Chapter 6: 06. Xiang Mingzhang Fumes At Perceived Hubris.

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The meeting took place at a luxurious five-star hotel, with Party A's company occupying a significant portion of the meeting hall. The Japanese representative, who was in his forties, was accompanied by two translators and an assistant. 

Both parties valued their time greatly, so they skipped any unnecessary pleasantries and got straight to business, shaking hands upon entering. 

Party A's CRM system was developed by Xiangyue, a company that dominated the financial industry. This made it much easier for future cooperative ventures or business expansions. 

As the projector was turned on, Chu Zhichen widened his eyes slightly. 

He often marveled at the advanced technology of modern society and couldn't help but imagine how much more efficient the operations of Fuhua Bank would have been with computers. If mobile phones had existed, he wouldn't have had to wait months for a letter from his family overseas. 

In front of him, the technical expert began delivering a speech. 

Chu Zhichen hadn't attended a meeting in a long time. As early as the age of three, he would be carried into Qianye Guild's meeting room by his father. Remarkably, he never caused any trouble or shed any tears during those hours. Once he learned to read, he picked up shorthand and was responsible for documenting meeting minutes for his father. 

As he scribbled with his pen, Chu Zhichen couldn't help but relish the feeling of the present moment. 

The purpose of today's discussion was to address and solve problems. After the technical expert finished the first part of the presentation, they were ready to answer questions promptly to avoid any omissions. 

Party A's questions mainly revolved around their business needs, which Chu Zhichen understood well. During this period of time, he had been diligently learning and filling in the gaps in his existing knowledge. 

Later, the Japanese representative raised inquiries, using polite language but with excessive detail. Chu Zhichen leaned over to Xiang Mingzhang, urging him to provide a concise translation to aid his thought process. 

After Xiang Mingzhang finished listening, he raised his hand and pressed the remote control pen, causing the projected screen to switch to a set of path demonstration maps. He smiled courteously and began addressing the doubts raised by the other party. 

Chu Zhichen couldn't help but glance sideways. In private conversations, Xiang Mingzhang could easily be seen as a mediator, adept at bridging both sides. Within the company, he maintained a serious and meticulous demeanor. In this moment of work, his professional demeanor shone through. 

After Xiang Mingzhang finished his answers, he proposed a novel concept of "user experience," which astonished Party A's decision-making team. 

Several topics were addressed in an organized and comprehensive manner, leading to a smooth conclusion of the meeting. 

As it grew late, Party A graciously invited everyone to dine together in the hotel's restaurant, celebrating the progress of the project. 

Chu Zhichen followed along, step by step until they reached the restaurant. To his surprise, the ambiance and decor were distinctly Japanese, with the desired Japanese cuisine awaiting them. 

The private room was adorned with tatami mats, the traditional Japanese flooring made of woven straw. The mats were arranged in a rectangular pattern, with a low table in the center. The walls were whitewashed and bare, except for a few hanging scrolls of calligraphy. 

The attendees entered the room one by one, bowing their heads in greeting. Chu Zhichen stood at the doorway for a moment, lost in his memories. He had been in this room look alike many times before, but it always felt like he was stepping back in time. 

Xiang Mingzhang was about to take his seat when he noticed Chu Zhichen hadn't come in yet. He called out, "Secretary Chu?" 

Chu Zhichen hesitantly responded, snapping back to reality. He removed his leather shoes and entered, leaning over to sit beside Xiang Mingzhang. 

The beautifully arranged table featured an enticing display of fresh sashimi, the glistening slices of tuna, salmon, and yellowtail arranged like petals on a flower. But Chu Zhichen found himself lacking any appetite. 

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The waiter poured Chu Zhichen a glass of sake, the delicate aroma of rice and alcohol wafting up to his nose, yet, he discreetly pushed it aside. 

The vice president of the financial company expressed his delight and invited everyone to raise their glasses in a toast. Chu Zhichen reluctantly lifted his glass, seemingly participating, only allowing the liquid to graze his lips. 

Xiang Mingzhang noticed, but he paid no mind. If getting drunk risked hindering their business, it was better not to drink at all. 

The ambiance at the table exuded a pleasant atmosphere as both parties engaged in relaxed and focused conversation. Gradually, the discussion veered away from business matters. The Japanese representative commended the city for its vibrant spring and inquired about any recommended places to visit. 

