Supreme Lord

Chapter 59

The trip was very rewarding for Gu Qingfeng. He not only obtained thousands of shards of the Amethyst Celestial Radiant Crystal, but he also absorbed one of the nine solar fires.

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Gu Qingfeng thought that if he could refine all of the shards and the bronze fire, then he should be able to do his Foundation Establishment.

The only thing he couldn’t figure out was the crystal that contained a so-called dreamworld inside it, as well as the identity of the person inside it. She called herself a reincarnator so he wondered who she was in her previous life, as what was her relationship with the immortal cave.

He couldn’t figure out the answers to these problems so he didn’t bother to think about them anymore.

After returning to the Redcloud Sect, Gu Qingfeng entered seclusion and started refining the bronze flame.

Although his flesh had been tempered by the Underworld’s ancestral fire, his body was beaten back to its mortal state after he was judged by the Heavenly Dao. He did not fear the bronze flame, but refining it was no easy feat.

While Gu Qingfeng was refining the bronze flame, he also studied that crystal and his spiritual sense frequently entered the dreamworld. As soon as he entered it, that woman’s spiritual sense instantly appeared too.

She was a persistent character and every time Gu Qingfeng entered the dreamworld, she was bombarding him with questions about his identity, and Gu Qingfeng responded every time that he was the reincarnation of Heaven.

His answer drove the woman into an extremely angry and helpless state.

After a while, the woman simply stopped asking about his identity and every time Gu Qingfeng’s spiritual sense entered the dreamworld, she did everything she could to erase his spiritual sense, however, she failed every time.

The woman didn’t know who Gu Qingfeng was, and likewise, Gu Qingfeng had not been able to figure out who she was. Naturally, he was not in a hurry and he would occasionally tease the woman inside the dreamworld.

His days of seclusion while he refined the bronze flame were boring, and except for the occasional times where he teased that woman, he was observing that little turtle.

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Gu Qingfeng could not find out what kind of breed the turtle was.

He thought that the turtle would be some type of ancient ominous devil beast since it had been sealed by Mahamayuri’s Ubiquitous Seal before he was even born, but after observing it for two ten days, he realized that it wasn’t the case.

Gu Qingfeng had seen many ancient ominous devil beats and all of them were extremely ferocious since the first day they were born. Even the beast that had the weakest bloodline could swallow a cultivator in a mouthful.

Although the little turtle had still been hostile to Gu Qingfeng at the beginning, after he had coaxed it with various delicacies, the little fellow’s attitude changed and it became a foodie.

He ate everything Gu Qingfeng had given him, for pills, spiritual stones, shards of the  Amethyst Celestial Radiant Crystal, and he even ate a little bit of the bronze flame.

However, what surprised him was that the little turtle was fine after eating the bronze flame. Gu Qingfeng’s body had been tempered with the ancestral fire of the Underworld so he was not afraid of the bronze flame and could casually eat all types of pills.

However, that turtle had been born for a couple of days and it could actually withstand the power of the violent bronze flame?

Gu Qingfeng had spent six hours and had almost used all of his strength trying to shake the turtle, but despite his efforts, the turtle’s body was too strong and he could not do it.

“Just what are you?” Gu Qingfeng frowned deeply and looked at the turtle that was sitting on the bed.

Yes, the turtle was sitting on the bed. Moreover, it’s shell was against the wall and it had two Redlead Demon Fruits in its hands.

As the turtle was eating the fruits in its complacency generated by the fact that Gu Qingfeng could not do anything to him, it stretched out its neck from within the shell and threw him a disdainful look, as if it was saying, “Come on, try it again.”

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Gu Qingfeng shook his head at this scene.

A disdainful look flashed on the little turtle’s expression and it rolled its small eyes, then completely ignored Gu Qingfeng and continued to eat the fruits.

“Unbelievable…” Gu Qingfeng was feeling very helpless and thought that it was truly ridiculous that a turtle was showing disdain for the Underworld Emperor.

He shook his head and sighed, “All life and all principles had been reborn after the Tribulation of Heavens. I wonder how many terrifying beings were revived after the tribulation…”

The sun was blazing on this day.

Bluesun Domain, in a courtyard of the Yuelai Villa.

A beautiful woman was sitting in the pavilion, supporting her chin with her hands. She appeared to be lost in thought.

That woman was none else than Daoist Qing Ning.

After leaving the mysterious immortal cave a month ago, she wanted to send the injured Mu Zibai and the others back to the Redcloud Sect, but all of them refused.

Qing Ning knew that Mu Zibai must have been afraid of losing face if he returned to Redcloud Sect in this injured state.

A month has passed and yet Qing Ning still could forget what had happened inside that immortal cave.

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“Just who is he…”

Qing Ning was not capable of coming up with an answer to this question.

A voice suddenly resounded in the pavilion, “Qing Ning.”

A Qing Ning turned an saw that Mi Zibai walked out of his room.

After a month of healing, Mu Zibai had almost recovered from his injuries, at least from the fleshly injuries. He no longer had that haughty look on his face, but a veil of anger was covering his expression.

Qing Ning asked, “How’s your injury?”

“I’m almost fully healed, I just need a bit more time and I will be fully recovered.”

“It won’t be a problem for you in the inner sect tournament from your sect, right?

Qing Ning was from Nineglory Alliance and had many friends in Redcloud Sect, so she was aware that the Redcloud Sect’s inner sect would have its tournament in a few days.”

“It won’t.” Mu Zibai sat down in his chair and took a sip of tea. He wanted to say something but he suddenly stopped.

Qing Ning seemed to know what he was going to say, “Relax, I won’t tell anyone about what happened in that immortal cave.”

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“Thanks.” Mu Zibai sighed, ”After the tournament is over, I will immediately enter seclusion. I must become stronger!”

“Zibai, I think it’s better for you to let go of your hatred. It will be disadvantageous to your cultivation.”

“Let go of my hatred?” Mu Zibai suddenly stood up and said angrily, ”I can’t let go it! It’s impossible! I had never suffered such a tremendous humiliation. I will definitely find that man and chop him into countless pieces!”

Qing Ning did not continue to persuade him because she knew Mu Zibai was a man with an extremely strong ego and he valued face more than he valued life. It was impossible for someone like him to let go of his hatred.

“Sigh, whatever, since your injury is almost healed, I should go back too.”

“Qing Ning, wait!”

Qing Ning turned around and asked with a puzzled expression, “What’s up?”

“Will you come to our tournament this year?”

Qing Ning replied, “Hm, I haven’t seen Yeye in a long time so I guess I’ll just use this chance to go and see her.”

Thinking of Ouyang Ye, Qing Ning suddenly remembered an interesting matter and laughed, ”A while ago, I heard someone said that Yeye brought the man that she fell in love with at first sight to the Redclud Sect.”

“Hmm, what was his name… Young Master Bloodflame, right? Haha, I’ve wanted to meet him for a long time.”

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