chapter7 Da Xumi sword style

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The next morning, Su Xin woke up and saw Xin’er sleeping there like a pig. She didn’t disturb her, but went straight out of the yard.

There are two clever gang members arranged by Huang Bingcheng outside.

Originally, Huang Bingcheng arranged for four people, but Su Xin felt that it was unnecessary, so he left two people and two others to watch the night.

Seeing Su Xin coming out, the two guild members hurriedly saluted: “boss su.”

Su Xin nodded, took out one or two silver coins and put them into a man’s hand: “go and buy ten meat buns and a jin of soymilk. The rest of the money will go to buy wine and drink. It’s hard to stay all night.”

Ten meat buns and a jin of soymilk cost only eleven Wen, and almost all the rest was their reward, which excited the two members of the gang.

“Thank you, boss Su!”

Looking at the excited two, Su Xin was a little surprised. It was just a little money reward. As for the excitement, it was like this.

In fact, he didn’t know that when Liu Sandao was the eldest brother, he was much more strict with them, and often scolded them.

Liu Sandao is not a great character. When he was a low-level gang member in the past, he had broad friends and was heroic to everyone.

But as soon as he was on the top, he showed the appearance of small people’s success. The power of a powerful official was not small.

Before Su Xin’s performance in zuiyue building, they all saw it in their eyes, which made them shudder.

Originally, they thought another fierce boss was on the stall this time. Unexpectedly, Su Xin was so kind at ordinary times, even generous enough to give a reward of one or two silver.

For these low-level gang members, one or two silver coins is enough for them to spend a month.

Back in her room, Su Xin’er is still sleeping. Su Xin enters the system first.

In the vast system space, the big screen is no longer blank, but there is a column that says, villain value: 10.

“Congratulations to the host for taking the first step, another step closer to becoming the most powerful villain.”

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“Novice task completed, activate main task.

Main task: Hero’s posture (1) task explanation: a big boss can’t have no right in one day, a small boss can’t have no money in one day, if he wants to have right, he needs money first. The time limit is half a year, and you earn ten thousand liang of silver.

Consequences of failure: randomly deprive yourself of a permanent skill that you have learned.

Task reward: intermediate lottery once, villain value 200 points. "

“Ten thousand Liang silver! Tut Tut, it’s not a small amount. "

Now Su Xin’s main means of making money is to collect money from happy forest merchants, commonly known as protection fees.

Normally, the monthly regular money is only more than 500 Liang. During this period, Liu Sandao was able to get thousands of Liang, because of his death scraping.

But if Su Xin does the same, jolly forest will go bankrupt in less than two months.

If you want to get ten thousand Liang, you really need to find a way.

Besides, Suxin really needs money now.

The development of gangs is inseparable from people, and even more inseparable from money.

There’s no money. Do you think those gangsters will pull out knives to cut people for you? It’s not bad if you don’t take a knife.

“By the way, why is the punishment for this main task so light? It’s just to deprive one skill. And the punishment of novice task is to cut off one arm? " Su Xin asked.

The failure penalty of novice task is heavier than that of main task. Su Xin seriously thinks it is unscientific.

“If you can’t even finish the novice task, it proves that the host is too wasteful, and it’s better to die early, saving time.”

Su Xin: “…”

“By the way, I should have another chance to draw for the first time now. I want to draw.”

With the coming of a new day, Su Xin naturally has another chance to draw a preliminary lottery.

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Although the primary lottery is a chicken ribs, it’s also good for Su Xin, who is now in poverty, even if he has a Qi Nourishing pill.

The roulette on the big screen began to rotate. Instead of drawing pills or skills as susin hoped, he jumped to the column of sundries.

“Congratulations to the host for drawing a piece of Oriental needlework, which is sewn by hand, and a star for rating.”

Suxin’s face is black. What’s the use of this? I am not Yang Lianting.

Directly chose to discard, Su Xin thought, said: “I still have ten villain values, and give me a primary lottery.”

Now Su Xin has both internal skills and moves, but the moves are too single.

Although Jin Wuming’s fast sword is strong, it is only strong in guile, ruthlessness and spicy.

The system has said that one’s own fast sword can’t reach 100% proficiency. The personal style of this sword technique is too strong.

Su Xin’s fast sword is flawed. Once it is analyzed and targeted by opponents, Su Xin, who has no other means but fast sword, will be in a poor position.

Not everyone can be like Li xunhuan’s throwing knife, a show, eat all over the world.

The roulette is spinning rapidly. Skills, consumables, pills Finally, in Su xinshiyi’s eyes, the pointer slowly skimmed the space and barely reached the skill column.

On the big screen, a young man wearing a northwest desert robe and headdress, holding a strange sword with a round hand guard, appeared.

