Chapter 17: 17. What Are Your Thoughts On What I Will Do Next?

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After hanging up the phone, Chu Zhichen pressed his fingers against his temples. Taking advantage of the silence during the red light at the intersection, he spoke decisively, "I have something to attend to today." 

Qian Hua retorted, "Stop fooling me with you've got something going on." 

Chu Zhichen couldn't tolerate the vulgar language, so he frowned. Qian Hua had come to Xiang Yue to stop him from leaving work. It might not be so easy to leave, so he made the best of the situation, "Let's discuss it first. I won't go to any nightclubs." 

"No, you—" 

Chu Zhichen interrupted firmly, "I don't need any romance." 

Qian Hua's mouth hung open, stunned by Chu Zhichen's serious expression. He felt an inexplicable sense of fear and suppressed all the urgent rebuttals in his throat. 

Amused by Qian Hua's reaction, Chu Zhichen felt like he was scaring a fool and suggested, "Let me treat you to dinner." 

Qian Hua laughed and twitched again, "Let me treat you. I recently invested in a restaurant. It's currently in the trial phase. I plan to invite you when it officially opens." 

The Hummer diverted halfway, and Qian Hua took Chu Zhichen to a restaurant in a very prosperous location. 

The restaurant was decorated in a modern and minimalist style. The walls were painted a stark white, and the furniture was made of sleek black leather. The lighting was dim, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere. 

The waitstaff was dressed in perfectly tailored suits and bow ties. They were all tall and thin, with chiseled features and glossy hair. They moved with a graceful efficiency, and they spoke in soft, modulated voices. 

The overall effect was one of luxury and sophistication. The restaurant was clearly designed to appeal to a wealthy clientele. 

The restaurant was closed to the public that night, with no other patrons present. They chose a well-positioned table by the window. 

Downstairs, the commercial street buzzed with activity. People hurried to and fro, laden with shopping bags. The air was thick with the smell of freshly baked bread from the bakery, and the sound of laughter and conversation drifted from the cafes. 

A gigantic billboard loomed over the street, its surface covered in vibrant posters advertising the latest season's ready-to-wear fashions. The models were impossibly thin and beautiful, their skin flawless and their hair perfectly styled. They wore clothes that were both stylish and edgy, with bold colors and daring cuts. 

The posters were a feast for the eyes, and they drew the attention of everyone who passed by. Some people stopped to admire the clothes, while others simply shook their heads in disbelief at the unrealistic beauty standards they represented. 

Chu Zhichen found the signage of the establishment somewhat familiar, so he looked down. 

Qian Hua remarked, "I remember you don't like this brand. They will be hosting a fashion show at the end of the month, and I have reserved seats for the entire week. If you're interested, we can attend and have some fun." 

Chu Zhichen recalled and asked, "Is Bomanjia Apartments nearby?" 

"Exactly, it's just across the street. It was quite difficult to secure this table." Qian Hua inquired, "What's the matter? Do you have a soft spot for living in Bomanjia? The living conditions there are top-notch." 

Chu Zhichen furrowed his brows that had just relaxed for a mere three minutes, "No." 

Concerned, Qian Hua asked, "Then who have you been fooling around with lately?" 

Chu Zhichen was well aware that "a dog can't grow tusks," so he had to steer the conversation towards a more serious topic and asked, "Why did you decide to invest in restaurants?" 

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Qian Hua suddenly stumbled and couldn't explain why. After struggling for a while, he laughed it off and gestured to the restaurant manager to serve the food promptly. 

Feeling a peculiar sense of unease, Chu Zhichen didn't delve further. The dishes were brought to the table, and the main course featured succulent grilled beef, oozing with richness. At a glance, he was 70% full. 

While sipping on the red wine, a commotion erupted at the restaurant's entrance. 

The manager tried to block it off, stating loudly, "Sir, the restaurant is currently closed to the public. You can't enter!" 

A middle-aged man broke through. He was neatly dressed but had a hint of despair in his expression. Several waiters were unable to stop him. 

The man marched straight to their table and was startled upon seeing Chu Zhichen. "Mr. Chu..." 

Chu Zhichen had never met the man before, so Qian Hua put down her knife and fork and questioned, "Why are you here? What do you want?" 

The man, surnamed Qi, was the owner of a yacht company. Facing bankruptcy with nowhere else to go, he had been squatting near the restaurant for a week, waiting for Qian Hua to show up. 

