook the empty wine glass. "Are you willing?" 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "That depends on the terms of the agreement. I know you want to return to Yisi, so what position are you seeking?" 

Chu Zhichen placed the glass down, the sound of it colliding with the marble table echoing solemnly. His tone was serious as he declared, "No, I want to return to Xiangyue." 

Xiang Mingzhang was taken aback. "Xiangyue?" 

Chu Zhichen had carefully considered his decision. Xiangyue was an industry leader, excelling in both business and management. He believed that he could learn a great deal from being a part of it. 

The defeat in their previous encounter had taught him an important lesson - being too close to authority limits one's perspective. He needed to break away from Yisi to gain clarity. 

Furthermore, he needed to leverage Xiang Mingzhang's influence in order to get closer. 

Chu Zhichen nodded firmly. "Do you agree?" 

Xiang Mingzhang questioned, "Why?" 

The high-alcohol content of the drink began to take effect, making Chu Zhichen's mind momentarily hazy. 

He stumbled over his words, simplifying his answer to, "I want to get closer to you." 

Xiang Mingzhang couldn't tell if his hearing had deteriorated or if Chu Zhichen's speech had worsened, but he stood there in complete astonishment, unsure of how to react. 

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While Xiang Mingzhang was lost in thought, Chu Zhichen refilled his glass with whiskey and swiftly drank half of it in a couple of gulps. 

The smell of alcohol wafted in the air, tingling his face and making his cheeks rosy. He closed his lips tightly, lost in his own thoughts. Suddenly, as if giving up, he opened his mouth and exhaled his hidden thoughts, embracing the scent of alcohol. 

Xiang Mingzhang looked up, remembering the end of the pipa performance and the sadness in Chu Zhichen's eyes at that moment. 

Reaching over to snatch the wine glass away, Xiang Mingzhang said, "Stop drinking. Do you want to have something to eat?" 

Chu Zhichen shook his head. "Not hungry." 

Xiang Mingzhang glanced at the menu for the day. "The roast duck with red wine here is excellent. Give it a try." 

"Roast duck..." Chu Zhichen, inebriated, reminisced, "I had it at an old restaurant in Beijing. The skin was crispy, tender, and incredibly flavorful." 

Xiang Mingzhang questioned, "Beijing?" 

Chu Zhichen ignored the question, tearing a piece of paper from the idea book and gripping a pen in his other hand, ready to write the agreement with Xiang Mingzhang's consent. 

As he wrote, he declared, "Don't frame me, don't fire me at will." 

Xiang Mingzhang looked at the two lines of traditional Chinese characters, realizing there was probably another line that read "Don't use me." He reminded, "Is there anything else?" 

Chu Zhichen pondered for a moment and added a third item: "Don't make me peel apples." 

Xiang Mingzhang sighed inwardly. "It's not like you're going to eat them after they're peeled." 

The alcohol's effect intensified, causing Chu Zhichen's hand to tremble as he wrote. The tip of the pen accidentally grazed his left index finger, leaving behind an ink mark that quickly dried and threatened to stain his fair skin. 

Xiang Mingzhang pulled out a tissue and reached out to wipe it for Chu Zhichen, but he swatted his hand away, warning, "There are rules. You can't touch it before it's stamped." 

Xiang Mingzhang chuckled in exasperation. "This agreement needs to be stamped?" 

"Of course," Chu Zhichen muttered deliriously. "But I lost my official seal. It was a fine crystal made by French royal craftsmen over the span of three months." 

Beijing wasn't enough, now it's France? 

Xiang Mingzhang motioned for the waiter to remove the drinks. He needed to sober up before he started hallucinating. 

After finishing the agreement, Chu Zhichen signed it, habitually adding three droplets of water character, but hesitated, smiled helplessly, and changed it to a bold "Chu Zhichen." 

He set the pen and paper aside, leaning back against the plush cushion. The drink had made his head feel hot, but his body still felt a little cold. 

