Chapter 7: 07. He Was Convinced Chu Zhichen Had Drugged Him.

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Xiang Mingzhang drove the car at an excessive speed, dangerously close to surpassing the speed limit. The other cars on the road were whizzing by Xiang Mingzhang's car. 

Chu Zhichen appeared calm, but instinctively crossed his arms in a defensive stance. Once they reached the entrance of Chu's house, he finally relaxed his grip on his hands as the car came to a stop. 

The silent journey had been quite distressing. With his seatbelt unbuckled, Chu Zhichen expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you for giving me a ride." 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "Go inside. Your mother is extremely worried. Please inform her that Xiang Yue is not a kindergarten, and I am not a babysitter. I have no obligation to look after the children for her." 

Chu Zhichen detected a tinge of annoyance in Xiang Mingzhang's voice as he replied, "Understood. Is there anything else you would like to say?" 

Xiang Mingzhang pressed the button to unlock the passenger door, and as Chu Zhichen stepped out of the car, he remarked, "We have an employer-employee relationship. I am your boss, and I expect you to fulfill your responsibilities without causing any trouble. I hope this is clear to you." 

Chu Zhichen maintained his composure and accepted everything, saying, "Alright, I will remember." 

As soon as the words left his mouth, the car hummed to life, the sound reverberating through the empty street, and Xiang Mingzhang swiftly sped away, disappearing from sight. 

Gazing at the hazy smoke from the exhaust, Chu Zhichen remembered that he had left his bag in the backseat and forgotten to retrieve it... 

Upon hearing the engine's sound, Mrs. Chu hurriedly rushed out of the gate. Not having gotten a good night's rest, her feet throbbed with pain as she walked around the house. 

Spotting Chu Zhichen at the entrance, she shouted, "Chu Zhichen, you're back! I've been so worried!" 

Chu Zhichen apologized and assured her, doing his best to calm Mrs. Chu's emotions. 

Mrs. Chu had a keen sense of smell, detecting the scent of alcohol and fragrance on his body. She asked, "Where did you spend last night?" 

Chu Zhichen recounted his encounter with Qian Hua, revealing only that they reminisced about the past together, deliberately avoiding mentioning specific locations. Based on Xiang Mingzhang's reaction to nightclubs, he likely wouldn't approve of it being publicized. 

Unfortunately, upon hearing that Chu Zhichen was with Qian Hua, Mrs. Chu immediately assumed the worst. Thankfully, she had already changed Chu Zhichen's phone number, hoping to take advantage of his amnesia to distance himself from those acquaintances. However, she didn't expect to encounter this situation again. 

Mrs. Chu tactfully inquired, "You two are getting together so soon. Did hanging out with him all night satisfy your desires?" 

Chu Zhichen didn't think much of it and replied, "I'm a bit tired." 

Entering the villa, he covered a yawn with his fist, suppressing it, and wearily made his way upstairs to rest. 

Mrs. Chu sighed, going to the kitchen where she advised Sister Xiu not to bother with breakfast. She even complained, "Don't bother cooking. Prepare a nourishing stew for yourself, you brat." 

Sister Xiu expressed surprise, saying, "Already so soon..." 

Annoyed, Mrs. Chu commented, "Forget it. It's in a man's nature. If he can restrain himself, a beggar would become the richest man!" 

Chu Zhichen remained unaware of their conversation. Once he returned to his room, he locked himself in the bathroom and took a thorough shower, ensuring that he was free from any trace of alcohol before emerging. 

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Feeling excessively tired, it wasn't only due to the lack of rest the previous night, but also the mental strain at the Japanese restaurant. In this moment of relaxation, his limbs felt unusually heavy. 

Lighting a Canaan incense stick in a small burner, he lay down on the bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep. 

Chu Zhichen dreamt of the past. 

Yet again, he found himself at an unavoidable banquet held in the evening. The venue was an old Japanese-style house, with a traditional wooden exterior and a thatched roof. 

The interior was dimly lit by paper lanterns, and the air was heavy with the smell of incense. The floor was covered in tatami mats, and the walls were adorned with scrolls of calligraphy and paintings of Japanese landscapes. In the corner of the room, a samurai sword stand stood against the wall, its polished blade gleaming in the darkness. 

