The beginning: Daily life 7

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The day that was at the height of the humid and hot summer, July 31st, was the male prostitute’s day off, a holiday that happened only twice a year. New Year’s Day, January 1, and July 31st were summer vacation and winter vacation for them.
And what were the prostitutes of Amatsuki Brothel doing with their precious day off since midday?

“And then, I was looking at a mirror. And then from behind….came a voice….”


“Brothers, here’s the fried manju—”
“””””” GyahAAAAAAAAA!!””””””

When I opened the door and entered, the room was pitch dark, and the brothers were all sitting around a single candle, clutching their heads and trembling.
Eh, what.

“Ah, it’s just Nogiku and Nagikaze!”
“You went and scared us—”

I had come here because Oyaji-sama had asked me to bring the manju to this room.
But what’s with this welcome. I’m not gonna give you any!

Even though Nagikaze and I had already been drinking tea in Amatsuki’s dining area,

“Sorry, but go bring this to those idiots in Ramon’s room”
“? Yes”
“Then I will go along with”

It seemed that Oyaji-sama had just caught sight of us, and was walking over with the box of fried manju as he said this.
It seemed like ‘those idiots’ was referring to the brothers, and as he was leaving he left the remark,
“You should go give those brothers a good scare”
I don’t really know what’s going on.

After eating our share of the manju, since our rooms were on the second floor of the brothel, we went up the stairs to give the brothers the manju. During that time, the manju’s delicious smell wafted from the box, stimulating my sense of smell.
Aah, what a good smell.

Huhuhu. What if, instead of giving them to the brothers, Nagikaze and I ate them by ourselves.


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“You can’t, you know?”

Having seen my smirking face, Nagikaze set down these words of restraint.
Eh. H, he knew? My plans were found out? ESP!!

Walking next to me up the stairs, Nagikaze said that, but at the same time grabbed the box and took a skewer from it.

“At least not all of them”

An unexpectedly bad kid.

Then after we had deliciously had our fill, when we opened the door there was that outcry. I feel like I knew why Oyaji-sama had called them ‘those idiots.’
Covering the lattice window where sunlight would shine in with a cloth, blocking the light, created a very fitting atmosphere. So it was ghost stories.

Normally they were the playboy prostitutes who led women astray, but there was no sign of that now. Just from small children entering the room, some of them were huddled together like hamsters.

I dub thee “Hamster-chanZ.”

“Ah–, thanks you two. Come over here”

Having been called by Ramon nii-sama, who seemed to be in the back part of the room, we entered.
Oh? As I surveyed the room, I could see Ujino nii-sama and Jyuugi nii-sama, as well as Kiyomizu nii-sama and Shuusui. I had thought that I hadn’t seen anyone around since broad daylight, but seems like they had all been gathered in this kind of place.
And then as we approached Ramon nii-sama, for some reason we could see a lil whelp clinging to his arms.


For the sake of his honor, I won’t say anything.

“Wanna listen to ghost stories too? They’re pretty scary~”
“If Nogiku listens then I will also. ….Nogiku, what about you?”
“Eh, “

Ramon nii-sama invited us, but what should I do.
Based on the fact that if I stayed he would, it seemed like Nagikaze was okay with scary stuff. I….don’t honestly know if ghost stories were scary or not scary for me. I knew about them in general, but I haven’t had any scary experiences in this world, and I don’t remember if the previous me was a coward or not. What a difficult situation. It’s a strange feeling.

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Though I have the knowledge, I have no idea how I felt about that at all.

It might be a good idea to find a new me here.

“Then, I will listen. Are you good, Nagikaze?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m not as cowardly as Rangiku, so”


“Then, it would be better if you come near me so you don’t get scared. Nagikaze, you come over here as well. Since if you are near Ramon he’ll surprise you and it’s not good for the heart.”
“What’s wrong with that, Ujino—. It’s important to have someone be the life of the party. Right, Rangiku?”

For the time being, dash towards Ujino nii-sama.
This person, who gently caught me despite having come over with great force, was surely someone who was just like a mother. Though I don’t know about mothers.

