Super Urban Master

Chapter 110

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"Da Da Da …"

The muzzle of the gun continued to roar as bullets sprayed out crazily. The golden shells flew out with a "Dang Dang Dang" sound and fell on the ground.

"NO, NO, I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I haven't married yet, wow-wow!" Ayte continued to wail and cry as the roar of gunshots. Even after the shots had stopped, he was still crying and howling, although he was very much alive!

"Ayte, Ayte, what the f * ck are you crying for? We're fine!"

"NO, NO, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!" Ayte continued to cry and howl, but he didn't hear the baldy's voice at all.

"Pa-pa." the baldy gave him two slaps in anger, which made him sober up.

Ayte trembled, and when he woke up, he found that the baldy had already stood up. The baldy was alive, and he seemed to be active too.

"Are we…we still alive?" Ayte was in disbelief, then he pinched his thigh fiercely. "Oops!" He let out a sharp cry, and he could feel the pain. He was still alive indeed.

This time, Ayte was on cloud nine for surviving, and he shouted as he crawled back up. He forgot the wound on his haunch.

"God, the God I worship blessed me. I want to thank my God." Ayte was really a pious citizen of God, he never forgot to mention his God.

"You don't need to thank God; you need to thank Brother Qin." The baldy glared at him.

"Qin …?" Ayte turned his head anxiously to look, only to see that Qin Hao was standing right behind him, beside a pile of corpses. A long spear was in his hand, which was held by the man with the flat nose just now, but now, it was in Qin Hao's hands, and that flat nose wretch had already turned into a corpse.

Ayte quickly realized that Qin Hao had suddenly appeared just now and snatched the gun from the man's hands. With firing a volley, the man with the flat nose and his subordinates died.

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If it were anyone else, Ayte would not believe that he could kill so many people alone. These people were all battle-hardened pirates and bandits, but this person was Qin Hao, he would completely understand it. Although he did not know how Qin Hao did it, he just believed that Qin Hao could do it.

"Honorific Qin, you are my god. I love you!" Ayte could not control the emotions in his body and rushed towards Qin Hao while screaming.

Ayte's large body looked like a large ball of meat. It pounced towards Qin Hao, causing his heart to turn cold. He was so scared that he dodged to the side hastily, making Ayte jump through the air before he kicked Ayte's big butt. He immediately kicked Ayte down to the ground.

Ayte fell to the ground and cried sorrowfully, just like a little girl, "Wuu-wuu, I am always being bullied by others."

Qin Hao and Baldy looked at each other in doubt at Ayte's performance. Finally, they came to a common conclusion, that the foreigners really had a twisted mentality.

"Baldy, what's going on? Why are you all being chased?" Qin Hao was too lazy to look at Ayte's timid look, after dropping the gun in his hand, he asked Baldy.

Baldy glanced at Ayte who was still sobbing on the ground, and laughed bitterly: "It's all because of him, you should ask him about the details of the situation, I'm not too sure either."

Qin Hao was startled. What the hell was going on?He was chased out and did not know what was going on.

"Ayte, stop playing dead, get up." Qin Hao walked over and roared, "If you don't get up, I will kick your ass.

"Oh, oh, oh, Qin, you can't do this. My haunch is already injured, you can't bully it anymore. "Ayte just felt painful terribly of his haunch now. Of course, it was also the result of Qin Hao's kick just now. That kick just happened to land on the wound. The bullet did not go in deep initially. However, it was kicked a little inside by Qin Hao.

Only now did Qin Hao realize that Ayte's big haunch was injured. This bullet was genuinely marvelous. It had hit this place.

"Brother Qin, let me help him take out the bullet." Baldy walked over with a dagger in his hand. Taking out a bullet with a dagger, he had been trained to this before.

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"NO, Mr. Baldy, can't you use something more advanced? Like a pair of tweezers, forceps, and disinfectant alcohol? Oh right, there's also anesthetic, I'm terrified of pain." Ayte looked at the dagger in the Baldy's hand and screamed in shock.

The baldy cursed in his heart. This damned foreigner, it was already lucky that he had a dagger. What kind of anesthetic would he want? He was whimmy. This was a pirate who was afraid of death and pain. He was indeed a disgrace to the pirates.

"Let me do it." If there was no other way, then he could only rely on Baldy's method, but since Qin Hao had a better way, then the crude process was unnecessary.

"Dear Qin, you must be gentle." Ayte pleaded.

Qin Hao didn't want to waste time with him, so he slapped his fat ass with his palm, and a strong spirit power was injected into Ayte's haunch. With a "sou" sound, the bullet was forced back and flew out. Ayte didn't even have the time to feel pain before it was done.

The baldy watched the scene with his mouth opened wide, and he was shocked by Qin Hao's abilities once again, it was much faster and more straightforward than the most advanced medical techniques.

"Alright, Qin, you can begin. I'm ready." Ayte found a wooden stick and bit down on it, waiting for Qin Hao to act.

"I've already taken it out. Get up." Qin Hao stood up.

"What?" Ayte was in disbelief. He spat out the wooden root in his mouth, crawled up immediately and touched his haunch. He could no longer feel the bullet inside, and it was not painful at all. Qin Hao had used the Spirit Qi to help to protect the muscles around his wound, causing him not to feel pain anymore. Of course, it still takes time for the injury to recover fully.

"Qin, you are my idol, you are my god." Ayte was so excited that he almost jumped towards Qin Hao and gave him a warm hug. But with the previous lesson, he resisted his impulse this time.

"Ayte, sit down. Tell me what happened to you two and why you were chased. Has something happened on the ship? " Qin Hao needed to understand the situation between the two of them urgently. In fact, what he really wanted to know was the situation on Hawa's, which is crucial for him to go back.

