Super Urban Master

Chapter 218: 218

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Mu Qingping was taken into the reception hall by the Nie family.

Seeing Nie Zhiyuan, Mu Qingping also had to salute respectfully, “Master.”

Nie Zhiyuan, leaning on an ivory crutch, pointed to the sofa next to him with his chin and said softly: “Sit down.”

“Thank you, Master.” Mu Qingping sat down carefully.

Tea was served as a routine.

“It’s quite late for you to come and see me. What's the matter? “Nie Zhiyuan came straight to the point.

“Yes, sir.” Mu Qingping dared not to be wordy in front of the old master, “I presume you already knew that the third young master Nie had been cut off one hand.

Sure enough, that was the reason.

“To tell the truth, my eldest brother's son Mu Shao was also maimed, and his whole foot was trampled to pieces. After sending him to the hospital, the foot was amputated and he could only walk on crutches for the rest of his life.” Mu Qingping said with some sadness and indignation.

Hearing this, Nie Zhiyuan frowned slightly. The man who started it was cruel enough. Nie Jingzhong just broke his hand and could repair it. It was ironically lucky for him.

Nie Family might still have some dignity when it came to those people. On the other hand, the Mu Family was not treated so well, which indicated that the Nie Family was stronger than Mu Family.

The old man felt better when he thought about it. At the same time, he paid a silent tribute to the Mujia family. He knew that the eldest son with the word Qing in their names as a characteristic of the Mu Family. Mu Qingyun had only two sons.

It was unfortunate that his first son, Mu Tong, was maimed long ago and his legs were no longer helpful in making him walk again. Now the only remaining son, Mu Shao, was also demobilized because of his legs.

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“Master, Nie and Mu families are part of the four big families with dignity. Nobody dares to stand in our ways-same in mob life as in legit life. But today they hurt two of our family’s sons in public. If we remain silent to the suffering, where is the dignity and prestige of the four big families? Mu Qingping was filled with anger as he spoke.

Nie Zhiyuan nodded as approval for Mu Qingping's words. As one of the four families, not to mention his grandson, whoever that had done bad things to a dog of Nie's family had a price to pay for. Otherwise, it would be worthless of being called the four families.

“Tell me. Who is that man? Count me in if you are to get him.” Nie Zhiyuan agreed to revenge on the culprit without thinking, which was exactly the purpose of Mu Qingping's trip.

With the consent of Nie Zhiyuan, Mu Qingping controlled the excitement in his heart. Angry and hateful on his face, he said, “Master, that man is called Qin Hao.”

“Qin Hao?” Hearing the name, Nie Zhiyuan was shocked. It was never the name he cared before, but now he would pay enough attention to it.

As the supreme ruler of the Nie Family, also having a grandson Nie Jingshan in the Special Troop Eagle Force, he was not worthy to be a householder, if he had never heard of Qin Hao's name.

They were monstrous young warrior and the youngest major general in history. He was fierce to those who provoked him, who had killed countless people. Even the prestigious Dragon group strongholds had been wiped out by himself, and Dragon group dared not put a word on it...

These deeds of Qin Hao were unknown to others. But as the owner of the Nie family, he always grasped the important information collected by family intelligence personnel. It was impossible to be unaware of him.

Besides, his grandson, Qin Hao was his grandson’s instructor, whose name was Nie Jingshan and served in the Special Troop Eagle Force. He knew Qin Hao’s deeds way better than others.

Qin Hao was a person that the Nie family couldn’t mess up with.

“Which Qin Hao are you referring to?” The Master had to reassure, for it was a common name.

“That bastard that our family abandoned.” Mu Qingping gritted his teeth.

A tremble at the heart. Nie Zhiyuan frowned and was absorbed in silence. That Qin Hao.

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“What's wrong, sir?” Seeing Nie Zhiyuan's reaction, Mu Qingping's heart raised. He had an ominous premonition.

What he foresaw was proved pretty right. Master Nie stood up, his expression suddenly became indifferent, “Mu Qingping, you go back first.” He turned to his housekeeper then. “Come and see him off.”

“Yes, sir.” The old housekeeper responded and went to Mu Qingping. “Mr. Mu, please.”

Mu Qingping stood up in a hurry and shouted, “Master, what you promised just now...”

“I didn't promise anything. Goodbye.” Nie Zhiyuan ordered coldly.

“Master, this is...” Mu Qingping was baffled. How could he change his face so quickly when he heard Qin Hao's name?

“Mr. Mu, please! The old housekeeper also increased his tone, which was an obvious order for him to leave.

Mu Qingping had no choice but to leave Nie's house in disgrace and in vain.

After seeing Mu Qingping off, Nie Zhiyuan turned around and shouted to his men, “Bring me Nie Jingzhong, that little bastard!”

The men did not know what had gone wrong. Suddenly, he seemed very angry. They executed the order frightenedly and called Nie Jingzhong. Hanging a bandage on his arm, the man went straight into the living room.

As soon as Nie Jingzhong entered the living room, Nie Zhiyuan glared at him and asked, “Jingzhong, tell me clearly what happened tonight and how did your hand get cut off by Qinhao?”

