Chapter 19: 19. Did You Earn A Degree From Pennsylvania Uni?

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Chu Zhichen returned to his room, unable to find solace in sleep. This marked the first time he had committed a blunder ever since he became a secretary, and the embarrassment consumed him. 

The scene of Xiang Mingzhang waiting for him to come to the rescue, only to be humiliated by his actions at the banquet, played over and over in his mind, evoking a sense of amusement. 

Although he admitted his mistake, he pondered upon Xiang Mingzhang's repeated assertion that he was not a gentleman. In a way, it justified the bias against him, right? 

Restless, Chu Zhichen tossed and turned in bed, finding little respite in sleep. Fortunately, the following day's schedule was not overly demanding, allowing him the luxury of a few extra moments of rest. 

Upon waking, the first thing Chu Zhichen did was check his mailbox, where he discovered a document sent by Xiang Mingzhang at three in the morning. He proceeded to freshen up and get dressed before heading to the hotel's photocopying room to fulfill the requirement of printing two copies. 

That morning, there was a casual exchange in a coffee shop, attended by four or five influential companies, each possessing a significant say in their respective industries. The seminar conducted the previous day acted as a screening process, paving the way for this gathering. 

With his belongings in order, Chu Zhichen made his way to Xiang Mingzhang's room. He raised his hand to knock on the door, taking a deep breath as he waited. 

Embarrassment often leads to twitchiness. Maintaining an upright posture, Chu Zhichen opened the door and proceeded directly to the office area without diverting his gaze, swiftly gathering his computer and carrying it along. 

Xiang Mingzhang reclined against the floor-to-ceiling screen, his arms folded. Foregoing a suit, he exuded an air of relaxation. He inquired, "Have the documents been printed?" 

"Everything is bound and placed in the bag," replied Chu Zhichen, casting a glance at his watch. "The driver should be waiting downstairs." 

Perhaps induced by the red wine, Xiang Mingzhang had enjoyed a sound sleep and seemed to be brimming with energy. "Let's go," he exclaimed cheerfully. 

Arriving on time at a street-facing coffee shop, the entirety of the second floor had been reserved in advance, devoid of any outsiders. Casual conversations took place before finally delving into business matters. 

Chu Zhichen positioned himself behind Xiang Mingzhang's right-hand side, assuming the role of secretary and diligently taking notes. While the focal point of their communication remained the "billing mode" issue, the discussion ventured into deeper territory. 

Attentively listening, Chu Zhichen grasped a great deal of information that had previously eluded him in the materials. 

Amongst this group of elites, some spoke assertively while others fiercely refuted. For the first twenty minutes, Xiang Mingzhang remained silent, as if savoring his coffee amidst the dialogue. 

When urged to address him as "Boss Xiang," Xiang Mingzhang gently placed his cup down and answered with a gentlemanly smile, "I dare not assume such a title." 

Chu Zhichen employed a fresh page to record the conversation. 

Leaning slightly back in his chair, Xiang Mingzhang exuded comfort and an air of pride. On average, he attended two meetings per day, and what irked him most was when speakers rambled for 2,000 words instead of delivering an effective 800-word speech. After all, who would want a long-winded speech at an opening ceremony? 

"Xiang Yue recently acquired a company," Xiang Mingzhang revealed, "operating in the medical field." 

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Unable to resist glancing sideways, Chu Zhichen recognized that Yisi's current situation fell far short of these companies. He listened intently to Xiang Mingzhang's words. 

When a company undertakes a project, Party A assumes the payment, constituting the most fundamental profit model. Yisi primarily focuses on customer management systems and has delved deeply into the medical field, accumulating a significant amount of industry-specific data over the years. 

For technology companies, the value of data is immeasurable, with the potential to provide customers with more value and forge stronger collaborations. 

Seeking further development, Yisi aims to infiltrate vertical fields' supply chains, such as the medical industry, manufacturing industry, and catering industry, securing a share of the trillion-dollar market rather than settling for being just a polished spoon. 

Xiang Mingzhang used Yisi as an example, briefly outlining his ideas. The approach he adopted for communication mirrored his planning methodology. 

Chu Zhichen found himself captivated, his attention waning during the latter half of the discussion as he mulled over Xiang Mingzhang's words. 

What would Yisi's development have looked like had it not won such a good hand? 

Given the current unfavorable circumstances, is there a possibility of turning defeat into victory? 

As they left the coffee shop, Xiang Mingzhang, who had been sitting for a long time, decided to take a walk to stretch his legs. Chu Zhichen followed suit, gradually walking side by side with Xiang Mingzhang. 

The delicate shadows of the trees swayed on the ground, casting a dappled pattern on Chu Zhichen's face. He stepped on them as he spoke, his voice low and earnest. 

"Mr. Xiang," he said, "I would be honored if you would consider taking me along on your next business trip." 