Boss Qi pleaded, "Mr. Qian, Mr. Qian, please give me another chance!" 

An explosion accident in early spring had tarnished the yacht company's reputation, leading almost all clients to cancel their partnerships. Qian Hua, who had initially invested in the company, had already withdrawn his capital. 

Annoyed, he responded, "Forget it, there's no way to salvage it." 

Boss Qi insisted, "Give me a little more time, Mr. Qian..." 

"I'm not short on time, and I'm not short on that insignificant amount of money either." Qian Hua retorted, "Who would dare to do business with you after such a massive accident? If it weren't for my buddy's fate, he would be dead!" 

Boss Qi turned to Chu Zhichen, desperately pleading, "Mr. Chu, we have been dedicatedly taking care of the yacht for so long. Every time, you're never satisfied. This time it was truly an accident!" 

Chu Zhichen guessed the reason; he sat there unharmed, but the real "Chu Zhichen" had already... His expression remained blank as he replied, "Then bear the consequences of the unforeseen." 

Boss Qi broke down, insisting, "We might not be at fault for the accident. We didn't investigate thoroughly at the beginning..." 

Qian Hua angrily stood up, exclaiming, "Nonsense! You can say whatever you want once the yacht is dealt with! The Chu family had let things go and settle down because they believed it was causing trouble. But if you want to make trouble, let's see who can't handle it!" 

The restaurant called the police, and Boss Qi was escorted out. 

Outside, the red and blue lights of the police car flashed, and Chu Zhichen glanced down, his heart filled with vague suspicions. 

Losing his appetite, he felt it was time to call it a day. But as he raised his gaze, he noticed Qian Hua secretly observing him from across the table. When their eyes met, he guiltily avoided his gaze. 

Chu Zhichen stared directly at him. 

Unable to bear it any longer, Qian Hua exclaimed, "I've let you down." 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "Why would you say that?" 

Qian Hua confessed that he loved yachts, so he invested in the yacht company. From buying yachts to daily maintenance, he relied on this company to take care of everything for the sake of his good friend, Chu Zhichen. 

After the accident, Qian Hua felt uneasy and decided to withdraw his capital and invest in restaurants instead. He planned to use Chu Zhichen's amnesia to bury the matter forever, but he never expected Boss Qi to shows up. 

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Qian Hua lamented, "The team responsible for yacht maintenance was undoubtedly the best. I can assure you that, but I don't understand how they stumbled. The crucial point is that upon checking the records later, there were no issues with the maintenance the day before." 

Chu Zhichen didn't grasp the intricacies and asked, "Then how did it catch fire and explode?" 

"Who knows? It's driving me crazy." Qian Hua wiped his face, sighing, "Shi Chen, I'm relieved that you're safe. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt." 

Chu Zhichen cleared his throat. The accident had initially been handled by Li Zangqiu. In order to resolve the matter quickly, if what Boss Qi said was true, they might not be at fault... 

The cardinal rule in everything is not to inquire about the past. But Chu Zhichen grew suspicious, prompting him to ask Qian Hua to investigate the detailed records and information regarding the yacht. 

The gathering tonight had been a rollercoaster ride with no food or wine. Chu Zhichen consoled Qian Hua and left the restaurant, wanting to breathe in the night breeze. 

As he turned the corner onto another street, Chu Zhichen passed by the Bomanjia apartment building. He paused to gaze at the floor-to-ceiling windows of Room A on the 40th floor. It was dark inside, indicating that the resident had probably not returned home. 

He hailed a taxi and headed back. 

Early the next morning, dressed in black, Chu Zhichen purchased a bouquet of blooming white chrysanthemums on his way to the Yuansi cemetery. 

In the serene shade of towering pines, a new tombstone had been added to the small family plot. The stone was simple, unadorned by any inscriptions or photographs, but its presence was a stark reminder of the fragility of life. 

Chu Zhichen kneeled in front of the tomb, gently placing the bouquet down. 

He spoke, addressing the tombstone - discussing the current situation of Mrs. Chu and Chu Shihui, and updating it about Yisi. 

Finally, when he mentioned the yacht explosion, he placed his hand on the tombstone, stating, "Perhaps I'm being suspicious. Nonetheless, I will continue to investigate. If it wasn't a mere accident, I will provide you with an explanation." 

Back at home, Chu Zhichen chose to keep this matter hidden, primarily to prevent Mrs. Chu from worrying. 

