Chapter 20: 20. Lips Sealed, Breath Held.

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It was growing late on the return journey, and the commercial vehicle swiftly made its way into the urban area, finally dropping off Xiang Mingzhang at Bomanjia's apartment. 

Chu Zhichen sat in the back row, maintaining a poised sitting posture despite his drowsiness. Suppressing a yawn with his fist. 

Xiang Mingzhang said, "It's getting late today, and I plan to rest for half a day tomorrow morning." 

"Alright," Chu Zhichen replied, "Goodnight, Mr. Xiang." 

The driver escorted Chu Zhichen to his residence and stepped out at the gate. As he dragged his suitcase into the garden, he noticed that Mrs. Chu was still awake, waiting under the porch while wearing a face mask. The illumination accentuated her pale complexion, catching Chu Zhichen off guard. 

Mrs. Chu greeted him with a smile, saying, "Beauty awaits you. What's with the surprised expression?" 

Chu Zhichen allowed Mrs. Chu to lead him into the villa, her arm wrapped around his. Aunt Tang took charge of the luggage. Unsure of the time of his arrival, she worried that the food would grow cold. She asked, "Are you hungry? Can I prepare something for you to eat?" 

"Don't worry; I'm not hungry," Chu Zhichen reassured her as he took out a gift. "I bought this on the street. I hope you like it." 

Mrs. Chu's delight was evident. She couldn't recall the last time she had received a gift from her son. "Xiao Chen, did you take any pictures? It's your first business trip, and I want to print them and display them." 

Chu Zhichen chuckled, replying, "Isn't that a bit too serious?" 

"It's not a big deal," Mrs. Chu proudly responded. "Let our visitors see that my son can also earn money by working." 

Unable to contain his laughter, Chu Zhichen assured her that he would send the photos from his phone to her later. He then proceeded to settle in upstairs. 

After showering and changing into a light silk pajama, Chu Zhichen comfortably sprawled on the soft pillow, sending out the photos from his phone album one by one. 

Most of them featured street scenes, but the final one had been sent to him by Xiang Mingzhang after their shoot—a photograph taken in the Metasequoia forest. 

Chu Zhichen gazed at it for a while. Small droplets of water trickled from his wet hair, gliding along his slender neck and disappearing into his neckline. The hollow of his neck gleamed in the sunlight. 

Having not slept well at the hotel, Chu Zhichen decided to burn a Canaan incense tonight, hoping for a restful sleep until morning. 

The summer clothes he had ordered arrived, and Chu Zhichen selected a crisply ironed shirt with an English neckline, the length of the collar tip carefully adjusted to his liking. 

As he emerged from his room, he encountered Chu Shihui on the staircase. 

Chu Shihui clutched a stack of reference books. Given the limited space in the school dormitory, she brought them back home in the mornings without classes. 

Chu Zhichen stepped forward and took the books with one hand, helping Chu Shihui place them in the study. "I bought you a little gift in Nanjing," he informed her. 

Chu Shihui couldn't believe it. Her elder brother had roamed around abroad for the past few years without ever sending her anything. 

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Chu Zhichen presented the gift—a moon-white cloud brocade sachet. Not completely grasping contemporary girls' aesthetics, he admitted, "It might not be fashionable, but the craftsmanship is excellent. The refreshing scent inside can provide relief from exhaustion while doing homework." 

Curious, Chu Shihui took a whiff and found the scent to be fresh. "It doesn't seem like your taste," she remarked. 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "But do you like it?" 

Refusing to give a straight answer, Chu Shihui returned her hands to her bag and said, "Are you planning to work overtime the night after tomorrow?" 

"I'm not sure," Chu Zhichen replied. "Why do you ask?" 

Chu Shihui tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and hesitated for a moment. "It's nothing to worry about," she finally stated. "Let's talk later." 

Chu Zhichen couldn't quite decipher his younger sister's thoughts. In their old family, his younger sister Shen Lizhi possessed a calm demeanor and occasionally displayed childlike behavior. However, the Chu family's younger sister was entirely different—headstrong, determined, and not easily approachable. 

Chu Zhichen had no time to investigate further as the driver prepared the car and drove him to the company. 

It was nearly noon, and my colleagues in the department were growing hungry. The ducks that Chu Zhichen had purchased in Nanjing had just arrived. 

As everyone made their way to the restaurant to satisfy their hunger, leaving the department empty, Chu Zhichen discreetly placed a gift box in Peng Xin's office. He knew that if he gave it to him face-to-face, he might not respond politely, adding unnecessary pressure. 

He left a personalized note inside each gift box and sent them to the four other colleagues in the legal department. 

After delivering, Chu Zhichen headed to the twelfth floor. Since the bid had been canceled, he hadn't visited Yisi's sales department. 

