Super Urban Master

Chapter 98

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CEO's office, Xiang Lan Group in Changhai City. An Ru sat in her office, sipping the morning tea while reading a piece of news from today's newspaper: Special-class wanted criminal Qin Hao had already escaped the country. His whereabouts were unknown.

To Qin Hao, An Ru's inner heart was still in shock. She could not believe that such a weak and gentle student like him had destroyed the entire Zuo family. She had suspected that if it was a conspiracy and someone framed him on purpose.

However, she remembered the phone call that Qin Hao gave her, telling her that Zuo family was finished. Moreover, he advised her to take over some businesses of Zuo family quickly. At that time, she didn't believe him at all, but what Qin Hao said turned out to be true. From this point of view, even the Zuo family wasn't destroyed by Qin Hao himself. It had something to do with him.

Qin Hao was truly surprising. How many secrets did he have?

"Duk-Duk-Duk." At this time, there came an urgent knock at the door.

An Ru put down the newspaper and said, "Come in."

With a "ka" sound, Liao Fei, the secretary, rushed in with a terrified expression. "Boss An, things are bad. Someone will come to investigate our company."

An Ru was stunned. "Investigate our company? Is it the tax bureau, or the industrial and commercial bureau, or …."

"None of them. They're from the police."

"What?" An Ru suddenly stood up. She didn't break the law, so why did the police have to investigate her? Strangely, she had several friends in the city police station. She should have been notified beforehand if she had violated something and someone had come to investigate her.

"Is that someone from the city police station?" An Ru was stunned for a short moment and calmed down quickly. After all, she had experienced a lot of trials and hardships, so such a matter wasn't enough to make her panic.

"No, it seems that they come from the higher authorities." Liao Fei quickly replied.

Only then did An Ru realize why she was not informed in advance - it was someone from the superior.

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"They said they wanted to see you, so I had some people deal with them first before rushing over to report."

An Ru nodded in satisfaction. "You did well." With that, she instructed, "you go and serve them properly first. I'll be there shortly."

"No need to serve us." A calm voice came from the outside, and three people appeared at the entrance of An Ru's office. An Ru's subordinates followed behind trying vainly to stop them.

Three of them bluntly barged into An Ru's office, appearing very rude and bossy …

They were all males. One was a middle-aged man, and the other two were young. The mid-dle-aged man had a cold and overbearing expression on his face. He looked An Ru with a disdained look and spoke with an indifferent tone, "Are you An Ru?"

Although An Ru was very dissatisfied with these people's rudeness and tyranny, due for their backgrounds, she could only endure. However, she did not panic. With a calm expression, she replied. "I am." After saying that, she turned to Liao Fei who was beside her and said, "All of you can leave. I'll talk with them."

"Eh, Boss An… Then, we'll go out first." Liao Fei looked at the three men hesitantly. When one of them glared at him, he was taken aback. He hastened his steps and left the room dejectedly, closing the door behind him.

"Sit down." An Ru made a seat-invitation gesture. Then she sat down as well.

She didn't need to invite them. The middle-aged man had already pulled over a chair and sat opposite An Ru. The two young men stood behind him as guards.

After the middle-aged man sat down, he glanced at the newspaper on An Ru's desk and saw the headlines about Qin Hao. A strange light flashed in his eyes.

"I heard you're a friend of Qin Hao?" The middle-aged man stared at An Ru as he asked. If it were an ordinary person, they would be frightened by his forceful gaze.

An Ru had seen many kinds of people. She glanced at the middle-aged man calmly and lightly said, "Before I answer your questions, I need to see your ID card. Otherwise, I have no obligation to answer your question."

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This answer caused everyone to be surprised. A young man behind the middle-aged man wanted to speak, but without the middle-aged man's permission, he held himself back.

The middle-aged man stared at An Ru, thinking to himself that this woman wasn't simple at all. However, he didn't make verbose and immediately took out his ID and opened it in front of An Ru.

An Ru's eyelids twitched as she looked at the steel imprints on the ID card. She had ex-pected these people from superior should not be simple, but she hadn't expected them to be of weight at such a level. They were from the Capital, and the name on the ID card was Cang Kui.

"Now, can you answer my questions?" Seeing the change in An Ru's expression, Cang Kui put away his identification card and coldly said.

An Ru took a deep breath, trying her best to calm down, "I'm only acquainted with Qin Hao, I'm not too close to him. As for friends, if you guys say yes, then so be it."

"Good, that's enough. Come with us." After he finished speaking, Cang Kui stood up and didn't allow others to argue with him at all. The two young men understood what he meant and immediately darted behind An Ru, preparing to capture her.

"There's no need to trouble you. I can walk by myself, but before I leave, I need to make a phone call." An Ru was still very calm.

