Chapter 16: 16. The Air Is Thick And Stale In The Fuselage.

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Chu Zhichen averted his gaze and spoke in a composed manner, "Your mother?" 

Xiang Mingzhang kept his gaze ahead and replied, "Yes, Mrs. Chu is aware." 

Chu Zhichen had not seen Xiang Mingzhang's parents during his previous visit to Xiang's house. He wondered why they were absent from the family gathering. The person Xiang Mingzhang had just called on the phone was "Miss Bai". Could it be that Xiang Mingzhang's parents had separated? 

Without any words in response, Xiang Mingzhang silently escorted Chu Zhichen to the door of his house. 

As they were about to part ways, Chu Zhichen expressed his gratitude, "Thank you for taking me back." 

Xiang Mingzhang, in a cheerful mood, replied, "Give my regards to Mrs. Chu." 

Chu Zhichen then said, "Please give my regards to Auntie as well." 

"You're welcome," Xiang Mingzhang casually leaned on the back of the chair, "I'll give her two bottles of honey, so she'll have to thank you." 

Stepping back two paces, Chu Zhichen watched as Xiang Mingzhang walked away. When he returned home, he noticed a row of lights turned off in the villa, except for the brightly lit master bedroom suite. 

Since Mrs. Chu was still awake, Chu Zhichen went to her room to say hello. Although he was slightly curious about Xiang Mingzhang's family matters, he decided not to inquire about it. 

Their relationship was that of a boss and a subordinate, not even friends, so the boundaries should be crystal clear. 

While driving along Huanjiang Highway, Xiang Mingzhang gradually left the urban area behind. Manzhuang, the private manor on the outskirts of the city, was reached in the early morning. 

Seventy percent of the estate consisted of gardens, with two buildings located to its north and south. 

The gardens were divided into several different sections, each with its unique theme. There was a rose garden, a vegetable garden, an herb garden, a Japanese garden, and even a butterfly garden. The gardens were beautifully landscaped and maintained. 

The southern building was a grand Georgian-style mansion, with symmetrical facades and tall windows. The red brick exterior was offset by white trim, and the roof was made of slate. The mansion was surrounded by a lush green lawn, and there were several large trees in the front yard. The gardens in the back were filled with flowers and shrubs, and there was a fountain in the center. 

The northern building was smaller than the mansion, but it was still impressive. It was made of white stone, and it had a steeply pitched roof. The windows were smaller than those on the mansion, but they were just as elegant. The building was surrounded by a smaller lawn, and there were several flower beds in the front yard. The gardens in the back were more formal than those at the southern building, and there was a reflecting pool in the center. 

Both buildings were stunning examples of Georgian architecture. They were surrounded by lush landscaping, and they offered stunning views of the gardens. The buildings were a testament to the wealth and power of their owners, and they were a reminder of a bygone era. 

Xiang Mingzhang entered through the north gate, casually parked the car, and walked into a spacious courtyard with shopping bags in hand. 

He navigated the winding corridors, the only light coming from the ground lamps that cast their warm glow on the stone walls. The air was cool and damp, and the only sound was the echo of his footsteps. He rounded the final corner and stepped into the main living room, which was bathed in light and adorned with floor-to-ceiling windows. 

The door was already open, and a middle-aged woman dressed in simple attire stood at the entrance. 

"Mingzhang?" She called out to the figure beneath the corridor. 

"It's me," Xiang Mingzhang affirmed, quickly approaching and raising his hand to tightly wrap a shawl around the woman, "Mom, I hope I didn't disturb your rest." 

Bai Yongti, Xiang Mingzhang's mother, possessed beautiful and profound features. Despite her age and lack of facial beauty, one could still catch glimpses of the allure she once possessed. 

She smiled gently and replied, "No, I was copying scriptures." 

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Xiang Mingzhang led Bai Yongti into the room. The large living room appeared elegant on the surface, but in reality, it felt desolate. On the table lay the Four Treasures of the Study, along with an ink-smeared copy of scripture, with only the word "Amitabha" written. 

An arched doorway connected to a small dining room, where Sister Qing, the one responsible for taking care of Bai Yongti's daily needs, brought in the food and said, "Mr. Xiang, dinner is ready. Come and eat while it's still hot." 