He paused, looking up. "I know I'm still relatively new to the company," he continued, "but I'm eager to learn more about the business." 

Xiang Mingzhang questioned, "Aren't you tired?" 

"Not at all," replied Chu Zhichen. "I've benefitted greatly from accompanying you." 

Xiang Mingzhang remarked, "If I recall correctly, this is the first time you've praised me. People who display courtesy either have ulterior motives or desires. Which one are you?" 

Chu Zhichen smiled and said, "I have no hidden motives. Can't I just praise you genuinely?" 

Xiang Mingzhang paused, turned slightly to face Chu Zhichen, playfully observing him, and responded, "Secretary Chu, you seem to be in a good mood." 

Chu Zhichen also stopped, smiling slightly. He directed his question towards the radiant sunshine, "When you use Yisi as an example, is it a sense of regret or hopeful anticipation?" 

"It's a combination of both," Xiang Mingzhang replied. 

If there is still some hope mixed in, then the situation is not too dire. 

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Chu Zhichen nodded solemnly, "With your words, my hopes outweigh any regrets I may have." 

They didn't need to elaborate further. Simply getting to the point was sufficient. They continued walking, passing by a gift shop where Chu Zhichen felt compelled to take a look around. 

When on a business trip, he is always inclined to buy gifts. After some contemplation, Chu Zhichen settled on Yunjin, tailored to his personal preference. As for Qian Hua, who enjoyed playing, he purchased a box of Yuhua stones. 

He also bought some tea and salted duck. Due to the quantity, he decided to fill in the address and have it sent by express delivery. 

The package was addressed to Xiang Yue's office building, meant to be distributed among colleagues. Xiang Mingzhang remarked, "It's all food. Would you like to have a tea party when we return?" 

Chu Zhichen responded, "Business trips for the sales department are commonplace, and it's unrealistic to bring gifts each time. By buying some food, everyone can enjoy the duck and tea together. Once we've eaten and drunk our fill, time will fly by, and the burden won't be as heavy." 

At that moment, a waiter arrived with five gift boxes. Xiang Mingzhang inquired, "Who are these for?" 

Chu Zhichen answered, "On the night of the yacht accident, Xiang Yue had five colleagues present, and these gifts are for them." 

This thoughtful and considerate gesture carried a genuine sincerity. Xiang Mingzhang felt a pang of guilt and said, "Secretary Chu, is it necessary to do all this?" 

Having experienced last night's misunderstanding, Chu Zhichen remained vigilant and reiterated his stance. 

When he visited Xiang's residence, he noticed that apart from Xiang Xingzhao, the rest of the family did not seem particularly welcoming. Thus, he probably didn't need to worry about them. However, the situation was different with Xiang Mingzhang's mother, who deserved a jar of honey, albeit not the highest quality. 

Chu Zhichen asked, "Should we buy some gifts for your mother?" 

Unexpectedly, Xiang Mingzhang responded indifferently, "Forget it, she's not interested." 

Chu Zhichen wasn't quite sure what course of action to take. It was challenging to decipher the boss's thoughts and decide when it was appropriate to take the lead or act oblivious. As a subordinate, continuously attempting and learning from mistakes is essential. 

Based on the current circumstances, it seemed that prioritizing work over personal relationships was the preferred option. Xiang Mingzhang displayed competence and sophistication but appeared to be disinterested in managing these two intimate relationships. 

In the afternoon, Xiang Mingzhang was invited to visit a foreign company. 

The company, UT, specialized in hardware and expressed a desire to collaborate with Xiang Yue. Responsible for the reception was Owen, the president of the China region, who showcased his fluency in Chinese and provided a warm introduction throughout the visit. 

After the visit, they proceeded to Owen's office. It was a semi-open area with a large desk in the center. The walls were adorned with dozens of photographs, large and small. Each photo captured a moment in Owen's life from his time working in four different countries. 

The photos were a testament to Owen's wanderlust and his appreciation for different cultures. They also showed the many experiences he had had during his travels. 

Chu Zhichen carefully examined each photo, eventually fixating his gaze on one particular image. In the photograph, Owen was donning a graduation gown, with a historic red-walled building adorning the background. 

He couldn't look away, captivated by the sight of that era, so kind and enchanting. 

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Owen remarked, "Secretary Chu, it seems that you like this photo." 

With excitement, Chu Zhichen inquired, "Did you graduate from the University of Pennsylvania?" 

Surprised, Owen responded, "Are you a graduate from there as well?" 

Chu Zhichen, taken aback, denied it, averting his gaze and masking any trace of his emotional turmoil with a perfect smile. "No," he replied simply. 

Xiang Mingzhang observed the situation keenly. Chu Zhichen's brief moment of frustration seemed like waking up from a dream, and his composure at this moment seemed to resonate with bravery. 