The area was bustling with more people than before. Chu Zhichen graciously distributed snacks, and in return, everyone politely thanked him, addressing him as "Secretary Chu." 

He turned to Team Leader Han and inquired, "As someone from Nanjing, can you confirm if the one I purchased is authentic?" 

Team Leader Han, who hadn't been involved in that particular project and had little contact with Chu Zhichen, was taken aback. As someone with a lower position, he was surprised that Chu Zhichen knew about his origins. Nodding, he replied, "Yes, Secretary Chu, it's authentic." 

Chu Zhichen calmly replied, "I knew it." 

Although Huang Xiangyue hadn't set foot in Yisi for a while, Chu Zhichen had been closely monitoring the company's actions and had a good grasp of its business and personnel affairs. 

With little time for a lunch break, Chu Zhichen was about to head back to the ninth floor when he unexpectedly bumped into Li Zangqiu in the elevator. 

He respectfully called Li Zangqiu "Uncle Li." 

"Hey, Zhichen," Li Zangqiu greeted. "What brings you here? Come, let's go to my office and talk." 

Chu Zhichen declined, saying, "It's alright, I brought some food for everyone on my business trip." 

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Having heard about this gesture, Li Zangqiu remarked, "You haven't been with us for long, and having Mr. Xiang bring you along on this trip shows his recognition of your abilities to handle affairs." 

Chu Zhichen complained, "It's all about serving others, and it's exhausting." 

Li Zangqiu smiled and replied, "I told you being a secretary is tough, didn't I, Uncle didn't lie to you, right?" 

"Yeah," Chu Zhichen nodded. "Let's take it step by step. I'll try to take it easy." 

Li Zangqiu patted him on the shoulder to encourage him before asking, "How are the discussions going regarding the billing issue in the seminar?" 

Chu Zhichen replied blankly, "I'm not particularly interested in those discussions. They're quite dull. Instead, I went to Xuanwu Lake to enjoy myself." 

Seeing his lack of interest, Li Zangqiu chuckled but was suddenly interrupted by his assistant, who informed him that the finance department meeting was about to start. Unable to finish what he was about to say, Li Zangqiu hurried off to the meeting. 

Returning to the ninth floor, Chu Zhichen noticed a slight gap in the door of the president's office. He approached and pushed it open, finding Xiang Mingzhang just arriving, his finger hooking onto his car keys as the driver had taken the day off. 

The Lixin Bank project had entered the bidding stage, and as part of the project team, Xiang Mingzhang needed to continue advancing in its development. Chu Zhichen had already made arrangements for today and tomorrow, ensuring everything was in order. 

He reported all the details without missing a beat. 

Xiang Mingzhang listened silently, one hand resting on the table, lightly tapping his index finger. Both his previous secretary and Assistant Guan would seek his instructions before making any plans, due to busy schedules and the need to make trade-offs. No one dared to take the risk of choosing A over B without his approval. 

However, Chu Zhichen was different. He independently screened, organized, and scheduled daily tasks, creating a work plan for Xiang Mingzhang. If there were no issues, he would proceed according to the plan. 

Doubling the efficiency. 

To prevent him from acting as a substitute, Chu Zhichen included a detailed form in his report. 

All the tasks were meticulously listed in the form, organized based on factors such as business relevance and urgency. Xiang Mingzhang would read through them each time, rarely raising any contradictory opinions. 

Xiang Mingzhang couldn't help but think that he was more inclined to "show off" rather than obediently following instructions. 

Furthermore, he couldn't shake off the feeling that such decision-making power shouldn't belong to a secretary when it came to matters involving his superiors. 

Chu Zhichen stood quietly for a while before asking, "Mr. Xiang, do you have any questions?" 

But fate had it that this person happened to be his secretary. 

"Business matters are all set." Xiang Mingzhang opened a drawer and took out a card. "I need your help with a personal matter. The day after tomorrow is my grandfather's birthday, so please buy a birthday present." 

Chu Zhichen accepted the card. Xiang Xingzhao's mental faculties had deteriorated, and he probably couldn't remember what he liked anymore. Chu Zhichen inquired, "Do you have any preferences for birthday gifts?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "Buy something within the budget on the card. Don't worry about leaving any change, just make sure it's expensive." 

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Chu Zhichen nodded. "Understood." 

Xiang Mingzhang continued, "Also, book a restaurant for a birthday banquet. Find a quiet place with four or five tables." 

Chu Zhichen made a note to himself, planning to arrange the birthday banquet for the night after tomorrow in the secretary's office. If he waited too long, he might not be able to secure a satisfactory venue. With so many members of the Xiang family, it was difficult to please everyone. It would be safer to choose an established restaurant with a good reputation. 

Mrs. Chu was a socialite and had a wealth of knowledge. Chu Zhichen dialed her number and apologized, "Mom, I hope I'm not bothering you. Do you have any restaurant recommendations?" 