“Right, then Nogiku between my legs. Nagikaze, sit in between me and Kiyomizu.”
“No, I think I’ll put Nagikaze between my legs. Here, come over”

Then the Hamster-chanZ temporarily disbanded, and after respectively moving back to their original positions, the door I had opened was closed. It got pretty dark, enough that if there wasn’t the candle you wouldn’t be able to walk around at all.

Though it had only gotten dark, from around my diagonal left I could hear a voice going “Uuu..” ….For the sake of that person’s honor I won’t say anything.

“Nogiku, your hand.”
“Here, take them out,”

Having been told so by Kiyomizu nii-sama who was sandwiching Nagikaze, I took out my hand from under Ujino nii-sama’s arm.

“I will hold it for you during the ghost stories.”
“Oh, y, yes!”

It seemed like he would hold my hand for me. His worry knew no bounds. Though I can’t see his face, it seemed like Ujino nii-sama was in a state of exasperation.

“Then I’ll go first….”

The ghost stories started with Ramon nii-sama’s voice.

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———– – – – —

“—–and that’s how it went. With this my story is over.”

“Uu….Uuuuu jjino nii-za ma~”
“There there, Nogiku”

The result.
I was a scaredy-cat who was very bad with scary stories. I am a member of Hamster-chanZ.
But hmm, I feel like more than half of it is Ramon nii-sama’s fault. He deliberately walked around and came close in the dark to surprise you. Someone else would be telling a story,

“And then, a hand landed on my shoulder. With a man’s voice,”

Pat. (Hand now on the shoulder)


Just like this. Ujino nii-sama and Kiyomizu nii-sama would tell Ramon nii-sama off, but it had no effect on him at all. He was just like a huge kid.
In spite of being next to me, Nagikaze was laughing, saying “Ahaha, Nogiku you okay?”in a way that I didn’t know if he was worried about me or thought that I was a dumb scaredy-cat.
Ramon nii-sama’s surprise attacks were apparently just for laughs. ….I’d like to think that I’m not included in those laughs.

“Ra, Ramon n, ni, ii-zama, he!”
“Yes, yes”
“z, o many y dimes!” (‘so many times’)
“Here, there there”

It seems like as the days go by, my emotions become more and more like a child’s. It makes no sense for me to cry like this!! As an adult!

“Nogiku, “
“Uuu, –Giyobizu nii-za ba”
“Here, it’s a fried manju. Say ahh—”

As I was clinging to Ujino nii-sama and having my back rubbed, Kiyomizu nii-sama who was still holding my hand said this. Hmm, I had a feeling that he had let go once just before but it must be my imagination.

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Nah, but besides that!
I,it’s fried manju?!!

“gobble….uuu…, nomnom, it tastes good…”
“Right? It’s okay to eat Ramon’s share too”

There was no way I wouldn’t eat my delicious-smelling favorite food when it was offered to me right before my eyes. My tears and terror temporarily receded. Even though Nagikaze and I had snuck a bite before we came, it seemed like my fried manju stomach was still yearning for more manju.
Saying it myself is kinda…., but I’m pretty simple.

“Ha, s,s,s,s, stupid Nogiku! You’re pretty weak, y,y,you can have my share as well,”

Even if you say that you can’t hide your trembling legs.

“Do you think you’ll be able to sleep? Nogiku”
“If not, then I” (Kiyomizu)
“I am with her in the same room, so it’s all right. Here, it’s almost time to eat so we’re going Nogiku”

Saying this, Shuusui who had been sitting next to Ramon nii-sama pulled me out of Ujino nii-sama’s arms and started walking towards the door.
I see, so it was already that late. It was pitch-black in the room so I couldn’t feel the sun at all.

Looking back over today….. everyone of Amatsuki, was it really okay to use your precious holiday on ghost stories?

If the people themselves were having fun it was fine, but, it’s just…… a little…….yeah.

“Today I’ll sleep with you, all right,”
“Because you’re a hopeless guy”

Shuusui said as he faced forward, pulling me along.
Just as I thought, I’m still a hopeless guy in his mind. Someone please tell me when I can finally break out of this category.

Then that night. Just as he had declared, Shuusui and I slept together in the same futon.

“Suu—… Piii—….” (snoring)
“,,hh! ………..hey Nogiku”

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