Xiang Mingzhang was already hungry, so he washed his hands and sat down, picking up the chopsticks and pondering which dish to choose. 

The dishes were a symphony of green, from the delicate white willow sprouts to the vibrant emerald of the celery leaf balls. The cucumber and corn rolls were a refreshing contrast, their pale yellow bringing a touch of brightness to the table. The only dish that broke the color scheme was the dried bamboo shoots, their deep brown providing a grounding anchor for the other dishes. 

The white jade willow sprouts were crisp and tender, with a slightly sweet flavor. The cucumber and corn rolls were light and refreshing, with a hint of spice from the corn. The celery leaf emerald balls were earthy and flavorful, with a slightly crunchy texture. The dried bamboo shoots were chewy and hearty, with a woodsy flavor. 

Bai Yongti was a devout Buddhist, and her beliefs led her to follow a strict vegetarian diet. She believed that all living beings are sacred and that it was wrong to harm them for food. As a result, there were no meaty ingredients in her kitchen. 

Bai Yongti's vegetarian diet was not just a matter of personal preference. It was a way for her to live in. 

Xiang Mingzhang reluctantly filled his bowl with the vegetarian dishes and remarked, "I brought a few bottles of honey." 

Sister Qing took them out from the shopping bag and commented, "The bottles are so cute, and the black tea you had someone deliver last time was beautifully packaged as well." 

Bai Yongti had no interest in extravagant clothes or jewelry, and in her secluded lifestyle, she lacked for nothing. Therefore, Xiang Mingzhang often sent her nice food or trinkets to please her. 

"They were all gifts from others. I'm just borrowing flowers to offer Buddha," Xiang Mingzhang explained. "Mom, do you remember Mrs. Chu?" 

Bai Yongti pondered for a moment before replying, "I remember. Mrs. Chu is very joyful and loves to laugh." 

Xiang Mingzhang continued, "Her son works with me." 

Bai Yongti nodded, not inquiring about the details and choosing not to continue the conversation. Silently, she sat on the other side of the round table, unilaterally ending the conversation between mother and child. 

Xiang Mingzhang was accustomed to it; Bai Yongti paid no attention to the world outside of Manzhuang. Even if things happened around him or if he hadn't visited for a long time, the process always remained the same. 

As he lowered his head to eat, the more he chewed, the less flavor he tasted. Consequently, he put down his chopsticks prematurely. 

After exchanging goodnight wishes with his mother, Xiang Mingzhang returned to his bedroom to take a shower. It had been a while since he last visited, and the mattress was brand new, emitting a more unfamiliar scent than a hotel. 

Leaning against the head of the bed, he found the exquisitely designed house devoid of energy. 

The sky was a vast expanse of night blue, stretching from horizon to horizon. The trees stood tall and proud, their branches reaching up to the sky. The leaves on the trees were a brilliant green, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, creating a soothing sound. 

The scene is peaceful and serene. It was the perfect place to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. 

However, when the lights were turned off, it felt as though he was in a long, silent forest—his heart permeated with a sense of loneliness. 

Xiang Mingzhang switched the lamp back on. A cup of warm honey water sat on the bedside table, gently steaming. He picked it up and took a sip; it was slightly sweet and warm, soothing his troubled stomach. 

Picking up his phone, he composed a message and pressed send. 

In Chu Zhichen's study at the Chu residence, he worked overnight to complete the PPT. It was his first time doing so, and he inserted pictures of cats and tigers into the template. There were probably some errors, but he felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment. 

As soon as his phone screen lit up, he opened a recently received WeChat message. 

Xiang Mingzhang wrote: The honey water is delicious. 

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Chu Zhichen replied: That's good. 

Two minutes later, Xiang Mingzhang wrote again: Are you still awake? 

Having been typing on his keyboard all night, Chu Zhichen responded slowly and dispensed with formalities, "You haven't slept either." 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "I can't sleep." 

Immediately after sending the message, Xiang Mingzhang regretted it. Why did he tell a subordinate this? 

It seemed like a complaint, but it had no effect other than sounding long-winded. However, if he retracted it, it would be like admitting that he had made a mistake. 

Xiang Mingzhang was about to send one more sentence to end the conversation. He didn't want to listen to Chu Zhichen's well-intentioned advice to go to bed early, nor did he want Chu Zhichen to inquire about why he was experiencing insomnia. 