Furthermore, the accident had been handled by Li Zangqiu and the Chu family's team of lawyers, insurance brokers, and accountants. It was necessary for Chu Zhichen to verify the reliability of these individuals. 

There was no rush to address the matter, as it was difficult to estimate how long the investigation would take. 

Chu Zhichen appeared composed on the surface, diligently preparing for his business trip on Monday. 

With the weather growing warmer, he packed two lightweight suits for his trip to Nanjing. Since the city wasn't far away, he planned on taking the expressway in the morning, making it a convenient car journey. 

On Monday, the driver first picked up Chu Zhichen, then headed to the apartment to pick up Xiang Mingzhang. 

As they were early, Chu Zhichen urged the driver to grab a bite to eat while he went upstairs to assist Xiang Mingzhang in organizing the materials needed for the seminar. 

Upon reaching the 40th floor, Chu Zhichen halted outside the door of Room A. The disdainful expression Xiang Mingzhang had worn that day replayed in his mind, motivating him to press the doorbell with a bit more force. 

After finishing his shower, Xiang Mingzhang opened the door, he toweled himself dry and opened the door to his bedroom. The air was thick with the scent of his aftershave, a woodsy, aromatic fragrance that Chu Zhichen had come to like. 

Xiang Mingzhang was in the process of changing clothes, still sporting a casual home T-shirt on his upper body. 

The two didn't exchange a single word; one stepped aside while the other entered the room, and the door shut with a loud sound. 

The last time Chu Zhichen had been here, it was nighttime. Today, it was not even eight o'clock, and sunlight flooded most of the living room. 

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He followed Xiang Mingzhang into the bedroom, where the suitcase had been packed, and the briefcase lay at the foot of the bed. 

He began examining the documents on his own, removing the folder and covering it with a box of adhesive bandages and a bottle of herbal medicine. 

Chu Zhichen asked doubtfully, "Do you intend to bring these?" 

"No need." 

As Xiang Mingzhang spoke, he removed his T-shirt, revealing his well-defined chest and abdomen. His muscles were sculpted from years of hard training, and his skin was a healthy bronze color. 

However, there were a few noticeable bruises on his shoulders and more severe ones on both sides of his lower back. The bruises were a deep purple color, and they looked like they had been there for a few days. 

Surprised, Chu Zhichen inquired, "Why are you injured? Does it hurt?" 

"It's fine." Xiang Mingzhang's tone remained unemotional as he unscrewed the herbal medicine and poured a little onto his hands, rubbing it onto his shoulders. 

After Chu Zhichen finished organizing the briefcase, it became awkward to see Xiang Mingzhang as his cuffs were buttoned. 

He unbuttoned them, rolled them up twice, took the bottle, and offered, "Let me help you." 

Moving behind Xiang Mingzhang, he poured some herbal medicine into his palms, rubbing them together to generate warmth. Raising his palms, he pressed them against the skin at the back of Xiang Mingzhang's waist, executing slow circular motions. 

During his younger years, when his father had joint issues, a bone-setting specialist often provided services. He observed and learned every technique. 

To alleviate the blood congestion, vigorous rubbing was necessary. Chu Zhichen intensified his movements and told him, "Hold on." 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "It doesn't hurt." 

Relieved, Chu Zhichen applied even more force, catching Xiang Mingzhang off guard and pushing him forward half a step. He regained his balance but turned his face away, a hint of displeasure visible in the contours of Chu Zhichen's eyes. 

Suddenly, Xiang Mingzhang inquired, "What did you and Qian Hua do that night?" 

Chu Zhichen hadn't expected Xiang Mingzhang to pry into his private matters. Pausing for a moment, he responded, "We had a meal." 

Xiang Mingzhang pressed, "Just a meal?" 

"Why something else?" Chu Zhichen poured more herbal medicine, asking, "What did you imagine I would do?" 

Xiang Mingzhang retorted, "My imagination is lacking. I can't conjure up such a vivid nightlife as yours." 

Chu Zhichen continued exerting force, his palms growing numb, and muttered, "You're relentless. If you didn't stay out so late, you wouldn't be bruised from playing activities." 

Before the words had even settled, Xiang Mingzhang abruptly turned around. Chu Zhichen failed to stop in time and inadvertently slapped Xiang Mingzhang's abdominal muscles. 

This time, Xiang Mingzhang stood firm and questioned, "How do you know I didn't go home?" 

Chu Zhichen adopted an open expression and replied, "The restaurant is on the next street, and I noticed the lights were off as I passed by." 

