Super Urban Master

Chapter 217

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Qin Hao stared at Li Tielan. From her tone of speech, he guessed out who she was: probably the organizer of today's birthday party, Li Zhanwu's daughter.

Moreover, Li Tielan’s policemanship and temperament were indeed very similar to those cultivated in military families.

"What do you want?" Qin Hao's tone was hard. From him, even Li Tielan's father cannot gain a polite manner, let alone this girl.

Li Tielan did not answer Qin Hao's question. She approached a few steps and asked: "You are Qin Hao?"

Qin Hao nodded after a pause, "Yes."

"My dad always talked about you. You are unique and very proud, just like what he said." This was Li Tielan's view of Qin Hao.

"This is exactly what I am. Is there anything else? I am leaving.” Qin Hao didn't want to chat with her here, surrounded by so many onlookers. Although Li Tielan was so beautiful that most men would be delighted to chat with her, he was not most men.

"I just have something to tell you, but it’s not convenient here. I will go to see you personally. If you can do this for me, I will let go of your ruining my party today. Then we are quits.” Li Tielan said, but Qin Hao replied to her with a sneer of disdain.

“Whether you let it go or not have nothing to do with me. You can decide to tell me or not, and it's my business to decide what to do. It depends on my mood. Goodbye." Qin Hao held Shi Bingying's hand: "Let's go." Then they went away without hesitation. Lady Li's face was not in his consideration.

"Arrogant. I hope your strength is enough to support your temper." Watching Qin Hao and Shi Bingying's departure, a strange smile slid from Li Tielan's lips.


At this moment, in the headquarter building of Dragon Group, in the attic that Shadow once lived, Long Taibai stood and looked at the empty room. Thinking of the familiar back of that girl, void swarmed into his heart and made him sigh: "Junior sister, where are you? Will you come back?"

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This sigh seemed to be a summons. As it died away, a sound came from outside the door. Thanks to his strength, Long Taibai reacted instantly. He turned back and asked aloud: "Who is it?"

Except for him and his sister, this place was strictly forbidden from anyone else. Whoever dared to step in must prepare for the rage of Long Taibai.

Long Taibai was wondering who bodacious dared to violate his rules, but when he saw the figure appearing at the door, his heart fell into ecstasy.

"Sister, it is you. You are finally willing to come back." Long Taibai dashed to her in surprise, but when he got closer, his face suddenly changed, because he found that Shadow was injured.

In his memory, Shadow was injured no more than three times, and there were under the circumstances of encountering super masters. But in an urban city, he could not imagine a single person who had the ability to hurt Shadow. What's more, speculated from the wound, Shadow was badly injured.

"Se...senior." Shadow leaned on the door frame and raised her head with difficulty. The black veil on her face had fallen. Blood covered her pale beautiful face.

In fact, Shadow was almost the same age as Long Taibai, who had lived for a few decades. However, she had a great chance to eat a legendary Youth Retain Pill, which could retain one's youthful look forever. So even in her decades, she kept her beauty as an 18-year-old girl.

However, she had a quirk. Perhaps it was because she was a killer and a killer should not be recognized, she rarely showed people in real face. People could only see her black veil. Even those who were so close like Long Taibai rarely saw her face. And it was Long Taibai's highlight of his life to see her face under the black veil.

But Long Taibai didn't feel excited this time. He hurriedly stepped forward to hold Shadow from falling down. Worried and puzzled, he asked her with anger: "Sister, who hurt you? Tell me and I'll kill him."

"Qin, Qin Hao..." Shadow gasped Qin Hao's name.

"Qin Hao?" Long Taibai was shocked. He thought that Shadow may have encountered a super master, but he did not expect Qin Hao was the master. He knew clearly about Qin Hao's background. He was, indeed, a fascinating genius of a thousand years, but Long Taibai didn't believe he had reached the stage of super masters.

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"Sister, you went for Qin Hao? Are you really hurt by him?” Long Taibai trusted Shadow, but he could hardly digest this information.

He also knew everything about Shadow's strength. Even if he had a fight with Shadow, they could not kill or even hurt each other so badly. Was Qin Hao stronger than him?

"Sister, how could... how could Qin Hao make you suffer such a serious injury?"

In reply to Long's repeatedly inquiry with unbelievable surprise, Shadow nodded hard, "It was him, Qin Hao hurt me... His, his strength is beyond human...” Spoke out the last word, Shadow fainted, and she softly fell in the arms of Long Taibai.

"Sister, junior sister." Long Taibai shouted loudly, but Shadow had passed out and made no response.

Looking at the shadow painfully, Long Taibai let out a roar in his heart, "Qin Hao, Qin Hao, I will kill you. I will kill you!"

At the same time, in Mu Family, Mu Qingyun had the same fury for Qin Hao.

Mu Qingyun was the eldest son of Mu Guanghui, the second of Mu Family's three elders. He was competing for the leader of Mu Family with the incumbent Mu Qingsong in full swing. By now, the situation had gradually become clear that it was only a matter of time for Mu Qingsong to step downstage. The only thing he had to do was to wait.

But it was beyond his expectation that when he was riding on the crest of success. Bad news came: His only healthy son, Mu Shao, was also ruined.