The aroma of tea wafted through the air, filling the small tea room with its delicate fragrance. The military officer, dressed in a simple kimono, knelt across from Chu Zhichen and began the tea ceremony. 

He first cleansed his hands and utensils with water from the furo, a traditional Japanese water heater. Then, he carefully selected a few leaves of matcha from the caddy and placed them in the chasha, a small tea bowl. He added hot water and whisked the tea until it frothed. 

As he performed the ceremony, he spoke softly of the "Tea Classic," a Chinese text that is considered to be the bible of the tea ceremony. He spoke of the importance of simplicity, purity, and harmony in the tea ceremony, and of how it can be a way to connect with nature and oneself. 

Chu Zhichen remained silent, patiently waiting for a cup of brewed tea to be placed before him. As he reached out to hold it, his hand trembled as if fearing it would scorch him, accidentally splashing the cooked tea onto the "gold savings certificate" approval letter that had been laid out flat. 

The national economy has been deeply affected, with the issuance of gold savings certificates being a prime example. Major newspapers and magazines quickly report multiple consecutive increases in their value. However, as soon as a large number of these certificates are accumulated, their worth plunges to the point of becoming completely worthless, transforming into mere stacks of waste paper. 

Once Fuhua Bank signs on to this scheme, it essentially becomes a lapdog of deception, preying on the unsuspecting public. 

A few drops of tea splattered onto the back of Chu Zhichen's hand, causing it to redden. Lost in the moment, he forgot how to handle it and only perceived each passing minute and second as excruciatingly long. 

Just as the muzzle of a gun pressed against his temple, a deafening boom echoed through the room. 

In a sudden startle, Chu Zhichen woke up from his nightmare. 

Cold sweat trickled down his forehead and soaked into the pillow beneath him. He stared rigidly at the ceiling, breathing heavily, finding himself devoid of sleepiness. 

Although he had narrowly escaped the Hongmen Banquet, random nightmares like this one would always jolt him awake, the sound of gunfire still ringing in his ears. 

[T/N: The Hongmen Banquet was a historical event that took place in 206 BC at Swan Goose Gate (Chinese: 鴻門; pinyin: Hóng Mén) outside Xianyang, the capital of the Qin dynasty. The main parties involved in the banquet were Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, two prominent leaders of insurgent forces who rebelled against the Qin dynasty from 209 BC to 206 BC. The Hongmen Banquet is a famous event in Chinese history. It is often used as a metaphor for a trap or a situation that is ostensibly joyous but in fact treacherous. The term "Hong Men Yan" (Feast at Swan Goose Gate) is also used figuratively to refer to a situation where someone is trying to take advantage of another person.] 

Beep, beep, beep! The sound of his phone interrupted his thoughts. 

Chu Zhichen snapped back to reality, picked up his phone, and saw a WeChat message from Qian Hua, inquiring about their next meeting. 

In a daze, he stared at the screen. Last night, Qian Hua had spoken about a person named "Chu Zhichen." It was ludicrous, yet strangely vivid. Unfortunately, his fate had become uncertain, more unpredictable than any nightmare. 

According to his colleagues on the yacht, "Chu Zhichen" had gotten drunk that night and was taken to his room. No one paid him any attention as everyone scrambled to escape. 

Peng Xin had heard that "Chu Zhichen" was on his deathbed in the hospital, oblivious to the fact that he had drowned. He believed he had sustained serious injuries from the explosion. 

It was highly likely that the real "Chu Zhichen" had perished in the sea of flames, with no hope of being rescued. 

Chu Zhichen rose from his bed and made his way to the desk. He turned on the computer and searched for nearby cemeteries, intending to purchase an offering for the life lost. 

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After noting down the necessary details, Chu Zhichen remained in the room until the incense in the censer burned out. 

As the sun set, a small delivery truck entered through the gate, and the deliveryman unloaded a wooden box that stood about half the height of a person. Mrs. Chu fretted in the yard, unsure of where to place the item. 

Curious, Chu Zhichen descended the stairs to inspect the box. Its nails were carefully removed, revealing an immaculate white artistic statue within. 

"Did you buy this?" he asked. 

Mrs. Chu answered, "It belonged to your father." 

Chu Zhe had a penchant for collecting statues during his lifetime, most of which had been donated after his passing. This particular piece had been Chu Zhe's favorite and had previously been displayed in the Yisi conference center. 

