chapter5 Sophistry

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There are actually only four sites belonging to flying eagle Gang, including long music blocks that have fallen to the extreme.

As one of the 13 great leaders of flying eagle Gang, Third Master tiger is the kind with relatively strong strength. His territory is one third of the happy intent block.

Compared with the long music block, the happy intent block is much more prosperous. The streets are full of people, and there are endless pedestrians. Unlike the long music block, there is a perennial sewage crossflow and a slum scene.

“The third master tiger has his own house in the happy intent block, three in and three out. when can we live in a big house with three in and three out? " Huang Bingcheng’s face is envy.

Like them, they are in the low person of gang face low level. What they think is not how to make a name, but how to live a safe and stable life.

At the gate of the third master tiger, there are two gangster guards of flying eagle gang. Huang Bingcheng hastens to flatter him and says, “it’s old boss Wang and brother Tian. Today is your two gatekeepers? I’d like to ask you both to report that long music block Su Xin has asked for an interview. "

“Su Xin? The Su Xin who killed Chen Dao? " Two people look at Su Xin, the color of pondering.

Huang Bingcheng’s heart thumped. As he expected, the news had already reached the third master tiger.

But unexpectedly, the two people didn’t make su Xin difficult, just said lightly: “you go in, and the third master tiger is waiting in it.”

Huang Bingcheng takes Su Xin in with doubts, and the two people behind him immediately close the door.

“I said Old Wang, do you think this kid can still come out?”

“I don’t know, but if he can come out of here, there must be a place for him in flying eagle Gang!”

“Why? Because he killed Chen Dao? "

“No, because he dared to come here after he killed Chen Dao. This courage is extraordinary! "

In hall, Su Xin finally met this famous third master tiger.

In addition to the gang Lord, flying eagle gang has three Hall Lord, namely, the punitive hall in charge of punishment, the good deeds hall in charge of asset logistics, and the battle hall in charge of the most powerful force in the gang.

In addition to them, the person in charge of flying eagle Gang is the 13 great leaders, and the third master tiger is the stronger one.

This year, the third master tiger is over 50 years old, nearly 60 years old.

He has a little white hair on his temples. He was one of the first brothers to follow flying eagle Gang Gang Lord and Sha Feiying.

In the first eye, Su Xin noticed the hands of the third master tiger.

He are average and bordering, just like an ordinary elder.

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Only his hands, his bones were unusually broad, black , even with the color of gold and iron.

Su Xin has read the data of the third master tiger.

He cultivated the iron sand palm, merit force great success, can crack open stone, shatter the metal and break the jade for nearly 40 years!

“Are you su Xin? How dare you come to see me just after you killed my adored son

The opening of the third master tiger colony, holding the left hand of the teacup, the whole teacup immediately broke into powder!

Huang Bingcheng shivered so much that he almost fell to his knees in fear on the spot.

person’s name,tree’s shadow。

This third master tiger is not so good tempered.

“It’s not that I’m brave, but I know that you won’t kill me, Third Master.” Su Xin sat on the chair without any fear on her face.

Third master tiger laughed angrily: “don’t kill you? Do you know how long it took me to train Chen Dao? From the age of 20 to now! For 20 years!

The successor I spent 20 years training was killed by you. You said I would not kill you? "

Su Xin’s eyes are straight to the third master tiger, and there is no meaning to avoid: “even if I don’t kill Chen Dao, you will kill him one day!”

The complexion of the third master tiger suddenly changes.

“What do you mean?”

Su Xin said calmly, “I mean the third master tiger. You mean that Chen Dao’s presence has threatened you. I killed him, which can be said to be a great help to the third master.”

“What do I mean?” Third master tiger’s complexion is calm: “then tell me what I mean.”

“Third, you are only 50 odd years this year, but Chen Dao is 40 years old.

When you wanted to train Chen Dao as a successor, he did well.

In the first year of its establishment, iron sand palm has achieved great success, and its strength is no less than that of the weaker great chief.

But these are not good for you, because he grew up so fast!

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The martial artist Qi and blood is abundant and vigorous. At your age, you can be at least another ten years of great chief.

You can wait ten years, but can Chen Dao wait? Obviously, he has the strength comparable to great chief, while subordinate has no one. Will he be willing?

I believe you should feel it, too? You can’t hold him down any longer.

Flying Eagle Gang is such a big territory. Even though he has the strength of great chieftain, he has no great chieftain’s territory and staff!

His only choice is to let you provide for the aged in advance.

You come down, he’s up! "

Su Xin took a sip of tea on the table after he finished. He looked calm, but he scared Huang Bingcheng.

Old boss, were you a storyteller? Such a strange story can be made up.

This angers the third master tiger. Give me a slap. We’ll dead here!

But unexpectedly, the third master tiger didn’t rush to give them a slap, as Huang Bingcheng imagined. Instead, he stared at Su Xin with a little fear in his eyes!

When he was as old as Su Xin, he was just a man of blood and knew nothing but fighting and killing.

Just now, Su Xin’s analysis is just like the roundworm in his stomach, almost telling him what he thinks.

