Super Urban Master

Chapter 97


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According to the rules of the ship, they didn't care what other people brought a woman up on board for, but they must have a contract. Otherwise, they couldn't board the ship.

Therefore, Ayte could only stand guard at the bow and could not retreat.

"What's going on?" While the two parties were in a confrontation and about to burst out firing, an ear-piercing voice echoed.

When both parties heard this voice, their gazes were immediately attracted by that person, and they saw a person with a weird appearance walking out of the boat.

This person looked like a westerner as well as an oriental. He should be mix-raced, but there must be something wrong while mixing him up. His head seemed very different from a normal human being's and much like a sharpened pencil.

One could not judge a person by his appearance. Although he had a strange appearance, on the Hawa, he was the first henchman beside captain Hawa.

Ayte laid his gun down immediately when he saw him. He went up with a face like a dog asking its master for food and said respectfully: "Leader Tan Sang, these three persons only got two contracts on board, we asked them to provide us all contracts they needed in order to get on board, but they pointed their guns against us without saying a word. They were too arrogant and completely disregarded the rules of our Hawa."

After hearing the report, Tan Sang's long face immediately became sinister, and he made a command with an unpleasant voice, "how dare they to cause troubles on the Hawa, finish them off." In his words, it sounded like he was dealing with a few animals instead of human lives. After giving out his commands, he turned around and left, not even bothered to glance at the people who were about to be dealt with.

"Leader Tan Sang, is this how your Hawa serves guests?" The tall man of the two suddenly spoke.

Tan Sang had just turned around, and he stopped and turned back quickly. His stared on the two men who were confronting with Ayte's men on the bow.

"You are …?" Seeing these two, Tan Sang was a little bit astonished.

"Don't you recognize your old friends anymore?" The tall man's rough and slightly black face showed a trace of a smile.

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"Oh, it's Brothers Ali." Tan Sang recognized both of them, and his face was immediately filled with smiles like they were old friends that had not seen each other for a long time. He walked up to them and shouted angrily at Ayte's men to put down their guns and obediently let them board the ship.

Ayte was depressed, but he did not dare to let out a single word. He still had to bow his waist to apologize to Brothers Ali. He then scolded in his heart: "Damn it! I am only here for maintaining the rules on the ship, and I don't even know this annoying Brother Ali is pointy head's friend. Why do I have to apologize? Hmph, when I obtained the Red Smelly Grass on the island, I will use a pile of money notes to kill you ‘pointy head’! At that time, I, Ayte, will ruthlessly trample on you and let you lick my toes. "

Thinking about the Red Smelly Grass, Ayte thought of Qin Hao. Why wasn't he here yet, the ship was about to leave. Just as he was panicking, he saw Qin Hao and a big bald man in the crowd and immediately shouted out in excitement, waving his arms vigorously: "Hey, hey, Qin, the baldy, here, here!"

Just as Qin Hao and the baldy entered the port, they heard Ayte's shout. They saw him standing on a large ship and kept waving at them, they ran towards Ayte immediately.

"Ayte, is this your ship?" It was Qin Hao's first time to board on a ship, and he became a little bit excited and curious.

His voice was a bit loud, and someone overheard it. To this person, this sound was undoubtedly like a glimmer of light in a dark hell, causing her heart to surge with joy.

It was the girl being escorted by the two men. Just as they entered the entrance of the ship, Qin Hao's voice sounded as if a bolt of lightning had torn apart the darkness in the girl's heart. She had been under control, but now she suddenly turned around and threw herself outside.

To an ordinary person, she might have succeeded with this unexpected sudden movement, but Brothers Ali were not average persons, the moment the girl stepped out of the cabin, they reacted quickly, each of them grabbing one of the girl's arm and forcefully pulling her inside. No matter how the girl struggled, it was useless for her to continue striving. She stared at Qin Hao as tears rolled down her face. She wanted to scream, but when she opened her mouth, she could only let out a hoarse croak.

At that moment, she sincerely hoped that Qin Hao could look over, she believed that as long as Qin Hao looked over there, he would recognize her the moment he saw her eyes and moves. Unfortunately, Qin Hao did not notice her, and when Qin Hao disappeared from her sight, the girl could only moan weakly from her chest, the tears were pouring down to blur her beautiful eyes and drenched her veil.

Meanwhile, Qin Hao's attention was wholly attracted to the ocean. He stood on the side of the boat, faced towards the breezing sea. It was the first time he had faced the sea at such a close distance. The vastness and grandeur of the sea deeply shocked his heart. Looking at the distanced roaring waves, he felt how small he was.

The bald man beside him was calmer than him. It was not the first time he had set out to sea.

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However, Qin Hao still felt that something was amiss as if there was something behind him, causing him to wake up from his infatuation with the ocean. He turned around suddenly and looked towards the cabin door behind him.

When he turned around, the others had already gone in. He could only see the corner of a robe being blown by the wind and the shadow of a stranger walking in. It was the back of one of the Brothers Ali.

Strange, what's wrong with me? I think there should be nothing behind me? Qin Hao's mind was full of doubts that he could not let go off, causing him to chase after them uncontrollably. He wanted to go up and look. Meanwhile, Ayte walked over and blocked his path, diverting his attention.