Honoring the founder's most beloved possession seemed fitting. Chu Zhichen inquired, "Why was it sent back home?" 

Mrs. Chu explained, "Yisi seems to be relocating to Xiangyue Park, and some individuals will be going there first. Your Uncle Li said it wouldn't be appropriate to bring this statue to Xiangyue, so he sent it back." 

Chu Zhichen's excitement couldn't be contained. Did he also have the opportunity to move into Xiangyue? 

The pure white statue, now tinged with an orange hue from the setting sun, exuded an air of sanctity and beauty. 

Without it, the people at Yisi will no longer have a tangible reminder of their past, and how long will it take for them to forget Chu Zhe completely? 

Once they move into Xiangyue as a subsidiary, how long will the name "Yisi" endure in the industry? 

Standing in the corridor, Chu Zhichen dialed Xiang Mingzhang's phone number. 

After seven or eight rings, Xiang Mingzhang finally answered. "Mr. Xiang, my bag is still in your car." 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "I am aware." 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "Would it be convenient for you tonight? I can come and retrieve it." 

Xiang Mingzhang responded, "I'll have you start working next week." 

The company was beset with numerous inconveniences, evident in Chu Zhichen's restrained and serious tone as he spoke, "I cannot wait. There are highly important items in the bag. Please." 

Xiang Mingzhang paused for a few seconds before responding, "Come to my apartment at eight o'clock." 

After ending the call, Chu Zhichen received the address from Xiang Mingzhang, saved it, and entered the house. However, he was called into the kitchen by his sister Xiu. 

A cup of fragrant soup had just been taken off the stove. Sister Xiu claimed it was an old recipe that worked quickly, promising a warm and restful night's sleep upon consumption. 

Chu Zhichen didn't fully comprehend the soup's effects. The elderly butler, who deeply believed in Buddhism and had claimed a Zen connection with Chu Zhichen since the latter turned eighteen, abstained from meat four days a week—an observance he had upheld for many years. 

The soup mainly featured meat, making it a valuable and exquisite dish. Chu Zhichen reflected on this and realized it would be impolite to arrive empty-handed. He asked sister Xiu to pack the soup in a thermos and made other preparations. 

At five minutes to eight, Chu Zhichen stepped out of his car in front of the "Bomanjia" apartment building. 

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Surrounded by the vibrance and commotion, he had no time to appreciate his surroundings and followed the personal butler of the resident up to the fortieth floor. 

Xiang Mingzhang resided in Apartment A. He opened the door, temper from the morning having dissipated, and calmly said, "Please come in." 

Chu Zhichen nodded and entered the apartment. The spacious flat was adorned with exquisite decor at every corner. The living room boasted a colorful chandelier that emitted a radiant glow, illuminating everything within it. Chu Zhichen raised the thermos and stated, "I wasn't sure what to bring, so I decided to bring the evening soup as a midnight snack." 

The apartment housed four or five restaurants with various culinary genres, offering a 24-hour meal delivery service. Xiang Mingzhang rarely cooked at home, and he had almost forgotten what homemade food tasted like. 

Accepting Chu Zhichen's offering, Xiang Mingzhang instructed, "Place it on the coffee table." 

On the marble coffee table sat a stack of materials. Chu Zhichen walked over and set the thermos down, realizing the papers read "admission recommendation letter." 

To the best of his knowledge, Xiang Mingzhang was unmarried and had no children. 

[T/N: This is a very important piece of information that will come into play later in the story.] 

Chu Zhichen straightened himself and casually tossed his bag onto the sofa. Xiang Mingzhang sat down, picking it up. The button on the brand-name bag was ineffective—it effortlessly opened with a touch, causing half of a notebook to fall out. 

Xiang Mingzhang retrieved the notebook, seemingly intending to peruse its contents. 

Chu Zhichen instinctively interjected, "No." 

Xiang Mingzhang lifted his gaze but didn't release his hold on the notebook. Chu Zhichen's reaction piqued his curiosity, and he inquired, "Are you nervous?" 

Chu Zhichen replied, "This is my item." 

"This item was customized and allocated by the company and is solely intended for meetings. It is not meant for your diary," Xiang Mingzhang retorted. "Could it be that you have written something inappropriate?" 