Although the young man is handsome, there is a fierce and proud color between his eyebrows, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

“Congratulations to the host for drawing the character Chu Zhaonan, and bringing seven skills, such as” wind seeking sword technique “,” Da Xumi sword technique “and” Tianshan sword technique “. Rank one and a half stars. The host can choose random sampling, or spend 20 villain values to specify the selection. "

“Chu Zhaonan, it’s him.”

Among the seven swords, the leader of Youlong sword is one of the three famous swordsmen in the early Kangxi period.

Su Xin seldom read Liang school’s novels in his previous life. Even the most famous Seven Swords, Su Xin first watched TV plays.

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In Zhao Wenzhuo’s version of the seven swords, the role of Chu Zhaonan has changed a lot, and he is a hero who has endured humiliation.

But in fact, this guy is a real villain.

Although Chu Zhaonan is one of the seven swords, he is arrogant, despicable and selfless.

First, she pursues the heroine Fei Hongjin to help her fight against the Qing Dynasty. Finally, she betrays her companion and joins the Qing Dynasty to become a lackey of the Qing Dynasty.

“Last time, only 5 points of villain value were spent in the specified extraction, why 20 this time?” Asked Su Xin.

The system said: “last time, Yin Zhiping was selected as the character. The highest level of skill carried by the character is half a star, so it only costs 5 villain values.

Chu Zhaonan, the character of this time, evaluated the level of one and a half stars, and the skill level ranged from one star to one and a half stars, so it would cost a higher villain value to extract. "

Su Xin shook his head: “it’s true that there is no loophole left. Let’s randomly select. But this guy has a lot of skills. There are seven, but the level is not high. "

Chu Zhaonan’s master is Hui Ming, the founder of the northern branch of Tianshan school. He basically knows all the skills of Tianshan school.

However, the martial arts of Liang school belong to the world of low martial arts. It’s impossible to be close to fantasy like the martial arts of Huang school. It’s normal to have a low evaluation. Su Xin is relieved when he thinks about it.

When the wheel turned again, the cold voice of the system rang out: “congratulations to the host, I successfully extracted one part of” Da Xumi sword style “and rated one and a half stars.”

Daxumi sword style is a sword technique created by mangling mofeng, the God of Tianshan Mountain. It means to take mustard seeds to get Sumi.

Attack and defense are one and complicated. Every move is flawless.

Although it’s not the wind seeking sword technique Su Xin wants, this big Xumi sword style has a great advantage in defense. It can make up for the short board of Jin Wuming’s fast sword in defense, which is also good.

After a while, the outside gang had already bought it and sent it to Su Xin’er earlier. Su Xin patted Su Xin’er’s face. She just wiped her face and looked sleepy.

“Ah! It’s buns! "

Seeing the steaming meat buns on the table, the sleepiness on xiner’s face disappeared immediately, and she immediately grabbed a bun and stuffed it into her mouth.

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Su Xin poured her a bowl of soymilk and knocked on her little head: “don’t wash your hands, are you dirty?”

Xin’er’s mouth is stuffed with steamed buns, and her big eyes are narrowed into happy crescent shape. She doesn’t answer, but just puts steamed buns into her mouth.

The little girl’s world is very simple. As long as there is delicious food and accompanied by her brother, she will be happier than anything else.

After breakfast, Su Xin orders his men to find Huang Bingcheng.

Su Xin has become a small leader recognized by the high-level of the flying eagle gang. As the first Huang Bingcheng to rely on Su Xin, he now has the status of one person under Su Xin and dozens of people above him.

This night Su Xin was sleeping, but he had a good official addiction. He called over 60 members of Su Xin’s gang to talk to each other, which was not good.

“Boss Su, you call me?”

“Sit down.” Su Xin points to Su Xin’er and says, “this is my sister Xin’er.”

“Yo, this little girl is so beautiful!”

Huang Bingcheng opened his mouth and praised him, but he looked like a strange uncle who cheated the little girl to see the goldfish.

“How do you do, uncle?” xiner replied

Huang Bingcheng’s face suddenly turned dark. It was pitiful to see the sky. He was just over thirty today. How could he become a uncle?

What’s more, he called Suxin the boss, and Suxin’s younger sister called him the uncle. How can he be short?

“Big brother.” Su Xin smiles.

“Oh, Hello, brother Huang.” Su Xin’er looked at Huang Bingcheng’s face, which was obviously worried, and called out elder brother.

Su Xin touched Xin’er’s head and said to Huang Bingcheng, “find some brothers and go to Wangji pharmacy with me.”

“Just give me an order for any medicine you want. I’ll let them buy it.”

Su Xin’s eyes flashed a trace of cold: “not to buy medicine, but to find someone to get something back!”

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