Not understanding what the old man meant, Nie Jingzhong was stunned. He thought he made it perfectly clear just then, "Grandpa, I explained it all just then. What's wrong?"

“Not clearly enough! Will someone break your hand for no reason?” The old man questioned loudly.

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Nie Jingzhong felt speechless. What was wrong with this old fellow? In the past, he never asked the reason for getting into trouble. Even if he provoked others first, as long as he was the guy who got bullied, the Nie family would go to ask others for apologies. This was the power and hegemony of the Nie family, as one of the four families. Made people look up at them, and gave people fear.

Nie Jingzhong only knew the great part of being a member of Nie's family, but he never thought Nie's greatness was relatively speaking. The Nie family could also only look up to them and fear them when they provoked people who should not be provoked.

“Grandpa, in fact, it's no big deal. At General Lee's daughter's birthday party, Mu Shao started something up with others and asked me to mediate. I dared not do anything since it was General Lee's daughter's party after all. I spent tens of thousands of dollars to negotiate with that person, but he was so arrogant and started fighting without saying a few words. As a result, Mu Shao and I were handicapped. Nie Jingzhong gave a brief account of what had happened.

“Is that true?” Nie Zhiyuan stared at Nie Jingzhong and asked. His eyes were fixed on Nie Jingzhong as if he wanted to see through his grandson's heart, to see if he was lying.

“Grandpa, of course, that's true. I can swear. That man is arrogant and rude, brutal and looks down on everyone, including our four big families. Grandpa, you must not let him go. Otherwise, the grandson will be bullied by him in vain, and there will be no place for our Nie family and your old man's dignity to rest.” Nie Jingzhong tried his best to provoke old Nie with his rabble-rousing words.

“Nie Jingzhong, you bastard, you dare talk nonsense here with Grandpa.” A shout of anger came from outside. Before the arrival of the man, his voice had been loudly transmitted into the living room.

The voice was full of energy. It was not from any ordinary people. All the people inside looked at the door of the living room. There, the strong Nie Jingshan with tanned skin rushed in.

“Jingshan, you're back.” Nie Zhiyuan felt quite relieved and excited. In his mind, Nie Jingshan, his grandson might not be the most handsome, but was definitely the pride of his heart.

“Grandpa.”As soon as Nie Jingshan came in, he shouted hurriedly and respectfully, then he glared at Nie Jingzhong. “Grandpa, don’t believe this bastard.”

Nie Jingzhong bore grudges that Nie Jingshan didn't help him just now. Outside, he was afraid of Nie Jingshan. But at home, he bet Nie Jingshan wouldn’t do anything to him in front of the old man. So he gave a snort of contempt and said peculiarly, “Brother, are you one of the members of Nie family or are you my brother? If you don't help me, it's okay. But you helped others and beat me. Grandpa, you should do something for me. He is not my brother!”

“Fxxk, I will kick you bastard to death!” Nie Jingshan was so angry that he raised his foot, ready to kick him again. Nie Jingzhong was so frightened that he ran to Nie Zhiyuan and shouted: “Grandpa, save me. Look at him! He beats me just like he did at that party."

“Jingshan, what are you doing? He's your brother." Nie Zhiyuan roared angrily.

Nie Jingshan dared not to be wanton in front of the old man. He took back his foot, softened his tone and said respectfully, “Grandpa, he had the gut that he went to provoke instructor Qin.”

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“I didn't.” Nie Jingzhong denied against him in the presence of the old master.

“You bastard, don’t you say you did not! You brought trouble on yourself, trying to hook up with the beautiful girlfriend of our instructor? You must be bored with life to mess with the woman of our instructor? If it weren't for my sake, you would end up like Mu Shao, a useless man forever!”

“Nonsense. Grandpa, I did not. It's the scum who provoked me first.”

“I will kill you if you dare to call our instructor a scum again!” Nie Jingshan was totally furious and about to rush up with a roar.

“Grandpa, save me!” Nie Jingzhong continued to call old master for help.

In the crowd of screaming and crying, old master Nie suddenly turned his hand, and the ivory crutch in his hand hit Nie Jingzhong's head without any warning, arousing a loud exclamation of some servants around him.


With a loud scream, Nie Jingzhong put his hand over his head. He retrieved wildly, and then fell down on the ground. His head was broken and bleeding.

Seeing this scene, the old housekeeper rushed up in great distress. “Young Master, you are bleeding. Master, you need to calm down your anger. Calm down.”

Nie Jingshan did not expect that the old man would start on Nie Jingzhong so suddenly, but he also urgently advised: “Grandpa, calm down. Don't be too angry. It’s bad for you.”

Nie Jingzhong still didn’t understand why the old man suddenly hit him hard, sitting numbly on the ground. After a while, the sharp pain from his head made him shout out immediately, “Wow... What the hell have I done wrong? Why do you do this to me? Why? Why?”

“Why? You still don't understand your mistake?” The old master’s anger rushed up again. “You little beast! You've provoked people who we don’t have the courage to mess up with today. You are not grateful for his mercy but came home to fool me. You believe that I am easy to be fooled, right? I, I will beat you to death today!” The old man shouted angrily and raised his crutch again.

“Ah, help!! He is going to kill people!” Nie Jingzhong screamed. He climbed up as quickly as possible and ran away.

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