As the room's temperature rose slightly, Xiang Mingzhang removed his suit jacket and inadvertently brushed against Chu Zhichen with his elbow. Instinctively, he turned his head to apologize, only to be met with Chu Zhichen's gaze that appeared filled with...vigilance? 

While the others indulged in merriment, exchanging toasts, savoring food, and relishing the soup, Chu Zhichen pressed his hands onto his thighs with such force that the blue veins bulged on the back of his fair skin. 

Xiang Mingzhang observed Chu Zhichen's unusually tense state, reminiscent of a cat under stress. 

His shoulders were hunched, his fists were clenched, and his eyes were darting around the room. He seemed to be on edge as if he was expecting something bad to happen. 

Is he not fully recovered? 

Could he be burdened by excessive work and exhaustion? 

Across the long table, the vice president of the financial company received no response and remarked, "Mr. Xiang, please don't just stand there." 

Xiang Mingzhang averted his gaze from Chu Zhichen and expressed his apologies. Engaging in lively conversations and wearing a smile, he subtly extended his hand backward, gently resting it on Chu Zhichen's back. 

His palm was warm and dry, and it rested against Chu Zhichen's spine with gentle but firm pressure. It did not slide or move but simply offered its support, like a sturdy pillar. Chu Zhichen could feel the tension in his body slowly melting away as the man's palm remained in place. 

After a few minutes, Chu Zhichen opened his eyes and found that his posture had indeed eased. He felt more relaxed and at peace, than he had in a long time. He turned to the man and smiled gratefully. 

One person noticing this misstep was enough. Fearing eavesdropping, Chu Zhichen leaned closer to Xiang Mingzhang's ear and whispered, "Thank you. I'm fine." 

In a concise sentence, the breath dissipated before it could linger. 

Xiang Mingzhang slowly withdrew his hand from Chu Zhichen's back, his fingers lingering for a moment longer than necessary. He then raised his hand to his lips and brushed them against the tips of his fingers, as if to savor the lingering touch of Chu Zhichen's skin. 

With a graceful gesture, he picked up a glass of sake and brought it to his lips. He took a sip, savoring the taste of the wine before swallowing it down. 

With the dinner concluded and surpassing the end of the workday, the other two colleagues hailed a taxi and departed. 

The driver patiently waited by the car door. Xiang Mingzhang settled inside and summoned him. The driver leaned down, attentively listening before turning and inquiring, "Mr. Chu, would you like me to see you off?" 

Chu Zhichen felt a tightness in his chest and replied, "No, thank you. I would like to take a leisurely walk and enjoy the fresh air." 

As the car whisked Xiang Mingzhang away, Chu Zhichen proceeded to stroll along the street at a leisurely pace. The brisk spring night swept away any remnants of drowsiness clouding his mind. 

The bustling neighborhood teemed with people engaging in nighttime shopping. Chu Zhichen passed by a high-end department store, captivated by the colossal LED screen adorning its outer wall, which showcased the latest advertising extravaganza. 

He paused, marveling at the spectacle. 

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Stepping out from the mall's main entrance was a young man adorned with renowned brands. With measured steps, he suddenly halted upon descending the steps. Lifting his hand, he removed his sunglasses, ensuring he read correctly before exclaiming, "Chu Zhichen!" 

Chu Zhichen redirected his attention to the source of the call. 

The young man quickly dashed toward him, firmly gripping his shoulder. "It's really you! I thought you had vanished from the face of the earth!" 

Chu Zhichen remained cautious. "Sir, may I inquire who you are?" 

"I'm Qian Hua, the spender extraordinaire!" 

Naturally, Chu Zhichen failed to recognize him and humbly stated, "I have lost my memory. Please forgive me." 

Qian Hua expressed surprise, "Are you serious? I heard rumors of an incident at the party you hosted. I thought you were feigning mental illness to avoid legal repercussions. But, have you truly lost your memory? Did you suffer a head injury?" 

Chu Zhichen freed himself from Qian Hua's grasp. "It's a lengthy story. Let's discuss it another time. It's already late tonight—" 

"Late?!" Qian Hua, who stood slightly shorter, hooked him with a tip-toe gesture. "If we don't embrace the nightlife now, the dawn will break. Let's go! You've been missing for so long, there's no chance of escaping tonight!" 