Xiang Mingzhang picked up the agreement and perused its contents with attentiveness. He carefully read each line, his eyes darting back and forth as he took in the details. His brow was furrowed in concentration, and his lips were pursed in a thoughtful expression. 

Meanwhile, Chu Zhichen succumbed to slumber, his head tilted to one side and his shoulders slightly hunched inward. His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm, and his exposed collarbone cast a profound shadow across his skin. His lips were slightly parted, and his breath was warm and gentle. 

Outside, the rain poured down heavily in sheets, prohibiting Xiang Mingzhang from leaving for the time being. In response, he removed his windbreaker and draped it gently over Chu Zhichen, providing some protection from the inclement weather. 

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As evening approached and the rain gradually abated, Xiang Mingzhang arranged for a car to transport Chu Zhichen home. Initially, he had anticipated that Chu Zhichen could hold his liquor against three bottles, but to his surprise, he became visibly intoxicated after consuming only half a bottle of whiskey. Nonetheless, Chu Zhichen's comportment was admirable; he remained composed and considerate, even ensuring to fasten his seatbelt. 

Chu Zhichen retired to his home and slept soundly throughout the night. 

Upon awakening the next morning, he found himself still slightly disoriented from the deep slumber. He recollected his evening of drinking with Xiang Mingzhang and their discussion about returning to the company. 

However, one thing puzzled him — why was Xiang Mingzhang's windbreaker hanging in his room? 

After freshening up, Chu Zhichen descended the stairs. 

A delivery vehicle from a logistics company pulled up outside the gate. Its driver carefully placed a sizable box on the ground and handed Chu Zhichen a clipboard, requesting his signature. 

The sender had labeled it as an "item." 

Having completed the necessary documentation, Chu Zhichen accepted the package. It was rectangular, imposing in size, and exuded a weightiness that suggested its contents were of considerable value. The meticulous layering of the packaging further emphasized its importance. 

As he unraveled each layer, his fingers encountered a final barrier in the form of a dark velvet cloth. With great care, Chu Zhichen unveiled its concealed treasure — a pipa, the very instrument he had played the previous day. 

Pinned to the strings, he discovered a "Gentleman's Agreement," bearing the signature of Xiang Mingzhang. Gingerly removing it, Chu Zhichen pondered its significance. 

In the midst of his contemplation, his phone rang. Answering the call without checking the caller ID, Xiang Mingzhang's voice resonated in his ear, "Have you received it?" 

Curiously, Chu Zhichen inquired, "Are you referring to the agreement or the pipa?" 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "I believed you would appreciate both." 

Chu Zhichen queried, "So, you agreed?" 

Xiang Mingzhang confirmed, "Yes, I agree." 

Elevating the pipa, Chu Zhichen gently caressed the Phoenix Terrace and skillfully plucked at its strings. 

A clear, resonant sound that echoed through the Phoenix Terrace. He continued to play, his fingers moving nimbly over the strings, creating a melody that was both haunting and beautiful. The music seemed to flow from his soul, and he lost himself in the moment. 

Addressing Xiang Mingzhang, he asked, "When I return to Xiangyue, what specific position will I hold?" 

Xiang Mingzhang relayed, "I tasked the personnel department to conduct overnight research, and as it stands, there are only two vacancies available at Xiangyue. You may select your preferred position." 

Inquisitively, Chu Zhichen probed, "Which two roles are currently vacant?" 

Xiang Mingzhang momentarily paused before replying, "One is the park guard," he continued, "and the other is my secretary." 

Chu Zhichen felt deceived, an unwitting participant in Xiang Mingzhang's scheme. 

Xiang Mingzhang inquired, "Which one will you choose?" 

Utterly resigned, Chu Zhichen responded, "...Secretary." 

"Very well," Xiang Mingzhang stated officially, "I shall see you next week, Secretary Chu." 

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