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhichen sent a PPT file at that moment. 

Xiang Mingzhang: "..." 

Chu Zhichen: I've finished it. Take a look if you can't sleep. 

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and the secretary was asking the boss to review a PPT he had made. In ten years of work, Xiang Mingzhang had never encountered anything quite as absurd. 

Chu Zhichen waited for a while after sending the message but received no reply. He returned to the chat list and pinned Xiang Mingzhang's message at the top, so it wouldn't get lost amongst others. 

The second on the list was Qian Hua. 

Ever since their farewell at the nightclub, Qian Hua had periodically messaged Chu Zhichen asking him to hang out. Up until now, there were over 300 unread messages, including 250 audio messages. 

Initially, Chu Zhichen politely declined, but as the requests became more frequent, he stopped responding altogether. 

The next day at work, Chu Zhichen made coffee and brought it to the CEO's office, checking the work schedule with Xiang Mingzhang for the day. 

After finishing their discussion, Chu Zhichen stated, "There's a seminar in Nanjing that we need to attend. It will take two days in total. The specific time hasn't been determined yet, so we're waiting for an announcement." 

Xiang Mingzhang flipped through some documents and replied, "Understood." 

Chu Zhichen continued, "I don't have any other immediate tasks, so I'll be heading out." 

Xiang Mingzhang suddenly looked up. He hadn't gotten enough sleep the previous night and wore glasses today to conceal the dark circles under his eyes. They made him appear more refined, with his high and straight nose bridge, sharp and deep eyebrows, and the silver-rimmed glasses accentuating his handsomeness. 

No one could discern his emotions. His face was a mask, revealing nothing of what he was thinking or feeling. 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "The PPT has been sent to your email." 

Detecting a hint of unhappiness in his tone, Chu Zhichen realized, "Did it disturb your rest?" 

Blinking his eyes behind the glasses, Xiang Mingzhang feigned nonchalance and replied, "No, it's rather mesmerizing." 

Chu Zhichen returned to the secretary's room to check his mailbox. The PPT had been revised, and a blank page was added to jot down questions and suggestions. 

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The text on the page was in bright red font, with no paragraphs, no punctuation marks, and some sentences were left incomplete. 

It was evident that whoever wrote it was in a somewhat manic state at the time. 

Over the next few days, Chu Zhichen made sure to strictly fulfill his duties as a secretary, fearing that Xiang Mingzhang might seize an opportunity to find fault. 

The second exchange was conducted as scheduled at the headquarters of Lixin Bank, under the leadership of Peng Xin. The exchange was highly successful and reflected the project team's efforts during this period. 

Considering the project's significance and long timeline, there was still a month and a half until the bidding. After working so diligently, everyone could finally take a breather. 

To reward the project team and boost morale, Peng Xin decided to treat them to a lavish meal and give everyone three days off to rest. 

After making the restaurant arrangements, Peng Xin went to invite Xiang Mingzhang. 

Xiang Mingzhang was well aware that his presence would make the employees uncomfortable, so he asked Peng Xin to take them out and have fun while he took care of the reimbursement. 

Peng Xin approached Chu Zhichen once again. Chu Zhichen had limited personal interactions with his colleagues since joining the company. He had intended to join the gathering, but since Xiang Mingzhang wasn't going, someone had to be there in case something happened. 

Chu Zhichen had no choice but to decline, planning to stay and work overtime. 

As a result, just fifteen minutes after the project team left, Xiang Mingzhang packed his bag and left the office gracefully. 

Chu Zhichen thought luck wasn't on his side. He turned off the smart system in the office, packed his belongings, and headed home. 

As he exited the office building, he noticed that the entrance to the park was blocked from a distance. 

Approaching the commotion, he heard people arguing as if someone was deliberately causing trouble. 

A large Hummer was parked in the middle of the road outside the park gate. The guard was attempting to persuade the owner to move the vehicle, but the owner refused to comply. 

Xiang Mingzhang, who had just finished work, was blocked at the gate. He was about to call the police when the owner of the Hummer suddenly jumped out of the car and shouted, "Chu Zhichen!" 

Unable to resist, Chu Zhichen stopped in his tracks. 

