The beginning: daily life 6

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“Nogiku, wash my back please”
“Okaaay Jyuugi nii-sama”

I scrubbed his back with an old cloth.

This was Amatsuki Brothel’s general bath.
The time was around 2:30 in the morning.

“This time I’ll wash your head.”

My head was scrubbed with extreme strength.
Ow, ouch! It hurts!!
I’m gonna go bald, I’m going bald!!

The person who is so heartily washing my hair.
His hair was short and light blue. His eyes were a deep blue and his skin was a bit tanned. He had smile lines at the corner of his eyes, and his height was the tallest in the brothel, probably more than 180cm.
He had just the right amount of muscles and was actually a strong man.

His name was Jyuugi, his age was 32, and he was a male prostitute.

Is that okay!?

Is what you might think, but it is okay.
I’d like you to consider.

If it was a woman, it was normal that having youth would mean that she was in full bloom, but in her later years would mean being considered ‘withered,’ or ‘past her prime,’ so if it was a middle aged female prostitute she’d be discarded.


It was different for men.
Even after having gotten to a certain age, rather than ‘withered,’ they would be said to have ‘improved with time’ or ‘gotten more refined’ etc., so they could still keep on gettin’ it.
There were actually a lot of customers who would request these dandy men, so in this world their terms of service normally ended when they turned 35
Courtesans would be courtesans until their years of service were up.

Even if they had officially left Yoshiwara; if, because they had been sold there wasn’t anywhere for them to go and nowhere for them to work, they would retire as prostitutes and continue work as cooks or ‘men of ability.’
The other kind of retirement was if someone ransomed you.

By the way, these ‘men of ability’ referred to the men who guided/coached the prostitutes, as well as completing the necessary arrangements. Putting it lightly, they were like managers.

That’s why it was common for people to spend their whole lives in Yoshiwara.

“Jyu,nii-sama, um, ow!”
“What’s that–? Say it louder—”

So this is the daily schedule of a male prostitute.
Business hours for Amatsuki Brothel were from about 4pm to about 2am, in today’s time.
It was different on bedroom days, with the customers going home at around 5am.

Mornings were late, with everyone getting up at around 11am.

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I say morning, but I think this is pretty much midday.
If it was a procession day, it would be from around noon, so the main lead, the courtesan, and junior courtesans as well as kamuros would wake up a bit earlier to get ready. It was arranged so the courtesans would definitely not have a bedroom day the night before.

After waking up, they would eat breakfast/lunch, and after eating it was customary to clean your room once a day.
If you skipped, oyaji-sama would find out right away, so it had to be done every day.
He would always find out. Somehow.

And then, until 4pm, everyone was free to work on their individual skills or spend their time as they liked in their rooms.

When 4pm came, what was called the night market happened, when the ordinary male prostitutes who were not courtesans would sit inside the lattice and wait for customers.
Here, the customers would browse for good men from outside.

And from there work would start, and would end at 2 in the morning.

“My head, is gonna go baaald!!”
“Oh—? Sorry about that”

Which leads to bath time.

Ahh, will my scalp be okay?
Is there blood coming from my pores?

“Jyuugi nii-sama, I’ll wash Nogiku so could you wash Rangiku next to you? With all your strength”
“That so? All right, let’s go!”
“Eh, hey wait Shuusui! … Jyuugi nii-sama I’m fine so….oww, ouch!!”

Everyone in Amatsuki Brothel takes baths together peacefully.

Incidentally, along with the guys, I’m completely naked.
My sense of embarrassment had been completely paralyzed from one month after I came here.

Baths could only be taken at set times, so they had to be taken with everyone else.
It was different for the men who had a bedroom day and took one in the morning, but besides that it was set so that everyone took one in the time between 2~3 am.
Since in this era, hot water couldn’t be prepared all the time.

At first, so that I wouldn’t see, so that I would definitely not see what was around me, I had hid in the corner and had been washing myself off with the hot water that the boiler people had boiled, but,

“Little one, stop hiding and come over here”
“That’s right! You’re still small so don’t worry about it, kay?”

The small me had been found by the sharp-sighted brothers and called over.

Though they said not to worry, inside I was still a splendid lady.
It was an impossible demand.
What I was so concerned about was not my nakedness.
With this flat child body, no one would think anything by looking at it.
My stomach was all round anyway.

What I’m worried about was looking directly at naked guys.

“Come on, get over here”

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And then since I still didn’t move, I was lifted up and put inside the tub everyone was soaking in.
And on top of that, the tub was surprisingly deep, enough so that my feet barely brushed the bottom, so I was put on the knees of the brothers.

Something, I won’t say what, was directly touching.

Who is this person! What’s with this person! You’re too interfering!

But I didn’t say that out loud.
I froze up from this shock.