"Qin, why cannot I find the two beautiful ladies, Xue and Siyu?" The Hawa was about to sail out, Ayte finished his duties and walked over from the boarding entrance.

"I'm afraid that they might be in danger on the ocean and decided to let them stay in Dingla." Qin Hao turned towards the sea wind and replied casually.

"God! Your idea is not bad. However, it is more dangerous for them to stay in Dingla." Ayte showed exceptional warmth and concern towards beauties.

"You don't need to worry about that. I've already well-arranged. They will be fine." Qin Hao was too lazy to listen to Ayte's nonsense, and said with a stern face: "Where are our rooms? Take us there."

Seeing Qin Hao's face, Ayte remembered how terrifying Qin Hao was, so he could only shut his mouth and stopped talking about Su Xue and Ye Siyu. He could shrug and said: "Alright, I hope that the two beautiful ladies will be fine. Your rooms are ready. Please come with me. The captain has arranged a VIP room for you all for my sake. "

Qin Hao sneered in his heart, how the hell you are worth to be respected? But he didn't want to expose the truth, so he and the baldy followed Ayte down the deck into the cabin.

In the captain's quarters, the seemingly old and bent captain Hawa was sitting on a leather chair, his eyes looking at the screen, watching Qin Hao's leaving, the corner of his mouth revealing a strange smile. While he was sneering, he pressed a red button beside the leather chair with his bony fingers.

Not with a while, the man with a sharp head, Tan Sang, walked into the captain's room, stood beside Hawa and said respectfully: "Captain, do you have any instructions?"

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Hawa moved his muscles and bones, the corners of his mouth still carried a trace of a smile, "The person called Qin Hao and the baldy got on board, and those two women stayed in Dingla."

Only one sentence by Hawa, Tan Sang has already understood what Hawa meant. No wonder he could be the first henchman on the Hawa.

"Captain, why don't you leave the business to me?" Tan Sang suggested.

Hawa exhaled, and said: "If it wasn't because this transaction is too important, I want to stay. Now, I can only send you to do this since I don't lay my trust in others. Remember, that woman called Ye Siyu is not an ordinary person. You must catch her tactically. I hope that the day I returned, those two women have already washed and laid on the bed waiting for me. Muhahahaha... " The old man held a lewd laugh.

Tan Sang's face showed an evil, salacious smile and said: "No worry, Captain. The day you return at the celebration meeting, those two women were the best gifts I could give you."

"Hahaha." Hawa laughed and patted Tan Sang's shoulders, "Tan Sang, as expected of the person I choose the most. Try your best! One day you will be my Hawa's successor."

"Thank you, Captain." Tan Sang laughed, and his face was pulled apart to both sides, causing his long face to look like a round face, "Captain, the ship is about to sail out, I will leave now. I am not staying along with you this time. Please pay more attention to your health."

"Rest assured and go. My old bones can still be tossed around."


Tan Sang left the captain's room and quietly alighted the Hawa.

After he landed, the ship gave a long buzz and started sailing towards the depths of the ocean.


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Thunder claps suddenly broke out under the dark, gloomy sky. It was rare for lightning to strike in the inland area, but it wasn't that rare here.

After the thunder, "Walala" sounds came out loud. The rain started to pour heavily, the raindrops instantly submerging the horizon and submerging the poor and underdeveloped Dingla Town.

In the rainy Dingla Town, few people were out there, but some women and kids were running to look for a shelter. Apart from this, the outside world was quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the rain.

The restaurants and bars which used to be noisy were now much quieter because many men had sailed out. Every time this happened, it would be the most silent and most desolate time of this town.

In an old restaurant at the head of the town, the boss saw that there weren't many customers and was about to close the door to find a few women to vent. By this time, all the women's men had gone out to sea. He only needed a few cheap tickets to make those women work hard to do something with him.

When he thought of women, he thought of the two beauties from other places he had seen yesterday. Although he had only seen them with just a glance, he was sure that they were the most beautiful, the whitest, and the most well-built women he had ever seen in his life. If the two women were stripped naked and laid on his bed …

When he thought of this, his body had already got a reaction. He was destined to have got no chances to deal with those two women. He could only find other women to replace them. In his eagerness to find a woman, he quickened the pace of closing the door.


Before the boss could close the last piece of wooden plate on his hand, he felt a gust of wind blow past him, as if something had rushed in. However, he was unable to see what it was. He thought that the thing was already behind him. Could it be a ghost? The boss was chilled, and his entire body shivered.

"Boss, give me a room, two dishes, and a pot of your best wine." Someone said behind him. It was a man's voice. He was not speaking the language of this place. The owner ran a restaurant here and received people from all over the world, so he knew some of the other countries' languages, and this person spoke Chinese, so he must have come from the vast and wealthy country in the north that they had once yearned for. But how did this person get in?

The boss turned around immediately and saw a handsome oriental-looking man. The man stood with his hands behind his back and looking at him. The wind blew from outside towards his body, puffing on his hair and the corners of his clothes, making him look so handsome and extraordinary.

This person was the Young Sect Master of Profound Martial Sect, Yun Yifei, who had been following Qin Hao and the others at that night. Finally, Yun Yifei still managed to get here.

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