Finding it peculiar, Xiang Mingzhang knew that Chu Zhichen had no connection to the University of Pennsylvania, or any prestigious institution for that matter. 

He changed the subject and said, "The University of Pennsylvania claims the first computer invention." 

After exchanging conversations for another half an hour, they bid farewell to UT, marking the official end of the two-day business trip. 

Upon checking out of the hotel, they encountered the evening rush hour on the road, and Xuanwu Avenue was immersed in severe congestion that seemed endless. 

The traffic seemed to move at a snail's pace, and the couple began to wonder if they would ever make it to their destination. 

Chu Zhichen sat in the back seat of the company car, positioned next to the window. Seizing the opportunity, he took another glimpse of the city's bustling streets. 

The driver glanced at him through the rearview mirror and commented, "Secretary Chu seems reluctant to leave." 

Chu Zhichen responded, "The dusk scenery is simply beautiful." 

"The streets are decent," the driver acknowledged. "But Xuanwu Lake isn't far away, and its scenery is truly breathtaking." 

Chu Zhichen had never been to Xuanwu Lake and curiously asked, "Is there only one lake?" 

The driver chuckled, "There's not just one lake, but also a massive park." He continued, "It's a shame that both you and Mr. Xiang are so occupied with work and can't find the time for leisure." 

Chu Zhichen sighed softly, "Business matters take precedence. I'll have to visit another time when I get the chance." 

Xiang Mingzhang felt a pang of regret. He had been to Nanjing countless times, and there was nothing new for him to explore, making him eager to leave after completing his tasks. Since the heavy traffic prevented any progress, they would have to drive at night, delaying their return by an hour or three-quarters. 

Turning his head, Xiang Mingzhang posed a question, "Would you like to visit the park?" 

The driver dropped them off at the park entrance, allowing them to have a meal before Xiang Mingzhang and Chu Zhichen entered Xuanwu Lake Park. 

The early summer sun shone brightly in the cloudless sky, and a gentle breeze wafted through the park. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and conversation as people enjoyed the beautiful day. 

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On the lake, a fleet of white and yellow duck boats floated lazily, their passengers taking in the scenery and enjoying the cool breeze. On the shore, families picnicked under the trees, couples strolled hand-in-hand, and children played on the playground. 

Everyone seemed to be relaxed and carefree, their trivial concerns temporarily forgotten. The early summer weather was delightful, and the park was a perfect place to enjoy it. 

Chu Zhichen leaned against the lakeside railing, gazing into the distance where a tranquil lake stretched out, embellished by charming new boats. Everywhere within the time-honored land, new sceneries unfolded before their eyes. 

The park was vast, and they had limited time. Simply being a part of the crowd was already satisfactory for Chu Zhichen. 

Aware that time was fleeting, Chu Zhichen remembered Mrs. Chu's request for a photograph and said, "Mr. Xiang, would you mind taking a commemorative photo for me?" 

Xiang Mingzhang inquired, "Where should we take the picture?" 

The lake area was breezy and the small church was crowded with people. The sun was shining brightly, and the water in the lake was a clear blue. The breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees, and the sound of birdsong filled the air. 

Chu Zhichen led the way through a metasequoia forest, where majestic cedar trees stood tall, abundant with lushness. 

The sun filtered through the leaves, creating a dappled effect on the ground. The air was filled with the scent of pine needles and wildflowers. 

Dark green vegetation enveloped their surroundings, resembling a web woven with life. 

The tall trees swayed gently in the breeze, their leaves rustling like whispers. The vines crept along the ground, their tendrils reaching out to entangle everything in their path. 

The flowers bloomed in a riot of color, their petals like tiny hands reaching up to the sun. And all around, the insects buzzed and hummed, their songs a symphony of life. 

Chu Zhichen paused amidst this splendor, opting to take pictures here. 

Raising his phone, Xiang Mingzhang focused the lens, framing Chu Zhichen's upper body within the square screen. The contrast between the white shirt and the vibrant green trees stood out amidst the gentle ripples of the lake water. 

With the only flaw being Chu Zhichen not looking directly at the camera, Xiang Mingzhang requested, "Please look at the camera." 

Chu Zhichen fixed his gaze on Xiang Mingzhang, his mind filled with uncertainty and hesitation as he stared at the camera. The realization struck him that this would be the first photograph taken in this specific time and space using a mobile phone. Amid this realization, his apprehension caused him to momentarily forget to smile. 

With a playful tone, Xiang Mingzhang uttered, "Eggplant." 

Chu Zhichen's lips parted, his teeth slightly visible, as he responded with a puzzled "Ah." 

Click! Xiang Mingzhang pressed the shutter button. Uncertain whether to praise the photographer or the quality of the photos, he quietly uttered, "Alright, it's a splendid capture." 

[T/N: He is very beautiful (>_<)] 

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