Chu Zhichen was "hijacked" by Qian Hua and whisked away to a nightclub. 

According to Qian Hua, this nightclub was a familiar spot for them. The first floor buzzed with a massive dance floor, filled with gyrating bodies, captivating lights, and pulsating waves of deafening music. The second floor was reserved for card games, while the third floor catered exclusively to esteemed members, rejecting ordinary patrons. 

Qian Hua ushered Chu Zhichen to the fourth floor's top level, where the crowd was thinner. The area boasted an independent bar and a set of rooms exclusively reserved for platinum members. These rooms offered excellent privacy, serving as a haven throughout the year. 

Curiosity piqued, Chu Zhichen inquired, "What place is this?" 

Qian Hua responded with a mischievous grin, "Our happy hometown." 

Chu Zhichen felt a headache brewing and confessed, "I don't really enjoy partying so much anymore." 

"I understand. Given that your body has recently recovered, you need to take care of yourself," Qian Hua displayed thoughtfulness. "Let's indulge in conversation and drinks tonight. I've been thinking about you all this time. Who else would treat you with such loyalty?" 

Assorted drinks arrived, and Chu Zhichen held his cup in silence, patiently listening to Qian Hua's incessant chatter. 

Eventually, Chu Zhichen learned that Qian Hua and the real "Chu Zhichen" had been studying buddies abroad for two years, forming a strong bond. They shared commonalities, and maintained contact even when apart, making future gatherings convenient. 

The weight of this tainted friendship overwhelmed Chu Zhichen. 

Thirsty from their conversation, Qian Hua downed a large glass of foreign wine. "Enough small talk, do you truly remember nothing? Has it affected your life?" 

Chu Zhichen reassured him, "It's alright." 

Qian Hua teased maliciously, "What were you doing at the mall entrance? Tsk, dressed so formally, were you role-playing or on a mission?" 

Chu Zhichen misunderstood "mission" as "work task" and replied, "I just completed a task." 

Qian Hua nearly lost his composure. "Don't tell me you're playing those new games! Are you the master or the slave?" 

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This remark displeased Chu Zhichen. In this modern era, why would "slavery" even be mentioned? He retorted, "I was simply taking a stroll after work. I work at Xiangyue Communications." 

Qian Hua could barely contain his frustration. "So, you sold your shares to Xiang Yue and then turned around to work for Xiang Mingzhang? Have you lost your mind?" 

In a sharp tone, Chu Zhichen questioned, "Do you know Xiang Mingzhang?" 

"I'm not acquainted with him personally, but I've heard snippets about him. He's an exceedingly refined egoist," Qian Hua snorted. "Since you have to work, why don't you come to my shopping mall instead? We'll both die if we hang out together!" 

Chu Zhichen pondered over Li Zangqiu's unfavorable mention of Xiang Mingzhang during the gathering with the Chu family. Qian Hua also displayed a negative attitude. Who exactly was Xiang Mingzhang? 

Feeling the warmth of the wine in his glass, Chu Zhichen placed it down, signaling that it was time to depart. 

Suddenly, Qian Hua approached him drunkenly, babbling incessantly. "I've sent you so many messages, and you haven't replied to a single one. Are we breaking up just because you lost your memory? Don't even think about leaving. Let me tell you about our past. Maybe it can jog your memory. Remember that TV series where they search for memories like this..." 

Observing Qian Hua's mournful expression, Chu Zhichen sensed sincerity beyond mere friendship forged over food and drinks. Reluctantly, he decided to stay and requested, "Tell me about my past." 

As Xiang Mingzhang returned to his apartment, Mrs. Chu called before retiring for the night. She expressed concern that Chu Zhichen hadn't returned home, his phone remained switched off and questioned whether the company had required overtime work. 

Xiang Mingzhang informed her of the social gathering that transpired, after which Chu Zhichen left alone to shop, before bidding her a few words of comfort and hanging up. 

The night passed, and the ensuing day was a day off. Xiang Mingzhang was not one for sleeping in and promptly arose in the morning for a few laps in the rooftop swimming pool. 

His phone rang, and it was Mrs. Chu calling once more. 

