chapter6 Mission accomplished

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When Su Xin went out, a middle-aged man in his 40s, dressed as a literati, came out from behind the screen. TSK TSK sighed: “this youngster is really unusual. This intention is terrifying. He is not 20 years old, is he? Third master, do you mind giving happy forest to him? Not afraid of him becoming another Chen Dao? "

“Afraid? I’m afraid he won’t be another Chen Dao! "

The third master tiger’s mouth shows a trace of unpredictable smiling expression: “what the kid said just now is good. I’m old and can’t fight. If I stay in this position for ten years, I’ll retire.

Now that the gang Lord is old, he has started to cultivate the young Gang Lord. By then, the young Gang Lord will be on top, every new sovereign bridges his own courses. Do you think he will be pleased to see us old guys? It’s better to step back ahead of time .

By that time, Su Xin should have grown up. With him in office, I’m not afraid to go. At least the wealth of the rest of my life can be preserved. "

The middle-aged scribe still hesitated: “but one may know a person for a long time without understanding his true nature. With such a deep mind, you are not afraid that he will require kindness with permission in the future?”

“He’s a smart man and won’t do that. If he betrays me, he will only carry an ungrateful name on his back. If we mix with Jianghu, who will mix with you if his reputation stinks? So betraying me won’t do him any good.

And I live a good life. With my prestige over the years, I can help him suppress the elderly in the gang, let him take over the power in my hand smoothly, and get the attention of young Gang Lord after the upper position. Therefore, he will not only not betray me, but also be filial to me. "

“Third Master, you are wise. I am convinced.”

The middle-aged literati bowed his hands and sighed. Now he knows why this third master tiger suddenly accepted Su Xin as an adopted son. He actually thought about it so long.

The third master tiger waved his hand, restrained his smile, and said: “wise? It’s true. After all these years, I can’t live to this day without some calculation.

Just now, I told Su Xin that there are over 30 people in our flying eagle Gang start-up, and there are only a dozen old guys left in these years.

But do you think the ten who died were all killed by gang face fighting? "

The middle-aged scholar was shocked by the cold in the eyes of the third master tiger. He dared not listen to the secret story of flying eagle gang.

At this time, Su Xin salute Ji Gang and Li Huai outside the third master tiger’s mansion and said, “it’s my pleasure for Su Xin’s to come and help me. Later, everyone will be brother.”

Li Huai said with a cold face: “the Third Master asked me to help you to stabilize your position in flying eagle gang. Don’t expect me to treat you as an old boss, to see, hear and obey like those little minions!”

After that, Li Huai turned around and walked away without putting Su Xin in his eyes.

“Hey! How do you talk? Old boss Su is the adopted son that the third master just accepted! "

Seeing Li Hua’s attitude, Huang Bingcheng immediately became angry.

I don’t know if Li Huai didn’t pay attention to Su Xin, or if the word “minion” stabbed him.

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Ji Gang smiled and gave Su Xin a fist: “old boss Su, this is his virtue. You don’t mind. I’ll go to persuade him.”

With that, Ji Gang went after Li Huai.

Huang Bingcheng muttered scornfully, “what are you Proud? It’s great to think you can fight? "

“Do you know these two people?” Su Xin asked suddenly.

Huang Bingcheng scratched his head: “I’ve heard that Li Hua is the number one thug of the third master tiger subordinate. Although he has just emerged in recent years, he is famous for taking action very ruthless and fearless death.

As for the identity of Ji Gang, it’s also similar to Li Huai. He’s a relatively young thug of the third master tiger subordinate. But compared with Li Huai, he’s not famous. "

When it comes to Li Hua Huang Bingcheng, he is still angry: “hum! But Li Huai is so arrogant. What identity does he think he is? Not now, not even little chieftain! You look down on the minions. You are also a minion!

Look at Ji Gang. He is not the same. He is much more modest. It’s not like Li Huai. It’s like heaven as old boss and I’m old second. "

Su Xin shook his head lightly: “you don’t understand. A biting dog usually doesn’t bark.”

Huang Bingcheng scratched his head doubtfully. He didn’t understand what Su Xin meant.

Seeing that Su Xin has lifted his feet, he immediately follows.

After su Xin returned to the happy forest, the original gangster s saw that Su Xin not only came back from the third master tiger alive, but also came back with the powerful thugs of two in the gang. Their attitude towards Su Xin’s immediately changed.

Being recognized by the third master tiger means that Su Xin has fully established itself in flying eagle gang.

Gang face is no better than sect. As long as the above people don’t object, it’s no big deal to turn old boss .

“Congratulations on the host’s completion of novice quest, and the success of rewarding villain points with 10 points and low grade raining Qi hill with one.”

Just after stepping into the happy forest, Su Xin’s mind started to hear the sound of system.

The raining Qi pill was sent to the system by Su Xin. Now it’s not the time to take it.

“Are Ji Gang and Li Huai all set up?” Asked Su Xin.

Huang Bingcheng hurriedly replied, “all of them have been arranged. The places to live are the best rooms in East ascends inn. We need a silver tower every day.”

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Although these two people are nominally following Su Xin, they are basically the people of the third master tiger.

Before Su Xin feathered wing is not abundant, you should make show weakness and patience.

“Old boss, I’ll clean up your room for you, and you can stay at any time.”

Huang Bingcheng has a flattering smile. Now he admires the old boss.