It’s not like a 16 or 7-year-old youngster, it’s like a middle-aged sophisticate.

It’s not surprising that Su Xin previous life is just thinking about people’s business.

Subordinate is in charge of hundreds of people. He doesn’t know technology, but if he doesn’t know how to think about people, he won’t be able to sit for several years.

Third master tiger looks at Su Xin. Just as Huang Bingcheng is scare to pee, he suddenly laughs.

“Good! OK, very much! Flying Eagle Gang said that Su Xin is strong, but I think it’s your brain that should be praised most. "

Third master tiger looked at Su Xin with appreciation in his eyes: “but it’s not so easy to end this matter. You killed an adopted son of me, how can you accompany me?”

Su Xin knelt down on one knee without hesitation and said respectfully with a fist: “pay respects adopted father!”

With that, Su Xin immediately took out the 500 Liang silver note from her arms and put it on her hands.

“Although the 500 silver tael is few, it’s the heart of a child. I hope the adopted father will accept it.”

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“Good! Su Xin, I didn’t read you wrong. " Third master tiger took the silver ticket and put it on the table beside him. His eyes were more appreciative.

Of course, he didn’t pay attention to the 500 tael of silver tickets, but youngster, who has such an eye and knows how to advance and retreat, is rare now.

Strength is not enough to practice, but it’s hard to practice this kind of thing.

“Su Xin, you will be in charge of the happy forest in the future, and I will report your identity to the help center.

But you just became little chief. In your subordinate, except for your own skills, there are only some ordinary gangster left.

I have two youngster who is good at fight. They will follow you later. "

The third master tiger clapped his hands and two young people came in from outside the yard.

The two people, one are in their 20s, have no expression on their faces. They look like everyone owes him hundreds of silver tabs.

The other is about 30 years old, just the opposite of the previous one, to see who is a pair of harmony, smiling appearance.

“This is Li Huai and Ji Gang. They’ve been with me for some years. They’re good at both. They can help you.”

Li Huai nodded to Su Xin, and Ji Gang said with a smile, “old boss Su, lil’bro will follow you for a living in the future.”

“Hello .Bro Ji You are the senior of flying eagle gang. I should study hard with you.”

Su Xin’s modesty is very modest. He will not naively think that the third master tiger sent these two people to help him.

Su Xin thinks it’s normal for a person who has just killed his adopted son and has made his psychoanalysis clean and thorough.

However, with the help of two people, they want to balance Su Xin, which is too simple for Third Master tiger.

“Well, you go out and wait. I have to talk to Su Xin.”

Third master tiger waved, and Li Huai and Ji Gang walked out of the door immediately.

Huang Bingcheng shows an admiration for Su Xin.

This old boss is really good. He solved this matter in a few words, and he is also get a big backer of the third master tiger!

With the third master tiger as an adopted father, Su Xin’s position in flying eagle Gang is as solid as a rock.

As the first one to join Su Xin’s gangster, it also proves that Huang Bingcheng is right!

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When they all went out, Su Xin respectfully asked, “what else do you want to tell me?”

“You’ve learned internal merit, haven’t you?”

A sentence from third master tiger immediately surprised Su Xin.

According to his data, there are only Gang Lord and three Hall Lord in flying eagle gang. Genuine is proficient in internal merit. How can Third Master tiger see that he will be internal merit.

Seeing Su Xin’s shocked appearance, Third Master tiger nodded with satisfaction and said, “don’t worry, I won’t rob your internal merit heart law. I will, too.”

Su Xin very cautiously asked, “but I’ve heard that only Gang Lord and three Hall Lord of flying eagle gang have studied Internal strength , you and several other hall Lord are proficient in some foreign countries, Gongfu” effort. "

“They know shit!”

Third master tiger disdained: “at the beginning, there were no more than 30 people who started flying eagle Gang, and almost all of us followed the brother who fought with gang Lord. Since Gang Lord would Internal strength, wouldn’t it be handed over to us?"?

In fact, the 13 great leaders of flying eagle Gang have learned internal merit from gang Lord.

However, it is not just hard work, but also talent.

There are 108 aperture holes in the human body, 36 in refining are Houtian low stage, 72 in refining are Houtian middle stage, 108 in refining are houtiangreat perfection.

Only by stepping on the Houtian realm can we call it genuine’s martial artist. Unfortunately, I have spent nearly 40 years, and I have only refined 13 aperture holes. "

These things said by third master tiger are really unknown to Su Xin.

But he got “Quanzhen reliability primary level internal merit” from lottery draw, which should contain these things.

However, he just drew the heart law and didn’t see it at all. He took revenge on the true Qi given by the system’s 5% proficiency .

“With the power of adored Father your iron sand palm, even the martial artist of Houtian low stage can’t defeat you.” Su Xin flatteringly said。

“Well, you don’t have to give me a flatter. Go back and do a good job. Happy forest is adjacent to green bamboo gang. Remember, don’t disgrace flying eagle gang. "

Seeing that his words have restrained Su Xin, Third Master tiger nodded with satisfaction.

“Yes, adopted father, then I’ll leave.”

Su Xin stands up to pay homage to the third master tiger and turns away from the living room.

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