Chu Zhichen seriously asserted, "Of course not. It's all business-related." 

Xiang Mingzhang countered, "Then I must take a closer look. What if you have brought sensitive company trade secrets?" 

Chu Zhichen had been isolated for a week, digesting his unhappiness on his own. However, Xiang Mingzhang's words reignited his discontent and he retorted, "Mr. Xiang, have you forgotten? I still don't have an employee account, and I don't even have access to the company's system." 

Xiang Mingzhang's tone conveyed restrained emotions as he responded, "These days, you have been as immovable as a mountain. I thought you were indifferent. It seems you are quite dissatisfied." 

Chu Zhichen declared, "I am but a temporary employee. When I am not needed, I serve as an interpreter. What right do I have to be dissatisfied?" 

Xiang Mingzhang suddenly laughed and mercilessly remarked, "Let us not forget, it was you who voluntarily surrendered. However, I am not without mercy. If you feel wronged, you are free to leave." 

"I will not leave without any wrongdoing," Chu Zhichen resisted the urge to lose his composure, swiftly changing the subject. "I heard that Yisi is planning to move to the business park. Is that true?" 

Xiang Mingzhang understood that the bag was being used as a cover, and Chu Zhichen had come here in the evening to verify this matter. Confirming the information, he replied, "Your sources are indeed reliable." 

Chu Zhichen inquired, "If Yisi moves there, can we do things together?" 

Xiang Mingzhang replied, "If I open the notebook, will you charge at me and attack?" 

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Chu Zhichen choked on his words, unable to refute. He felt like a powerless deer, forced to obey this cunning wolf. 

"Please take a seat. I am a slow reader," Xiang Mingzhang said as he opened the notebook. 

The notebook was thick, and surprisingly, Chu Zhichen had leisurely filled half of it in just one week. Xiang Mingzhang initially wanted to confirm the name on the title page by reading it. 

However, now that he had opened it, he hesitated even more. 

The handwriting on the pages was clear and neat, showcasing impressive calligraphy skills. Furthermore, all the writing was in traditional Chinese characters. 

Xiang Mingzhang carefully examined the contents. Chu Zhichen had diligently recorded important tasks, division of responsibilities within the department, project details, and even an "evaluation from a superior" for him. 

The summary read: shows determination, willing to adapt, exhibits tolerance, and has a wide perspective. 

Feeling compelled to share, Xiang Mingzhang asked, "Is this your evaluation of me?" 

Chu Zhichen sat on the single sofa, his expression cold. He replied, "There is another sentence following." 

Xiang Mingzhang flipped through the pages and indeed found another sentence: "Proficient in skills, possesses genuine expertise, if handled properly, can be regarded as a great mentor and supportive friend." 

Xiang Mingzhang truly wanted to ask Chu Zhichen if he viewed him as a mentor or simply a friend. 

When he glanced up, he saw Chu Zhichen sitting upright in a dignified posture, his face void of any smile, indicating his probable anger. 

Suddenly, Xiang Mingzhang's mood significantly improved. He placed the notebook back in the bag and said, "There's still some space for a file." 

Chu Zhichen's expression changed as he asked, "What do you mean?" 

Xiang Mingzhang went to his study and retrieved a document. He continued, "The project which Yisi recently took over, you will be working on it once they shift here. If you have any questions, read through it and avoid causing any trouble." 

Chu Zhichen was taken aback. He accepted the document, placed it in his bag, and thanked Xiang Mingzhang, although it felt somewhat insincere. 

With pursed lips and no words spoken, he wrestled with his thoughts for a moment before subtly adding, "The soup should still be hot. Remember to drink it." 

Xiang Mingzhang responded with a "mhm." Adults were skilled at settling debts and turning pages. 

After seeing Chu Zhichen off, Xiang Mingzhang went to the kitchen and opened the thermos, pouring himself a full bowl of soup. 

After drinking it, he went to bed and rested. 

Not long after, Xiang Mingzhang felt an intense heat, prompting him to get up and drink cold water three times throughout the night. 

He seriously suspected that Chu Zhichen had drugged him. 

[T/N: Sister Xiu's kidney-nourishing soup is a highly effective product that delivers results quickly. I am so impressed with the results that I am literally laughing out loud!] 



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