After asking this question, Ayte scratched the back side of his head and slowly found a tree trunk that had dried up and fallen to the ground, sitting down. The baldy and Qin Hao also found their own seats.

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"Yes, it's like this." After hesitating for a long time, Ayte finally spoke up, "Yesterday, after you left us from the mountain peak, you suddenly disappeared. We searched for you for the entire day, and when it was dark, we couldn't continue searching, and because I had a mission to patrol, I decided to return to the ship with Mr. Bald for the time being. We decided to look for you tomorrow.

" It is no problem, why were you chased out by them?" This made Qin Hao curious.

"Isn't it all because this fellow was too concupiscent?" the baldy snorted angrily.

" In short, Ayte, you offended the people on the boat for the sake of a woman?" Qin Hao was also a little angry, Ayte was indeed a failure. He had finally become a small leader, and now he even offended the people on the ship. If he had annoyed them for other important matters, he wouldn't have bothered to say it. However, it was for a woman, which made him a bit angry.

"Honorific Qin, you don't know how beautiful that woman is, she's just like my goddess. I dare say, there's no one else who is prettier than her except Miss Ye Siyu. And she's even more beautiful than Miss Ye Siyu. " Talking about this woman, Ayte exaggeratedly waved his hands, his saliva was flying everywhere from the excitement.

It seemed that he was genuinely enthralled by that woman, and she was even more beautiful than Ye Siyu? It is true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

Seeing the disdain and disbelief on Qin Hao's face, Ayte became anxious, "Qin, what I said is the truth. You can ask the baldy whether I am right. He has seen that beauty too."

Qin Hao immediately turned towards the baldy. He did not believe Ayte's words, but he felt that the baldy's words were trustworthy.

The baldy had to admit that the woman they met last night was indeed shockingly beautiful. Compared to Ye Siyu, both of them are beautiful. The woman was even more attractive than Ye Siyu in some aspects.

"Brother Qin, what Ayte said is actually true. That young girl is gorgeous indeed, and is rarely seen in this world." The baldy spoke the truth, "Last night, Ayte brought a few brothers, they were all completely captivated by the young lady, but they did not realize that the man with the girl was so powerful. In the end, all of the people Ayte brought were killed by that person. Fortunately, I heard the gunfire on the deck, so I ran over just in time to save him. "

"When I planned to capture that man with Ayte and Ayte's subordinates who had rushed over from the outside, unfortunately, he took advantage of the darkness to escape. When he fled, he even brought that girl with him. That person really does have some skill." Talking about that person's skill, the baldy couldn't help but admire it a bit. Last night, so many people had surrounded and attacked him, not only did they let him escape, but they let him take away the girl as well. Not only did they not stop him, but they had also lost many people as well. Even the baldy himself felt disgraced.

"Then why did you end up being chased by others?" Qin Hao was very confused.

"Later on, we also did not expect that person was close to Captain Hawa." The baldy laughed bitterly and replied, "That man came back with Captain Hawa early in the morning, and the Captain Hawa immediately turned hostile towards us and immediately ordered his men to capture Ayte, and he ordered Ayte to be executed immediately. Fortunately, I reacted quickly and shot a few people, then brought Ayte to jump into the sea and escape from the ship."

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"We knew that you disappeared in this direction yesterday, so we kept running in this direction and hoping to find you. Of course, we were hoping that you would suddenly appear and save us, and in the end, it was indeed you did it. Brother Qin, I will not say thanks for this favor. My life will be yours from now on." The baldy's tone was sincere and firm.

"My dear Qin, and me too. My life will also be yours in the future." Ayte also shouted out and slapped his chest strenuously.

"Keep your life, I don't care." Qin Hao looked at Ayte with contempt, causing him to feel very sad.

Oh, right, Brother Qin, something dropped from that young lady last night. I think it's a sign from the ancient martial sect. You might know it, look." The baldy knew that Qin Hao cultivated the Ancient Martial Arts, so he must know more about Ancient Martial Arts.

"A sign of the ancient martial sect?" Qin Hao was a little surprised, how could a woman from ancient martial sect be brought here on this ship?

With suspicion, Qin Hao received the badge that the baldy handed over. The badge seemed to be made of jade, it was smooth and exquisite, two fingers wide, and one finger long. The three words "Shu Jing Zhai" was carved on it.

"Shu-Jing-Zhai." Qin Hao repeated the words again, and it felt a little familiar, suddenly, he trembled. Shu Jing Zhai, Shu Jing Zhai, it is the sect that Shi Bingying belongs to, isn't it?

This time, Qin Hao felt a bit of unease. He heard from both Baldy and Ayte that the girl was at least as beautiful as Ye Siyu, could it be, could it be …

Qin Hao turned over the jade badge anxiously, and behind it was a big word, "Shi," this was a special identity badge for the disciples of Shu Jing Zhai.

"Boom," Qin Hao felt as if he had been struck by lightning and was momentarily stunned. Shi Bingying, it really was her!

"Bastard, I want to kill them all!" Qin Hao suddenly jumped up and let out a roar. His roar was like thunder, and the ground trembled under his roar, scaring the baldy and Ayte so much that they jumped up with him. Before they could understand what was going on, they noticed that Qin Hao had already disappeared, and all they could see was a shadow as he charged towards the Hawa.

"Brother Qin, let's go together." the baldy picked up a gun from the ground beside the dead pirates and hurriedly chased after him.

"And me." Ayte also picked up a gun and chased after the baldy. Not long after he rushed out, he felt that it wasn't safe to bring only a gun with him. He turned back and grabbed a few more weapons to fasten onto his body. Then, he shakily chased after them.

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