Xiang Mingzhang voiced his belief in the importance of choosing one's company wisely, expressing his dissatisfaction: "Qian Hua is renowned, so you should limit your interactions with him in the future." 

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Having had a change of heart after the events of the previous night, Chu Zhichen countered, "He is my friend." 

Xiang Mingzhang countered, "Even in friendships, one must exercise discernment." 

Chu Zhichen had no intention of explaining the intricacies of his personal affairs to others, nor did he appreciate being controlled. 

Everyone has their own boundaries, and it is best not to overstep them. 

However, securing the secretary position was not an easy feat, and he didn't want to create tension in the atmosphere. Hence, he chose not to contradict Xiang Mingzhang and artfully replied, "I have a good sense of propriety. You can tell by the way I handle my boss." 

Xiang Mingzhang had grown accustomed to hearing sugar-coated words, rendering him immune to them long ago. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Chu Zhichen's eloquent speech sounded particularly pleasing to his ears. 

Maintaining a sullen expression, he didn't want to admit that he was being swayed. "What sense of propriety do you possess? It's torturous." 

With his palm drenched in medicinal wine, Chu Zhichen lightly nudged Xiang Mingzhang to turn around using the back of his hand. He continued rubbing, albeit with a gentler touch, and inquired, "What happened? Were you involved in a fight?" 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "A Martial Art Boxing. Do you understand?" 

Chu Zhichen didn't quite comprehend it at first, but after listening to Xiang Mingzhang's explanation, he managed to grasp about 80% to 90% of the situation. 

After wiping off the medicinal wine, Chu Zhichen went to the bathroom to wash his hands. Upon exiting, he found Xiang Mingzhang already dressed. 

At that moment, the driver arrived to assist with the luggage. 

While walking out, Chu Zhichen gave instructions, "Drive carefully today. Mr. Xiang is injured." 

The driver hurriedly inquired, "How did he get injured?" 

Chu Zhichen heard it for the first time, and his memory was rather hazy. It was something... two people engaged in a brutal physical altercation, primarily involving boxing. It was so intense that they even ended up fighting in a ring... 

After pondering for a moment, he recalled, "It seems like he practices Wing Chun." 

[T/N: Wing Chun (詠春) is a concept-based martial art, a form of Southern Chinese kung fu, and a close-quarters system of self-defense. It is a martial arts style characterized by its focus on close-quarters hand-to-hand combat, rapid fire punches and straightforward efficiency. It has a philosophy that emphasizes capturing and sticking to an opponent's centerline. This is accomplished using simultaneous attack and defense, tactile sensitivity and using an opponent's force against them. 

Wing Chun is believed to have been developed in the 16th century by a Buddhist nun named Ng Mui. Ng Mui was a Shaolin monk who escaped the destruction of the Shaolin Temple during the Qing Dynasty persecution of the Buddhist faith. She developed Wing Chun as a self-defense system for the weak and the physically disadvantaged. 

Wing Chun was later passed down to several masters, including Yim Wing Chun, who gave the style its name. Yim Wing Chun taught Wing Chun to her husband, Leung Bok Chau, who then taught it to his student, Chan Wah Shun. Chan Wah Shun is considered the "father" of modern Wing Chun, and he is responsible for spreading the style throughout China. 

Wing Chun was introduced to the West in the 20th century by several masters, including Yip Man. Yip Man was a student of Chan Wah Shun, and he is considered the "grandmaster" of modern Wing Chun. Yip Man taught Wing Chun to many students, including Bruce Lee. 

Wing Chun is a versatile martial art that can be used for self-defense, competition, and fitness. It is a powerful and effective system that can be learned by people of all ages and sizes. 

Here are some of the key principles of Wing Chun: 

Centerline theory: The centerline is an imaginary line that runs through the center of the body, from the forehead to the groin. Wing Chun emphasizes controlling the centerline in order to gain an advantage over an opponent. 

Simultaneous attack and defense: Wing Chun teaches that the best defense is a good offense. Practitioners are taught to attack and defend at the same time, using their opponent's energy against them. 

Sticking hands: Sticking hands is a training method that helps practitioners develop tactile sensitivity. By learning to "stick" to their opponent's body, practitioners can better control their movements and anticipate their attacks. 

Energy flow: Wing Chun teaches that the body is a network of energy channels, and that martial arts can be used to control the flow of energy. By learning to control their energy, practitioners can improve their strength, speed, and flexibility.] 

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