Xiang Mingzhang activated the hands-free function and used a towel to wipe off the water droplets from his body. Mrs. Chu's concerned voice filled the air, "Mingzhang, I apologize for bothering you again. Which street did he leave on last night?" 

Curiously, Xiang Mingzhang questioned, "Hasn't he returned home yet?" 

Mrs. Chu replied, "He hasn't come back all night. I'm considering looking for him, or else I'll have to call the police." 

With a hint of irritation, Xiang Mingzhang tossed the towel aside and assured her, "Auntie, don't worry. I'll send someone to search for him." 

After ending the call, Xiang Mingzhang instructed his staff to comb through the hotel they were at yesterday. Chu Zhichen had recently become an employee at Xiang Yue, but Xiang Mingzhang hadn't seen him since he started working there. 

Returning to his apartment and changing his clothes, Xiang Mingzhang attempted to call Chu Zhichen's cellphone. 

The phone rang a few times, and then Chu Zhichen answered. "Hello?" 

Xiang Mingzhang's tone turned sour as he asked, "Where are you?" 

Chu Zhichen provided the address, a well-known nightclub in the city. 

Sneering to himself, Xiang Mingzhang resolved to ensure Chu Zhichen stayed put. "Don't go anywhere, just wait at the entrance." 

He didn't inquire about the personnel he had dispatched to retrieve Chu Zhichen. If his subordinates discovered Chu Zhichen's behavior and exaggerated it to the company, his colleagues would become even more critical of him. 

Last night, Chu Zhichen had listened to Qian Hua recounting their past until midnight, and eventually, Qian Hua had drunkenly passed out, making it difficult for Chu Zhichen to fall asleep. 

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Due to a drained battery, his phone had turned off. In the early morning, a waiter arrived with hangover soup and breakfast, kindly charging Chu Zhichen's phone for him. Upon switching it on, he was bombarded with countless missed calls, one of which was from Xiang Mingzhang. 

Before Qian Hua woke up, Chu Zhichen left a note and exited the room. 

The nightclub lights still glowed, their colors appearing softer in the morning light. The harsh neons had faded to warm amber, and the lasers had dimmed to gentle pulses. The dance floor was littered with empty bottles and discarded glasses, and the tables were covered in spilled drinks and crumpled napkins. 

The air was thick with the smell of sweat, smoke, and alcohol. 

The men and women who had filled the club just hours ago had all departed, leaving the dance floor as deserted as the surrounding streets. The only sound was the echo of their footsteps as they walked away. 

With resolve, Chu Zhichen positioned himself by the entrance, adjusting his tie to ensure his appearance was presentable. 

Fifteen minutes later, a long-axis Phantom car sped over and parked on the side of the road. 

Xiang Mingzhang unbuckled his seatbelt and emerged from the vehicle. Chu Zhichen was well-dressed, not as disheveled as Xiang Mingzhang had anticipated, although his eyes displayed the signs of sleepless nights. 

"Young Master Chu," Xiang Mingzhang uttered firmly, "I don't care how you choose to entertain yourself, but having your parents call your boss multiple times is a mistake only elementary school students make." 

Chu Zhichen admitted his mistake with sincerity. "I apologize. I'll return home immediately." 

Concerned that Chu Zhichen might act against his will, potentially wandering around aimlessly for a day and night, Xiang Mingzhang feared that the Chu family would end up protesting at Xiang Yue's entrance, causing unnecessary drama. 

Without further ado, Xiang Mingzhang curtly stated, "Get in the car." 

Feeling hesitant about inconveniencing the driver, Chu Zhichen inquired, "Are you driving me?" 

Xiang Mingzhang clarified, "Consider it an escort." 

Chu Zhichen walked towards the side of the car. Despite his previous positions as a young master, general manager, and bank president, his inherent nature remained intact. Heading directly to the back seat of the car, he politely apologized, "I'm sorry." 

Xiang Mingzhang couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "Where did you pick up that air of authority?" 

Chu Zhichen paused, wondering what had transpired. 

Xiang Mingzhang commanded, "Come here, sit in the passenger seat!" 


Original Author's Note: 

Supplementary response: Party A has two professional translators who are leading the translation, and the translation for Xiangyue was only a temporary idea. Therefore, Chu's role is merely that of an assistant, and he prefers to record the content for future reference. I didn't provide enough details, so I will adjust the details another day. 




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