Super Urban Master

Chapter 109

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"There's a ship firing at us from the sea, and two men are coming towards us." Bloody Demon King talked while stuffing a few pills into his mouth to recover his strength. Then, with Qin Hao's help, he stood up and looked at a specific direction of the cave, as if his eyes could see through the cave and see everything that was happening outside.

Qin Hao was also very impressed with Bloody Demon King's ability. Could it be that he also had spirit sense? Curiously, he asked, "Master, how did you know it?"

Bloody Demon King smiled calmly," After staying here for over a hundred years, every single blade of grass and tree on this island has almost become a part of my body. If an expert of the Divine Stage can't even do this, then he cannot be considered a Divine Stage expert. "

"Got it, master. You are awesome." Qin Hao's flattery this time was sincere, not like that before when he deliberately tricked Bloody Demon King.

"Master, I will go out and put them down. They dare to bomb your residence. That's courting death!" Anger appeared on Qin Hao's face. He was not a person to be trifled with.

Neither was Bloody Demon King, who was now bullied by ordinary people using canals when he was in a predicament. He could not tolerate that. "Fine, I will let you out now, but there is still one thing I need you to do before you go out."

"Shoot it, master. I'll try my best." Qin Hao completely accepted this master, so he would try his best to complete the tasks assigned by him

"You saw those human-head eagles."

"The Vampire Eagle?" Qin Hao had indeed seen them before. There were hundreds of those burned to death in this underground cave.

"There are no such evil things in the outside world. I raised them here." Bloody Demon King's words made Qin Hao surprised and opened his mouth wide because he never thought that such evil creatures could be raised.

"Those creatures are beneficial to my cultivation, that's why I raise them. That kind of bird should only exist in the Ancient Martial World. Even in there, it is rare too." Bloody Demon King did not care about Qin Hao's surprise and continued, "A hundred years ago, when I escaped from the Ancient Martial World, I brought out a pair of that birds with me and breed them to hundreds after these years."

"For all these hundreds, these human-head eagles were under my control and did not fly outside to do anything bad, but in the past few years, I discovered that some of them have acquired their own thoughts and have the tendency of escaping from my control. So yesterday, I killed all of them except for three, which escaped. You should know how they escaped. "

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Qin Hao naturally knew about it. Six vampire eagles were attacking him. He killed three, and the other three escaped.

"Master, so you want me to take them and bring them back?" Qin Hao understood what Bloody Demon King meant.

Bloody Demon King shook his head, "I want you to find them and kill them on the spot. These human-head eagles are bloodthirsty. They are solid and have some intelligence. If they get outside, they will cause a lot of trouble. Although I am not a good person, I do not want to see innocent people die because of my negligence."

Bloody Demon King's words caused Qin Hao to respect him once again, so he immediately nodded and said solemnly, "Don't worry, master, I will kill them all."

"Suck their blood after you kill them. It's good for you." Bloody Demon King suggested with good intentions.

"Ah?" Qin Hao felt a chill down his spine. These creatures looked disgusting, let alone to such their blood.

"Alright, you can leave now." After Bloody Demon King finished rejoining the matters, he turned around with a hint of sadness and loneliness and grasped a crystal inlaid on the wall.

There were quite a few of these crystals on the wall. They were arranged in certain positions and seemed to form a unique array. These crystals are all rare spirit stones.

If it was before, Qin Hao must have been appealed by these spirit stones and tried everything he could to extort a few of them, but now he had obtained what he deserved and those he did not, so he was satisfied. Besides, those spirit stones were used by his master to set the array, so he should not think of taking them.

"Boom …Boom …"

As Bloody Demon King strived to turn the crystals, the cave started to shake, and a crack appeared in front of them. A bright, glaring light shot out from the crack, and with the sound of the explosion, the light gradually expanded, as though it was trying its best to tear the ground apart.

"Get ready!" Bloody Demon King roared, and used all his strength to shout, "Open —!"

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After that, a crack instantly formed, and a light shone into the dark underground space. It seemed dazzling and bright. Strangely, when he was about to leave, Qin Hao hesitated and didn't rush out immediately.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" Bloody Demon King roared with his back to Qin Hao.

"Master, I …!" Qin Hao didn't know what to say and only felt that his heart was blocked by something, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Cut the crap, hurry up and go. By quick if you're a man." Bloody Demon King urged again.

"Boom!" There was another rumble coming from outside. The earth shook, and the mountains trembled. It seemed that another shot had been fired.

