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Rei appeared again far away from his clan's territory, be appeared at a very large and tall cliff, which in the future would be known as the Hokage face mountain.


[Congratulations, to host for comprehending the space law's,]

[host can now move through space more freely and use space-related abilities more easily]

' finally, about damn time' though rei.

his space comprehension has been stuck at 99% for a very very long time now, and it wouldn't improve no matter what he did or how long he meditated, but by just teleporting here once he has broken past his bottleneck.

he knows understood that sometimes you just can't force things through and can only allow it to happen naturally.

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After he checked his system notifications He looked around and saw two people standing at the edge talking with each other, they were hashirama and Madara and they haven't noticed his presence yet, he smiled and walked behind them, when he was right behind them he pushed them off the enormously tall cliff.

"aaa hhhh" screamed hashirama as he fell while Madara looked at him while falling without saying anything, although you could see an irritated look on his face.

A couple of seconds later both Madara and hashirama flew back and landed at the edge of the cliff, behind hashirama were a pair of glowing green wings made of tree leaves but they looked so real they almost resembled real wings.

looking at Madara's you could see that the entirety of his eyes are red with circles spreading all around his eyes and with three tomoe positioned in each circle in a triangle formation, that was the legendary eye the Rinne Sharingan that Madara has awakened about five years ago and it was also the reason why he was able to fly as flying was one of its special abilities.


Hashirama didn't say anything but from the look on his face, you could tell that he was also curious.

"what was that for?? Are you really asking me this question? Do you really not know the reason??" said rei obviously irritated, he sat cross-legged on the floor and the other two flowed after him.

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He took a breath and continued "why the hell have you two been sending your people to my borders, do you wanna start a war? Huh".

Madara and hashirama have also become the patriarchs of their respective clan a while ago, so when rei got the report about Senju and Uchiha ninjas around his borders he immediately figured out that it was the work of those two.

" what do you think," said hashirama, and continued "you've been cooped up in your territory for a while now you barely cone out and we don't have any way to contact you".

" oh, hahaha I guess your right sorry about that I was just extremely busy, hahaha," said rei laughing, he just realized that he had indeed forgotten to come to their meetings in the last couple of days.

" here take these" said rei and threw two smooth jade stones to Madara and hashirama, the both caught them and looked at them, hashirama didn't notice anything but Madara with his Rinne Sharingan still activated was shocked he could see countless runes and words deep down in the jade stone which so small that it was impossible to notice them with the naked eye.

"what's this" asked hashirama.

"those are communication devices that I created a long time while I was practising fuinjutsu, they work great with no problems and they have an insane coverage distance, I just made three and they can communicate with each other, I have one and you have the other two " said rei in one breath shocking both Madara and hashirama.

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Those two jade stones are the results of countless years of effort and trial and error, they combined his understanding of, formation and space and they can even be used when they are literally worlds apart but rei didn't say that.

"amazing," said hashirama with stars in his eyes.

"This is indeed amazing" Madara nodded clearly impressed with those stones.

" so how do they work" asked Madara after observing the jade stones using his Rinne Sharingan for a while.

"it's easy you just need to use a drop of your blood on its surface and after it absorbs it you will be able to use it by sending your energy into it, and another cool function is that once it absorbed your blood no one but you can use," said rei.

After listening to him both Madara and hashirama used a drop of blood on the surface of the jade stone, immediately they felt a connection with it, and understood how it worked instantly.

"WAIT, let me try it first," said hashirama extremely excited.

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' Hello, do you hear me? Is it working' the voice of hashirama said in both Madara and rei head.

'it is, how dare you even question my invention' this time rei voice echoed in both hashirama and Madara heads.

" This is unbelievable, and you said it can even work at a really far distance," said Madara, then continued with a serious expression on his face. " I am not going to ask you how you were even able to make this but do you realise what would happen if this falls in the wrong hands?".

"hahaha relax, the only one who knows how to make these communication devices is me, and there are only three in total so if anyone wants to steal it from us they are welcome to try," said rei.

Both hashirama and Madara visibly relaxed after hearing that, " that's good, you had me worried there for a sec" said Madara.

" yeah and now we won't have to resort to drastic measures just so we can meet each other we can just use these devices," said hashirama.

"by the way, I don't assume you went through all that trouble to get me here just because you missed me, what's going on," Said rei.

Hearing him both Madara and hashirama looked at each other and smiled, then turned to face him, " remembered what we discussed on this same place when we were young" said hashirama.

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