Qian Hua rushed towards him and exclaimed, "Let me catch you!" 

In full view of everyone around, Chu Zhichen ignored the embarrassment and lowered his voice, asking, "What are you doing here?" 

"Looking for you," Qian Hua replied with dissatisfaction. "Why is it so difficult to meet up with you? You brush me off with half-hearted phone calls and ignore my messages. Are you planning to break up with me?" 

Chu Zhichen responded, "Well, you can't block the entrance to the company." 

With a mischievous smile, Qian Hua remarked, "I sent you a WeChat message in advance, saying that I was coming, and you didn't say no." 

At that moment, the driver of the Hummer stepped out of the car and approached them. He said, "Secretary Chu, could you kindly ask your friend to move his vehicle, or else I'll have to call the police." 

Qian Hua playfully looked into the car through the windshield and asked, "Hey, who's sitting in the back? Is it Mr. Xiang?" 

The car window rolled down, revealing half of Xiang Mingzhang's face. His expression and eyes were filled with arrogance. His uncle Xiang Kun had some ties with Qian Hua's father, so he vaguely remembered this idiot. 

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Qian Hua beckoned, "Hey, Mr. Xiang, I'm here to pick up my buddies for happy hour. Want to join?" 

Chu Zhichen, towering over Qian Hua's foolish frame, warned in a low voice, "Stop fooling around!" 

Qian Hua turned his head and questioned, "What's the matter? I'm being so hospitable. Will Boss Xiang be willing to honor me?" 

The last time he spent the night out at a nightclub, he assume Chu Zhichen was hanging out with this idiot. Xiang Mingzhang stated, "No, don't let me hinder you from having a good time." 

Chu Zhichen heard the full sarcasm in his words and raised his eyes to meet Xiang Mingzhang's contemptuous gaze as if he couldn't bear the idea of fooling around with Qian Hua anymore. 

Having missed the dinner gathering, now being confronted with such a major issue, surrounded by a crowd discussing and watching, and being looked down upon by Xiang Mingzhang, Chu Zhichen's usually thin skin is facing an unprecedented test. 

A tinge of frustration emerged in his heart, and he just wanted to leave the scene as soon as possible. 

Ignoring the situation, Chu Zhichen strode to the door of the Hummer to calm Qian Hua down, and asked, "Are you getting in?" 

Qian Hua rushed over and replied, "Let's go!" 

Xiang Mingzhang watched as Chu Zhichen sat in the passenger seat with cold eyes. The engine roared to life, and the Hummer turned around, speeding away. Xiang Mingzhang rolled up the window to block the exhaust fumes from entering. 

The driver inquired, "Mr. Xiang, should we go directly to the apartment?" 

Suddenly feeling the desire for excitement, Xiang Mingzhang stated, "Let's head to the club." 

As the Hummer turned onto the street, Chu Zhichen rested his elbow on the car door, placing his palm on his forehead, feeling an impending headache. 

His phone rang, and the organizer in Nanjing sent a notification. 

After reading the message, Chu Zhichen knew that he couldn't delay his work. He switched to his address book and Xiang Mingzhang's image from the car window appeared in his mind. Without hesitation, he pressed the call button. 

Once connected, Chu Zhichen quickly explained, "The seminar has been scheduled for next Monday." 

Xiang Mingzhang instructed, "Book tickets and hotels." 

Chu Zhichen wasn't sure if Xiang Mingzhang would be going alone, so he asked, "Do you want to bring an assistant? I can send a notification." 

Just as he finished speaking, Qian Hua leaned over and exclaimed, "I'll introduce you to a beauty tonight!" 

Xiang Mingzhang heard it clearly. In front of others, he remained calm and poised, appearing like a gentleman. It made him almost forget what Chu Zhichen used to be like. 

Holding his phone, almost involuntarily, Xiang Mingzhang sarcastically muttered, "It's suffocating." 

After a brief silence, Chu Zhichen questioned, "What?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "Save some energy in your social activities. Don't let it interfere with our business on Monday." 

Chu Zhichen disregarded the first half of the sentence and inquired, "What do you mean?" 

Xiang Mingzhang clarified, "I'll be taking you on the business trip this time." 

[T/N: Qian Hua, a small expert in assists. Good on you! ] 

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