“Ahaha, Nogiku? right? I’m Jyuugi, let’s get along”
“I am Ujino, nice to meet you”
“I’m Akanogi.”
“I’m….” “I am…”

Everyone in the water started introducing themselves to me, but to be honest I could only remember the names of the first three people.

Please don’t call me cold-hearted.
I’d like you to understand that the reason my face was completely red wasn’t the hot water.
It shouldn’t be my fault that I was staring off in a completely different direction so I wouldn’t see something I didn’t want to.

Ever since then every time I’d go take a bath someone would catch me.
I had tried running away around three times, but each time within 5 seconds I’d fall flat on my face and be caught anyway.
It hurt a lot. Both body and soul.

“Here. Get used to it, see?”

I seemed to hear a secondary voice saying ‘It’s important to give up.’


“Thank you Shuusui”
“It’d be a problem if you went bald.”

Shuusui who had switched places with Jyuugi nii-sama and was washing my head. Though since there was no soap it was just hot water.

I will never forget Rangiku’s precious sacrifice.
Thank you, Rangiku.

“Is it Ujino nii-sama’s bedroom day today? But Nagikaze just went to help Ramon nii-sama get changed so I don’t think so”
“Yeah, apparently with Kyouka-sama. Kiyomizu nii-sama too?”
“Yeah, with his intimate Yukino-sama it looks like”

We called the times that we spent all night with a customer “bedroom days” among us.
If there was someone who we didn’t see around bathtime, we’d know that ‘ah, it’s the bedroom today.’

All the kamuro would talk to each other about the brother they had been with that day, or meaningless talk about the customers, or debating with the full-fledged adults.
Although I’m more of a listening expert.

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Though it’s a bit late, the brothers we’re attached to every day are courtesans only.
There are currently three courtesans in Amatsuki Brothel,
Courtesan Ujino, Courtesan Ramon, and Courtesan Kiyomizu were these three.

There was one more thirty year old courtesan, but just recently he had been ransomed and had retired.
I remember that he had been really cool.

It seemed like they had been together for more than ten years, and that it was mutual love. Apparently it was just this year that the ransom money had been gathered and they could be together.

I was moved by the fact that such happy endings existed.
Excluding the fact that it was the woman who had to raise the man.

“How about we get in the water. You’ll be on my knees”

After having finished washing my hair, Shuusui said this as we got into the bath.
Worried that I would drown in the bathtub, each time someone would put me on their knees, but,

“Hold it right there. This here is my job. Right, pipsqueak?”

Whenever Jyuugi nii-sama was there, I always ended up on his knees.
This had remained unchanged since the beginning.
The one who had caught me the three times I had tried to run away was this Jyuugi nii-sama.
Is he a hunter?!

Once, Jyuugi nii-sama told me a story.

“You know, I once had a little sister, just like you Nogiku. Though she’s probably all grown up now though”
“I don’t even remember her face anymore, but one way or another, whenever I look at you you’ve started to overlap more and more with her.”

“It might be annoying, but please let me keep on doting on you.”


“Aaall right, here, try swimming.”

Jyuugi nii-sama’s hands supported my chest and legs, like a reverse princess carry as I floated on top of the water.

So humiliating.

“Nogiku is uncomfortable”
“That’s not true, Shuusui. You’re having fun aren’t you, pipsqueak—?”
“Right—? Ha ha ha, ….”
“It suits you, Nogiku”

Shut up Rangiku.

“Jyuugi nii-sama, “  (Shuusui)

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“What’s up? Do you want to try it too?”
“No, it just seems like Rangiku wants to do it too.”
“All right let’s go!”
“Eh, hey Shuusui! …. Jyuugi nii-sama I’m fine …..wah!!”

Rangiku, I’m glad you look like you’re having fun.
It really suits you.

“Nogiku come over here”

I once more returned to Shuusui’s knees.
It seemed that Shuusui liked teasing Rangiku, so whenever they were together Rangiku was always yelling.
He always looked so happy watching the way Rangiku always immediately reacted.

Well, Rangiku was a tsundere.
But it’s probably just my imagination that Shuusui was just a little bit S. (sadistic lol)


“Oh—! You’ve gotten bigger Rangiku, there there”

Nii-sama looked like he was having so much fun.
Seeing Jyuugi nii-sama’s smiling face, in the very very very back corner of my heart, I was hoping that he would float me again, proving that I certainly didn’t hate Jyuugi nii-sama.

“All you pipsqueaks, grow and get bigger and bigger. Okay—?”

I really loved him.
Ah, but in the ‘like’ sort of way.




Incidentally, when Kiyomizu nii-sama was there.

“Come here, Nogiku.”
“Kiyomizu, this is my job. Right, Nogiku?”
“wah……..Y, yes,–”
“ Jyuugi-san”
“Oyaji-sama just said that he had some business with you, you should probably go quickly”
“Eh, really? Got it!”

Jyuugi nii-sama hurriedly got out of the bath.

“What business is it today?”
“Hm—? I wonder”

We have this conversation every time.

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