In just one day, it has changed from a gangster who killed old boss and whose future is uncertain to the most young little chief in flying eagle gang and the adopted son of Third Master tiger.

This kind of thing, Huang Bingcheng lived half his life or first time to see.

“I have my own room?”

Huang Bingcheng explained: “it’s left by those people who used to be green bamboo gang. Now the happy forest is ours, and the place will belong to old boss naturally.”

Su Xin nodded.

Happy forest used to belong to green bamboo gang. But during this period, flying eagle Gang didn’t know what kind of crazy he was going to fight with green bamboo Gang, which robbed the happy forest.

Thinking of her original broken home, Su Xin didn’t talk to Huang Bingcheng anymore and left the happy forest directly.

Xin’er is still at Granny Wang’s noodle stand.

“elder brother! You are back! "

Seeing Su Xin’s figure, Xin’er immediately trotted all the way to Su Xin’s as if she had been sloth all the time.

“Well, well, it’s all big girls, not shy.” Su Xin patted Xin’er on the head: “go, elder brother will take you to a new house.”

Su Xin picks up Su Xin’er and leaves a ingot of silver on Granny Wang’s stall. It’s only One or two silver.

It’s not that Su Xin doesn’t want to give more, but in the slums like long music block, money itself is a sin.

If Su Xin has given more money, which is harm Granny Wang.

Although it’s a move, there’s really nothing to move in Su Xin’s original house.

The most valuable land in the whole family is probably that piece of land.

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So Su Xin just took a few pieces of clothes that were close to her body.

“By Xin’er, what about Bracelet left by my mother?”

Su Xin remembers that his mother seems to have left a bracelet, which he always gave to Su Xin’er for safekeeping.

It’s also the only valuable thing in his family. Even in the most difficult time, he didn’t want to pawn bracelet.

“bracelet…… bracelet……” Xin’er’s face was afraid and could not speak.

Su Xin rubbed her head and whispered, “don’t be afraid, Xin’er, tell elder brother where bracelet is. Is it lost?”

Su Xin’er pursed her little mouth, with tears in her eyes, and said: “bracelet hasn’t been lost. Xin’er saw elder brother injured before, and wanted to steal some medicine from the drugstore, but he was caught by old shopkeeper.

He said that he wanted me to make up for his loss, so he took away braselet. Elder brother, Xin’er, isn’t it useless? "

Seeing Su Xin’er like that, Su Xin is filled with killing intent.

But he said softly, “don’t worry, elder brother will take you back to Bracelet tomorrow. Now go to see our new home.”

On the other side of the happy forest, Huang Bingcheng has arranged everything. Su Xin can check in directly.

The yard is next to the happy forest. Although it’s not a big three in and three out house, it’s also a large quadrangle.

Su Xin’er, who has been living in the slum since childhood, has been living in such a “luxurious” place. He can’t stop his happy life. His eyes are narrowed like crescent moon all afternoon.

Su Xin’er is arranged to have a rest. Su Xin returns to his room and takes out the low grade raining Qi pill.

Compared with the inferior quality raining Qi roll, the low grade raining Qi roll has a much better sales appearance at least, and its rating is also one star.

With one swallow, Su Xin immediately felt a warm current reverberating in her Dantian.

As the third master tiger said, the most important thing for the martial artist in Houtian stage is to refine its own aperture hole.

There are 108 aperture holes in the human body, implying the number of Big Dipper.

Every time you get through one, your physical strength, Qi and blood, and true Qi will skyrocket.

Third master tiger said that refining aperture hole was extremely difficult, which Su Xin agreed with.

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Compared with some mediocre people, even with internal merit, it is not easy to refine aperture hole.

Third master tiger didn’t have the guidance of a famous teacher at that time, and his own Internal strength was not so high grade. In addition, his own martial Dao aptitude also belonged to the mediocre category. It was only normal for him to refine 13 aperture holes in 40 years on the external merge of iron sand palm.

But Su Xin has great village system, and there is no shortage of resources.

There are countless powerful gongfu|effort among them. If he is still trapped in Houtian realm, he can be dead.

With the powerful true Qi brought by this raining Qi pill, Su Xin quickly starts to impact the first aperture hole in the body.

Under the power of raining Qi hill, aperture hole is soon fused by true Qi. Blood flows through the aperture hole and becomes thick and plump in an instant. True Qi flows through the aperture hole unimpeded without any ambiguity.

Only opening an aperture hole can bring such a big change to Su Xin. He is very looking forward to his arrival at Houtian great perfection and how strong Qi and blood will be after he refines 108 aperture holes.


The door was opened and Xin’er came in timidly.

“What’s the matter?” Seeing Xin’er come in, Su Xin put away the posture of practicing.

“I’m afraid to stay in the room alone. Elder brother, can I sleep with you?”

Xin’er blinks at Su Xin. If you don’t agree with me, you will cry.

Su Xin looks up and forgets to look outside. It’s dark.

“OK, but when you go to bed, be obedient and don’t wet the bed.”

Before, Su Xin had only one room and one bed. Of course, Xin’er slept with Su Xin.

Little girl has no sense of security. She is not used to being in a room.

“Elder brother, you hate !”

Xin’er blushed.

In the past, when she was a child, her mother had to work to make up for her family. Su Xin took her with her, so as long as she didn’t obey her orders, Su Xin would make fun of her by wetting her bed when she was a child.

When Xin’er is settled, Su Xin goes to sleep.

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