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It has been 15 years since the Shioya clan rise in power, while all other clans continued to fight amongst each other the Shioya clan enjoyed 15 years of peace prosperity and happiness.

Currently, in Shioya clan patriarch office, rei was sitting behind the office taking care of some basic paper works.

he was now the patriarch of the clan, and the reason for that is that the shioya clan discovered a humongous ancient ruin underground of the shioya clan territory stretching for hundreds of kilometers underground, inside the ruin they found all kind of extraordinary weapons, formations, jutsu's, taijutsu techniques, summoning contracts, strange items, Etc., but most importantly they found a cultivation technique that was specially designed for the shioya clans.

The cultivation technique could increase the power of any clan member of Shioya clan by a monstrous rate if practised even for only a short while, it can even increase their bloodline purity and awaken a lot of their abilities.

After a lot of debate and investigation done by the clan, they concluded that the shioya clan of the past was way more powerful and prosperous than the current clan and that they were the once that built that ancient rune to safeguard their treasures.

Of course that "ancient rune", was just placed there by rei, as he couldn't just walk on them with thousand of techniques, weapons and other stuff, so he had to create something believable and what could be more believable than that.

The cultivation technique they found was actually the "X grade: pseudo origin manual " that includes everything anyone with the pseudo origin bloodline needs to know which rei purchased from the system.

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As for the reason why he became the current patriarch, it's that his parents and most of the elders had gone crazy when they found such techniques and immediately they secluded themselves underground and no one has heard of them ever since.

Naturally, the position of the clan head has moved automatically to him, which was something he failed to calculate.

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He also gave Madara and hashirama cultivation techniques tailored especially for the Senju and Uchiha he purchased from the system, and even though rei is the current patriarch of the clan that doesn't mean he has been slacking off on his training or he didn't have enough time for it, as with his newly upgraded portable training chamber time was basically frozen outside when he was inside the chamber.

If someone saw rei now they would think that he was oozing of but the truth is that he is currently checking the results of all of his years of training.

' system display my status'



[host status are too hight to be displayed according to this world standards]

[reverting to previous display]

[Name: Rei Shioya

Age: 3257Y.(after his time in the training chamber)

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Power level: Rank 3 stage 1.

Race: origin race.

Bloodline: origin bloodline 7%.

Soul grade: half step D.

comprehensions : space: 99%, time: 89%, light:47%, destruction: 15%, creation: 9%

Law's : water: 2%, lightning:4%%, fire: 7%, metal: 0.5%, wood: 0.1%%, earth: 1%, wind:15%, illusions : 30%, formations : 6%, Dark: 70%.

Origin law's: None

Mana: 3380/3950.

Chakra: 168 million.

System points: 593 billion].

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' I've already reached the peak of this world and surpassed it by a lot' thought rei.

If anyone knew about rei's progression they will definitely vomit blood, as to reach his level sone people needed millions and millions of years, and that is just one of the advantages of his bloodline, and the most shocking thing is that he already comprehended 10 law's, reaching rank 3 in three thousand years is not impossible, but comprehending just one law would take an average person at least millions of years and rei had comprehended 10 in lease than four thousand years.

Residents of the shinobi world didn't even know what a law was but if anyone from a higher realm figured that out they will certainly their mind.

Right, when rei was lost in his thoughts he heard knocking on his office door he straightened his back and said, "come in".

The door opened and an 18-year-old man walked into the office after closing the door and got on one knee.

"patriarch, I have an urgent matter to report in," he said while looking at the floor, but from just his tone of voice alone you could tell how much respect, adoration and loyalty he holds for rei.

" go ahead," said rei not barley showing any emotions.

"Sir, in the last several days we've spotted members of the Uchiha and Senju clans moving around our borders we think they are planning something, we decided not to do anything until we ask for your permission," he said.

" sigh, you did well, just leave them be I'll take care of it," said rei still with an expressionless face.

"But sir w.," he said but got interrupted before he could finish.

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" I said I will take care of it, now leave I need a moment of peace," said rei with a stern voice.

" Sir," the man said after that be bowed and left.

After the man left, " those two idiots what are they thinking" said rei.

*knock knock *

He heard knocking on the door again he looked up and he already knew who it is, "come in" he said.

From the door came a young man about 18 years old but he looked almost identical to rei.

" big bro, I came to see if you needed my help," said Yagami.

Rei smiled and said "actually you came in the perfect time, I have something to take care of, can you cover for me for a while?" asked Rei.

" sure, where are you going," asked Yagami.

" it's nothing really, just going to meet some friends and take care of some idiots that are causing trouble," said rei.

" Okey, count on me, but be careful " replied Yagami.

"Okey, don't worry about me you know your big bro is pretty strong," Rei said, smiled, nodded and teleported from the room.

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