The reason why he said "also" was because he had already had a son badly injured. His son, whose name was Mu Tong, was seen by an ancient martial sect Profound Martial Sect and was recruited as a disciple. Because of this, Mu Tong was given high hopes by Mu Family. Unfortunately, he was trampled on the foot and was completely handicapped. The person ruined him was Qin Hao, the bastard who had been swept away by Mu Family.

What made Mu Qingyun angry was that his last son was also handicapped, and Qin Hao was again the one to blame.

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"Qin Hao, you bastard, I will kill you, I'll kill you!" In the hospital, looking at amputated Mu Shao, Mu Qingyun bristled with anger. He felt what he counted on to strive for the leadership was gone completely.

He had lived for decades, and the only reason to fight for the leader position was to give his own descendants a better life. But now, all his sons were disabled. So what was the significance of his striving for the leadership?

"Big brother, I heard that bastard is now a major general. It is not so easy to kill him! He was arrogant enough to let figures such as Li Zhanwu lose face at the party tonight.” A middle-aged man with flat-hair said. He was a head shorter than Mu Qingyun.

This man was Mu Qingping, the younger brother of Mu Qingyun.

"I don't care whether he is a major general or not. Even if he is a marshal, he has to pay the price!" Mu Qingyun roared again, gritting his teeth as if he was mad. His sallow face was so angry that it almost turned into a dark color.

Looking at his elder brother's hysteric face, Mu Qingping said after a moment of silent, "Big brother, if you really want to punish Qin Hao, you can contact with Nie Family."

"Nie Family? Will they cooperate with us?” Mu Qingyun didn't believe it. There were many conflicts among the four top families. It was not that simple to make them cooperate with each other.

"I heard that Nie Jingzhong of the Nie Family was also broken an arm by Qin Hao, but..." Mu Qingping wanted to say that he heard that Nie’s second child, Nie Jingshan, seemed to have something to do with Qin Hao, but Mu Qingyun hurriedly interrupted him.

"Is that real?" He was eager to verify this information. If this were the case, the unit of two of the four top families was capable enough to deal with superior generals, let alone Qin Hao, a major general. Nie Family's power was much stronger than the Mu Family.

“It’s true, but...” Mu Qingping's words were interrupted again.

"Brother, no 'but'. Since this is true, I need you to contact Nie Family. I don’t believe they can bear such a humiliation.” Mu Qingyun said, grinding his teeth.

Mu Qingping nodded. "Well, big brother, I will go to the Nie Family." Then he turned out of the ward.

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Nie Family's leader was Nie Zhiyuan, an old man of Nie Family’s elder generation. Seeing his grandson standing in front of him, whose arm was tied with plaster and hung by cloth belt on the neck, the old man immediately became furious.

In spite of the power of his Nie family, someone dared to break his grandson's arm! What an audacious man! If that man could not be seriously punished, the Nie Family and he himself would be totally disgraced, and other families would laugh at Nie’s cowardice and incompetence.

"Jingzhong, tell me, who hurt you. I will break both his arms!" Nie Zhiyuan collided his cane to the floor, making banging sounds. His white beard trembled fiercely with anger.

Nie Jingzhong had already harbored with full grievances and resentment, while his second brother, Nie Jingshan, offered nothing to help him, but stood with the man who beat him, and called that twenty-something guy drillmaster!

At first, after seeing Nie Jingshan’s fear of that guy, Nie Jingzhong did not dare to say a word but only grieve in his heart. Now that his grandpa was going to stand up for him, he let out his emotion, immediately rushed to knelt down with a plop, and then cried with snots and tears. "Grandpa, Grandpa, please help me. I was beaten nearly to death. Wah-wah, I almost had no chance to go back to see you. Wah-wah-wah..." Nie Jingzhong cried that sad.

Hearing his grandson's tearful complaint, Nie Zhiyuan's rage increased. "Jingzhong, didn't you show your identity?"

"Grandpa, if only I didn't show him! When I told him I was from Nie family, he broke my arm at once! He also said that the Nies were exactly whom he would beat. He would beat every single person from the Nie Family once he encounters him. Grandpa, please avenge on him, for me and the Nie Family, wah-wah...." Nie Jingzhong exaggerated the truth to make things sound more serious.

"How dare he!" The old man was fuming. He had never known anyone rampant enough to do such things to his descendants since he became Nie Family's leader decades ago. "And he hit not only me, but also Mu Shao from the Mu Family. He looks down upon all our four top families!" Nie Jingzhong continued to cry.

"What a conceited guy! Who is he?" Nie Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and asked.

Nie Jingzhong was about to answer when the old housekeeper hurried in. "Master, Mu Qingping of the Mu Family wants to see you."

"The Mu family?" Nie Zhiyuan puzzled for a second. The four top families rarely came and went because they were on guard against each other on account of various conflicts. A Mu came to visit at this late, and it was Mu Qingping, a senior member of the Mu Family, on his own. What if...

Old and sophisticated as him, Nie Zhiyuan soon thought of a possible reason for Mu Qingping's visit. He had just heard from Nie Jingzhong that Mu Shao was also seriously injured. Maybe Mu Qingping came for this matter.

Thinking of this, Nie Zhiyuan immediately asked the housekeeper to lead Mu Qingping to the living room.

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