Mrs. Chu, being knowledgeable in such matters, asked, "How many people will be attending? Is it a date or a party? Is there a specific theme?" 

Chu Zhichen answered, "There will be four or five tables for Xiang Mingzhang's grandfather's birthday celebration." 

"In that case, I suggest Meijin Hall," Mrs. Chu suggested. "It has been in business for over 30 years and requires reservations. It excels in every aspect and maintains a high standard of quality." 

Chu Zhichen checked the restaurant online and confirmed the positive reviews, especially for family banquets. Without further delay, he immediately made a reservation. 

After taking care of these two tasks, he picked up the card. He had thought that Xiang Mingzhang, being filial, would prefer to choose the gift himself. However, it seemed that Xiang Xingzhao was dementia and would settle for anything. 

Half a day later, Chu Zhichen completed the tasks, and Xiang Mingzhang instructed him to have Jingpu Mansion send out the invitations to the guests as soon as possible. 

The next day, Xiang Mingzhang left work early, a rare occurrence as it was Friday and the president left early. 

Chu Zhichen also headed home. The freshly washed car was parked in the garden, with the driver on standby. 

Entering the living room, Mrs. Chu was dressed in a half-length dress and adorned with a set of diamond jewelry. Chu Shihui came down the stairs, she was wearing a simple black dress, but she had done her makeup lightly to highlight her natural beauty. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she wore a pair of silver hoop earrings. 

Mrs. Chu was undecided about wearing three-inch heels or five-inch heels. Distracted, she urged Chu Zhichen to go upstairs and change his clothes. 

Today marked the first anniversary of Chu Shihui and Li Heng's relationship. Li Zangqiu suggested that they have a meal together. 

Chu Zhichen recalled when Chu Shihui had asked him if he was busy tonight. He had given a straightforward response, but now he hesitated. It turned out that this was what Chu Shihui had wanted to discuss. 

Was it due to shyness? 

Or were there other reasons? 

After changing his clothes, the family headed out. On the way, Chu Zhichen noticed that Chu Shihui had his earphones plugged in the entire time, seeming a bit absent-minded. 

The restaurant was located on the eastern bank of the river, in a single-family Spanish-style building with a red-tiled roof and whitewashed walls. The four corners of the building were adorned with engraved square plaques, each depicting a different Chinese zodiac animal. The plaques were made of jade and were inlaid with gold filigree. 

The overall effect was one of harmonious blending of Chinese and Western elements, which was reflected in the restaurant's menu, which offered a wide variety of Chinese and Spanish dishes. 

As they stepped out of the car, Chu Zhichen looked up at Meijin Building. 

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"Why are we here?" 

Mrs. Chu explained, "I came to check it out in advance. I think it's wonderful, so I recommended it to you." 

Ah, so that's... 

Chu Zhichen was taken aback as a chauffeured car slowly approached and stopped at the entrance. The waiter opened the door, and a middle-aged man, Xiang Kun, stepped out, followed by Xiang Mingzhang. 

The two families stood only a few meters apart, both momentarily stunned. Mrs. Chu was the first to react, warmly greeting them, and the female members of the Xiang family responded with smiles. 

Several more cars arrived with guests coming to celebrate the old man's birthday. Xiang Huan chimed in, "Mrs. Chu, let's go inside and not block the entrance." 

Mrs. Chu nodded, saying, "Okay, let the old man go first." 

Xiang Mingzhang pushed Xiang Xingzhao in a wheelchair, leading the way as the two families entered the restaurant with grandeur. 

An elevator arrived, and Xiang Mingzhang guided Xiang Xingzhao inside, joined by Xiang Kun and Xianghuan. Although there was ample space, the others tactfully kept their distance. 

Xiang Kun courteously commented, "We can still fit." 

Xiang Huan waved to Mrs. Chu and said, "The three of you are all slender, come on in." 

The Chu family entered the elevator together, with the elders at the front, and Chu Zhichen walking in and standing beside Xiang Mingzhang. 

The numbers on the elevator display changed, and they all ascended to the fifth floor. 

Xiang Family, Happy Hall. 

Chu Family, Meihe Hall. 

Chu Zhichen's heart skipped a beat, his eyes involuntarily flicking over, before composedly redirecting his gaze. Xiang Mingzhang, aware of the situation, lowered his eyes and met Chu Zhichen's gaze directly. 

No words were spoken, lips closed, and breaths held. 

After a moment of silently locking eyes, Xiang Mingzhang lightly raised an eyebrow, as if conveying through his expression, "Secretary Chu, you really know how to arrange things." 

Chu Zhichen furrowed his brow, responding helplessly, "Mr. Xiang, it was merely a coincidence." 

[T/N: Xiang Mingzhang: You did it on purpose. 

Chu Shichen: I am really innocent. 

Mrs. Chu: Haha, hahaha~] 

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