Hearing the cannon sound, Qin Hao no longer hesitated and shouted," Master, don't worry, I will find the Medicine King Scriptures to cure your wound and take you out." After saying that, he leaped up and shot towards the crack like a cannonball.

"Boom! Boom!" Just as Qin Hao left the cave and tried to stabilize himself, the sound of the cracks closing came from behind him.

"Master, wait for me, I'll come back!" Qin Hao shouted out loud towards the crevice, his voice spread far away.

"Oh, my god, Mr. Bold, Listen, whose voice is that? I think I heard Qin." In the forest not far from the hillside, an excited voice shouted. Two people were running towards Qin Hao right away, while the cannons were chasing after their butts, causing an earth-shattering explosion. The sound startled the surrounding birds and beasts, causing them to flee in all directions. They were precisely Ayte and the baldy.

Other than the cannonballs behind them, there were also people chasing after them with guns.

"Qin, Qin, Mr. Qin, where are you? Come and save us. God, I hope he can hear us." Ayte shouted as he ran.

From time to time the sound of gunfire could be heard behind them, and bullets whizzed past them and over their heads. The dense forest prevented them from running, but it also prevented those people behind them from chasing. The most significant advantage was that the trees could block the incoming bullets and affect the accuracy of the bullets.

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The baldy was experienced in dodging bullets. He took Ayte and ran at the blind spot of the bullets. If not for Ayte holding him back, he would have gotten rid of the people behind him long ago.

"Ayte, save your strength, we need to hurry over, maybe brother Qin is there." The baldy shouted, and from time to time he turned his head and fired bullets using a rifle he snatched from the boat.

"Mr. Bald, save some bullets. That's all we got." Ayte ran as he shouted. Suddenly, his legs went soft as if he had stepped on something. The thing was immediately flung, and with a "plop" sound, Ayte fell into the grass on his head.

Just then a bullet flew into his fat butt.

"Ouch! Baldy, help me! I've been shot! Ouch …" Ayte covered his big ass as he screamed in a loud voice. However, he didn't notice that behind him, a vast python had raised its head with its mouth wide open, aiming at his ass.

"Da Da Da …" In the nick of emergency, the baldy pulled the trigger towards the giant python and fired all the bullets in the barrel. Countless bullets entered the giant python's head and crushed it. With half of its head being smashed off, the python fell onto Ayte's butt with a loud sound.

"No! Jesus, it's disgusting!" Ayte cried out and jumped up while holding the pain on his ass. Luckily, his ass was thick enough, and the strength of the bullet wasn't extreme as it hit him. So, it didn't injure his bones, so other than pain, it wasn't really a problem.

"Get down!"

Seeing Ayte standing up, the baldy was so frightened that he immediately rushed towards him and threw himself onto the ground. The instant he threw himself down, "Sou Sou Sou … " Countless bullets grazed over their scalp.

"Are you an idiot?" The baldy pinched Ayte's neck and roared as he spat at Ayte's face. It was dangerous just now.

"Hey, Mr. Bold, your saliva is on my face," Ayte said with a darkened face.

"Bullshit!" the baldy cursed in a bad mood. Just as he was about to get up, he suddenly stopped, because a dozen people rushed out from the bushes, and a dozen guns were pointed at them, some of which were even aimed at their heads.

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The leader was a man with a flat nose. His nose was pressed against his face as if he had no nose. In fact, he was a man with his nose cut off, which looked very terrifying.

"Ayte, Baldy, did I interrupt you?" Looking at Ayte and the baldy attaching to each other, the flat-nose man mocked. As he said this, the people around him also started laughing.

Ayte and the baldy's current appearances were intimate. Ayte was falling on the ground, and the Baldy was pouncing on top of him. The two of them almost hugged together.

The baldy also knew that this position was not elegant. He wanted to get up, but the flat-nose man shouted, "Don't move, or my bullets will blow your head off." The baldy was scared stiff and could only continue to lie on Ayte's bully. It made him very aggrieved.

"Hehe, nice, that's the position. I will let you die together. Hahaha." The flat-nose man raised his head and laughed. The two black holes of his nose looked very comical.

"No, no, no, man, stay calm. Listen to me, don't kill us, I can make you rich." Ayte shouted.

The flat-nose man completely ignored Ayte's words. His expression darkened as he shouted, "Send them to hell!"

"Ka-cha." It was the sound of a bolt being pulled.

"No! Qin, come and save us! I do not want to die yet...! " Ayte let out a loud, throat-tearing scream.

"Da Da Da …"

The gunshots did not stop because of Ayte's shout, as many bullets fiercely shot out from the gun barrel, forming a dazzling flame tongue at the muzzle.

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