Cang Kui sneered. "A call, are you looking for reinforcements?" It's meaningless to seek help from anyone else, so he let An Ru make the call without any worries.

An Ru's phone call was to Wang Zhong only. She knew that none of her friends would be able to help her in such a situation. The result would be the same whether she looked for them or not. After giving some instructions to Wang Zhong on the phone, An Ru followed Cang Kui and the others out of the office.

Before she left the company, An Ru gave a few words to the vice president and told him to keep an eye on the company until she returned. After she finished, Cang Kui interjected coldly, "It's no need to look after your company. It's closed for investigation temporarily." This sentence stunned everyone from Xiang Lan Corporation.

"Why!" An Ru could no longer maintain her calm. She angrily asked in a high-pitched voice.

Cang Kui maintained his cold smile. He didn't have any intention to reply and merely threw out a sentence, "Get in the car."

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An Ru was then forced into the car.

"Why you close down my company? What have I done? What has the company done? Even if I have done something, what does it have to do with the company?" An Ru was truly furi-ous. The actions of these people were bullying people to the point of getting one's hackles up, "All of this was just because I knew Qin Hao?"

"You're right." Cang Kui continued, "You shouldn't make friends with Qin Hao; that's your biggest mistake."

"You…" An Ru was angered. She thought that she had committed some huge crimes, and not only did they want to capture her, they even wanted to seal up her company, but it turned out that all of this was just because she knew Qin Hao, "Don't you think that this is ridiculous? Is it a big deal that I know Qin Hao? Does his crime have anything to do with me? Even if there is a connection, you could only capture me and close the company after you get the evidence at least. "

"We will figure out if you have anything to do with him or not. Now you'd better shut up. Otherwise, your company will be auctioned within an hour. Don't doubt my words and our capabilities." It was a threat, a bald threat.

"You, you —!" An Ru felt that her chest was about to explode by anger, but right now she could only yield and shut her mouth. Even if she didn't think over herself, she would consider for Xiang Lan Group, which was her lifetime efforts of hard work and a place for thousands of employees to settle down. They still had to rely on Xiang Lan Group to support their families.

Just like that, An Ru was taken away. No one knew where she was taken to.

Xiang Lan Group was quickly sealed off, and its business was suspended temporarily. The reason was simple — violating regulation rules. No one knew when the seal would be re-leased.

Qin Hao stood on the peak of a nameless island and looked around. His sight was filled with dense tropical plants, and the lush green scenery stretched from top to down, like a long green dragon hibernating on the sea.

After a week at sea, they arrived at here.

This island was much larger than he had imagined. Qin Hao couldn't understand - how could such a large island without a name and could only be called Nameless Island?

"Qin, you … you're too fast. My God, I'm dying." At the foot of the mountain, with the support of the baldy, Ayte was climbing towards where Qin Hao was standing while moaning in pain.

When they reached this island, Captain Hawa took his cronies to the island to do their work, and no one knew what they were doing. Ayte was left behind to guard the boat, but to find Blood Core Grass, he found an excuse to follow Qin Hao and the baldy out of the ship and entered the dense jungle in the island secretly.

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"Finally, finally, thank God!" Ayte climbed up the mountain at last. With a "plop" sound, he and the baldy collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. The two of them couldn't compare to Qin Hao, for whom climbing this small mountain was like a stroll in a park. If it weren't for him to check if there were any Blood Core Grasses on the way, he would use "Phantom Cloud Trace", then they two probably wouldn't be able to catch him up.

Unfortunately, Qin Hao stood at this high place and looked around. He didn't see any traces of Blood Core Grass on this island.

"Ayte, are you sure you got the Blood Core Grass from this place? I mean the Red Smelly Grass." Qin Hao frowned and asked.

"Puff, puff …" Ayte gasped and raised his head, "Of course, I didn't tell lies since I was a child. What I said was true, and I can swear to God. Oh, my God, your pious son, Ayte, swear to you."

Damn, he was talking nonsense again.

"Fuck off." Qin Hao rudely interrupted him, "Then think about it, where did you get it last time?"

"This, this...I think … I think it's here. I didn't pay much attention at that time, so I don't re-member it now, but I'm sure it's here."

"Stupid!" Qin Hao was speechless as he cursed.

"NO, Qin, you can't say that about me, I …"

"Shut up!" Qin Hao didn't wait for Ayte to finish and interrupted him with a stern voice, "Something's wrong."

"What, what's going on?" As soon as Ayte asked this question, his eyes suddenly opened wide in fear. "No!" A scream came from his bloody mouth, which was widely opened as well.

Ayte's howl scared the baldy. He was about to ask what happened just now, but now his eyes also popped open when he looked at the black mass below him. Even though he did not care about life and death anymore, he was still shocked, and his face turned dreadfully pale in a moment.

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